14 resultados para Aids to air navigation

em Aston University Research Archive


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PURPOSE: To perform advanced analysis of the corneal deformation response to air pressure in keratoconics compared with age- and sex-matched controls. METHODS: The ocular response analyzer was used to measure the air pressure-corneal deformation relationship of 37 patients with keratoconus and 37 age (mean 36 ± 10 years)- and sex-matched controls with healthy corneas. Four repeat air pressure-corneal deformation profiles were averaged, and 42 separate parameters relating to each element of the profiles were extracted. Corneal topography and pachymetry were performed with the Orbscan II. The severity of the keratoconus was graded based on a single metric derived from anterior corneal curvatures, difference in astigmatism in each meridian, anterior best-fit sphere, and posterior best-fit sphere. RESULTS: Most of the biomechanical characteristics of keratoconic eyes were significantly different from normal eyes (P <0.001), especially during the initial corneal applanation. With increasing keratoconus severity, the cornea was thinner (r = -0.407, P <0.001), the speed of corneal concave deformation past applanation was quicker (dive; r = -0.314, P = 0.01), and the tear film index was lower (r = -0.319, P = 0.01). The variance in keratoconus severity could be accounted for by the corneal curvature and central corneal thickness (r = 0.80) with biomechanical characteristics contributing an additional 4% (total r = 0.84). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.919 ± 0.025 for keratometry alone, 0.965 ± 0.014 with the addition of pachymetry, and 0.972 ± 0.012 combined with ocular response analyzer biomechanical parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of the air pressure-corneal deformation profile are more affected by keratoconus than the traditionally extracted corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factors. These biomechanical metrics slightly improved the detection and severity prediction of keratoconus above traditional keratometric and pachymetric assessment of corneal shape.


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Corpora—large collections of written and/or spoken text stored and accessed electronically—provide the means of investigating language that is of growing importance academically and professionally. Corpora are now routinely used in the following fields: •the production of dictionaries and other reference materials; •the development of aids to translation; •language teaching materials; •the investigation of ideologies and cultural assumptions; •natural language processing; and •the investigation of all aspects of linguistic behaviour, including vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics.


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The effect of low energy nitrogen molecular ion beam bombardment on metals and compound semiconductors has been studied, with the aim to investigate at the effects of ion and target properties. For this purpose, nitrogen ion implantation in aluminium, iron, copper, gold, GaAs and AIGaAs is studied using XPS and Angle Resolve XPS. A series of experimental studies on N+2 bombardment induced compositional changes, especially the amount of nitrogen retained in the target, were accomplished. Both monoenergetic implantation and non-monoenergetic ion implantation were investigated, using the VG Scientific ESCALAB 200D system and a d. c. plasma cell, respectively. When the samples, with the exception of gold, are exposed to air, native oxide layers are formed on the surfaces. In the case of monoenergetic implantation, the surfaces were cleaned using Ar+ beam bombardment prior to implantation. The materials were then bombarded with N2+ beam and eight sets of successful experiments were performed on each sample, using a rastered N2+ ion beam of energy of 2, 3, 4 and 5 keV with current densities of 1 μA/cm2 and 5 μA/cm22 for each energy. The bombarded samples were examined by ARXPS. After each complete implantation, XPS depth profiles were created using Ar+ beam at energy 2 ke V and current density 2 μA/cm2 . As the current density was chosen as one of the parameters, accurate determination of current density was very important. In the case of glow discharge, two sets of successful experiments were performed in each case, by exposing the samples to nitrogen plasma for the two conditions: at low pressure and high voltage and high pressure and low voltage. These samples were then examined by ARXPS. On the theoretical side, the major problem was prediction of the number of ions of an element that can be implanted in a given matrix. Although the programme is essentially on experimental study, but an attempt is being made to understand the current theoretical models, such as SATVAL, SUSPRE and TRIM. The experimental results were compared with theoretical predictions, in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible. From the experimental results, considering possible experimental uncertainties, there is no evidence of significant variation in nitrogen saturation concentration with ion energy or ion current density in the range of 2-5 ke V, however, the retention characteristics of implantant seem to strongly depend on the chemical reactivity between ion species and target material. The experimental data suggests the presence of at least one thermal process. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results could be the inability of the codes to account for molecular ion impact and thermal processes.


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The use of fixation points (FPs) in visual psychophysics is common practice, though the costs and benefits of different fixation regimens have not been compared. Here we investigate the influence of several different types of FP configurations on the contrast detection of patches of sine-wave gratings. We find that for small targets (1°), the addition of a superimposed central FP can increase thresholds by a factor of 1.3 (2.5 dB) in comparison with no FP, and a factor of 1.5 (3.6 dB) in comparison with FPs that surround the target. These results are consistent with (i) a suppressive influence on the central region of the target from a central FP, and (ii) facilitatory influences from surrounding FPs. Our analysis of the slope of the psychometric function suggests that the facilitatory influence is not due to reduction of uncertainty. Plausible candidate causes for the facilitation are: (i) sensory interactions, (ii) aids to ocular accommodation and convergence, (iii) a reduction in eye-movements and (iv) more accurate placement of the observer’s window of attention. Masking by a central FP is not found for the suprathreshold task of contrast discrimination, suggesting that the masking effects of pedestal and FP do not combine linearly. This means that estimates of the level of masking produced by a contrast pedestal can depend on the details of the fixation point.


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The aim of this study was to prepare gas-filled lipid-coated microbubbles as potential MRI contrast agents for imaging of fluid pressure. Air-filled microbubbles were produced with phospholipid 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) in the presence or absence of cholesterol and/or polyethylene-glycol distearate (PEG-distearate). Microbubbles were also prepared containing a fluorinated phospholipid, perfluoroalkylated glycerol-phosphatidylcholine, F-GPC shells encompassing perfluorohexane-saturated nitrogen gas. These microbubbles were evaluated in terms of physico-chemical characteristics such as size and stability. In parallel to these studies, DSPC microbubbles were also formulated containing nitrogen (N2) gas and compared to air-filled microbubbles. By preventing advection, signal drifts were used to assess their stability. DSPC microbubbles were found to have a drift of 20% signal change per bar of applied pressure in contrast to the F-GPC microbubbles which are considerably more stable with a lower drift of 5% signal change per bar of applied pressure. By increasing the pressure of the system and monitoring the MR signal intensity, the point at which the majority of the microbubbles have been damaged was determined. For the DSPC microbubbles this occurs at 1.3 bar whilst the F-GPC microbubbles withstand pressures up to 2.6 bar. For the comparison between air-filled and N2-filled microbubbles, the MRI sensitivity is assessed by cycling the pressure of the system and monitoring the MR signal intensity. It was found that the sensitivity exhibited by the N2-filled microbubbles remained constant, whilst the air-filled microbubbles demonstrated a continuous drop in sensitivity due to continuous bubble damage.


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Automotive catalysts are the most effective short-term answer to air pollution from automobiles. Since strict control of exhaust emissions is, or will be,covered by legislation in most developed countries in the world, catalytic devices will be increasingly fitted to cars. There is consequently an urgent need for the development of catalysts that will not compete for scarce precious metal resources. A number of problems have already been identified in connection with base metal catalysts but quantitative investigations are lacking. The base metal reduction catalysts developed by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, catalysts and Chemical Group, in collaboration with the Air Pollution Control Laboratory, B L Cars Limited for automotive emission control, are susceptible to de-activation by three major mechanisms. These are: physical loss of the wash-coat (a high surface area coating which supports the active species), aggregation of the active species and poisoning by fuel and engine oil additives. This thesis is especially concerned with the first two of these and attempts to indicate the relative magnitude .of their effect on the activity of. the catalysts. Aggregation of the active species or sintering, as it is loosely called, was studied by using impregnated granules to overcome effects due to the loss of the wash-coat. Samples were aged in a synthetic exhaust gas, free from poisons, and metal crystallite sizes were measured by scanning-electron microscopy. The increase in particle size was correlated with the loss in catalytic activity. In order to maintain a link with the real conditions of service a number of monolithic catalysts were tested in an engine-dynamometer and several previously tested endurance catalysts were examined. A mechanism is proposed for the break-up and subsequent 10s.5 of the wash-coat and suggestions for improved resistance to loss of the' coating and active species are proposed.


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This study presents water flow (WF) into soil from several pitchers buried in the soil up to their neck and filled with water,under natural atmospheric conditions for a period of two years. Variation in daily WF into soil indicated a direct correlation with moisture deficit (MD) in atmosphere. WF increases linearly with MD for non rainy days. WF without hydraulic head through all pots varied in the order air>soil>water. Base line flow in water with respect to air was < 5%. WF for pots with hydraulic head was also in the order air>soil>water, but with significant increase in WF. Hydraulic conductivity Ks was in the order air>soil>water.Ks in water was independent of MD, whereas for air and soil, Ks increased with MD. Thus total WF is partially under hydraulic head and partly due to pull effect through capillary pores on pot wall either due to MD in air or prevailing soil water tension in soil.


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Respiratory-volume monitoring is an indispensable part of mechanical ventilation. Here we present a new method of the respiratory-volume measurement based on a single fibre-optical long-period sensor of bending and the correlation between torso curvature and lung volume. Unlike the commonly used air-flow based measurement methods the proposed sensor is drift-free and immune to air-leaks. In the paper, we explain the working principle of sensors, a two-step calibration-test measurement procedure and present results that establish a linear correlation between the change in the local thorax curvature and the change of the lung volume. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of these sensors with respect to the current standards. © 2013 IEEE.


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Pure poly(lactide-co-glycolide) and polystyrene surfaces are not very suitable to support cell adhesion/ spreading owing to their hydrophobic nature and low surface energy. The interior surfaces of large porous 3D scaffolds were modified and activated using radio-frequency, low-pressure air plasma. An increase in the wettability of the surface was observed after exposure to air plasma, as indicated by the decrease in the contact angles of the wet porous system. The surface composition of the plasma-treated polymers was studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. pH-dependent zeta-potential measurements confirm the presence of an increased number of functional groups. However, the plasma-treated surfaces have a less acidic character than the original polymer surfaces as seen by a shift in their isoelectric point. Zeta-potential, as well as contact angle measurements, on 3D scaffolds confirm that plasma treatment is a useful tool to modify the surface properties throughout the interior of large scaffolds. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Corpora—large collections of written and/or spoken text stored and accessed electronically—provide the means of investigating language that is of growing importance academically and professionally. Corpora are now routinely used in the following fields: The production of dictionaries and other reference materials; The development of aids to translation; Language teaching materials; The investigation of ideologies and cultural assumptions; Natural language processing; and The investigation of all aspects of linguistic behaviour, including vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics.


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We propose and demonstrate an optical liquid level sensor based on the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) sensing using an excessively tilted fibre grating (ETFG). When the ETFG submerged in water, two sets of cladding modes are coupled, corresponding to air- and water-surrounded grating structures, respectively. The coupling strengths of the two sets of cladding modes evolve with the submerging length of the grating, providing a mechanism to measure the liquid level. Comparing with long-period fibre grating based liquid level sensor, the ETFG sensor has a much higher SRI responsivity for liquids with refractive index around 1.33 and a lower thermal cross sensitivity. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers the problem of low-dimensional visualisation of very high dimensional information sources for the purpose of situation awareness in the maritime environment. In response to the requirement for human decision support aids to reduce information overload (and specifically, data amenable to inter-point relative similarity measures) appropriate to the below-water maritime domain, we are investigating a preliminary prototype topographic visualisation model. The focus of the current paper is on the mathematical problem of exploiting a relative dissimilarity representation of signals in a visual informatics mapping model, driven by real-world sonar systems. A realistic noise model is explored and incorporated into non-linear and topographic visualisation algorithms building on the approach of [9]. Concepts are illustrated using a real world dataset of 32 hydrophones monitoring a shallow-water environment in which targets are present and dynamic.


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Tin oxide is considered to be one of the most promising semiconductor oxide materials for use as a gas sensor. However, a simple route for the controllable build-up of nanostructured, sufficiently pure and hierarchical SnO2 structures for gas sensor applications is still a challenge. In the current work, an aqueous SnO2 nanoparticulate precursor sol, which is free of organic contaminants and sorbed ions and is fully stable over time, was prepared in a highly reproducible manner from an alkoxide Sn(OR)4 just by mixing it with a large excess of pure neutral water. The precursor is formed as a separate liquid phase. The structure and purity of the precursor is revealed using XRD, SAXS, EXAFS, HRTEM imaging, FTIR, and XRF analysis. An unconventional approach for the estimation of the particle size based on the quantification of the Sn-Sn contacts in the structure was developed using EXAFS spectroscopy and verified using HRTEM. To construct sensors with a hierarchical 3D structure, we employed an unusual emulsification technique not involving any additives or surfactants, using simply the extraction of the liquid phase, water, with the help of dry butanol under ambient conditions. The originally generated crystalline but yet highly reactive nanoparticles form relatively uniform spheres through self-assembly and solidify instantly. The spheres floating in butanol were left to deposit on the surface of quartz plates bearing sputtered gold electrodes, producing ready-for-use gas sensors in the form of ca. 50 μm thick sphere-based-films. The films were dried for 24 h and calcined at 300°C in air before use. The gas sensitivity of the structures was tested in the temperature range of 150-400°C. The materials showed a very quickly emerging and reversible (20-30 times) increase in electrical conductivity as a response to exposure to air containing 100 ppm of H2 or CO and short (10 s) recovery times when the gas flow was stopped.


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The performance of MoS2 as a hydrogen evolution catalyst is diminished by exposure to air. We demonstrate a solution phase technique to resulfidate MoSxO2-x using Na2S2O3. The success of the method was judged by performance as a H+ reduction catalyst. Following sulfidation samples displayed a favourable decrease in both onset potential and Tafel slope, with the best decreasing from -0.23 V to -0.18 V (vs. SHE), and 282 mV dec-1 to 87 mV dec-1 respectively. Ageing studies indicate that this method may be used to recycle the MoS2 repeatedly without losing catalytic performance, although repeated sulfidation did result in homogenisation of the nanostructure.