12 resultados para AdS-CFT and dS-CFT Correspondence

em Aston University Research Archive


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In this article, I explore issues of commitment to truth in dating ads that use apparently impossible categorizations to project identities for ad writers and their desired others. The article begins with a brief overview of relevant aspects of Text World Theory (especially Gavins's work on dating ads), Sinclair's model of fictional worlds and Routledge and Chapman's account of truth-commitment in discourse, and proposes the need for a framework that allows for a partial suspension of commitment to truth. I then draw on the work of Ivanič and Weldon on identity in writing, in order to develop an account that offers a discourse- and genre-based discussion of how the intertextual metaphors in such ads are interpreted in relation to truth values. I suggest the default stance is that of positive commitment to literal truth and that, when this is not possible, a fall-back mode of negative commitment to metaphorical truth is preferred over an interpretation in which questions of truth are truly suspended. Finally, I consider a related category, of apparently negative dating ad identities, in order to suggest a functional motivation for the inclusion of elements that cannot be interpreted in truth-committed mode. Copyright © 2008 SAGE Publications.


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The size frequency distributions of diffuse, primitive and classic β- amyloid (Aβ) deposits were studied in single sections of cortical tissue from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS) and compared with those predicted by the log-normal model. In a sample of brain regions, these size distributions were compared with those obtained by serial reconstruction through the tissue and the data used to adjust the size distributions obtained in single sections. The adjusted size distributions of the diffuse, primitive and classic deposits deviated significantly from a log-normal model in AD and DS, the greatest deviations from the model being observed in AD. More Aβ deposits were observed close to the mean and fewer in the larger size classes than predicted by the model. Hence, the growth of Aβ deposits in AD and DS does not strictly follow the log-normal model, deposits growing to within a more restricted size range than predicted. However, Aβ deposits grow to a larger size in DS compared with AD which may reflect differences in the mechanism of Aβ formation.


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The density of diffuse, primitive, classic and compact βamyloid (Aβ deposits was estimated in regions of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in 15 cases of late-onset sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 12 cases of Down's syndrome (DS). A similar pattern of Aβ deposition was observed in the MTL in the AD and DS cases with a reduced density of deposits in the hippocampus compared with the adjacent cortical regions. Total Aβ deposit density was greater in DS than in AD in all brain regions examined. This could be attributable to overexpression of the amyloid precursor protein gene. The ratio of the primitive to the diffuse Aβ deposits was greater in DS than in AD which suggests that the formation of mature amyloid deposits is enhanced in DS. The diffuse deposits exhibited a parabolic and the primitive deposits an inverted parabolic response with age in the DS cases. This suggests either that the diffuse and primitive deposits are sequentially related or that there are alternate pathways of Aβ deposition. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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Neopterin, an unconjugated pteridine, is secreted in large quantities by activated macrophages and can be used as a clinical marker of activated cellular immunity in a patient. Hence, neopterin levels were measured in urine samples taken from patients with Down’s syndrome (DS), non-hospitalized and hospitalized Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and age and sex matched controls. All subjects and patients were free from infectious and malignant disease. A significant effect of age on urinary neopterin levels was found in control subjects, levels being greater in younger and older subjects. No significant trends with age were found in AD and DS patients. The mean level of neopterin was significantly increased in DS and AD compared with age matched controls suggesting immune activation in these patients. In DS, elevated neopterin levels were present in individuals at least 17yrs old suggesting that immune activation could be associated with the initial deposition of beta/A4 in the brain.


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The density of beta-amyloid (A beta) deposits was studied in the medial temporal lobe in non-demented individuals and in sporadic Alzheimer's disease (SAD) and Down's syndrome (DS). No A beta deposits were recorded in six of the non-demented cases, while in a further eight cases, these were confined to either the lateral occipitotemporal or parahippocampal gyrus. The mean density of A beta deposits in the cortex was greater in SAD and DS than in non-demented cases but with overlap between patient groups. The mean density of A beta deposits was greater in DS than SAD consistent with a gene dosage effect. The ratio of primitive to diffuse A beta deposits was greater in DS and in non-demented cases than in SAD and the ratio of classic to diffuse deposits was lowest in DS. In all groups, A beta deposits occurred in clusters which were often regularly distributed. In the cortex, the dimension of the A beta clusters was greater in SAD than in the non-demented cases and DS. The data suggest that the development of A beta pathology in the hippocampus could be a factor in the development of DS and SAD. Furthermore, the high density of A beta deposits, and in particular the high proportion of primitive type deposits, may be important in DS while the development of large clusters of A beta deposits may be a factor in SAD.


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We analyse the dynamics of a number of second order on-line learning algorithms training multi-layer neural networks, using the methods of statistical mechanics. We first consider on-line Newton's method, which is known to provide optimal asymptotic performance. We determine the asymptotic generalization error decay for a soft committee machine, which is shown to compare favourably with the result for standard gradient descent. Matrix momentum provides a practical approximation to this method by allowing an efficient inversion of the Hessian. We consider an idealized matrix momentum algorithm which requires access to the Hessian and find close correspondence with the dynamics of on-line Newton's method. In practice, the Hessian will not be known on-line and we therefore consider matrix momentum using a single example approximation to the Hessian. In this case good asymptotic performance may still be achieved, but the algorithm is now sensitive to parameter choice because of noise in the Hessian estimate. On-line Newton's method is not appropriate during the transient learning phase, since a suboptimal unstable fixed point of the gradient descent dynamics becomes stable for this algorithm. A principled alternative is to use Amari's natural gradient learning algorithm and we show how this method provides a significant reduction in learning time when compared to gradient descent, while retaining the asymptotic performance of on-line Newton's method.


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In Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS), the size frequency distribution of the beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits can be described by a log-normal model and may indictae the growth of the deposits. This study determined the size frequency distribution of the Abeta deposits in the temporal lobe in 8 casaes of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) with associated AD pathology (DLB/AD. The size distributions of Abeta deposits were unimodal and positively skewed; the mean size of deposi and the degree of skew varying with deposit type and brain region. Size distributions of the primitive deposits had lower means and were less skewed compared with the diffuse and classic deposits. In addition, size distributions in the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) had larger means and a greater degree of skew compared with other cortical gyri. All size distributions deviated significantly from a log-normal model. There were more Abeta deposits than expected in the smaller size classes and fewer than expected near the mean and in the larger size classes. The data suggest thatthe pattern of growth of the Abeta deposits in DLB/AD depends both on deposit morphology and brain area. In addition, Abeta deposits in DLB appear to grow to within a more restricted size range than predicted and hence, to have less potential for growth compared with cases of 'pure' AD and DS.


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The temporal lobe is a major site of pathology in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. In this chapter, the densities of the characteristic pathological lesions in various regions of the temporal lobe were compared in eight neurodegenerative disorders, viz., Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Down’s syndrome (DS), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Pick’s disease (PiD), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), and neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). Temporal lobe pathology was observed in all of these disorders most notably in AD, DS, PiD, sCJD, and NIFID. The regions of the temporal lobe affected by the pathology, however, varied between disorders. In AD and DS, the greatest densities of ?-amyloid (A?) deposits were recorded in cortical regions adjacent to the hippocampus (HC), DS exhibiting greater densities of A? deposits than AD. Similarly, in sCJD, greatest densities of prion protein (PrPsc) deposits were recorded in cortical areas of the temporal lobe. In AD and PiD, significant densities of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and Pick bodies (PB) respectively were present in sector CA1 of the HC while in CBD, the greatest densities of tau-immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) were present in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG). Particularly high densities of PB were present in the DG in PiD, whereas NFT in AD and Lewy bodies (LB) in DLB were usually absent in this region. These data confirm that the temporal lobe is an important site of pathology in the disorders studied regardless of their molecular ‘signature’. However, disorders differ in the extent to which the pathology spreads to affect the HC which may account for some of the observed differences in clinical dementia.


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Deposition of ß-amyloid (Aß ), a 'signature' pathological lesion of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is also characteristic of Down's syndrome (DS), and has been observed in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD). To determine whether the growth of Aß deposits was similar in these disorders, the size frequency distributions of the diffuse ('pre-amyloid'), primitive ('neuritic'), and classic ('dense-cored') A ß deposits were compared in AD, DS, DLB, and CBD. All size distributions had essentially the same shape, i.e., they were unimodal and positively skewed. Mean size of Aß deposits, however, varied between disorders. Mean diameters of the diffuse, primitive, and classic deposits were greatest in DS, DS and CBD, and DS, respectively, while the smallest deposits, on average, were recorded in DLB. Although the shape of the frequency distributions was approximately log-normal, the model underestimated the frequency of smaller deposits and overestimated the frequency of larger deposits in all disorders. A 'power-law' model fitted the size distributions of the primitive deposits in AD, DS, and DLB, and the diffuse deposits in AD. The data suggest: (1) similarities in size distributions of Aß deposits among disorders, (2) growth of deposits varies with subtype and disorder, (3) different factors are involved in the growth of the diffuse/primitive and classic deposits, and (4) log-normal and power-law models do not completely account for the size frequency distributions.


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Purpose: To investigate the accommodation-convergence relationship during the incipient phase of presbyopia. The study aimed to differentiate between the current theories of presbyopia and to explore the mechanisms by which the oculomotor system compensates for the change in the accommodation-convergence relationship contingent on a declining amplitude of accommodation. Methods: Using a Canon R-1 open-view autorefractor and a haploscope device, measurements were made of the stimulus and response accommodative convergence/accommodation ratios and the convergence accommodation/convergence ratio of 28 subjects aged 35-45 years at the commencement of the study. Amplitude of accommodation was assessed using a push-down technique. The measurements were repeated at 4-monthly intervals over a 2-year period. Results: The results showed that with the decline in the amplitude of accommodation there is an increase in the accommodative convergence response per unit of accommodative response and a decrease in the convergence accommodation response per unit of convergence. Conclusions: The results of this study fail to support the Hess-Gullstrand theory of presbyopia in that the ciliary muscle effort required to produce a unit change in accommodation increases, rather than stays constant, with age. Data show that the near vision response is limited to the maximum vergence response that can be tolerated and, despite being within the amplitude of accommodation, a stimulus may still appear blurred because the vergence component determines the proportion of available accommodation utilised during near vision.


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This article investigates metaphors of identity in dating ads and in two types of newspaper writing, 'hard' and 'soft' news articles. It focuses on issues of textualization and processing, and particularly on the role of cotext in decoding metaphors. Taking a pragmatic approach founded in the cooperative principle, it argues that the maxims of quality and relation play related but separable roles in the interpretation of identity metaphors; and that this process is guided and constrained by cotextual selections in the environment of the metaphorical term. The particular kinds of cotextual guidance provided by the writer are seen to vary according to genre-driven issues. These include the purpose and stylistic conventions of the genre in which the metaphor occurs and the circumstances under which the text is composed and read. Differing functional motivations are suggested for the use of identity metaphors in each of the genres considered. © Walter de Gruyter 2007.


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The aim of this study is to highlight the relation between muscle motion and electromyographyc activity during whole body vibration. This treatment is accounted for eliciting a reflex muscle activity in response to vibratory stimulation. Simultaneous recordings from quadriceps Rectus Femoris EMG and 3D muscle accelerations on fifteen subjects undergoing vibration treatments were collected. In our study vibrations were delivered via a sinusoidal oscillating platform at different frequencies (10-45 Hz), with a constant amplitude. Muscle motion was estimated by processing accelerometer data. Displacements revealed a mechanical resonant-like behaviour of the muscle; resonance frequencies and dumping factors depended on subject. Large EMG motion artifacts were removed using sharp notch filters centred at the vibration frequency and its superior harmonics. RMS values of artifact-free EMG were found correlated to the actual muscle displacement. The results were in accordance to the hypothesis of a proprioceptive response during vibration treatment. Nevertheless, motion artifacts produced an overestimation of muscle activity, therefore its removal was essential. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.