14 resultados para AIR-GAP
em Aston University Research Archive
In induction machines the tooth frequency losses due to permeance variation constitute a signif'icant, portion of the total loss. In order to predict and estimate these losses it, is essential to obtain a clear understanding of the no-load distribution of the air gap magnetic field and the magnitude of flux pulsation in both stator and rotor teeth. The existing theories and methods by which the air gap permeance variation in a doubly slotted structure is calculated are either empirical or restricted. The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a detailed analysis of the no-load air gap magnetic field distribution and the effect of air gap geometry on the magnitude and waveform of the tooth flux pulsation. In this thesis a detaiiled theoretical and experimental analysis of flux distribution not only leads to a better understanding of the distribution of no-load losses but also provides theoretical analysis for calculating the losses with greater accuracy
Open-loop operatlon of the stepping motor exploits the inherent advantages of the machine. For near optimum operation: in this mode, however, an accurate system model is required to facilitate controller design. Such a model must be comprehensive and take account of the non-linearities inherent in the system. The result is a complex formulation which can be made manageable with a computational aid. A digital simulation of a hybrid type stepping motor and its associated drive circuit is proposed. The simulation is based upon a block diagram model which includes reasonable approximations to the major non-linearities. The simulation is shown to yield accurate performance predictions. The determination of the transfer functions is based upon the consideration of the physical processes involved rather than upon direct input-outout measurements. The effects of eddy currents, saturation, hysteresis, drive circuit characteristics and non-linear torque displacement characteristics are considered and methods of determining transfer functions, which take account of these effects, are offered. The static torque displacement characteristic is considered in detail and a model is proposed which predicts static torque for any combination of phase currents and shaft position. Methods of predicting the characteristic directly from machine geometry are investigated. Drive circuit design for high efficiency operation is considered and a model of a bipolar, bilevel circuit is proposed. The transfers between stator voltage and stator current and between stator current and air gap flux are complicated by the effects of eddy currents, saturation and hysteresis. Frequency response methods, combined with average inductance measurements, are shown to yield reasonable transfer functions. The modelling procedure and subsequent digital simulation is concluded to be a powerful method of non-linear analysis.
This thesis describes an experimental and analytic study of the effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length on the loss and field distribution in solid iron due to a travelling mmf wave. In the first half of the thesis, a two-dimensional solution is developed which accounts for the effects of both magnetic non-linearity and eddy-current reaction; this solution is extended, in the second half, to a three-dimensional model. In the two-dimensional solution, new equations for loss and flux/pole are given; these equations contain the primary excitation, the machine parameters and factors describing the shape of the normal B-H curve. The solution applies to machines of any air-gap length. The conditions for maximum loss are defined, and generalised torque/frequency curves are obtained. A relationship between the peripheral component of magnetic field on the surface of the iron and the primary excitation is given. The effects of magnetic non-linearity and finite length are combined analytically by introducing an equivalent constant permeability into a linear three-dimensional analysis. The equivalent constant permeability is defined from the non-linear solution for the two-dimensional magnetic field at the axial centre of the machine to avoid iterative solutions. In the linear three-dimensional analysis, the primary excitation in the passive end-regions of the machine is set equal to zero and the secondary end faces are developed onto the air-gap surface. The analyses, and the assumptions on which they are based, were verified on an experimental machine which consists of a three-phase rotor and alternative solid iron stators, one with copper end rings, and one without copper end rings j the main dimensions of the two stators are identical. Measurements of torque, flux /pole, surface current density and radial power flow were obtained for both stators over a range of frequencies and excitations. Comparison of the measurements on the two stators enabled the individual effects of finite length and saturation to be identified, and the definition of constant equivalent permeability to be verified. The penetration of the peripheral flux into the stator with copper end rings was measured and compared with theoretical penetration curves. Agreement between measured and theoretical results was generally good.
An astigmatic scheme of a laser wavelength meter based on a single air-gap Fizeau interferometer is described. For a multimode laser, the accuracy in determining the center of gravity of a spectrum is within 1GHz. Two complementary testing techniques are proposed for the instrument. By using them, it was shown for the first time that, for this type of meters, a systematic error arises and increases with a decrease in the radiation-spectrum width. The effect is periodic in the lasing frequency and results from a weak beam that is brought about by a reflection from the front surface of the interferometer. Moreover, in the previously designed optical schemes, this effect is so strong that unambiguous determination of the wavelength of a single-frequency radiation is impossible. The use of an astigmatic scheme helps additionally attenuate the influence of the third beam, thus eliminating the ambiguity in the results and reducing the absolute error to a value of ±1.5 GHz.
The first part of the thesis compares Roth's method with other methods, in particular the method of separation of variables and the finite cosine transform method, for solving certain elliptic partial differential equations arising in practice. In particular we consider the solution of steady state problems associated with insulated conductors in rectangular slots. Roth's method has two main disadvantages namely the slow rate of convergence of the double Fourier series and the restrictive form of the allowable boundary conditions. A combined Roth-separation of variables method is derived to remove the restrictions on the form of the boundary conditions and various Chebyshev approximations are used to try to improve the rate of convergence of the series. All the techniques are then applied to the Neumann problem arising from balanced rectangular windings in a transformer window. Roth's method is then extended to deal with problems other than those resulting from static fields. First we consider a rectangular insulated conductor in a rectangular slot when the current is varying sinusoidally with time. An approximate method is also developed and compared with the exact method.The approximation is then used to consider the problem of an insulated conductor in a slot facing an air gap. We also consider the exact method applied to the determination of the eddy-current loss produced in an isolated rectangular conductor by a transverse magnetic field varying sinusoidally with time. The results obtained using Roth's method are critically compared with those obtained by other authors using different methods. The final part of the thesis investigates further the application of Chebyshdev methods to the solution of elliptic partial differential equations; an area where Chebyshev approximations have rarely been used. A poisson equation with a polynomial term is treated first followed by a slot problem in cylindrical geometry.
This thesis describes an investigation into methods for controlling the mode distribution in multimode optical fibres. The major contributions presented in this thesis are summarised below. Emerging standards for Gigabit Ethernet transmission over multimode optical fibre have led to a resurgence of interest in the precise control, and specification, of modal launch conditions. In particular, commercial LED and OTDR test equipment does not, in general, comply with these standards. There is therefore a need for mode control devices, which can ensure compliance with the standards. A novel device consisting of a point-load mode-scrambler in tandem with a mode-filter is described in this thesis. The device, which has been patented, may be tuned to achieve a wide range of mode distributions and has been implemented in a ruggedised package for field use. Various other techniques for mode control have been described in this work, including the use of Long Period Gratings and air-gap mode-filters. Some of the methods have been applied to other applications, such as speckle suppression and in sensor technology. A novel, self-referencing, sensor comprising two modal groups in the Mode Power Distribution has been designed and tested. The feasibility of a two-channel Mode Group Diversity Multiplexed system has been demonstrated over 985m. A test apparatus for measuring mode distribution has been designed and constructed. The apparatus consists of a purpose-built video microscope, and comprehensive control and analysis software written in Visual Basic. The system may be fitted with a Silicon camera or an InGaAs camera, for measurement in the 850nm and 130nm transmission windows respectively. A limitation of the measurement method, when applied to well-filled fibres, has been identified and an improvement to the method has been proposed, based on modelled Laguerre Gauss field solutions.
Wireless power transmission technology is gaining more and more attentions in city transportation applications due to its commensurate power level and efficiency with conductive power transfer means. In this paper, an inductively coupled wireless charging system for 48V light electric vehicle is proposed. The power stages of the system is evaluated and designed, including the high frequency inverter, the resonant network, full bridge rectifier, and the load matching converter. Small signal modeling and linear control technology is applied to the load matching converter for input voltage control, which effectively controls the wireless power flow. The prototype is built with a dsPIC digital signal controller; the experiments are carried out, and the results reveal nature performances of a series-series resonant inductive power charger in terms of frequency, air-gap length, power flow control, and efficiency issues.
A theoretical model for the transport phenomena in an air gap membrane distillation is presented. The model is based on the conservation equations for the mass, momentum, energy and species within the feed water solution as well as on the mass and energy balances on the membrane sides. The slip flow occurs due to the hydrophobic properties of the membrane. The slip boundary condition applied on the feed saline solution-membrane interface is taken into consideration showing its effects on process parameters particularly permeate flow, heat transfer coefficient and thermal efficiency. The theoretical model was validated with available experimental data and was found to be in good agreement especially when the slip condition is introduced. Increasing slip length from zero to 200 μm was found to increase the permeate flux and the thermal efficiency by 33% and 1.7% respectively.
The high gains in performance predicted for optical immersion are difficult to achieve in practice due to total internal reflection at the lens/detector interface. By reducing the air gap at this interface optical tunneling becomes possible and the predicted gains can be realized in practical devices. Using this technique we have demonstrated large performance gains by optically immersing mid-infrared heterostructure InA1Sb LEDs and photodiodes using hypershperical germanium lenses. The development of an effective method of optical immersion that gives excellent optical coupling has produced a photodiode with a peak room temperature detectivity (D*) of 5.3 x 109 cmHz½W-1 at λpeak=5.4μm and a 40° field of view. A hyperspherically immersed LED showed a f-fold improvement in the external efficiency, and a 3-fold improvement in the directionality compared with a conventional planar LED for f/2 optical systems. The incorporation of these uncooled devices in a White cell produced a NO2 gas sensing system with 2 part-per-million sensitivity, with an LED drive current of <5mA. These results represent a significant advance in the use of solid state devices for portable gas sensing systems.
For wireless power transfer (WPT) systems, communication between the primary side and the pickup side is a challenge because of the large air gap and magnetic interferences. A novel method, which integrates bidirectional data communication into a high-power WPT system, is proposed in this paper. The power and data transfer share the same inductive link between coreless coils. Power/data frequency division multiplexing technique is applied, and the power and data are transmitted by employing different frequency carriers and controlled independently. The circuit model of the multiband system is provided to analyze the transmission gain of the communication channel, as well as the power delivery performance. The crosstalk interference between two carriers is discussed. In addition, the signal-to-noise ratios of the channels are also estimated, which gives a guideline for the design of mod/demod circuits. Finally, a 500-W WPT prototype has been built to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed WPT system.
Electrically excited synchronous machines with brushes and slip rings are popular but hardly used in inflammable and explosive environments. This paper proposes a new brushless electrically excited synchronous motor with a hybrid rotor. It eliminates the use of brushes and slip rings so as to improve the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the traction drive. The proposed motor is characterized with two sets of stator windings with two different pole numbers to provide excitation and drive torque independently. This paper introduces the structure and operating principle of the machine, followed by the analysis of the air-gap magnetic field using the finite-element method. The influence of the excitation winding's pole number on the coupling capability is studied and the operating characteristics of the machine are simulated. These are further examined by the experimental tests on a 16 kW prototype motor. The machine is proved to have good static and dynamic performance, which meets the stringent requirements for traction applications.
Electromagnetic design of a 1.12-MW, 18 000-r/min high-speed permanent-magnet motor (HSPMM) is carried out based on the analysis of pole number, stator slot number, rotor outer diameter, air-gap length, permanent magnet material, thickness, and pole arc. The no-load and full-load performance of the HSPMM is investigated in this paper by using 2-D finite element method (FEM). In addition, the power losses in the HSPMM including core loss, winding loss, rotor eddy current loss, and air friction loss are predicted. Based on the analysis, a prototype motor is manufactured and experimentally tested to verify the machine design.
A rapid and efficient method to identify the weak points of the complex chemical structure of low band gap (LBG) polymers, designed for efficient solar cells, when submitted to light exposure is reported. This tool combines Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) using the 'spin trapping method' coupled with density functional theory modelling (DFT). First, the nature of the short life-time radicals formed during the early-stages of photo-degradation processes are determined by a spin-trapping technique. Two kinds of short life-time radical (R and R′O) are formed after 'short-duration' illumination in an inert atmosphere and in ambient air, respectively. Second, simulation allows the identification of the chemical structures of these radicals revealing the most probable photochemical process, namely homolytical scission between the Si atom of the conjugated skeleton and its pendent side-chains. Finally, DFT calculations confirm the homolytical cleavage observed by EPR, as well as the presence of a group that is highly susceptible to photooxidative attack. Therefore, the synergetic coupling of a spin trapping method with DFT calculations is shown to be a rapid and efficient method for providing unprecedented information on photochemical mechanisms. This approach will allow the design of LBG polymers without the need to trial the material within actual solar cell devices, an often long and costly screening procedure.