4 resultados para AFC

em Aston University Research Archive


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The Priestlaw and Cockburn Law intrusions are zoned granitoid plutons intruded into Lower Palaeozoic sediments at the margin of, and prior to closure of, the Iapetus Ocean. They vary from marginal basic rocks to more acid rocks towards their centres. The parental magmas to the plutons were derived from an isotopically depleted mantle modified by melts/fluids during subduction. Zonation in the plutons was caused by combined assimilation and fractional crystallisation (AFC), and rates of assimilation were low relative to rates of fractionation. A series of pyroxene-mica diorites in Priestlaw are however hybrids formed by simple mixing. Porphyrite-acid porphyrite dykes, associated with the plutons, represent chilled portions of the pluton magmas; more evolved quartz porphyry dykes represent crustal melts. Lamprophyre dykes have high LILE and LREE abundances and relative depletions of HFS elements, typical of subduction related ultra-potassic magmas. High Mg numbers, Ni and Cr contents and experimental constraints, imply near primary status for the least evolved lamprophyres. Their enrichments in incompatible elements, high La/Nb, La/Yb, Sr and low Nd indicate derivation from a previously metasomatised mantle source. Granitoid plutons and lavas in the northern Southern Uplands have high Nd and low Sr, whereas the younger plutons of the southern Southern Uplands have higher Sr, La/Yb and lower Nd, consistent with derivation from a more enriched source. No plutons however have remained as closed systems. Three magmatic suites are present in southern Scotland: (1) Midland Valley Suite (2) Northern Southern Uplands Suite and (3) Southern Southern Uplands Suite, consistent with previous models indicating northward underthrusting of English lithosphere below the southern Southern Uplands. Further underthrusting of decoupled lithospheric mantle is indicated by the presence of lamorophyres in the eastern Southern Uplands, and took place between 410 Ma and 400 Ma.


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The Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton from SW Scotland is one of a suite of late Caledonian granitoids which are associated with extensive, contemporaneous and compositionally diverse suits of minor intrusions. The minor intrusive suite associated with the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton is dominantly composed of a series of porphyritic microdiorites, microgranodiorites and microgranites known collectively as the porphyrite-porphyry series. This series can be divided into two groups, the porphyrites and the quartz porphyries, on the basis of petrography and geochemistry although there is some compositional overlap between the two. Compositionally, the porphyrites and quartz porphyries appear to correspond to the granodiorites and granites, respectively, which comprise the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton, suggesting that the porphyrite-porphyry series of dykes represent magmas which were tapped from the evolving granitic magma chamber. The most mafic component of the minor intrusive suite is represented by calc-alkaline hornblende- and mica bearing lamprophyres. Geochemical studies, including fractional crystallisation, combine assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC) show that these are mafic, LILE and LREE enriched melts derived by low degrees of partial melting of a subduction-modified mantle source. It is suggested that the source of the lamprophyres is "Lake District" lithosphere, metasomatised by Lower Palaeozoic subduction, and thrust under the southern part of the Southern Uplands. AFC modelling using chemical and isotopic data further suggest that there is a close genetic link between the lamprophyres and the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids and that lamprophyres represent the mantle derived precursors of the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids.


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Three experiments assessed the development of children's part and configural (part-relational) processing in object recognition during adolescence. In total, 312 school children aged 7-16 years and 80 adults were tested in 3-alternative forced choice (3-AFC) tasks. They judged the correct appearance of upright and inverted presented familiar animals, artifacts, and newly learned multipart objects, which had been manipulated either in terms of individual parts or part relations. Manipulation of part relations was constrained to either metric (animals, artifacts, and multipart objects) or categorical (multipart objects only) changes. For animals and artifacts, even the youngest children were close to adult levels for the correct recognition of an individual part change. By contrast, it was not until 11-12 years of age that they achieved similar levels of performance with regard to altered metric part relations. For the newly learned multipart objects, performance was equivalent throughout the tested age range for upright presented stimuli in the case of categorical part-specific and part-relational changes. In the case of metric manipulations, the results confirmed the data pattern observed for animals and artifacts. Together, the results provide converging evidence, with studies of face recognition, for a surprisingly late consolidation of configural-metric relative to part-based object recognition.