23 resultados para 290603 Membrane and Separation Technologies

em Aston University Research Archive


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As information and communications technology (ICT) involves both traditional capital and knowledge capital, potential spillovers through various mechanisms can occur. We posit that ICT capital may boost productivity growth, not only in the home country, but also in other countries. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence of such spillovers using panel data on 37 countries from 1996 to 2004. Our results support the existence of ICT spillovers across country borders. Furthermore, we find that developing countries could reap more benefits from ICT spillovers than developed countries. This is particularly important for policy decisions regarding national trade liberalization and economic integration. Developing economies that are more open to foreign trade may have an economic advantage and may develop knowledge-intensive activities, which will lead to economic development in the long run.


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The initial aim of this project was to improve the performance of a chromatographic bioreactor-separator (CBRS). In such a system, a dilute enzyme solution is pumped continuously through a preparative chromatographic column, while pulses of substrate are periodically injected on to the column. Enzymic reaction and separation are therefore performed in a single unit operation. The chromatographic columns used were jacketed glass columns ranging from 1 to 2 metres long with an internal diameter of 1.5 cm. Linking these columns allowed 1, 2, 3 and 4 metre long CBRS systems to be constructed. The hydrolysis of lactose in the presence of β~galactosidase was the reaction of study. From previous work at Aston University, there appeared to be no difficulties in achieving complete lactose hydrolysis in a CBRS. There did, however, appear to be scope for improving the separative performance, so this was adopted as an initial goal. Reducing the particle size of the stationary phase was identified as a way of achieving this improvement. A cation exchange resin was selected which had an average particle size of around half that previously used when studying this reaction. A CBRS system was developed which overcame the operational problems (such as high pressure drop development) associated with use of such a particle size. A significant improvement in separative power was achieved. This was shown by an increase in the number of theoretical plates (N) from about 500 to about 3000 for a 2 metre long CBRS, coupled with higher resolution. A simple experiment with the 1 metre column showed that combined bioreaction and separation was achievable in this system. Having improved the separative performance of the system, the factors affecting enzymic reaction in a CBRS were investigated; including pulse volume and the degree of mixing between enzyme and substrate. The progress of reaction in a CBRS was then studied. This information was related to the interaction of reaction and separation over the reaction zone. The effect of injecting a pulse over a length of time as in CBRS operation was simulated by fed batch experiments. These experiments were performed in parallel with normal batch experiments where the substrate is mixed almost instantly with the enzyme. The batch experiments enabled samples to be taken every minute and revealed that reaction is very rapid. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the two injector configurations used in CBRS construction were studied using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, combined with hydrodynamic calculations. During the optimisation studies, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were detected as intermediates in the hydrolysis process. GOS are valuable products with potential and existing applications in food manufacture (as nutraceuticals), medicine and drug targeting. The focus of the research was therefore turned to GOS production. A means of controlling reaction to arrest break down of GOS was required. Raising temperature was identified as a possible means of achieving this within a CBRS. Studies were undertaken to optimise the yield of oligosaccharides, culminating in the design, construction and evaluation of a Dithermal Chromatographic Bioreactor-separator.


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The objective of this work has been to investigate the principle of combined bioreaction and separation in a simulated counter-current chromatographic bioreactor-separator system (SCCR-S). The SCCR-S system consisted of twelve 5.4cm i.d x 75cm long columns packed with calcium charged cross-linked polystyrene resin. Three bioreactions, namely the saccharification of modified starch to maltose and dextrin using the enzyme maltogenase, the hydrolysis of lactose to galactose and glucose in the presence of the enzyme lactase and the biosynthesis of dextran from sucrose using the enzyme dextransucrase. Combined bioreaction and separation has been successfully carried out in the SCCR-S system for the saccharification of modified starch to maltose and dextrin. The effects of the operating parameters (switch time, eluent flowrate, feed concentration and enzyme activity) on the performance of the SCCR-S system were investigated. By using an eluent of dilute enzyme solution, starch conversions of up to 60% were achieved using lower amounts of enzyme than the theoretical amount required by a conventional bioreactor to produce the same amount of maltose over the same time period. Comparing the SCCR-S system to a continuous annular chromatograph (CRAC) for the saccharification of modified starch showed that the SCCR-S system required only 34.6-47.3% of the amount of enzyme required by the CRAC. The SCCR-S system was operated in the batch and continuous modes as a bioreactor-separator for the hydrolysis of lactose to galactose and glucose. By operating the system in the continuous mode, the operating parameters were further investigated. During these experiments the eluent was deionised water and the enzyme was introduced into the system through the same port as the feed. The galactose produced was retarded and moved with the stationary phase to be purge as the galactose rich product (GalRP) while the glucose moved with the mobile phase and was collected as the glucose rich product (GRP). By operating at up to 30%w/v lactose feed concentrations, complete conversions were achieved using only 48% of the theoretical amount of enzyme required by a conventional bioreactor to hydrolyse the same amount of glucose over the same time period. The main operating parameters affecting the performance of the SCCR-S system operating in the batch mode were investigated and the results compared to those of the continuous operation of the SCCR-S system. . During the biosynthesis of dextran in the SCCR-S system, a method of on-line regeneration of the resin was required to operate the system continuously. Complete conversion was achieved at sucrose feed concentrations of 5%w/v with fructose rich. products (FRP) of up to 100% obtained. The dextran rich products were contaninated by small amounts of glucose and levan formed during the bioreaction. Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of the SCCR-S. system operating in the continuous mode for the hydrolysis of lactose has been carried out. .


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The aim of this work has been to investigate the behaviour of a continuous rotating annular chromatograph (CRAC) under a combined biochemical reaction and separation duty. Two biochemical reactions have been employed, namely the inversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose in the presence of the enzyme invertase and the saccharification of liquefied starch to maltose and dextrin using the enzyme maltogenase. Simultaneous biochemical reaction and separation has been successfully carried out for the first time in a CRAC by inverting sucrose to fructose and glucose using the enzyme invertase and collecting continuously pure fractions of glucose and fructose from the base of the column. The CRAC was made of two concentric cylinders which form an annulus 140 cm long by 1.2 cm wide, giving an annular space of 14.5 dm3. The ion exchange resin used was an industrial grade calcium form Dowex 50W-X4 with a mean diameter of 150 microns. The mobile phase used was deionised and dearated water and contained the appropriate enzyme. The annular column was slowly rotated at speeds of up to 240°h-1 while the sucrose substrate was fed continuously through a stationary feed pipe to the top of the resin bed. A systematic investigation of the factors affecting the performance of the CRAC under simultaneous biochemical reaction and separation conditions was carried out by employing a factorial experimental procedure. The main factors affecting the performance of the system were found to be the feed rate, feed concentrations and eluent rate. Results from the experiments indicated that complete conversion could be achieved for feed concentrations of up to 50% w/v sucrose and at feed throughputs of up to 17.2 kg sucrose per m3 resin/h. The second enzymic reaction, namely the saccharification of liquefied starch to maltose employing the enzyme maltogenase has also been successfully carried out on a CRAC. Results from the experiments using soluble potato starch showed that conversions of up to 79% were obtained for a feed concentration of 15.5% w/v at a feed flowrate of 400 cm3/h. The product maltose obtained was over 95% pure. Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of the sucrose inversion system has been carried out. A finite difference method was used to solve the partial differential equations and the simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental results obtained.


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The objective of this work has been to study the behaviour and performance of a batch chromatographic column under simultaneous bioreaction and separation conditions for several carbohydrate feedstocks. Four bioreactions were chosen, namely the hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose using the enzyme invertase, the hydrolysis of inulin to fructose and glucose using inulinase, the hydrolysis of lactose to glucose and galactose using lactase and the isomerization of glucose to fructose using glucose isomerase. The chromatographic columns employed were jacketed glass columns ranging from 1 m to 2 m long and the internal diameter ranging from 0.97 cm to 1.97 cm. The stationary phase used was a cation exchange resin (PUROLITE PCR-833) in the Ca2+ form for the hydrolysis and the Mg2+ form for the isomerization reactions. The mobile phase used was a diluted enzyme solution which was continuously pumped through the chromatographic bed. The substrate was injected at the top of the bed as a pulse. The effect of the parameters pulse size, the amount of substrate solution introduced into the system corresponding to a percentage of the total empty column volume (% TECV), pulse concentration, eluent flowrate and the enzyme activity of the eluent were investigated. For the system sucrose-invertase complete conversions of substrate were achieved for pulse sizes and pulse concentrations of up to 20% TECV and 60% w/v, respectively. Products with purity above 90% were obtained. The enzyme consumption was 45% of the amount theoretically required to produce the same amount of product as in a conventional batch reactor. A value of 27 kg sucrose/m3 resin/h for the throughput of the system was achieved. The systematic investigation of the factors affecting the performance of the batch chromatographic bioreactor-separator was carried out by employing a factorial experimental procedure. The main factors affecting the performance of the system were the flowrate and enzyme activity. For the system inulin-inulinase total conversions were also obtained for pulses sizes of up to 20 % TECV and a pulse concentration of 10 % w/v. Fructose rich fractions with 100 % purity and representing up to 99.4 % of the total fructose generated were obtained with an enzyme consumption of 32 % of the amount theoretically required to produce the same amount of product in a conventional batch reactor. The hydrolysis of lactose by lactase was studied in the glass columns and also in an SCCR-S unit adapted for batch operation, in co-operation with Dr. Shieh, a fellow researcher in the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Department at Aston University. By operating at up to 30 % w/v lactose feed concentrations complete conversions were obtained and the purities of the products generated were above 90%. An enzyme consumption of 48 % of the amount theoretically required to produce the same amount of product in a conventional batch reactor was achieved. On working with the system glucose-glucose isomerase, which is a reversible reaction, the separation obtained with the stationary phase conditioned in the magnesium form was very poor although the conversion obtained was compatible with those for conventional batch reactors. By working with a mixed pulse of enzyme and substrate, up to 82.5 % of the fructose generated with a purity of 100 % was obtained. The mathematical modelling and computer simulation of the batch chromatographic bioreaction-separation has been performed on a personal computer. A finite difference method was used to solve the partial differential equations and the simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental results.


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The aim of this work has been to investigate the principle of combined centrifugal bioreaction-separation. The production of dextran and fructose by the action of the enzyme dextransucrase on sucrose was employed to elucidate some of the principles of this type of process. Dextran is a valuable pharmaceutical product used mainly as a blood volume expander and blood flow improver whilst fructose is an important dietary product. The development of a single step process capable of the simultaneous biosynthesis of dextran and the separation of the fructose by-product should improve dextran yields whilst reducing capital and processing costs. This thesis shows for the first time that it is possible to conduct successful bioreaction-separations using a rate-zonal centrifugation technique. By layering thin zones of dextrasucrase enzyme onto sucrose gradients and centrifuging, very high molecular weight (MW) dextran-enzyme complexes were formed that rapidly sedimented through the sucrose substrate gradients under the influence of the applied centrifugal field. The low MW fructose by-product sedimented at reduced rates and was thus separated from the enzyme and dextran during the reaction. The MW distribution of dextran recovered from the centrifugal bioreactor was compared with that from a conventional batch bioreactor. The results indicated that the centrifugal bioreactor produced up to 100% more clinical dextran with MWs of between 12 000 and 98 000 at 20% w/w sucrose concentrations than conventional bioreactors. This was due to the removal of acceptor fructose molecules from the sedimenting reaction zone by the action of the centrifugal field. Higher proportions of unwanted lower MW dextran were found in the conventional bioreactor than in the centrifugal bioreactor-separator. The process was studied on a number of alternative centrifugal systems. A zonal rotor fitted with a reorienting gradient core proved most successful for the evaluation of bioreactor performance. Results indicated that viscosity build-up in the reactor must be minimised in order to increase the yields of dextran per unit time and improve product separation. A preliminary attempt at modelling the process has also been made.


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A literature review of work carried out on batch and continuous chromatographic biochemical reactor-separators has been made. The major part of this work has involved the development of a batch chromatographic reactor-separator for the production of dextran and fructose by the enzymatic action of the enzyme dextransucrase on sucrose. In this reactor, simultaneous reaction and separation occurs thus reducing downstream processing and isolation of products as compared to the existing industrial process. The chromatographic reactor consisted of a glass column packed with a stationary phase consisting of cross linked polysytrene resin in the calcium form. The mobile phase consisted of diluted dextransucrase in deionised water. Initial experiments were carried out on a reactor separtor which had an internal diameter of 0.97cm and length of 1.5m. To study the effect of scale up the reactor diameter was doubled to 1.94cm and length increased to 1.75m. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor uses more enzyme than a conventional batch reactor for a given conversion of sucrose and that an increase in void volume results in higher conversions of sucrose. A comparison of the molecular weight distribution of dextran produced by the chromatographic reactor was made with that from a conventional batch reactor. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor produces 30% more dextran of molecular weight greater than 150,000 daltons at 20% w/v sucrose concentration than conventional reactors. This is because some of the fructose molecules are prevented as acting as acceptors in the chromatographic reactor due to their removal from the reaction zone. In the conventional reactor this is not possible and therefore a greater proportion of low molecular weight dextran is produced which does not have much clinical use. A theoretical model was developed to describe the behaviour of the reactor separator and this model was simulated using a computer. The simulation predictions showed good agreement with experimental results at high eluent flowrates and low conversions.


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Handheld and mobile technologies have witnessed significant advances in functionality, leading to their widespread use as both business and social networking tools. Human-Computer Interaction and Innovation in Handheld, Mobile and Wearable Technologies reviews concepts relating to the design, development, evaluation, and application of mobile technologies. Studies on mobile user interfaces, mobile learning, and mobile commerce contribute to the growing body of knowledge on this expanding discipline.


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Services-led competitive strategies are critically important to Western manufacturers. This paper contributes to our basic knowledge of such strategies by examining the enabling information and communication technologies that successfully servitized manufacturers appear to be adopting. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this paper we seek to offer immediate assistance to manufacturers who wish to understand how they might exploit the servitization movement.


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The complexity and multifaceted nature of sustainable lifelong learning can be effectively addressed by a broad network of providers working co-operatively and collaboratively. Such a network involving the third, public and private sector bodies must realise the full potential of accredited flexible and blended formal learning, contextual opportunities offered by enablers of informal and non formal learning and the affordances derived from the various loose and open spaces that can make social learning effective. Such a conception informs the new Lifelong Learning Network Consortium on Sustainable Communities, Urban Regeneration and Environmental Technologies established and led by the Lifelong Learning Centre at Aston University. This paper offers a radical, reflective and political evaluation of its first year in development arguing that networked learning of this type could prefigure a new model for lifelong learning and sustainable education that renders the city itself a creative medium for transformative learning and sustainability.


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Many passengers experience discomfort during flight because of the effect of low humidity on the skin, eyes, throat, and nose. In this physiological study, we have investigated whether flight and low humidity also affect the tympanic membrane. From previous studies, a decrease in admittance of the tympanic membrane through drying might be expected to affect the buffering capacity of the middle ear and to disrupt automatic pressure regulation. This investigation involved an observational study onboard an aircraft combined with experiments in an environmental chamber, where the humidity could be controlled but could not be made to be as low as during flight. For the flight study, there was a linear relationship between the peak compensated static admittance of the tympanic membrane and relative humidity with a constant of proportionality of 0.00315 mmho/% relative humidity. The low humidity at cruise altitude (minimum 22.7 %) was associated with a mean decrease in admittance of about 20 % compared with measures in the airport. From the chamber study, we further found that a mean decrease in relative humidity of 23.4 % led to a significant decrease in mean admittance by 0.11 mmho [F(1,8) = 18.95, P = 0.002], a decrease of 9.4 %. The order of magnitude for the effect of humidity was similar for the flight and environmental chamber studies. We conclude that admittance changes during flight were likely to have been caused by the low humidity in the aircraft cabin and that these changes may affect the automatic pressure regulation of the middle ear during descent. © 2013 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.


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Services-led competitive strategies are critically important to western manufacturers. This paper contributes to our foundational knowledge of such strategies by examining the enabling information and communication technologies that successfully servitized manufacturers appear to be adopting. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this article we seek to offer immediate assistance to manufacturers who wish to understand how they might exploit the servitization movement.


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When machining a large-scale aerospace part, the part is normally located and clamped firmly until a set of features are machined. When the part is released, its size and shape may deform beyond the tolerance limits due to stress release. This paper presents the design of a new fixing method and flexible fixtures that would automatically respond to workpiece deformation during machining. Deformation is inspected and monitored on-line, and part location and orientation can be adjusted timely to ensure follow-up operations are carried out under low stress and with respect to the related datum defined in the design models.