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em Aston University Research Archive


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The work presented in this thesis describes an investigation into the production and properties of thin amorphous C films, with and without Cr doping, as a low wear / friction coating applicable to MEMS and other micro- and nano-engineering applications. Firstly, an assessment was made of the available testing techniques. Secondly, the optimised test methods were applied to a series of sputtered films of thickness 10 - 2000 nm in order to: (i) investigate the effect of thickness on the properties of coatingslcoating process (ii) investigate fundamental tribology at the nano-scale and (iii) provide a starting point for nanotribological coating optimisation at ultra low thickness. The use of XPS was investigated for the determination of Sp3/Sp2 carbon bonding. Under C 1s peak analysis, significant errors were identified and this was attributed to the absence of sufficient instrument resolution to guide the component peak structure (even with a high resolution instrument). A simple peak width analysis and correlation work with C KLL D value confirmed the errors. The use of XPS for Sp3/Sp2 was therefore limited to initial tentative estimations. Nanoindentation was shown to provide consistent hardness and reduced modulus results with depth (to < 7nm) when replicate data was suitably statistically processed. No significant pile-up or cracking of the films was identified under nanoindentation. Nanowear experimentation by multiple nanoscratching provided some useful information, however the conditions of test were very different to those expect for MEMS and micro- / nano-engineering systems. A novel 'sample oscillated nanoindentation' system was developed for testing nanowear under more relevant conditions. The films were produced in an industrial production coating line. In order to maximise the available information and to take account of uncontrolled process variation a statistical design of experiment procedure was used to investigate the effect of four key process control parameters. Cr doping was the most significant control parameter at all thicknesses tested and produced a softening effect and thus increased nanowear. Substrate bias voltage was also a significant parameter and produced hardening and a wear reducing effect at all thicknesses tested. The use of a Cr adhesion layer produced beneficial results at 150 nm thickness, but was ineffective at 50 nm. Argon flow to the coating chamber produced a complex effect. All effects reduced significantly with reducing film thickness. Classic fretting wear was produced at low amplitude under nanowear testing. Reciprocating sliding was produced at higher amplitude which generated three body abrasive wear and this was generally consistent with the Archard model. Specific wear rates were very low (typically 10-16 - 10-18 m3N-1m-1). Wear rates reduced exponentially with reduced film thickness and below (approx.) 20 nm, thickness was identified as the most important control of wear.


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A detailed investigation has been undertaken into the field induced electron emission (FIEE) mechanism that occurs at microscopically localised `sites' on uncoated and dielectric coated metallic electrodes. These processes have been investigated using two dedicated experimental systems that were developed for this study. The first is a novel combined photo/field emission microscope, which employs a UV source to stimulate photo-electrons from the sample surface in order to generate a topographical image. This system utilises an electrostatic lens column to provide identical optical properties under the different operating conditions required for purely topographical and combined photo/field imaging. The system has been demonstrated to have a resolution approaching 1m. Emission images have been obtained from carbon emission sites using this system to reveal that emission may occur from the edge triple junction or from the bulk of the carbon particle. An existing UHV electron spectrometer has been extensively rebuilt to incorporate a computer control and data acquisition system, improved sample handling and manipulation and a specimen heating stage. Details are given of a comprehensive study into the effects of sample heating on the emission process under conditions of both bulk and transient heating. Similar studies were also performed under conditions of both zero and high applied field. These show that the properties of emission sites are strongly temperature and field dependent thus indicating that the emission process is `non-metallic' in nature. The results have been shown to be consistent with an existing hot electron emission model.


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Purpose: To investigate the correlation between tests of visual function and perceived visual ability recorded with a 'quality-of-life' questionnaire for patients with central field loss. Method: 12 females and 7 males (mean age = 53.1 years; Range = 23 - 80 years) with subfoveal neovascular membranes underwent a comprehensive assessment of visual function. Tests included unaided distance vision, high and low contrast distance logMAR visual acuity (VA), Pelli-Robson contrast senstivity (at 1m), near logMAR word VA and text reading speed. All tests were done both monocularly and binocularly. The patients also completed a 28 point questionnaire separated into a 'core' section consisting of general questions about perceived visual function and a 'module' section with specific questions on reading function. Results: Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used to determine which visual function tests were correlated with the patients's perceived visual function and to rank them in order of importance. The visual function test that explains most of the variance in both 'core' score (66%0 and the 'module' score (68%) of the questionnaire is low contrast VA in the better eye (P<0.001 in both cases). Further, the module score also accounts for a significant proportion of the variance (P<0.01) of the distance logMAR VA in both the better and worse eye, and the near logMAR in both the better eye and binocularly. Conclusions: The best predictor of both perceived reading ability and of general perceived visual ability in this study is low contrast logMAR VA. The results highlight that distance VA is not the only relevant measure of visual fucntion in relation to a patients's perceived visual performance and should not be considered a determinant of surgical or management success.


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The literature pertaining to the key stages of spray drying has been reviewed in the context of the mathematical modelling of drier performance. A critical review is also presented of previous spray drying models. A new mathematical model has been developed for prediction of spray drier performance. This is applicable to slurries of rigid, porous crust-forming materials to predict trajectories and drying profiles for droplets with a distribution of sizes sprayed from a centrifugal pressure nozzle. The model has been validated by comparing model predictions to experimental data from a pilot-scale counter-current drier and from a full-scale co-current drier. For the latter, the computed product moisture content was within 2%, and the computed air exit temperature within 10oC of experimental data. Air flow patterns have been investigated in a 1.2m diameter transparent countercurrent spray tower by flow visualisation. Smoke was introduced into various zones within the tower to trace the direction, and gauge the intensity, of the air flow. By means of a set of variable-angle air inlet nozzles, a variety of air entry configurations was investigated. The existence of a core of high rotational and axial velocity channelling up the axis of the tower was confirmed. The stability of flow within the core was found to be strongly dependent upon the air entry arrangement. A probe was developed for the measurement of air temperature and humidity profiles. This was employed for studying evaporation of pure water drops in a 1.2m diameter pilot-scale counter-current drier. A rapid approach to the exit air properties was detected within a 1m distance from the air entry ports. Measured radial profiles were found to be virtually flat but, from the axial profiles, the existence of plug-flow, well-mixed-flow and some degree of air short-circuiting can be inferred. The model and conclusions should assist in the improved design and optimum operation of industrial spray driers.


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In this work peptide antigens [ESAT-6,p45 in water (1ml, 1mg/ml)] have been adsorbed onto 10mg inorganic substrates (hydroxyapatite (MHA P201;P120, CHA), polystyrene, calcium carbonate and glass microspheres) and in vitro release characteristics were determined. The aim of formulation was to enhance the interaction of peptides with antigen presenting cells and to achieve rapid peptide release from the carrier compartment system in a mildly acidic environment. Hydroxyapatite microparticle P201 has a greater surface area and thus has the largest peptide adsorption compared to the P120. CHA gave a further higher adsorption due to larger surface area than that available on microparticles. These particles were incorporated into the BOVIGAMTM assay to determine if they improve the sensitivity. After overnight incubation the blood plasma was removed and the amount of IFN-g in each plasma sample was estimated. CHA and MHA P201 gave a significantly higher immune response at low peptide concentration compared to the free peptide, thus indicating that these systems can be used to evaluate Tuberculosis (TB) amongst cattle using the BOVIGAMTM assay. Badgers are a source of TB and pass infection to cattle. At the moment vaccination against TB in badgers is via the parenteral route and requires a trained veterinary surgeon as well as catching the badgers. This process is expensive and time consuming; consequently an oral delivery system for delivery of BCG vaccines is easier and cheaper. The initial stage involved addition of various surfactants and suspending agents to disperse BCG and the second stage involved testing for BCG viability. Various copolymers of Eudragit were used as enteric coating systems to protect BCG against the acidic environment of the stomach (SGF, 0.1M HCl pH 1.2 at 37oC) while dissolving completely in the alkaline environment of the small intestine (SIF, IM PBS solution pH 7.4 at 37oC). Eudragit L100 dispersed in 2ml PBS solution and 0.9ml Tween 80 (0.1%w/v) gave the best results remaining intact in SGF loosing only approximately 10-15% of the initial weight and dissolving completely within 3 hours. BCG was incorporated within the matrix formulation adjusted to pH 7 at the initial formulation stage containing PBS solution and Tween 80. It gave viability of x106 cfu/ml at initial formulation stage, freezing and freeze-drying stages. After this stage the matrix was compressed at 4 tons for 3 mins and placed in SGF for 2 hours and then in SIF until dissolved. The BCG viability dropped to x106 cfu/ml. There is potential to develop it further for oral delivery of BCG vaccine.


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1. Phagocytic polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) or neutrophils have a marked avidity for the uptake of particulate material and are the first cell type to respond to inflammatory stimuli in vivo. 2. By harnessing these pathophysiological characteristics the inherent targeting capacity of the PMNL could be exploited to carry drug loaded particles to these sites. 3. In vitro chemotaxis of PMNLs was studied in response to N-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (FMLP) in the Blindwell chamber assay. 4. After phagocytosis of 1.1m polystyrene latex (PSL) beads at a range of incubation concentrations (5,10,20, and 30 beads/cell) the migration of the PMNL population was not significantly different from control, without beads. 5. The distribution of the beads within the filter showed that a disproportionately large number of PSL (50%) were associated with the cells on the surface of the filter that had not penetrated the filter. Eighty per cent of the PMNL population migrated and despite containing less PSL beads/cell, 50% of the dose was carried into the filter. Between 5 and 10% of these PSL were carried beyond 60m in the assay. 6. These results suggested heterogeneity of the PMNL population and to achieve efficient targeting with these cells preferential selection of the migratory sub-population would be needed. 7. The air-pouch model was then developed to study the focal accumulation of PMNLs in vivo. The PMNL isolated did not survive long enough in the circulation due to the trauma of the isolation procedure used; an alternative method will have to be employed.


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In the Ventrobasal (VB) thalamus, astrocytes are known to elicit NMDA-receptor mediated slow inward currents (SICs) spontaneously in neurons. Fluorescence imaging of astrocytes and patch clamp recordings from the thalamocortical (TC) neurons in the VB of 6-23 day old Wistar rats were performed. TC neurons exhibit spontaneous SICs at low frequencies (~0.0015Hz) that were inhibited by NMDA-receptor antagonists D-AP5 (50µM), and were insensitive to TTX (1µM) suggesting a non-neuronal origin. The effect of corticothalamic (CT) and sensory (Sen) afferent stimulation on astrocyte signalling was assessed by varying stimulus parameters. Moderate synaptic stimulation elicited astrocytic Ca2+ increases, but did not affect the incidence of spontaneous SICs. Prolonged synaptic stimulation induced a 265% increase in SIC frequency. This increase lasted over one hour after the cessation of synaptic stimulation, so revealing a Long Term Enhancement (LTE) of astrocyte-neuron signalling. LTE induction required group I mGluR activation. LTE SICs targeted NMDA-receptors located at extrasynaptic sites. LTE showed a developmental profile: from weeks 1-3, the SIC frequency was increased by an average 50%, 240% and 750% respectively. Prolonged exposure to glutamate (200µM) increased spontaneous SIC frequency by 1800%. This “chemical” form of LTE was prevented by the broad-spectrum excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) inhibitor TBOA (300µM) suggesting that glutamate uptake was a critical factor. My results therefore show complex glutamatergic signalling interactions between astrocytes and neurons. Furthermore, two previously unrecognised mechanisms of enhancing SIC frequency are described. The synaptically induced LTE represents a form of non-synaptic plasticity and a glial “memory” of previous synaptic activity whilst enhancement after prolonged glutamate exposure may represent a pathological glial signalling mechanism.


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A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre and post-fabrication UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask, producing a surface relief grating structure. These devices showed high spectral sensitivity in the aqueous index regime ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices were then coated with human thrombin binding aptamer. Several concentrations of thrombin in buffer solution were made, ranging from 1nM to 1µM. All the concentrations were detectable by the devices demonstrating that sub-nM concentrations may be monitored.


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The body of work presented in this thesis are in three main parts: [1] the effect of ultrasound on freezing events of ionic systems, [2] the importance of formulation osmolality in freeze drying, and [3] a novel system for increasing primary freeze drying rate. Chapter 4 briefly presents the work on method optimisation, which is still very much in its infancy. Aspects of freezing such as nucleation and ice crystal growth are strongly related with ice crystal morphology; however, the ice nucleation process typically occurs in a random, non-deterministic and spontaneous manner. In view of this, ultrasound, an emerging application in pharmaceutical sciences, has been applied to aid in the acceleration of nucleation and shorten the freezing process. The research presented in this thesis aimed to study the effect of sonication on nucleation events in ionic solutions, and more importantly how sonication impacts on the freezing process. This work confirmed that nucleation does occur in a random manner. It also showed that ultrasonication aids acceleration of the ice nucleation process and increases the freezing rate of a solution. Cryopreservation of animal sperm is an important aspect of breeding in animal science especially for endangered species. In order for sperm cryopreservation to be successful, cryoprotectants as well as semen extenders are used. One of the factors allowing semen preservation media to be optimum is the osmolality of the semen extenders used. Although preservation of animal sperm has no relation with freeze drying of pharmaceuticals, it was used in this thesis to make a case for considering the osmolality of a formulation (prepared for freeze drying) as a factor for conferring protein protection against the stresses of freeze drying. The osmolalities of some common solutes (mostly sugars) used in freeze drying were determined (molal concentration from 0.1m to 1.2m). Preliminary investigation on the osmolality and osmotic coefficients of common solutes were carried out. It was observed that the osmotic coefficient trend for the sugars analysed could be grouped based on the types of sugar they are. The trends observed show the need for further studies to be carried out with osmolality and to determine how it may be of importance to protein or API protection during freeze drying processes. Primary drying is usually the longest part of the freeze drying process, and primary drying times lasting days or even weeks are not uncommon; however, longer primary drying times lead to longer freeze drying cycles, and consequently increased production costs. Much work has been done previously by others using different processes (such as annealing) in order to improve primary drying times; however, these do not come without drawbacks. A novel system involving the formation of a frozen vial system which results in the creation of a void between the formulation and the inside wall of a vial has been devised to increase the primary freeze drying rate of formulations without product damage. Although the work is not nearly complete, it has been shown that it is possible to improve and increase the primary drying rate of formulations without making any modifications to existing formulations, changing storage vials, or increasing the surface area of freeze dryer shelves.


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Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of more than 4000 hazardous chemicals including the carcinogenic benzopyrenes. Nicotine, the most potent component of tobacco, is responsible for the addictive nature of cigarettes and is a major component of e-cigarette cartridges. Our study aims to investigate the toxicity of nicotine with special emphasis on the replacement of animals. Furthermore, we intend to study the effect of nicotine, cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapours on human airways. In our current work, the BEAS 2B human bronchial epithelial cell line was used to analyse the effect of nicotine in isolation, on cell viability. Concentrations of nicotine from 1.1µM to 75µM were added to 5x105 cells per well in a 96 well plate and incubated for 24 hours. Cell titre blue results showed that all the nicotine treated cells were more metabolically active than the control wells (cells alone). These data indicate that, under these conditions, nicotine does not affect cell viability and in fact, suggests that there is a stimulatory effect of nicotine on metabolism. We are now furthering this finding by investigating the pro-inflammatory response of these cells to nicotine by measuring cytokine secretion via ELISA. Further work includes analysing nicotine exposure at different time points and on other epithelial cells lines like Calu-3.


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Passively mode locked fibre lasers have a variety of applications ranging from telecommunication to medical photonics. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted recently a great deal of attention as a promising solution for saturable absorber elements required for laser mode locking (see e.g. [1-3] and references therein). CNTs can be used as a saturable absorber in passively mode locked fibre laser directly [1,2] or as a CNTs polymer composites [3]. An attractive feature of CNT-based solutions in fibre lasers is a possibility to maintain the compactness, robustness of all-fibre format and low cost through using all standard telecom compatible components. The two important technical challenges in such type of lasers are: (i) to achieve stable polarization properties of the generated radiation without using complex control elements, and, (ii) to avoid low frequency instabilities of the mode-locked pulse train. In this paper we report results of the experiments on mode-locked soliton fibre laser using the following standard components: 1m of highly doped erbium fibre (Liekki Er80-8/125) serves as the gain medium with nominal absorption of 80 dB/m at 1530 nm; a 976 nm laser diode providing up to 310mW power is used to pump the laser via a 980/1550 wavelength division multiplexing; an isolator is employed to ensure single direction oscillation; SMF-28 is used to create necessary amount of anomalous dispersion to form soliton pulse making the total cavity length around 7.83 m; the CNT-polyvinyl alcohol polymer saturable absorber sandwiched in the FC/PC connector is used as a mode-locker device (see [3] for details). © 2011 IEEE.