5 resultados para 060103 Cell Development Proliferation and Death

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background - Plants have proved to be an important source of anti-cancer drugs. Here we have investigated the cytotoxic action of an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica, used widely as a herbal tea-based treatment for breast cancer. Methodology/Principal Findings - Using flow cytometric analysis of cells labeled with cyclin A, annexin V and propidium iodide, we describe a time and dose-dependent arrest of the cell cycle in G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and apoptosis following extract treatment in MCF-7 (WT-p53) and MDA-MB-231 (mutant-p53) human breast cancer cell lines with a markedly reduced effect on primary human mammary epithelial cells. Analysis of p53 protein expression and of its downstream transcription targets, p21 and BAX, revealed a p53 associated growth arrest within 5 hours of extract treatment and apoptosis within 24 hours. DNA double strand breaks measured as ?-H2AX were detected early in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. However, loss of cell viability was only partly due to a p53-driven response; as MDA-MB-231 and p53-knockdown MCF-7 cells both underwent cell cycle arrest and death following extract treatment. p53-independent growth arrest and cytotoxicity following DNA damage has been previously ascribed to FOXO3a expression. Here, in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells, FOXO3a expression was increased significantly within 3 hours of extract treatment and FOXO3 siRNA reduced the extract-induced loss of cell viability in both cell lines. Conclusions/Significance - Our results demonstrate for the first time that an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via p53-dependent and independent mechanisms, with activation of the DNA damage response. We also show that FOXO3a is required for activity in the absence of p53. Our findings indicate that Fagonia cretica aqueous extract contains potential anti-cancer agents acting either singly or in combination against breast cancer cell proliferation via DNA damage-induced FOXO3a and p53 expression.


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Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibers produced by wet spinning from solutions in acetone under low-shear (gravity-flow) conditions resulted in fiber strength of 8 MPa and stiffness of 0.08 Gpa. Cold drawing to an extension of 500% resulted in an increase in fiber strength to 43 MPa and stiffness to 0.3 GPa. The growth rate of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (seeded at a density of 5 × 104 cells/mL) on as-spun fibers was consistently lower than that measured on tissue culture plastic (TCP) beyond day 2. Cell proliferation was similar on gelatin-coated fibers and TCP over 7 days and higher by a factor of 1.9 on 500% cold-drawn PCL fibers relative to TCP up to 4 days. Cell growth on PCL fibers exceeded that on Dacron monofilament by at least a factor of 3.7 at 9 days. Scanning electron microscopy revealed formation of a cell layer on samples of cold-drawn and gelatin-coated fibers after 24 hours in culture. Similar levels of ICAM-1 expression by HUVECs attached to PCL fibers and TCP were measured using RT-PCR and flow cytometry, indicative of low levels of immune activation. Retention of a specific function of HUVECs attached to PCL fibers was demonstrated by measuring their immune response to lipopolysaccharide. Levels of ICAM-1 expression increased by approximately 11% in cells attached to PCL fibers and TCP. The high fiber compliance, favorable endothelial cell proliferation rates, and retention of an important immune response of attached HUVECS support the use of gravity spun PCL fibers for three-dimensional scaffold production in vascular tissue engineering. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Concanavalin A, a T cell mitogen enhanced DNA synthesis in murine splenocytes. Amongst the early signals prior to this event was an increase in cytosolic calcium derived from both intra- and extracellular sources. The requirements for extracellular calcium persisted for four hours after the lectin administration which itself was needed for six hours. Putative calcium channel antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors blocked ihe increase in DNA synthesis. The calcium signal was mimicked by application of the ionophore, A23187, although no increase in DNA synthesis occurred. An activator of protein kinase C, 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, had little effect in isolation but the combined application of these two agents greatly enhanced DNA synthesis. The natural mediators of these events are presumed to be inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol derived from phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate hydrolysis. Lectin application and protein kinase C activation both increased intracellular pH possibly as a result of Na'l'/H"'' exchange since amiloride an inhibitor of this antiporter inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis. The calcium and hydrogen ionic changes occur within minutes of lectin application; the protracted requirement for this mitogen suggests further signalling mechanisms occur to elicit maximum DNA synthesis in these cells. Gonadectomy caused an increase in thymic and splenic weight. Spleno-cytes derived from castrated mice showed no change in mitogen response whereas those from ovariectomised mice demonstrated a reduced lectin sensitivity. Testosterone, 5 a dihydrotestosterone, a and 0 oestradiol all inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis but only at pharmacological concentrations. Testosterone glucuronide and cholesterol were without effect Studies with mouse serum fractions of differing steroidal status were unable to confirm the presence or absence of serum factors which might mediate the effects of steroid on lymphoid cells, all fractions tested inhibited lymphocyte transformation. Both interleukin-2 and lipopolysaccharide induced splenocyte mitogene-sis was also impaired by high steroid concentrations in vitro, suggesting that steroids mediate their effect by a non-specific, non-receptor-mediated event.


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Atomistic Molecular Dynamics provides powerful and flexible tools for the prediction and analysis of molecular and macromolecular systems. Specifically, it provides a means by which we can measure theoretically that which cannot be measured experimentally: the dynamic time-evolution of complex systems comprising atoms and molecules. It is particularly suitable for the simulation and analysis of the otherwise inaccessible details of MHC-peptide interaction and, on a larger scale, the simulation of the immune synapse. Progress has been relatively tentative yet the emergence of truly high-performance computing and the development of coarse-grained simulation now offers us the hope of accurately predicting thermodynamic parameters and of simulating not merely a handful of proteins but larger, longer simulations comprising thousands of protein molecules and the cellular scale structures they form. We exemplify this within the context of immunoinformatics.


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Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia currently affecting more than 35 million people worldwide. Hypometabolism is a major feature of AD and appears decades before cognitive decline and pathological lesions. This has a detrimental impact on the brain which has a high energy demand. Current models of AD fail to mimic all the features of the disease, which has an impact on the development of new therapies. Human stem cell derived models of the brain have attracted a lot of attention in recent years as a tool to study neurodegenerative diseases. In this thesis, neurons and astrocytes derived from the human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2/D1) were utilised to determine the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes with regards to responses to hypoglycaemia, neuromodulators and increase in neuronal activity. This model was then used to investigate the effects of Aß(1-42) on the metabolism of these NT2-derived co-cultures as well as pure astrocytes. Additionally primary cortical mixed neuronal and glial cultures were utilised to compare this model to a widely accepted in vitro model used in Alzheimer’s disease research. Co-cultures were found to respond to Aß(1-42) in similar way to human and in vivo models. Hypometabolism was characterised by changes in glucose metabolism, as well as lactate, pyruvate and glycogen. This led to a significant decrease in ATP and the ratio of NAD+/NADH. These results together with an increase in calcium oscillations and a decrease in GSH/GSSG ratio, suggests Aß-induces metabolic and oxidative stress. This situation could have detrimental effects in the brain which has a high energy demand, especially in terms of memory formation and antioxidant capacity.