107 resultados para distributed feedback laser diode (DFB LD)
A high-power diode-cladding-pumped Ho-doped fluoride glass fiber laser operating in cascade mode is demonstrated. The 5|6 -> 5|7 and 5|7 -> 5|8 laser transitions produced 0:77W at a measured slope efficiency of 12.4% and 0:24Wat a measured slope efficiency of 5.2%, respectively. Using a long fiber length, which forced a large threshold for the 5|7 -> 5|8 transition, a wavelength of 3:002 µm was measured at maximum output power, making this system the first watt-level fiber laser operating in the mid-IR.
A high-power diode-cladding-pumped Ho-doped fluoride glass fiber laser operating in cascade mode is demonstrated. The 5|6 -> 5|7 and 5|7 -> 5|8 laser transitions produced 0:77W at a measured slope efficiency of 12.4% and 0:24Wat a measured slope efficiency of 5.2%, respectively. Using a long fiber length, which forced a large threshold for the 5|7 -> 5|8 transition, a wavelength of 3:002 µm was measured at maximum output power, making this system the first watt-level fiber laser operating in the mid-IR.
Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A pulsed Brillouin fibre ring laser has been developed and we describe its main features. The pump and the Brillouin laser are shown to form an excellent dual frequency source for distributed sensing. A first application for fire detection is demonstrated.
In this letter, we demonstrate a broadly tunable InGaAsInP strained multiquantum-well external cavity diode laser, which operates in the spectral range of 14941667 nm. A maximum continuous-wave output power in excess of 81 mW and sidemode suppression ratio higher than 50 dB were achieved in the central part of the tuning range. Different pump current and temperature regimes are investigated. © 2006 IEEE.
Here we present a compact tunable all-room-temperature frequency-doubling scheme, using a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) waveguide and a QD-ECDL. A broad wavelength tunability of the second harmonic generated light (SHG) in the spectral region between 567.7 and 629.1 nm was achieved, with maximum conversion efficiencies in range of 0.34%-7.9%. The maximum output power for the SHG light was 4.11 mW at 591.5 nm, achieved for 52 mW of launched pump power at 1183 nm, resulting in a conversion efficiency of 7.9%.
The lensing effects in diode end-pumped Yb:YAG laser rods and discs are studied. Two mechanisms of refractive-index changes are taken into account, thermal and electronic (due to the difference between the excited- and ground-state Yb polarisabilities), as well as pump-induced deformation of the laser crystal. Under pulsed pumping, the electronic lensing effect prevails over the thermal one in both rods and discs. In rods pumped by a highly focused cw beam, the dioptric power of the electronic lens exceeds that of the thermal lens, whereas in discs steady-state lensing is predominantly due to the thermal mechanism. © 2009 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.
The spectral narrowing and selective tuning of picosecond pulse outputs from gain-switched diode laser and a four Bragg-grating fiber, were investigated. The fiber used under investigation was designed to provide spectral narrowing and multiple wavelength/temporal output. The maximum transmission out of each of the four output fibers was ∼7.5 mW, for a current of 180 mA. The results show that an output of any combination of multiple wavelengths is only produced at modulation frequencies which satisfy resonant conditions for all cavity arms simultaneously.
Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well diode laser is reported for the first time. Narrow-line, wavelength-tunable, picosecond pulses have been generated from a standard, uncoated diode laser in an external cavity.
We have generated near-transform-limited picosecond pulses(ΔτΔν≈0.45) from a gain-switched diode laser using periodic and chirped fiber Bragg gratings. This configuration reduced the spectral bandwidth from 11 to 0.08 nm and the pulse duration was reduced, from 30 to<18 ps. Average and peak powers of 27 and 770 mW, respectively, were obtained.
We present novel Terahertz (THz) emitting optically pumped Quantum Dot (QD) photoconductive (PC) materials and antenna structures on their basis both for pulsed and CW pumping regimes. Full text Quantum dot and microantenna design - Presented here are design considerations for the semiconductor materials in our novel QD-based photoconductive antenna (PCA) structures, metallic microantenna designs, and their implementation as part of a complete THz source or transceiver system. Layers of implanted QDs can be used for the photocarrier lifetime shortening mechanism[1,2]. In our research we use InAs:GaAs QD structures of varying dot layer number and distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)reflectivity range. According to the observed dependence of carrier lifetimes on QD layer periodicity [3], it is reasonable to assume that electron lifetimes can be potentially reduced down to 0.45ps in such structures. Both of these features; long excitation wavelength and short carriers lifetime predict possible feasibility of QD antennas for THz generation and detection. In general, relatively simple antenna configurations were used here, including: coplanar stripline (CPS); Hertzian-type dipoles; bow-ties for broadband and log-spiral(LS)or log-periodic(LP)‘toothed’ geometriesfor a CW operation regime. Experimental results - Several lasers are used for antenna pumping: Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser, as well as single-[4], double-[5] wavelength, and pulsed [6] QD lasers. For detection of the THz signal different schemes and devices were used, e.g. helium-cooled bolometer, Golay cell and a second PCA for coherent THz detection in a traditional time-domain measurement scheme.Fig.1shows the typical THz output power trend from a 5 um-gap LPQD PCA pumped using a tunable QD LD with optical pump spectrum shown in (b). Summary - QD-based THz systems have been demonstrated as a feasible and highly versatile solution. The implementation of QD LDs as pump sources could be a major step towards ultra-compact, electrically controllable transceiver system that would increase the scope of data analysis due to the high pulse repetition rates of such LDs [3], allowing real-time THz TDS and data acquisition. Future steps in development of such systems now lie in the further investigation of QD-based THz PCA structures and devices, particularly with regards to their compatibilitywith QD LDs as pump sources. [1]E. U. Rafailov et al., “Fast quantum-dot saturable absorber for passive mode-locking of solid-State lasers,”Photon.Tech.Lett., IEEE, vol. 16 pp. 2439-2441(2004) [2]E. Estacio, “Strong enhancement of terahertz emission from GaAs in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures. Appl.Phys.Lett., vol. 94 pp. 232104 (2009) [3]C. Kadow et al., “Self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs: Growth and subpicosecond carrier dynamics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 75 pp. 3548-3550 (1999) [4]T. Kruczek, R. Leyman, D. Carnegie, N. Bazieva, G. Erbert, S. Schulz, C. Reardon, and E. U. Rafailov, “Continuous wave terahertz radiation from an InAs/GaAs quantum-dot photomixer device,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101(2012) [5]R. Leyman, D. I. Nikitichev, N. Bazieva, and E. U. Rafailov, “Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99 (2011) [6]K.G. Wilcox, M. Butkus, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, A. Tropper, E.U. Rafailov, “Subpicosecond quantum dot saturable absorber mode-locked semiconductor disk laser, ” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol 94, 2511 © 2014 IEEE.
We numerically optimise 2nd-order random DFB Raman laser amplifiers for transmission for the first time. Optical signal to noise ratio, nonlinear phase shift, signal power variation and the impact of the reflectivity of FBG are investigated in the links from 10 - 120 km.
We propose a novel random DFB fiber laser based Raman amplification using bidirectional second-order pumping. This extends the reach of 116 Gb/s DP-QPSK WDM transmission up to 7915 km, compared with other Raman amplification techniques.
We perform a full numerical characterisation of half-open cavity random DFB Raman fibre laser amplifier schemes for WDM transmission in terms of signal power variation, noise and nonlinear impairments, showcasing the excellent potential of this scheme to provide amplification for DWDM transmission with very low gain variation.