105 resultados para Optical polarization switching


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An erbium doped fiber ring laser achieving soliton mode locking by the use of an intra-cavity all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF) has been demonstrated. To incorporate an AFPIF with relative narrow transmission bandwidth, the laser has produced clean soliton pulses of 1.2 ps duration at a repetition rate of 14.98 MHz with a polarization extinction ratio up to 25.7 dB. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the operating wavelength of the mode locking laser can be tuned over 20 nm range from 1545 to 1565 nm by thermally tuning the AFPIF cavity. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Long reach-passive optical networks (LR-PON) are being proposed as a means of enabling ubiquitous fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) by massive sharing of network resources and therefore reducing per customer costs to affordable levels. In this paper, we analyze the chain solutions for LR-PON deployment in urban and rural areas at 100-Gb/s point-to-point transmission using dual polarization-quaternary phase shift-keying (DP-QPSK) modulation. The numerical analysis shows that with appropriate finite impulse response (FIR) filter designs, 100-Gb/s transmission can be achieved with at least 512 way split and up to 160 km total distance, which is sufficient for many of the optical paths in a practical situation, for point-to-point link from one LR-PON to another LR-PON through the optical switch at the metro nodes and across a core light path through the core network without regeneration.


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We observed new types of polarization rotating vector solitons in a carbon nanotube mode locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2012 OSA.


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We present data on the development a new type of optical fibre polariser and the characterisation of its wavelength properties. The device is fashioned using a two step process. Firstly, a standard UV long period grating (LPG) with a period of 330μm is inscribed into hydrogenated SMF-28, followed by femtosecond laser ablation of a groove parallel to the fibre axis. The UV inscribed LPGs have inherently low birefringence. However, the removal of the cladding layer parallel to the location of the LPG within the fibre core (as a result the ablation) modifies the cladding modes that couple with the LPG. Furthermore, the groove breaks the fibre symmetry introducing a non-uniform stress profile across the fibre cross section leading to significant birefringence. We show that increasing the depth of the groove increases the birefringence, and this behaviour coupled with the ability to control the wavelength location of the LPGs attenuations peaks results in a polariser able to operate at almost any wavelength and birefringence. The maximum birefringence reported here as polarisation mode splitting was approximately 39±0.1nm with a polarisation loss of 10dB. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We discuss recent progress on the use of optical and digital phase conjugation techniques for nonlinearity compensation in optical fiber links. We compare the achievable performance gain of phase conjugated twin wave applied in two polarization states and time segments with mid-link optical phase conjugation and digital back propagation. For multicarrier transmission scheme such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, two recently proposed schemes, namely phase-conjugated pilots and phase-conjugated subcarrier coding are reviewed.


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We show that optical and electrical phase conjugation enable effective nonlinear compensation, The impact of polarization mode dispersion and finite processing bandwidth on the ultimate limits are also considered.


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We show both numerically and experimentally that dispersion management can be realized by manipulating the dispersion of a filter in a passively mode-locked fibre laser. A programmable filter the dispersion of which can be software configured is employed in the laser. Solitons, stretched-pulses, and dissipative solitons can be targeted reliably by controlling the filter transmission function only, while the length of fibres is fixed in the laser. This technique shows remarkable advantages in controlling operation regimes in ultrafast fibre lasers, in contrast to the traditional technique in which dispersion management is achieved by optimizing the relative length of fibres with opposite-sign dispersion. Our versatile ultrafast fibre laser will be attractive for applications requiring different pulse profiles such as in optical signal processing and optical communications.


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we demonstrate a polarization switchable, single/ multi-wavelength fiber ring laser based on an intra-cavity all fiber Lyot filter. The laser can operate at single-, multi-wavelength by adjusting polarization controller, and givessingle polarization output. © 2015 OSA.


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We have UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), long-period gratings (LPGs), and tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) into mid-IR 2μm range using three common optical fiber grating fabrication techniques (two-beam holographic, phase mask, and point-by-point). The fabricated FBGs have been evaluated for thermal and strain response. It has been revealed that the FBG devices with responses in mid-IR range are much more sensitive to temperature than that in near-IR range. To explore the unique cladding mode coupling function, we have investigated the thermal and refractive index sensitivities of LPGs and identified that the coupled cladding modes in mid-IR range are also much more sensitive to temperature and surrounding medium refractive index change. The 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) as polarizing devices in mid-IR have been investigated for their polarization extinction characteristics. As efficient reflection filters and in-cavity polarizers, the mid-IR FBGs and 45°-TFGs have been employed in fiber laser cavity to realize multi-wavelength 2 μm Tm-doped CW and mode locked fiber lasers, respectively.


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Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has been actively considered as a potential candidate for long-haul transmission and 400 Gb/s to 1 Tb/s Ethernet transport because of its high spectral efficiency, efficient implementation, flexibility and robustness against linear impairments such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. However, due to the long symbol duration and narrow subcarrier spacing, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity induced penalties. As a result, the development of CO-OFDM transmission technology crucially relies on efficient techniques to compensate for the laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity impairments. In this thesis, high performance and low complexity digital signal processing techniques for laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmissions are demonstrated. For laser phase noise compensation, three novel techniques, namely quasipilot-aided, decision-directed-free blind and multiplier-free blind are introduced. For fibre nonlinear compensation, two novel techniques which are referred to as phase conjugated pilots and phase conjugated subcarrier coding, are proposed. All these abovementioned digital signal processing techniques offer high performances and flexibilities while requiring relatively low complexities in comparison with other existing phase noise and nonlinear compensation techniques. As a result of the developments of these digital signal processing techniques, CO-OFDM technology is expected to play a significant role in future ultra-high capacity optical network. In addition, this thesis also presents preliminary study on nonlinear Fourier transform based transmission schemes in which OFDM is a highly suitable modulation format. The obtained result paves the way towards a truly flexible nonlinear wave-division multiplexing system that allows the current nonlinear transmission limitations to be exceeded.


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The inscription of low insertion loss and negligibly polarization dependent fiber Bragg gratings inscribed using a femtosecond laser system is reported. Insertion losses were <0.4dB/20mm and polarization wavelength shift of <5pm, with transmission changes <0.1dB. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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A fiber mode-lock laser allows generation of the optical rogue wave (ORW) at different time scales. The criteria for distinguishing between them is a comparison of the event lifetime with the main characteristic time of the system. The characteristic time can be estimated from the decay of an autocorrelation function (AF). Thus, in comparison with AF characteristic time, fast optical rogue wave (FORW) events have duration less than the AF decay time and it appeared due to pulse-pulse interaction and nonlinear pulses dynamics. While slow optical rogue wave (SORW) have a duration much more longer than the decay time of the AF which it papered due to hopping between different attractors. Switching between regimes can be managed by change the artificial birefringence that induced in a laser cavity. For understanding the role playing by the periodical amplification and the resonator, we have performed an unidirectional fiber laser experiments without a saturable absorber. This laser experiment allowed to generate of most of the RW patterns which were either observed experimentally or predicted theoretically. In this way, we have observed the generation of an FORW along with SORW under similar conditions. Most of the patterns were found to be mutually exclusive which means that only one RW mechanism was realized in each regime of generation.


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Different generation modes of all-positive-dispersion all-fibre Yb laser mode-locked due to effect of non-linear polarization evolution are investigated. For the first time we realized in the same laser both generation of single picoseconds pulse train and a newly observed lasing regime where generated are picosecond wave-packets, each being a train of femtosecond sub-pulses. Using both experimental results and numerical modeling we discuss in detail the mechanisms of laser mode-locking and switching of generation regimes and show a strong dependence of output laser characteristics on configuration of polarization controllers. A good qualitative agreement between experimental results and numerical modeling is demonstrated. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.


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Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined.


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We demonstrate cascaded 100-Gb/s sub-channel add/drop from a 1-Tb/s multi-band OFDM super-channel having 2-GHz inter-sub-channel guard-bands within a recirculating loop via a hierarchical ROADM using high-resolution filters, showcasing 1000-km transmission reach and five ROADM node passages for the add/drop sub-channel when hybrid Raman-EDFA is implemented.