108 resultados para Linear Optical characterization
In linear communication channels, spectral components (modes) defined by the Fourier transform of the signal propagate without interactions with each other. In certain nonlinear channels, such as the one modelled by the classical nonlinear Schrödinger equation, there are nonlinear modes (nonlinear signal spectrum) that also propagate without interacting with each other and without corresponding nonlinear cross talk, effectively, in a linear manner. Here, we describe in a constructive way how to introduce such nonlinear modes for a given input signal. We investigate the performance of the nonlinear inverse synthesis (NIS) method, in which the information is encoded directly onto the continuous part of the nonlinear signal spectrum. This transmission technique, combined with the appropriate distributed Raman amplification, can provide an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with high spectral efficiency, thanks to highly suppressed channel cross talk. The proposed NIS approach can be integrated with any modulation formats. Here, we demonstrate numerically the feasibility of merging the NIS technique in a burst mode with high spectral efficiency methods, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and Nyquist pulse shaping with advanced modulation formats (e.g., QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM), showing a performance improvement up to 4.5 dB, which is comparable to results achievable with multi-step per span digital back propagation.
A tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) was integrated as the dispersive element in a high performance biomedical imaging system. The spectrum emitted by the 23 mm long active region of the fiber is projected through custom designed optics consisting of a cylindrical lens for vertical beam collimation and successively by an achromatic doublet onto a linear detector array. High resolution tomograms of biomedical samples were successfully acquired by the frequency domain OCT-system. Tomograms of ophthalmic and dermal samples obtained by the frequency domain OCT-system were obtained achieving 2.84 μm axial and 10.2 μm lateral resolution. The miniaturization reduces costs and has the potential to further extend the field of application for OCT-systems in biology, medicine and technology. © 2014 SPIE.
We prove that, under certain conditions, the capacity of an optical communication channel with in-line, nonlinear filtering (regeneration) elements can be higher than the Shannon capacity for the corresponding linear Gaussian white noise channel. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
Spectrally modulated Airy-based pulses peak amplitude modulation (PAM) in linear dispersive media is investigated, designed, and numerically simulated. As it is shown here, it is possible to design the spectral modulation of the initial Airy-based pulses to obtain a pre-defined PAM profile as the pulse propagates. Although optical pulses self-amplitude modulation is a well-known effect under non-linear propagation, the designed Airy-based pulses exhibit PAM under linear dispersive propagation. This extraordinary linear propagation property can be applied in many kinds of dispersive media, enabling its use in a broad range of experiments and applications. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
We report on the thermal characteristics or Bragg gratings fabricated in polymer optical fibers. We have observed a permanent shift in the grating wavelength at room temperature which occurs when the grating has been heated above a threshold temperature. This threshold temperature is dependent on the thermal history of the grating, and we attribute the effect to a shrinking of the fiber. This effect can be avoided by annealing the fiber before grating inscription, resulting in a linear response with temperature and an increased linear operating temperature range of the grating. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.
Using the principle of quasi-continuous filtering in a non-linear fibre, we propose an optical device for the simultaneous regeneration of sevaral channels at 40 Gbit/s. Simulations predict an improvement of the signal quality for four channels by more than 6.8 dB.
We review the recent progress of information theory in optical communications, and describe the current experimental results and associated advances in various individual technologies which increase the information capacity. We confirm the widely held belief that the reported capacities are approaching the fundamental limits imposed by signal-to-noise ratio and the distributed non-linearity of conventional optical fibres, resulting in the reduction in the growth rate of communication capacity. We also discuss the techniques which are promising to increase and/or approach the information capacity limit.
A theoretical model is developed to describe the propagation of ultra-short optical pulses in fiber transmission systems in the quasi-linear regime, with periodically inserted in-line lumped nonlinear optical devices. Stable autosoliton solutions are obtained for a particular application of the general theory.
The present work addresses the control of the mPOF Bragg grating spectrum properties through acousto-optic modulation. For the first time, the interaction of a flexural acoustic wave, generated by longitudinal excitation of different frequencies, with the Bragg grating will be presented. Also it will be demonstrated the quasi linear relationship between PZT load and maximum reflected power/ 3dB bandwidth of the reflected spectrum.
We present results on characterization of lasers with ultra-long cavity lengths up to 84km, the longest cavity ever reported. We have analyzed the mode structure, shape and width of the generated spectra, intensity fluctuations depending on length and intra-cavity power. The RF spectra exhibit an ultra-dense cavity mode structure (mode spacing is 1.2kHz for 84km), in which the width of the mode beating is proportional to the intra-cavity power while the optical spectra broaden with power according to the square-root law acquiring a specific shape with exponential wings. A model based on wave turbulence formalism has been developed to describe the observed effects.
We experimentally characterize the distributed Raman amplification induced amplitude and phase impairments and evaluate the performance dependence of unrepeated 28 Gbaud 16QAM coherent transmissions over standard single mode fiber.
In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility, since it allows complex three-dimensional structures to be inscribed and then preferentially etched with hydrofluoric acid. In addition, inscription does not require a photosensitive fiber; the modification is induced through nonlinear processes triggered by an ultrashort laser pulse. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique - microhole, microslot channel along the core, microslot channel perpendicular to the core and helical channel around the core. Each device design was evaluated through monitoring the optical spectral change while inserting a range of index matching oils into each microchannel; an R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved in these initial tests. Furthermore, an all femtosecond laser inscribed Fabry-Pérot-based refractometer with an R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. The Fabry-Pérot refractometer was formed by positioning a microchannel between two femtosecond laser inscribed point-by-point fiber Bragg gratings.
A hybrid silicon-core, silica-clad microspherical resonator has been fabricated from the semiconductor core fiber platform. Linear and nonlinear characterization of the resonator properties have shown it to exhibit advantageous properties associated with both materials, with the low loss cladding supporting high quality (Q) factor whispering gallery modes which can be tuned through the nonlinear response of the crystalline core. By exploiting the large wavelength shift associated with the Kerr nonlinearity, we have demonstrated all-optical modulation of a weak probe on the timescale of the femtosecond pump pulse. This novel geometry offers a route to ultra-low loss, high-Q silica-based resonators with enhanced functionality.
In poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based optical fiber gratings (POFBGs), the temperature response is determined by thermal expansion and the thermo-optic effect of the fiber. Because thermal expansion introduces a positive change and the thermo-optic effect introduces a negative change in the Bragg wavelength of the POFBG, they cancel out each other to some extent, leading to reduced and varying temperature sensitivity. By pre-straining a POFBG, the contribution of thermal expansion can be removed, and, consequently, the temperature sensitivity of POFBG can be greatly enhanced. Theoretical analysis also indicates a reduced thermo-optic coefficient of POFBG due to restrained linear expansion that matches experimental results.