79 resultados para Semantic kernel


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As the Semantic Web is an open, complex and constantly evolving medium, it is the norm, but not exception that information at different sites is incomplete or inconsistent. This poses challenges for the engineering and development of agent systems on the Semantic Web, since autonomous software agents need to understand, process and aggregate this information. Ontology language OWL provides core language constructs to semantically markup resources on the Semantic Web, on which software agents interact and cooperate to accomplish complex tasks. However, as OWL was designed on top of (a subset of) classic predicate logic, it lacks the ability to reason about inconsistent or incomplete information. Belief-augmented Frames (BAF) is a frame-based logic system that associates with each frame a supporting and a refuting belief value. In this paper, we propose a new ontology language Belief-augmented OWL (BOWL) by integrating OWL DL and BAF to incorporate the notion of confidence. BOWL is paraconsistent, hence it can perform useful reasoning services in the presence of inconsistencies and incompleteness. We define the abstract syntax and semantics of BOWL by extending those of OWL. We have proposed reasoning algorithms for various reasoning tasks in the BOWL framework and we have implemented the algorithms using the constraint logic programming framework. One example in the sensor fusion domain is presented to demonstrate the application of BOWL.


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In this paper, we investigate the use of manifold learning techniques to enhance the separation properties of standard graph kernels. The idea stems from the observation that when we perform multidimensional scaling on the distance matrices extracted from the kernels, the resulting data tends to be clustered along a curve that wraps around the embedding space, a behavior that suggests that long range distances are not estimated accurately, resulting in an increased curvature of the embedding space. Hence, we propose to use a number of manifold learning techniques to compute a low-dimensional embedding of the graphs in an attempt to unfold the embedding manifold, and increase the class separation. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation on a number of standard graph datasets using the shortest-path (Borgwardt and Kriegel, 2005), graphlet (Shervashidze et al., 2009), random walk (Kashima et al., 2003) and Weisfeiler-Lehman (Shervashidze et al., 2011) kernels. We observe the most significant improvement in the case of the graphlet kernel, which fits with the observation that neglecting the locational information of the substructures leads to a stronger curvature of the embedding manifold. On the other hand, the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel partially mitigates the locality problem by using the node labels information, and thus does not clearly benefit from the manifold learning. Interestingly, our experiments also show that the unfolding of the space seems to reduce the performance gap between the examined kernels.


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In this paper, we propose a new edge-based matching kernel for graphs by using discrete-time quantum walks. To this end, we commence by transforming a graph into a directed line graph. The reasons of using the line graph structure are twofold. First, for a graph, its directed line graph is a dual representation and each vertex of the line graph represents a corresponding edge in the original graph. Second, we show that the discrete-time quantum walk can be seen as a walk on the line graph and the state space of the walk is the vertex set of the line graph, i.e., the state space of the walk is the edges of the original graph. As a result, the directed line graph provides an elegant way of developing new edge-based matching kernel based on discrete-time quantum walks. For a pair of graphs, we compute the h-layer depth-based representation for each vertex of their directed line graphs by computing entropic signatures (computed from discrete-time quantum walks on the line graphs) on the family of K-layer expansion subgraphs rooted at the vertex, i.e., we compute the depth-based representations for edges of the original graphs through their directed line graphs. Based on the new representations, we define an edge-based matching method for the pair of graphs by aligning the h-layer depth-based representations computed through the directed line graphs. The new edge-based matching kernel is thus computed by counting the number of matched vertices identified by the matching method on the directed line graphs. Experiments on standard graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our new kernel.


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In this paper, we use the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence as a means of measuring the information theoretic dissimilarity of graphs and thus develop a novel graph kernel. In quantum mechanics, the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence can be used to measure the dissimilarity of quantum systems specified in terms of their density matrices. We commence by computing the density matrix associated with a continuous-time quantum walk over each graph being compared. In particular, we adopt the closed form solution of the density matrix introduced in Rossi et al. (2013) [27,28] to reduce the computational complexity and to avoid the cumbersome task of simulating the quantum walk evolution explicitly. Next, we compare the mixed states represented by the density matrices using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. With the quantum states for a pair of graphs described by their density matrices to hand, the quantum graph kernel between the pair of graphs is defined using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density matrices. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets from both bioinformatics and computer vision. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed quantum graph kernel.


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In this paper, we develop a new graph kernel by using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence and the discrete-time quantum walk. To this end, we commence by performing a discrete-time quantum walk to compute a density matrix over each graph being compared. For a pair of graphs, we compare the mixed quantum states represented by their density matrices using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. With the density matrices for a pair of graphs to hand, the quantum graph kernel between the pair of graphs is defined by exponentiating the negative quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density matrices. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the new kernel.


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In this paper, we develop a new entropic matching kernel for weighted graphs by aligning depth-based representations. We demonstrate that this kernel can be seen as an aligned subtree kernel that incorporates explicit subtree correspondences, and thus addresses the drawback of neglecting the relative locations between substructures that arises in the R-convolution kernels. Experiments on standard datasets demonstrate that our kernel can easily outperform state-of-the-art graph kernels in terms of classification accuracy.


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Kernel methods provide a convenient way to apply a wide range of learning techniques to complex and structured data by shifting the representational problem from one of finding an embedding of the data to that of defining a positive semidefinite kernel. One problem with the most widely used kernels is that they neglect the locational information within the structures, resulting in less discrimination. Correspondence-based kernels, on the other hand, are in general more discriminating, at the cost of sacrificing positive-definiteness due to their inability to guarantee transitivity of the correspondences between multiple graphs. In this paper we generalize a recent structural kernel based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence between quantum walks over the structures by introducing a novel alignment step which rather than permuting the nodes of the structures, aligns the quantum states of their walks. This results in a novel kernel that maintains localization within the structures, but still guarantees positive definiteness. Experimental evaluation validates the effectiveness of the kernel for several structural classification tasks. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In this paper, we use the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence as a means to establish the similarity between a pair of graphs and to develop a novel graph kernel. In quantum theory, the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence is defined as a distance measure between quantum states. In order to compute the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between a pair of graphs, we first need to associate a density operator with each of them. Hence, we decide to simulate the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk on each graph and we propose a way to associate a suitable quantum state with it. With the density operator of this quantum state to hand, the graph kernel is defined as a function of the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density operators. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets from bioinformatics. We use the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on the kernel matrix to embed the graphs into a feature space for classification. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Kernel methods provide a way to apply a wide range of learning techniques to complex and structured data by shifting the representational problem from one of finding an embedding of the data to that of defining a positive semidefinite kernel. In this paper, we propose a novel kernel on unattributed graphs where the structure is characterized through the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk. More precisely, given a pair of graphs, we create a derived structure whose degree of symmetry is maximum when the original graphs are isomorphic. With this new graph to hand, we compute the density operators of the quantum systems representing the evolutions of two suitably defined quantum walks. Finally, we define the kernel between the two original graphs as the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between these two density operators. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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The quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence kernel [1] was recently introduced in the context of unattributed graphs where it was shown to outperform several commonly used alternatives. In this paper, we study the separability properties of this kernel and we propose a way to compute a low-dimensional kernel embedding where the separation of the different classes is enhanced. The idea stems from the observation that the multidimensional scaling embeddings on this kernel show a strong horseshoe shape distribution, a pattern which is known to arise when long range distances are not estimated accurately. Here we propose to use Isomap to embed the graphs using only local distance information onto a new vectorial space with a higher class separability. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Indicators are widely used by organizations as a way of evaluating, measuring and classifying organizational performance. As part of performance evaluation systems, indicators are often shared or compared across internal sectors or with other organizations. However, indicators can be vague and imprecise, and also can lack semantics, making comparisons with other indicators difficult. Thus, this paper presents a knowledge model based on an ontology that may be used to represent indicators semantically and generically, dealing with the imprecision and vagueness, and thus facilitating better comparison. Semantic technologies are shown to be suitable for this solution, so that it could be able to represent complex data involved in indicators comparison.


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The field of Semantic Web Services (SWS) has been recognized as one of the most promising areas of emergent research within the Semantic Web (SW) initiative, exhibiting an extensive commercial potential, and attracting significant attention from both industry and the research community. Currently, there exist several different frameworks and languages for formally describing a Web Service: OWL-S (Web Ontology Language for Services), WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology) and SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for the Web Services Description Language) are the most important approaches. To the inexperienced user, choosing the appropriate paradigm for a specific SWS application may prove to be challenging, given a lack of clear separation between the ideas promoted by the associated research communities. In this paper, we systematically compare OWL-S, WSMO and SAWSDL from various standpoints, namely that of the service requester and provider as well as the broker based view. The comparison is meant to help users to better understand the strengths and limitations of these different approaches to formalising SWS, and to choose the most suitable solution for a given use case. © 2013 IEEE.


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We propose a description logic extending SROIQ (the description logic underlying OWL 2 DL) and at the same time encompassing some of the most prominent monotonic and nonmonotonic rule languages, in particular Datalog extended with the answer set semantics. Our proposal could be considered a substantial contribution towards fulfilling the quest for a unifying logic for the Semantic Web. As a case in point, two non-monotonic extensions of description logics considered to be of distinct expressiveness until now are covered in our proposal. In contrast to earlier such proposals, our language has the "look and feel" of a description logic and avoids hybrid or first-order syntaxes. © 2012 The Author(s).


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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) systems have become more and more popular in our modern life. They have been widely used in many areas, such as smart homes/buildings, context-aware devices, military applications, etc. Despite the increasing usage, there is a lack of formal description and automated verification for WSN system design. In this paper, we present an approach to support the rigorous verification of WSN modeling using the Semantic Web technology We use Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) to define a meta-ontology for the modeling of WSN systems. Furthermore, we apply ontology reasoners to perform automated verification on customized WSN models and their instances. We demonstrate and evaluate our approach through a Light Control System (LCS) as the case study.