418 resultados para Mironenko, Sergei


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Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.


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Impairments characterization and performance evaluation of Raman amplified unrepeated DP-16QAM transmissions are conducted. Experimental results indicate that small gain in forward direction enhance the system signal-to-noise ratio for longer reach without introducing noticeable penalty.


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We demonstrate experimentally new families of vector solitons with locked and precessing states of polarization for fundamental and multipulse soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion laser cavity.


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We study the impact of the shape of fibre Bragg gratings spectral reflectivity on spectral broadening in a 10 km Raman fibre laser. We show that, at high powers, spectral characteristics are determined by intra-cavity processes rather than by the gratings profile.


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We propose the design of a novel ?-shaped fiber laser resonator and apply it to build a long-cavity normaldispersion mode-locked Er-fiber laser which features enhanced functionalities for management and optimization of pulsed lasing regimes. We report the generation of sub-nanosecond pulses with the energy of ~0.5 µJ at a kilohertz-scale repetition rate in an all-fiber system based on the new laser design. A combination of special design solutions in the laser, such as polarization instability compensation in the ultra-long arm of the resonator, intra-cavity spectral selection of radiation with a broadband fiber Bragg grating, and polarization selection by means of a tilted refractive index grating, ensures low amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and high stability of the laser system output parameters.


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We propose a new concept of a fiber laser architecture supporting self-similar pulse evolution in the amplifier and nonlinear spectral pulse compression in the passive fiber. The latter process allows for transform-limited picosecond pulse generation, and improves the laser’s power efficiency by preventing strong spectral filtering from being highly dissipative. Aside from laser technology, the proposed scheme opens new possibilities for studying nonlinear dynamical processes. As an example, we demonstrate a clear period-doubling route to chaos in such a nonlinear laser system.


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Nonlinear systems with periodic variations of nonlinearity and/or dispersion occur in a variety of physical problems and engineering applications. The mathematical concept of dispersion managed solitons already has made an impact on the development of fibre communications, optical signal processing and laser science. We overview here the field of the dispersion managed solitons starting from mathematical theories of Hamiltonian and dissipative systems and then discuss recent advances in practical implementation of this concept in fibre-optics and lasers.


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This paper studies the performance of a typical non-slope matched transoceanic submarine link using 20Gb/s channel rate and RZ-DPSK modulation with different duty cycles. Through comparison with direct error counting, we have also demonstrated the limitations of the available numerical approaches to the BER estimation for return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK). The numerical results have been confirmed by experiments, and indicate that 20 Gb/s RZ-DPSK transmission is a feasible technique for the upgrade of existing submarine links.


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This study analyzes the validity of different Q-factor models in the BER estimation in RZ-DPSK transmission at 40 Gb/s channel rate. The impact of the duty cycle of the carrier pulses on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the different models has also been studied.


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Applying direct error counting, we compare the accuracy and evaluate the validity of different available numerical approaches to the estimation of the bit-error rate (BER) in 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. As a particular example, we consider a system with in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. We demonstrate that none of the existing models has an absolute superiority over the others. We also reveal the impact of the duty cycle on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the differently introduced Q-factors.