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A microchannel was inscribed in the fiber of a ring cavity which was constructed using two 0.1%:99.9% couplers and a 10-m fiber loop. Cavity ring down spectroscopy was used to measure the refractive index (RI) of gels infused into the microchannel. The ring down time discloses a nonlinear increase with respect to RI of the gel and sensitivity up to 300 µs/RI unit and an index resolution of 1.4 × 10 was obtained. © 2009 IEEE.


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In this Letter, we report the fabrication of a highly photosensitive, microstructured polymer optical fiber using benzyl dimethyl ketal as a dopant, as well as the inscription of a fiber Bragg grating in the fiber. A refractive index change in the core of at least 3.2 × 10 has been achieved, providing a grating with a strong transmission rejection of -23 dB with an inscription time of only 13 min. The fabrication method has a big advantage compared to doping step index fiber since it enables doping of the fiber without using extra dopants to compensate for the index reduction in the core introduced by the photosensitive agent. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Step-index polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) and microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (mPOFBGs) present several attractive features, especially for sensing purposes. In comparison to FBGs written in silica fibers, they are more sensitive to temperature and pressure because of the larger thermo-optic coefficient and smaller Young's modulus of polymer materials. (M)POFBGs are most often photowritten in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) materials using a continuous-wave 325 nm HeCd laser. For the first time to the best of our knowledge, we study photoinduced birefringence effects in (m)POFBGs. To achieve this, highly reflective gratings were inscribed with the phase mask technique. They were then monitored in transmission with polarized light. For this, (m)POF sections a few cm in length containing the gratings were glued to angled silica fibers. Polarization dependent loss (PDL) and differential group delay (DGD) were computed from the Jones matrix eigenanalysis using an optical vector analyser. Maximum values exceeding several dB and a few picoseconds were obtained for the PDL and DGD, respectively. The response to lateral force was finally investigated. As it induces birefringence in addition to the photo-induced one, an increase of the PDL and DGD values were noticed. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.


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The formation of single-soliton or bound-multisoliton states from a single linearly chirped Gaussian pulse in quasi-lossless and lossy fiber spans is examined. The conversion of an input-chirped pulse into soliton states is carried out by virtue of the so-called direct Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem, the solution of which allows one to single out the radiative (dispersive) and soliton constituents of the beam and determine the parameters of the emerging bound state(s). We describe here how the emerging pulse characteristics (the number of bound solitons, the relative soliton power) depend on the input pulse chirp and amplitude. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The humidity response of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) has been studied. The characteristic wavelength of the grating is modulated by water absorption-induced swelling and refractive index change in the fiber. This work indicates that anisotropic expansion may exist in PMMA optical fiber, reducing the humidity responsivity of the grating and introducing uncertainty in the responsivity from fiber to fiber. By pre-straining a grating, one can get rid of this uncertainty and simultaneously improve the POFBG response time. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) based polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings have been used for measuring water activity of aviation fuel. Jet A-1 samples with water content ranging from 100% ERH (wet fuel) to 10 ppm (dried fuel), have been conditioned and calibrated for measurement. The PMMA based optical fiber grating exhibits consistent response and a good sensitivity of 59±3pm/ppm (water content in mass). This water activity measurement allows PMMA based optical fiber gratings to detect very tiny amounts of water in fuels that have a low water saturation point, potentially giving early warning of unsafe operation of a fuel system. © 2014 SPIE.


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We derive rigorously the Fokker-Planck equation that governs the statistics of soliton parameters in optical transmission lines in the presence of additive amplifier spontaneous emission. We demonstrate that these statistics are generally non-Gaussian. We present exact marginal probability-density functions for soliton parameters for some cases. A WKB approach is applied to describe the tails of the probability-density functions. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.


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The authors fabricated a demountable Ferrule connector/Physical contact connection between silica fiber and a polymer optical fiber (POF) containing a fiber Bragg grating. The use of a connector for POF grating sensors eliminates the limitations of ultraviolet glued connections and increases the ease with which the devices can be applied to real-world measurement tasks. © 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We report for the first time an ultra-stable optical-carrier dissemination technique for transmission over a 20km unidirectional fibre link. The optical-linewidth of the recovered carrier matches closely that of the original carrier. © 2014 OSA.


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Tactile sensors are needed for many emerging robotic and telepresence applications such as keyhole surgery and robot operation in unstructured environments. We have proposed and demonstrated a tactile sensor consisting of a fibre Bragg grating embedded in a polymer "finger". When the sensor is placed in contact with a surface and translated tangentially across it measurements on the changes in the reflectivity spectrum of the grating provide a measurement of the spatial distribution of forces perpendicular to the surface and thus, through the elasticity of the polymer material, to the surface roughness. Using a sensor fabricated from a Poly Siloxane polymer (Methyl Vinyl Silicone rubber) spherical cap 50 mm in diameter, 6 mm deep with an embedded 10 mm long Bragg grating we have characterised the first and second moment of the grating spectral response when scanned across triangular and semicircular periodic structures both with a modulation depth of 1 mm and a period of 2 mm. The results clearly distinguish the periodicity of the surface structure and the differences between the two different surface profiles. For the triangular structure a central wavelength modulation of 4 pm is observed and includes a fourth harmonic component, the spectral width is modulated by 25 pm. Although crude in comparison to human senses these results clearly shown the potential of such a sensor for tactile imaging and we expect that with further development in optimising both the grating and polymer "finger" properties a much increased sensitivity and spatial resolution is achievable.


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We present the first demonstration of a tunable FBG device in POF utilizing thin-film resistive heater deposited on the fiber. A wavelength shift of 2nm, wavelength/power coefficient of -13.4pm/mW and T = 1.7s-1 are achieved.


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We present what is to our knowledge the first demonstration of a tunable fiber Bragg grating device in polymer optical fiber that utilizes a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fiber. The polymer fiber was coated via photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with a procedure induced by vacuum-ultraviolet radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of-13.4 pm/mW, and a time constant of 1.7 s-1. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Long period gratings (LPGs) were written into a D-shaped optical fibre, which has an elliptical core with a W-shaped refractive index profile. The LPG's attenuation bands were found to be sensitive to the polarisation of the interrogating light with a spectral separation of about 15nm between the two orthogonal polarisation states. In addition, two spectrally overlapping attenuation bands corresponding to orthogonal polarisation states were observed; modelling successfully reproduced this spectral feature. The spectral sensitivity of both orthogonal states was experimentally measured with respect to temperature, surrounding refractive index, and directional bending. These LPG devices produced blue and red wavelength shifts of the stop-bands due to bending in different directions. The measured spectral sensitivities to curvatures, d?/dR , ranged from -3.56nm m to +6.51nm m. The results obtained with these LPGs suggest that this type of fibre may be useful as a shape/bend sensor. It was also demonstrated that the neighbouring bands could be used to discriminate between temperature and bending and that overlapping orthogonal polarisation attenuation bands can be used to minimise error associated with polarisation.