103 resultados para Eye Drops


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Wireless sensor networks have been identified as one of the key technologies for the 21st century. In order to overcome their limitations such as fault tolerance and conservation of energy, we propose a middleware solution, In-Motes. In-Motes stands as a fault tolerant platform for deploying and monitoring applications in real time offers a number of possibilities for the end user giving him in parallel the freedom to experiment with various parameters, in an effort the deployed applications to run in an energy efficient manner inside the network. The proposed scheme is evaluated through the In-Motes EYE application, aiming to test its merits under real time conditions. In-Motes EYE application which is an agent based real time In-Motes application developed for sensing acceleration variations in an environment. The application was tested in a prototype area, road alike, for a period of four months.


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Although advertising is pervasive in our daily, it proves to be not necessarily efficient all the times due to bad conditions or bad contexts of reception. Indeed, the communication process might be jeopardized at its very last stage because of advertising exposure quality. However critical it may be, ad exposure quality is not very much examined by researchers or practitioners. In this paper, we investigate how tiredness combined with ad complexity might influence the way consumers extract and process ad elements. Investigating tiredness is useful because it is a common daily state experienced by everyone at various moments of the day. And although it might drastically alter ad reception, it has not been studied in advertising for the moment. In this regards, we observe eye movement patterns of consumers viewing simple or complex advertisements being tired or not. We surprisingly find that tired subjects viewing complex ads don’t adopt a lessening effort visual strategy. They rather use a resource demanding one. We assume that the Sustained Attention strategy occurring is a kind of adaptive strategy allowing to deal with an anticipated lack of resource.


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Although not as important as bacteria or viruses as a cause of eye infection, a large number of fungal species have now been recorded in association with the eye. In addition, several species have been implicated as a cause of eye infection (‘ocular mycosis’) and some may even cause life-threatening conditions. Ocular mycoses are being reported more frequently as a consequence of new medical practice and the increased numbers of immuno-compromised patients in the population, e.g., patients receiving radiation treatment or chemotherapy. This article describes the most common conditions caused by fungi which can affect the different structures of the eye, the importance of fungal contamination of materials as a source of eye infection, and the methods available for treatment.


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Approximately half of current contact lens wearers suffer from dryness and discomfort, particularly towards the end of the day. Contact lens practitioners have a number of dry eye tests available to help them to predict which of their patients may be at risk of contact lens drop out and advise them accordingly. This thesis set out to rationalize them to see if any are of more diagnostic significance than others. This doctorate has found: (1) The Keratograph, a device which permits an automated, examiner independent technique for measuring non invasive tear break up time (NITBUT) measured NITBUT consistently shorter than measurements recorded with the Tearscope. When measuring central corneal curvature the spherical equivalent power of the cornea was measured as being significantly flatter than with a validated automated keratometer. (2) Non-invasive and invasive tear break-up times significantly correlated to each other, but not the other tear metrics. Symptomology, assessed using the OSDI questionnaire, correlated more with those tests indicating possible damage to the ocular surface (including LWE, LIPCOF and conjunctival staining) than with tests of either tear volume or stability. Cluster analysis showed some statistically significant groups of patients with different sign and symptom profiles. The largest cluster demonstrated poor tear quality with both non-invasive and invasive tests, low tear volume and more symptoms. (3) Care should be taken in fitting patients new to contact lenses if they have a NITBUT less than 10s or an OSDI comfort rating greater than 4.2 as they are more likely to drop-out within the first 6 months. Cluster analysis was not found to be beneficial in predicting which patients will succeed with lenses and which will not. A combination of the OSDI questionnaire and a NITBUT measurement was most useful both in diagnosing dry eye and in predicting contact lens drop out.


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Differential clinical diagnosis of the parkinsonian syndromes, viz., Parkinson’s disease (PD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and multiple system atrophy (MSA) can be difficult. Eye movement problems, however, are a chronic complication of many of these disorders and may be a useful aid to diagnosis. Hence, the presence in PSP of vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, fixation instability, lid retraction, blepharospasm, and apraxia of eyelid opening and closing is useful in separating PD from PSP. Moreover, atypical features of PSP include slowing of upward saccades, moderate slowing of downward saccades, the presence of a full range of voluntary vertical eye movements, a curved trajectory of oblique saccades, and absence of square-wave jerks. Downgaze palsy is probably the most useful diagnostic clinical symptom of PSP. By contrast, DLB patients are specifically impaired in both reflexive and saccadic execution and in the performance of more complex saccadic eye movement tasks. Problems in convergence in DLB are also followed by akinesia and rigidity. Abnormal ocular fixation may occur in a significant proportion of MSA patients along with excessive square-wave jerks, a mild supranuclear gaze palsy, a gaze-evoked nystagmus, a positioning down-beat nystagmus, mild-moderate saccadic hypometria, impaired smooth pursuit movements, and reduced vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) suppression. There may be considerable overlap between the eye movement problems characteristic of the various parkinsonian disorders, but taken together with other signs and symptoms, can be a useful aid in differential diagnosis, especially in the separation of PD and PSP.


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We present a simplified model for a simple estimation of the eye-closure penalty for amplitude noise-degraded signals. Using a typical 40-Gbit/s return-to-zero amplitude-shift-keying transmission, we demonstrate agreement between the model predictions and the results obtained from the conventional numerical estimation method over several thousand kilometers.


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While knowledge about standardization of skin protection against ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has progressed over the past few decades, there is no uniform and generally accepted standardized measurement for UV eye protection. The literature provides solid evidence that UV can induce considerable damage to structures of the eye. As well as damaging the eyelids and periorbital skin, chronic UV exposure may also affect the conjunctiva and lens. Clinically, this damage can manifest as skin cancer and premature skin ageing as well as the development of pterygia and premature cortical cataracts. Modern eye protection, used daily, offers the opportunity to prevent these adverse sequelae of lifelong UV exposure. A standardized, reliable and comprehensive label for consumers and professionals is currently lacking. In this review we (i) summarize the existing literature about UV radiation-induced damage to the eye and surrounding skin; (ii) review the recent technological advances in UV protection by means of lenses; (iii) review the definition of the Eye-Sun Protection Factor (E-SPF®), which describes the intrinsic UV protection properties of lenses and lens coating materials based on their capacity to absorb or reflect UV radiation; and (iv) propose a strategy for establishing the biological relevance of the E-SPF. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation potentially damages the skin, the immune system, and structures of the eye. A useful UV sun protection for the skin has been established. Since a remarkable body of evidence shows an association between UV radiation and damage to structures of the eye, eye protection is important, but a reliable and practical tool to assess and compare the UV-protective properties of lenses has been lacking. Among the general lay public, misconceptions on eye-sun protection have been identified. For example, sun protection is mainly ascribed to sunglasses, but less so to clear lenses. Skin malignancies in the periorbital region are frequent, but usual topical skin protection does not include the lids. Recent research utilized exact dosimetry and demonstrated relevant differences in UV burden to the eye and skin at a given ambient irradiation. Chronic UV effects on the cornea and lens are cumulative, so effective UV protection of the eyes is important for all age groups and should be used systematically. Protection of children's eyes is especially important, because UV transmittance is higher at a very young age, allowing higher levels of UV radiation to reach the crystalline lens and even the retina. Sunglasses as well as clear lenses (plano and prescription) effectively reduce transmittance of UV radiation. However, an important share of the UV burden to the eye is explained by back reflection of radiation from lenses to the eye. UV radiation incident from an angle of 135°-150° behind a lens wearer is reflected from the back side of lenses. The usual antireflective coatings considerably increase reflection of UV radiation. To provide reliable labeling of the protective potential of lenses, an eye-sun protection factor (E-SPF®) has been developed. It integrates UV transmission as well as UV reflectance of lenses. The E-SPF® compares well with established skin-sun protection factors and provides clear messages to eye health care providers and to lay consumers. © 2014 Behar-Cohen et al, This work is published by Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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Background - Not only is compulsive checking the most common symptom in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with an estimated prevalence of 50–80% in patients, but approximately ~15% of the general population reveal subclinical checking tendencies that impact negatively on their performance in daily activities. Therefore, it is critical to understand how checking affects attention and memory in clinical as well as subclinical checkers. Eye fixations are commonly used as indicators for the distribution of attention but research in OCD has revealed mixed results at best. Methodology/Principal Finding - Here we report atypical eye movement patterns in subclinical checkers during an ecologically valid working memory (WM) manipulation. Our key manipulation was to present an intermediate probe during the delay period of the memory task, explicitly asking for the location of a letter, which, however, had not been part of the encoding set (i.e., misleading participants). Using eye movement measures we now provide evidence that high checkers’ inhibitory impairments for misleading information results in them checking the contents of WM in an atypical manner. Checkers fixate more often and for longer when misleading information is presented than non-checkers. Specifically, checkers spend more time checking stimulus locations as well as locations that had actually been empty during encoding. Conclusions/Significance - We conclude that these atypical eye movement patterns directly reflect internal checking of memory contents and we discuss the implications of our findings for the interpretation of behavioural and neuropsychological data. In addition our results highlight the importance of ecologically valid methodology for revealing the impact of detrimental attention and memory checking on eye movement patterns.


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We describe a configuration consisting of two fiberised Michelson interferometers and show that, with an optical balanced technique and suitable electronics, the signal corresponding to coherent interference in the first interferometer can be sufficiently attenuated in the channel processing the signal from the second interferometer. In this way it is possible to display simultaneous reflectograms of two different regions in the eye (e.g. cornea and retina) and infer the eye length from these measurements.


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Purpose: Alcohol consumption is inversely correlated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease. It is thought that red wine is specifically responsible for these cardiovascular benefits, due to its ability to reduce vascular inflammation, facilitate vasorelaxation, and inhibit angiogenesis. This is because of its high polyphenolic content. Resveratrol is the main biologically active polyphenol within red wine. Owing to its vascular-enhancing properties, resveratrol may be effective in the microcirculation of the eye, thereby helping prevent ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Such conditions are accountable for worldwide prevalence of visual loss. Method: A review of the relevant literature was conducted on the ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and PubMed databases. Key words used to carry out the searches included 'red wine', 'polyphenols', 'resveratrol', 'eye' and 'ocular'. Articles relating to the effects of resveratrol on the eye were reviewed. Results: The protective effects of resveratrol within the eye are extensive. It has been demonstrated to have anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumourogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic and vasorelaxant properties. There are potential benefits of resveratrol supplementation across a wide range of ocular diseases. The molecular mechanisms underlying these protective actions are diverse. Conclusion: Evidence suggests that resveratrol may have potential in the treatment of several ocular diseases. However, while there are many studies indicating plausible biological mechanisms using animal models and in-vitro retinal cells there is a paucity of human research. The evidence base for the use of resveratrol in the management of ocular diseases needs to be increased before recommendations can be made for the use of resveratrol as an ocular supplement. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.


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On March 21, 2015, a meeting was held in London, United Kingdom, to address the progress in targeting the unmet need for dry eye disease (DED) treatment. The meeting, which launched the i2 = initiating innovation series, was sponsored by the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS; www.TearFilm.org) and supported by Dompé. The TFOS i2 meeting was designed to review advances in the understanding of DED since publication of the 2007 TFOS International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS) report, and to help launch the highly anticipated sequel, DEWS II. The meeting was structured to discuss the scope of the DED problem, to review the clinical challenges of DED, and to consider the treatment challenges of DED. This article provides a synopsis of the presentations of this TFOS i2 meeting.


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Ocular allergy is a common eye condition encountered in clinical practice. However, little is known how seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC), the most common subtype, is managed in clinical practice. Further, dry eye, another common eye condition, may be misdiagnosed as SAC and vice-versa as they share similar signs and symptoms. In addition, despite the frequent recommendation of non-pharmacological treatments for SAC, evidenceto support their use has not been identified in the scientific literature. The aim of this thesis was therefore to determine the actual diagnosis and management of SAC and dry eye in clinical practice and investigate the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatments for these conditions. The diagnostic and management strategies for SAC and dry eye employed by pharmacy staff are found to be inconsistent with current guidelines and scientific evidence based upon a mystery shopper design. Cluster analysis of tear film metrics in normal and dry eye patients identified several clinically relevant groups of patients that may allow for targeted treatment recommendations. Using a novel environmental chamber model of SAC, the use of artificial tears and cold compresses, either alone or combined is an effective treatment modality for acute and symptomatic SAC, on a par with topical anti-allergic medication, and has been demonstrated for the first time. In addition, eyelid warming therapy with a simple, readily available, seed filled device is an effective method of treating meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) related evaporative dry eye, perhaps the most common dry eye subtype. A greater focus on ophthalmology must be implemented as part of the formal education and training of pharmacy staff, while greater professional communication between community pharmacists, optometrists and the population they serve is required. Artificial tears and cold compresses may be considered as front line agents for acute SAC by pharmacy staff and optometrists, to whom pharmacological treatment options are limited.


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The eye is the major organ of vision and highly specialized for photoreception. It focusses light from an object onto the light-sensitive retina. Changes in specialized neurons in the retina result in nerve action potentials which are relayed to the brain via the optic nerve. Visual processing by the brain results in ‘visual perception’, the construction of a sensory image which is consciously appreciated as vision. All other structures of the eye are subsidiary to this function, either by facilitating focusing of light rays or by supporting the tissues of the eye. This chapter is an introduction to the various parts of the eye including the eyelids and associated structures, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, lens, vitreous body, retina, optic disc and nerve, and orbit. This chapter describes the functions of these various structures and their importance in achieving a visual image.