121 resultados para Dietanolamina (DEA)
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the corporate governance system and technical efficiency in Italian manufacturing. We use a non-parametric frontier technique (DEA) to derive technical efficiency measures for a sample of Italian firms taken from nine manufacturing industries. These measures are then related to the characteristics of the corporate governance system. Two of these characteristics turn out to have a positive impact on technical efficiency: the percentage of the company shares owned by the largest shareholder and the fact that a firm belongs to a pyramidal group. Interestingly, a trade-off emerges between these influences, in the sense that one is stronger in industries where the other is weaker. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In some applications of data envelopment analysis (DEA) there may be doubt as to whether all the DMUs form a single group with a common efficiency distribution. The Mann-Whitney rank statistic has been used to evaluate if two groups of DMUs come from a common efficiency distribution under the assumption of them sharing a common frontier and to test if the two groups have a common frontier. These procedures have subsequently been extended using the Kruskal-Wallis rank statistic to consider more than two groups. This technical note identifies problems with the second of these applications of both the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis rank statistics. It also considers possible alternative methods of testing if groups have a common frontier, and the difficulties of disaggregating managerial and programmatic efficiency within a non-parametric framework. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
The book aims to introduce the reader to DEA in the most accessible manner possible. It is specifically aimed at those who have had no prior exposure to DEA and wish to learn its essentials, how it works, its key uses, and the mechanics of using it. The latter will include using DEA software. Students on degree or training courses will find the book especially helpful. The same is true of practitioners engaging in comparative efficiency assessments and performance management within their organisation. Examples are used throughout the book to help the reader consolidate the concepts covered. Table of content: List of Tables. List of Figures. Preface. Abbreviations. 1. Introduction to Performance Measurement. 2. Definitions of Efficiency and Related Measures. 3. Data Envelopment Analysis Under Constant Returns to Scale: Basic Principles. 4. Data Envelopment Analysis under Constant Returns to Scale: General Models. 5. Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Practice. 6. Data Envelopment Analysis under Variable Returns to Scale. 7. Assessing Policy Effectiveness and Productivity Change Using DEA. 8. Incorporating Value Judgements in DEA Assessments. 9. Extensions to Basic DEA Models. 10. A Limited User Guide for Warwick DEA Software. Author Index. Topic Index. References.
In this paper we propose a data envelopment analysis (DEA) based method for assessing the comparative efficiencies of units operating production processes where input-output levels are inter-temporally dependent. One cause of inter-temporal dependence between input and output levels is capital stock which influences output levels over many production periods. Such units cannot be assessed by traditional or 'static' DEA which assumes input-output correspondences are contemporaneous in the sense that the output levels observed in a time period are the product solely of the input levels observed during that same period. The method developed in the paper overcomes the problem of inter-temporal input-output dependence by using input-output 'paths' mapped out by operating units over time as the basis of assessing them. As an application we compare the results of the dynamic and static model for a set of UK universities. The paper is suggested that dynamic model capture the efficiency better than static model. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In some contexts data envelopment analysis (DEA) gives poor discrimination on the performance of units. While this may reflect genuine uniformity of performance between units, it may also reflect lack of sufficient observations or other factors limiting discrimination on performance between units. In this paper, we present an overview of the main approaches that can be used to improve the discrimination of DEA. This includes simple methods such as the aggregation of inputs or outputs, the use of longitudinal data, more advanced methods such as the use of weight restrictions, production trade-offs and unobserved units, and a relatively new method based on the use of selective proportionality between the inputs and outputs. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
This paper re-assesses three independently developed approaches that are aimed at solving the problem of zero-weights or non-zero slacks in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The methods are weights restricted, non-radial and extended facet DEA models. Weights restricted DEA models are dual to envelopment DEA models with restrictions on the dual variables (DEA weights) aimed at avoiding zero values for those weights; non-radial DEA models are envelopment models which avoid non-zero slacks in the input-output constraints. Finally, extended facet DEA models recognize that only projections on facets of full dimension correspond to well defined rates of substitution/transformation between all inputs/outputs which in turn correspond to non-zero weights in the multiplier version of the DEA model. We demonstrate how these methods are equivalent, not only in their aim but also in the solutions they yield. In addition, we show that the aforementioned methods modify the production frontier by extending existing facets or creating unobserved facets. Further we propose a new approach that uses weight restrictions to extend existing facets. This approach has some advantages in computational terms, because extended facet models normally make use of mixed integer programming models, which are computationally demanding.
The advent of Internet banking and phone banking is changing the role of bank branches from a predominantly transaction-based one to a sales-oriented role. This paper reports on an assessment of the branches of a Portuguese bank in terms of their performance in their new roles in three different areas: Their efficiency in fostering the use of new transaction channels, their efficiency in increasing sales and their customer base, and their efficiency in generating profits. Service quality is also a major issue in service organisations like bank branches, and therefore we analyse the way this dimension of performance has been accounted for in the literature and take it into account in our empirical application. We have used data envelopment analysis (DEA) for the different performance assessments, but we depart from traditional DEA models in some cases. Performance comparisons on each dimension allowed us to identify benchmark bank branches and also problematic bank branches. In addition, we found positive links between operational and profit efficiency and also between transactional and operational efficiency. Service quality is positively related with operational and profit efficiency. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper puts forward a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach to decomposing a pupil's under-attainment at school. Under-attainment is attributed to the pupil, the school and the type of funding regime under which the school operates. A pupil-level analysis is used firstly on a within school and secondly on a between school basis, grouping schools by type such as state-funded, independent and so on. Overall measures of each pupil's efficiency are thus disentangled into pupil, school and school-type efficiencies. This approach provides schools with a set of efficiency measures, each one conveying different information. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
This paper describes an attempt to evaluate cost efficiency in UK university central administration. The funding councils of higher education institutions have progressively evolved elaborate systems for measuring university performance in teaching quality and research. Indeed, funding of universities is linked to their performance in research. The allocation of resources between academic and administrative activities, on the other hand, has so far not been subject to scrutiny. Yet, expenditure on administration is typically some 30% of that allocated to academic activities. This paper sets up a data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework to identify practices leading to cost-efficient central administrative services in UK universities. The problems in defining the unit of assessment and the relationship between the inputs and the outputs are clearly demonstrated. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Airline industry is at the forefront of many technological developments and is often a pioneer in adopting such innovations in a large scale. It needs to improve its efficiency as the current trends for input prices and competitive pressures show that any airline will face increasingly challenging market conditions. This paper has focused on the relationship between ICT investments and efficiency in the airline industry and employed a two-stage analytical investigation, DEA, SFA and the Tobit regression model. In this study, we first estimate the productivity of the airline industry using a balanced panel of 17 airlines over the period 1999–2004 by the Data Envelop Analysis (DEA) and the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) methods. We then evaluate the impacts of the determinants of productivity in the industry concentrating on ICT. The results suggest that regardless of all the negative shocks to the airline industry during the sample period, ICT had a positive effect on productivity during 1999-2004.
This chapter provides the theoretical foundation and background on data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. We first introduce the basic DEA models. The balance of this chapter focuses on evidences showing DEA has been extensively applied for measuring efficiency and productivity of services including financial services (banking, insurance, securities, and fund management), professional services, health services, education services, environmental and public services, energy services, logistics, tourism, information technology, telecommunications, transport, distribution, audio-visual, media, entertainment, cultural and other business services. Finally, we provide information on the use of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA). A free limited version of this software and downloading procedure is also included in this chapter.
The main advantage of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is that it does not require any priori weights for inputs and outputs and allows individual DMUs to evaluate their efficiencies with the input and output weights that are only most favorable weights for calculating their efficiency. It can be argued that if DMUs are experiencing similar circumstances, then the pricing of inputs and outputs should apply uniformly across all DMUs. That is using of different weights for DMUs makes their efficiencies unable to be compared and not possible to rank them on the same basis. This is a significant drawback of DEA; however literature observed many solutions including the use of common set of weights (CSW). Besides, the conventional DEA methods require accurate measurement of both the inputs and outputs; however, crisp input and output data may not relevant be available in real world applications. This paper develops a new model for the calculation of CSW in fuzzy environments using fuzzy DEA. Further, a numerical example is used to show the validity and efficacy of the proposed model and to compare the results with previous models available in the literature.
Financial institutes are an integral part of any modern economy. In the 1970s and 1980s, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries made significant progress in financial deepening and in building a modern financial infrastructure. This study aims to evaluate the performance (efficiency) of financial institutes (banking sector) in GCC countries. Since, the selected variables include negative data for some banks and positive for others, and the available evaluation methods are not helpful in this case, so we developed a Semi Oriented Radial Model to perform this evaluation. Furthermore, since the SORM evaluation result provides a limited information for any decision maker (bankers, investors, etc...), we proposed a second stage analysis using classification and regression (C&R) method to get further results combining SORM results with other environmental data (Financial, economical and political) to set rules for the efficient banks, hence, the results will be useful for bankers in order to improve their bank performance and to the investors, maximize their returns. Mainly there are two approaches to evaluate the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs), under each of them there are different methods with different assumptions. Parametric approach is based on the econometric regression theory and nonparametric approach is based on a mathematical linear programming theory. Under the nonparametric approaches, there are two methods: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH). While there are three methods under the parametric approach: Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA); Thick Frontier Analysis (TFA) and Distribution-Free Analysis (DFA). The result shows that DEA and SFA are the most applicable methods in banking sector, but DEA is seem to be most popular between researchers. However DEA as SFA still facing many challenges, one of these challenges is how to deal with negative data, since it requires the assumption that all the input and output values are non-negative, while in many applications negative outputs could appear e.g. losses in contrast with profit. Although there are few developed Models under DEA to deal with negative data but we believe that each of them has it is own limitations, therefore we developed a Semi-Oriented-Radial-Model (SORM) that could handle the negativity issue in DEA. The application result using SORM shows that the overall performance of GCC banking is relatively high (85.6%). Although, the efficiency score is fluctuated over the study period (1998-2007) due to the second Gulf War and to the international financial crisis, but still higher than the efficiency score of their counterpart in other countries. Banks operating in Saudi Arabia seem to be the highest efficient banks followed by UAE, Omani and Bahraini banks, while banks operating in Qatar and Kuwait seem to be the lowest efficient banks; this is because these two countries are the most affected country in the second Gulf War. Also, the result shows that there is no statistical relationship between the operating style (Islamic or Conventional) and bank efficiency. Even though there is no statistical differences due to the operational style, but Islamic bank seem to be more efficient than the Conventional bank, since on average their efficiency score is 86.33% compare to 85.38% for Conventional banks. Furthermore, the Islamic banks seem to be more affected by the political crisis (second Gulf War), whereas Conventional banks seem to be more affected by the financial crisis.
The rationale for carrying out this research was to address the clear lack of knowledge surrounding the measurement of public hospital performance in Ireland. The objectives of this research were to develop a comprehensive model for measuring hospital performance and using this model to measure the performance of public acute hospitals in Ireland in 2007. Having assessed the advantages and disadvantages of various measurement models the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model was chosen for this research. DEA was initiated by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in 1978 and further developed by Fare et al. (1983) and Banker et al. (1984). The method used to choose relevant inputs and outputs to be included in the model followed that adopted by Casu et al. (2005) which included the use of focus groups. The main conclusions of the research are threefold. Firstly, it is clear that each stakeholder group has differing opinions on what constitutes good performance. It is therefore imperative that any performance measurement model would be designed within parameters that are clearly understood by any intended audience. Secondly, there is a lack of publicly available qualitative information in Ireland that inhibits detailed analysis of hospital performance. Thirdly, based on available qualitative and quantitative data the results indicated a high level of efficiency among the public acute hospitals in Ireland in their staffing and non pay costs, averaging 98.5%. As DEA scores are sensitive to the number of input and output variables as well as the size of the sample it should be borne in mind that a high level of efficiency could be as a result of using DEA with too many variables compared to the number of hospitals. No hospital was deemed to be scale efficient in any of the models even though the average scale efficiency for all of the hospitals was relatively high at 90.3%. Arising from this research the main recommendations would be that information on medical outcomes, survival rates and patient satisfaction should be made publicly available in Ireland; that despite a high average efficiency level that many individual hospitals need to focus on improving their technical and scale efficiencies, and that performance measurement models should be developed that would include more qualitative data.