161 resultados para wavelength multiplexing
The study evaluated sources of within- and between-subject variability in standard white-on-white (W-W) perimetry and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP). The Influence of staircase strategy on the fatigue effect in W-W perimetry was investigated for a 4 dB single step, single reversal strategy; a variable step size, single reversal dynamic strategy; and the standard 4-2 dB double reversal strategy. The fatigue effect increased as the duration of the examination Increased and was greatest in the second eye for all strategies. The fatigue effect was lowest for the 4dB strategy, which exhibited the shortest examination time and was greatest for the 4-2 dB strategy, which exhibited the longest examination time. Staircase efficiency was lowest for the 4 dB strategy and highest for the dynamic strategy which thus offers a reduced examination time and low inter-subject variability. The normal between-subject variability of SWAP was determined for the standard 4-2 dB double reversal strategy and the 3 dB single reversal FASTPAC strategy and compared to that of W-W perimetry, The decrease in sensitivity with Increase in age was greatest for SWAP. The between-subject variability of SWAP was greater than W-W perimetry. Correction for the Influence of ocular media absorption reduced the between-subject variability of SWAP, The FASTPAC strategy yielded the lowest between-subject variability In SWAP, but the greatest between-subject variability In WoW perimetry. The greater between-subject variability of SWAP has profound Implications for the delineation of visual field abnormality, The fatigue effect for the Full Threshold strategy in SWAP was evaluated with conventional opaque, and translucent occlusion of the fellow eye. SWAP exhibited a greater fatigue effect than W-W perimetry. Translucent occlusion reduced the between-subject variability of W-W perimetry but Increased the between-subject variability of SWAP. The elevation of sensitivity was greater with translucent occlusion which has implications for the statistical analysis of W-W perimetry and SWAP. The influence of age-related cataract extraction and IOL implantation upon the visual field derived by WoW perimetry and SWAP was determined. Cataract yielded a general reduction In sensitivity which was preferentially greater in SWAP, even after the correction of SWAP for the attenuation of the stimulus by the ocular media. There was no correlation between either backward or forward light scatter and the magnitude of the attenuation of W-W or SWAP sensitivity. The post-operative mean deviation in SWAP was positive and has ramifications for the statistical Interpretation of SWAP. Short-wavelength-sensitive pathway isolation was assessed as a function of stimulus eccentricity using the two-colour Increment threshold method. At least 15 dB of SWS pathway Isolation was achieved for 440 nm, 450 nm and 460 nm stimuli at a background luminance of 100 cdm-2, There was a slight decrease In SWS pathway Isolation for all stimulus wavelengths with increasing eccentricity which was not of clinical significance. Adopting a 450 nm stimulus may reduce between-subject variability In SWAP due to a reduction In ocular media absorption and macular pigment absorption.
A multiwavelength generation in a random distributed feedback fiber laser based on hybrid Raman and erbium gain and a Lyot all-fiber spectral filter is demonstrated for the first time. The use of erbium-doped fiber allows a multi-wavelength generation to be achieved at lower pump powers in comparison with random fiber lasers based on Raman gain only. The operating bandwidth and flatness of power distribution between different lines in generation are also improved in the hybrid gain configuration.
We demonstrate a regenerative optical grooming switch for buffer-less interconnection of metro/access and metro/core ring networks with switching functionality in time, space and wavelength domain. Key functionalities of the router are the traffic aggregation with time-slot interchanging (TSI) functionality, the WDM-to-ODTM multiplexing and the OTDM-to-WDM demultiplexing of high-speed channel into lower bit-rate tributaries as well as multi-wavelength all-optical 2R regeneration of several higher-speed signals. BER and Q-factor measurements of different switching scenarios show excellent performance with no error floor and Q-factors above 21 dB.
Recently, there is a great interest in pushing communication technologies to 100 Gb/s. However, there are still many challenges to perform high speed (> 40 Gb/s) clock and data recovery, and data time-division-multiplexing (TDM). Here, we propose and numerically analyze an asynchronous optical packet retimer using parabolic or sinusoidal phase modulation and linear dispersion. This scheme is named pulse position locking (PPL). Numerical simulation shows that this scheme can effectively resynchronize input signals with arbitrary delays to the local clock, and reduce input jitter. The scheme can also be applied to TDM 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s signals to over 100 Gb/s.
Low-cost, high-capacity optical transmission systems are required for metropolitan area networks. Direct-detected multi-carrier systems are attractive candidates, but polarization mode dispersion (PMD) is one of the major impairments that limits their performance. In this paper, we report the first experimental analysis of the PMD tolerance of a 288Gbit/s NRZ-OOK Coherent Wavelength Division Multiplexing system. The results show that this impairment is determined primarily by the subcarrier baud rate. We confirm the robustness of the system to PMD by demonstrating error-free performance over an unrepeatered 124km field-installed single-mode fiber with a negligible penalty of 0.3dB compared to the back-to-back measurements. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
We propose a novel recursive-algorithm based maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detector in spectrally-efficient coherent wavelength division multiplexing (CoWDM) systems, and investigate its performance in a 1-bit/s/Hz on-off keyed (OOK) system limited by optical-signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed method decodes each sub-channel using the signal levels not only of the particular sub-channel but also of its adjacent sub-channels, and therefore can effectively compensate deterministic inter-sub-channel crosstalk as well as inter-symbol interference arising from narrow-band filtering and chromatic dispersion (CD). Numerical simulation of a five-channel OOK-based CoWDM system with 10Gbit/s per channel using either direct or coherent detection shows that the MAP decoder can eliminate the need for phase control of each optical carrier (which is necessarily required in a conventional CoWDM system), and greatly relaxes the spectral design of the demultiplexing filter at the receiver. It also significantly improves back-to-back sensitivity and CD tolerance of the system.
Optically multiplexed multi-carrier systems with channel spacing reduced to the symbol rate per carrier are highly susceptible to inter-channel crosstalk, which places stringent requirements for the specifications of system components and hinders the use of high-level formats. In this paper, we investigate the performance benefits of using offset 4-, 16-, and 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in coherent wavelength division multiplexing (CoWDM). We compare this system with recently reported Nyquist WDM and no-guard-interval optical coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, and show that the presented system greatly relaxes the requirements for device specifications and enhances the spectral efficiency by enabling the use of high-level QAM. The achieved performance can approach the theoretical limits using practical components.
The optimization of a wavelength tunable RZ transmitter, consisting of an electro-absorption modulator and a SG DBR tunable laser, is carried out using a linear spectrogram based characterization and leads to 1500 km transmission at 42.7 Gb/s independent of the operating wavelength. We demonstrate that, to ensure optimum and consistent transmission performance over a portion of the C-band, the RF drive and bias conditions of the EAM must be varied at each wavelength. The sign and magnitude of the pulse chirp (characterized using the linear spectrographic technique) is therefore tailored to suit the dispersion map of the transmission link. Results achieved show that by optimizing the drive and DC bias applied to the EAM, consistent transmission performance can be achieved over a wide wavelength range. Failure to optimize the EAM drive conditions at each wavelength can lead to serious degradation in system performance.
A regenerative all-optical grooming switch for interconnecting 130 Gbit/s on-off keying (OOK) metro/core ring and 43 Gbit/s-OOK metro/access ring networks with switching functionality in time, space, and wavelength domains is demonstrated. Key functionalities of the switch are traffic aggregation with time-slot interchanging functionality, optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) demultiplexing, and multi-wavelength 2R regeneration. Laboratory and field demonstrations show the excellent performance of the new concept with error-free signal transmission and Q-factors above 20 dB.
Optical packet transmission in 42.6 Gbit/s wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork-routed networks
The use of amplitude-modulated phase-shift-keyed (AM-PSK) optical data transmission is investigated in a sequence of concatenated links in a wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork-routed network. The narrower channel spacing made possible by using AM-PSK format allows the network to contain a greater number of network nodes. Full differential precoding at the packet source reduces the amount of high-speed electronics required in the network and also offers simplified header recognition and time-to-live mechanisms.
A practical implementation of coherent wavelength division multiplexing (CoWDM) is demonstrated for the first time using injection-locked lasers and a DPSK modulator array. For a 31.99 Gbit/s system (three subcarriers at 10.664 Gbit/s) the null-to-null spectral bandwidth was only 42.656 GHz and the average receiver sensitivity measured was -33.5 dBm when all subcarrier phases were optimised.
Future high capacity optical links will have to make use of frequent signal regeneration to enable long distance transmission. In this respect, the role of all-optical signal processing becomes increasingly important because of its potential to mitigate signal impairments at low cost and power consumption. More substantial benefits are expected if regeneration is achieved simultaneously on a multiple signal band. Until recently, this had been achieved only for on-off keying modulation formats. However, as in future transmission links the information will be encoded also in the phase for enhancing the spectral efficiency, novel subsystem concepts will be needed for multichannel processing of such advanced signal formats. In this paper we show that phase sensitive amplifiers can be an ideal technology platform for developing such regenerators and we discuss our recent demonstration of the first multi-channel regenerator for phase encoded signals.
The inscription of Bragg gratings has been demonstrated in PMMA-based polymer optical fibre. The water affinity of PMMA can introduce significant wavelength change in a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG). In polymer optical fibre losses are much higher than with silica fibre. Very strong absorption bands related to higher harmonics of vibrations of the C-H bond dominate throughout the visible and near infrared. Molecular vibration in substances generates heat, which is referred to as the thermal effect of molecular vibration. This means that a large part of the absorption of optical energy in those spectral bands will convert into thermal energy, which eventually drives water content out of the polymer fibre and reduces the wavelength of POFBG. In this work we have investigated the wavelength stability of POFBGs in different circumstances. The experiment has shown that the characteristic wavelength of a POFBG starts decreasing after a light source is applied to it. This decrease continues until equilibrium inside the fibre is established, depending on the initial water content inside the fibre, the surrounding humidity, the optical power applied, and the fibre size. Our investigation has shown that POFBGs operating at around 850 nm show much smaller wavelength reduction than those operating at around 1550 nm in the same fibre; POFBGs with different diameters show different changes; POFBGs powered by a low level light source, or operating in a very dry environment are least affected by this thermal effect.
In this paper we propose a 2R regeneration scheme based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) and optical filtering. We numerically investigate wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) operation at a channel bit rate of 40 Gbit/s. In distinction to our previous work, we focus here on the regenerative characteristics and signal quality after a single transmission section, whose length is varied from 200 to 1000 km. © 2003 IEEE.
This work numerically analyzes the performances of a 2R (reamplification and reshaping) regenerator based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror and a 3R (reamplification, reshaping, and retiming) regenerator using a nonlinearly enhanced amplitude modulator in 40-Gb/s standard single-mode fiber (SMF)-based optical networks with large amplifier spacing. The characteristics of one(600 km of SMF) and two-step regeneration are examined and the feasibility of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) operation is demonstrated.