68 resultados para summation


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This Thesis reports on the principles and usefulness of Performance Rating as developed by the writer over a number of years. In Part one a brief analysis is made of the Quality scene and its development up to the present. The need is exposed for Performance Rating as a tool for all areas of management*. At the same time a system of Quality Control is described which the writer has further developed under the title of 'Operator Control'. This system is based on the integration of all Quality control functions with the creative functions required for Quality achievement. The discussions are mainly focussed on the general philosophy of Quality, its creation and control and that part of Operator Control which affects Performance Rating. Whereas it is shown that the combination of Operator Control and Performance Rating is both economically and technically advantageous, Performance Rating can also usefully be applied under inspection control conditions. Part two describes the principles of Area Performance Rating. *The need for, and the advantages of, Performance Rating are particularly demonstrated in Case study No.1. From this a summation expression is derived which gives the key for grouping of areas with similar Performance Rating (P). A model is devised on which the theory is demonstrated. Relevant case studies, carried out in practice in factories are quoted in Part two, Chapter 4, one written by the Quality manager of that particular factory. Particular stress is laid in the final conclusions on management's function in the Quality field and how greatly this function is eased and improved through the introduction of Area Performance Rating.


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Magnox AL80 has been used for a study of creep crack propagation. A number of variables have been considered such as specimen geometry,notch root radius, material thickness, creep prestrain and stress level.The work has covered the material behaving under two values of the creep exponent, n=3.5 and n=7, according to the stress level. As well as observing initiation times and crack growth rates, scribed grids have been used to examine the near crack tip strain levels and distributions. It was shown that estimations of COD from notch flank opening can give misleading indications of material behaviour and that a more informative method was to monitor displacements in the material surrounding the crack tip. Strong evidence was found for crack advance being displacement controlled, however it was shown that the COD approach should be considered geometry dependant. The summation of ∈xx and ∈yy provided the most successful description of crack advance as it produced a single value that described propagation in all the cases concidered. The strain distributions indicates that σyy was related to distance from a point ahead of the crack tip by the exponent - (l/n+l) and that σxx is proportional to σyy. The constraint stresses arising in the DEN and CN specimens were evaluated. Initiation time was found to be principally affected by the stress level but was modified by the constraints arising from specimen geometry. Crack growth was found not to obey either the empirical K or σpett relationships but was reviewed in context of the observed strain behaviour.


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A preliminary study by Freeman et al (1996b) has suggested that when complex patterns of motion elicit impressions of 2-dimensionality, odd-item-out detection improves given targets can be differentiated on the basis of surface properties. Their results can be accounted for, it if is supposed that observers are permitted efficient access to 3-D surface descriptions but access to 2-D motion descriptions is restricted. To test the hypothesis, a standard search technique was employed, in which targets could be discussed on the basis of slant sign. In one experiment, slant impressions were induced through the summing of deformation and translation components. In a second theory were induced through the summing of shear and translation components. Neither showed any evidence of efficient access. A third experiment explored the possibility that access to these representations may have been hindered by a lack of grouping between the stimuli. Attempts to improve grouping failed to produce convincing evidence in support of life. An alternative explanation is that complex patterns of motion are simply not processed simultaneously. Psychophysical and physiological studies have, however, suggested that multiple mechanisms selective for complex motion do exist. Using a subthreshold summation technique I found evidence supporting the notion that complex motions are processed in parallel. Furthermore, in a spatial summation experiment, coherence thresholds were measured for displays containing different numbers of complex motion patches. Consistent with the idea that complex motion processing proceeds in parallel, increases in the number of motion patches were seen to decrease thresholds, both for expansion and rotation. Moreover, the rates of decrease were higher than those typically expected from probability summation, thus implying mechanisms are available, which can pool signals from spatially distinct complex motion flows.


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The Octopus Automated Perimeter was validated in a comparative study and found to offer many advantages in the assessment of the visual field. The visual evoked potential was investigated in an extensive study using a variety of stimulus parameters to simulate hemianopia and central visual field defects. The scalp topography was recorded topographically and a technique to compute the source derivation of the scalp potential was developed. This enabled clarification of the expected scalp distribution to half field stimulation using different electrode montages. The visual evoked potential following full field stimulation was found to be asymmetrical around the midline with a bias over the left occiput particularly when the foveal polar projections of the occipital cortex were preferentially stimulated. The half field response reflected the distribution asymmetry. Masking of the central 3° resulted in a response which was approximately symmetrical around the midline but there was no evidence of the PNP-complex. A method for visual field quantification was developed based on the neural representation of visual space (Drasdo and Peaston 1982) in an attempt to relate visual field depravation with the resultant visual evoked potentials. There was no form of simple, diffuse summation between the scalp potential and the cortical generators. It was, however, possible to quantify the degree of scalp potential attenuation for M-scaled full field stimuli. The results obtained from patients exhibiting pre-chiasmal lesions suggested that the PNP-complex is not scotomatous in nature but confirmed that it is most likely to be related to specific diseases (Harding and Crews 1982). There was a strong correlation between the percentage information loss of the visual field and the diagnostic value of the visual evoked potential in patients exhibiting chiasmal lesions.


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The study utilized the advanced technology provided by automated perimeters to investigate the hypothesis that patients with retinitis pigmentosa behave atypically over the dynamic range and to concurrently determine the influence of extraneous factors on the format of the normal perimetric sensitivity profile. The perimetric processing of some patients with retinitis pigmentosa was considered to be abnormal in either the temporal and/or the spatial domain. The standard size III stimulus saturated the central regions and was thus ineffective in detecting early depressions in sensitivity in these areas. When stimulus size was scaled in inverse proportion to the square root of ganglion cell receptive field density (M-scaled), isosensitive profiles did not result, although cortical representation was theoretically equivalent across the visual field. It was conjectured that this was due to variations in the ganglion cell characteristics with increasing peripheral angle, most notably spatial summation. It was concluded that the development of perimetric routines incorporating stimulus sizes adjusted in proportion to the coverage factor of retinal ganglion cells would enhance the diagnostic capacity of perimetry. Good general and local correspondence was found between perimetric sensitivity and the available retinal cell counts. Intraocular light scatter arising both from simulations and media opacities depressed perimetric sensitivity. Attenuation was greater centrally for the smaller LED stimuli, whereas the reverse was true for the larger projected stimuli. Prior perimetric experience and pupil size also demonstrated eccentricity-dependent effect on sensitivity. Practice improved perimetric sensitivity for projected stimuli at eccentricities greater than or equal to 30o; particularly in the superior region. Increase in pupil size for LED stimuli enhanced sensitivity at eccentricities greater than 10o. Conversely, microfluctuation in the accommodative response during perimetric examination and the correction of peripheral refractive error had no significant influence on perimetric sensitivity.


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Automated perimetry has made viable a rapid threshold examination of the visual field and has reinforced the role of perimetry in the diagnostic procedure. The aim of this study was twofold: to isolate the influence of certain extraneous factors on the sensitivity gradient, since these might limit the early detection and accurate monitoring of visual field loss and to investigate the efficacy of certain novel combinations of stimulus parameters in the detection of early visual field loss. The work was carried out with particular reference to glaucoma and to ocular hypertension. The effects of media opacities on the visual field were assessed by forward intraocular light scatter (n= 15) and were found to mask diffuse glaucomatous visual field loss and underestimate focal loss. Correction of the visual field indices for the effects of forward intraocular light scatter (n= 26) showed the focal losses to be, in reality, unaffected. Measurements of back scatter underestimated forward intraocular light scatter (n= 60) and the resultant depression of the visual field. Perimetric sensitivity improved with patient learning (n= 25) and exhibited eccentricity- and depth-dependency effects whereby improvements in sensitivity were greatest for peripheral areas of the field and for those areas which initially demonstrated the lowest sensitivity. The effects of practice were retained over several months (n= 16). Perimetric sensitivity decreased during prolonged examination due to fatigue effects (n&61 19); these demonstrated a similar eccentricity-dependency, being greatest for eccentricities beyond 30o. Mean sensitivities over the range of adaptation levels employed obeyed the Weber-Fechner law (n= 10) and, as would be expected, were independent of pupil size. No relationship was found between short-term fluctuation and adaptation level. Detection of diffuse glaucomatous visual field loss was facilitated using a size III stimulus of duration 200msec at an adaptation level of 31.5asb, compared with a size III stimulus of duration 100msec at an adaptation level of 4asb (n= 20). In a pilot study (n= 10), temporal summation was found to be higher in glaucomatous patients compared with age-matched controls, although the difference was not statistically significant.


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Visual hyperacuities.are a group of thresholds whose values surpass that expected by the anatomical and optical constraints of the eye. There are many variables which affect hyperacuities of which this thesis considers the following .. 1. The effect of contrast on displacement detection and bisection acuity. It is proposed that spatial summation may account for the different response of these two hyperacuities compared with the contrast response of vernier acuity. 2. The effect of references on displacement detection. These were shown to greatly enhance performance when present. Their effect was, however, dependent upon the temporal characteristics of the displacement. 3. The effect of spatial frequency on vernier acuity. Evidence from this experiment suggests that vernier performance can be explained on the basis of the output of orientationally selective spatial frequency filters. 4. Evidence for a weighting function for visual location using random dot clusters. The weighting attached to different parts of the retinal light distribution was found to alter non-linearly with increasing offset from the geometric center of the cluster. A relationship between dot density and peak amplitude of the weighting function was found. 5. Spatial scaling of vernier acuity in the peripheral field. With careful choice of a technique which did not allow separation and eccentricity to co-vary it was found possible to scale vernier acuity both for two lines and two separated dots. 6. The effect of increasing age on hyperacuity. No change in vernier acuity with age was found which contrasted with displacement detection and bisection acuity both of which showed a significant decline with increasing age.


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The study investigated the potential applications and the limitations of non-standard techniques of visual field investigation utilizing automated perimetry. Normal subjects exhibited a greater sensitivity to kinetic stimuli than to static stimuli of identical size. The magnitude of physiological SKD was found to be largely independent of age, stimulus size, meridian and eccentricity. The absence of a dependency on stimulus size indicated that successive lateral spatial summation could not totally account for the underlying mechanism of physiological SKD. The visual field indices MD and LV exhibited a progressive deterioration during the time course of a conventional central visual field examination both for normal subjects and for ocular hypertensive patients. The fatigue effect was more pronounced in the latter stages and for the second eye tested. The confidence limits for the definition of abnormality should reflect the greater effect of fatigue on the second eye. A 330 cdm-2 yellow background was employed for blue-on-yellow perimetry. Instrument measurement range was preserved by positioning a concave mirror behind the stimulus bulb to increase the light output by 60% . The mean magnitude of SWS pathway isolation was approximately 1.4 log units relative to a 460nm stimulus filter. The absorption spectra of the ocular media exhibited an exponential increase with increase in age, whilst that of the macular pigment showed no systematic trend. The magnitude of ocular media absorption was demonstrated to reduce with increase in wavelength. Ocular media absorption was significantly greater in diabetic patients than in normal subjects. Five diabetic patients with either normal or borderline achromatic sensitivity exhibited an abnormal blue-on-yellow sensitivity; two of these patients showed no signs of retinopathy. A greater vulnerability of the SWS pathway to the diabetic disease process was hypothesized.


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A distinct feature of several recent models of contrast masking is that detecting mechanisms are divisively inhibited by a broadly tuned ‘gain pool’ of narrow-band spatial pattern mechanisms. The contrast gain control provided by this ‘cross-channel’ architecture achieves contrast normalisation of early pattern mechanisms, which is important for keeping them within the non-saturating part of their biological operating characteristic. These models superseded earlier ‘within-channel’ models, which had supposed that masking arose from direct stimulation of the detecting mechanism by the mask. To reveal the extent of masking, I measured the levels produced with large ranges of pattern spatial relationships that have not been explored before. Substantial interactions between channels tuned to different orientations and spatial frequencies were found. Differences in the masking levels produced with single and multiple component mask patterns provided insights into the summation rules within the gain pool. A widely used cross-channel masking model was tested on these data and was found to perform poorly. The model was developed and a version in which linear summation was allowed between all components within the gain pool but with the exception of the self-suppressing route typically provided the best account of the data. Subsequently, an adaptation paradigm was used to probe the processes underlying pooled responses in masking. This delivered less insight into the pooling than the other studies and areas were identified that require investigation for a new unifying model of masking and adaptation. In further experiments, levels of cross-channel masking were found to be greatly influenced by the spatio-temporal tuning of the channels involved. Old masking experiments and ideas relying on within-channel models were re-elevated in terms of contemporary cross-channel models (e.g. estimations of channel bandwidths from orientation masking functions) and this led to different conclusions than those originally arrived at. The investigation of effects with spatio-temporally superimposed patterns is focussed upon throughout this work, though it is shown how these enquiries might be extended to investigate effects across spatial and temporal position.


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Masking, adaptation, and summation paradigms have been used to investigate the characteristics of early spatio-temporal vision. Each has been taken to provide evidence for (i) oriented and (ii) nonoriented spatial-filtering mechanisms. However, subsequent findings suggest that the evidence for nonoriented mechanisms has been misinterpreted: those experiments might have revealed the characteristics of suppression (eg, gain control), not excitation, or merely the isotropic subunits of the oriented detecting mechanisms. To shed light on this, we used all three paradigms to focus on the ‘high-speed’ corner of spatio-temporal vision (low spatial frequency, high temporal frequency), where cross-oriented achromatic effects are greatest. We used flickering Gabor patches as targets and a 2IFC procedure for monocular, binocular, and dichoptic stimulus presentations. To account for our results, we devised a simple model involving an isotropic monocular filter-stage feeding orientation-tuned binocular filters. Both filter stages are adaptable, and their outputs are available to the decision stage following nonlinear contrast transduction. However, the monocular isotropic filters (i) adapt only to high-speed stimuli—consistent with a magnocellular subcortical substrate—and (ii) benefit decision making only for high-speed stimuli (ie, isotropic monocular outputs are available only for high-speed stimuli). According to this model, the visual processes revealed by masking, adaptation, and summation are related but not identical.


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Adapting one eye to a high contrast grating reduces sensitivity to similar target gratings shown to the same eye, and also to those shown to the opposite eye. According to the textbook account, interocular transfer (IOT) of adaptation is around 60% of the within-eye effect. However, most previous studies on this were limited to using high spatial frequencies, sustained presentation, and criterion-dependent methods for assessing threshold. Here, we measure IOT across a wide range of spatiotemporal frequencies, using a criterion-free 2AFC method. We find little or no IOT at low spatial frequencies, consistent with other recent observations. At higher spatial frequencies, IOT was present, but weaker than previously reported (around 35%, on average, at 8c/deg). Across all conditions, monocular adaptation raised thresholds by around a factor of 2, and observers showed normal binocular summation, demonstrating that they were not binocularly compromised. These findings prompt a reassessment of our understanding of the binocular architecture implied by interocular adaptation. In particular, the output of monocular channels may be available to perceptual decision making at low spatial frequencies.


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Over the full visual field, contrast sensitivity is fairly well described by a linear decline in log sensitivity as a function of eccentricity (expressed in grating cycles). However, many psychophysical studies of spatial visual function concentrate on the central ±4.5 deg (or so) of the visual field. As the details of the variation in sensitivity have not been well documented in this region we did so for small patches of target contrast at several spatial frequencies (0.7–4 c/deg), meridians (horizontal, vertical, and oblique), orientations (horizontal, vertical, and oblique), and eccentricities (0–18 cycles). To reduce the potential effects of stimulus uncertainty, circular markers surrounded the targets. Our analysis shows that the decline in binocular log sensitivity within the central visual field is bilinear: The initial decline is steep, whereas the later decline is shallow and much closer to the classical results. The bilinear decline was approximately symmetrical in the horizontal meridian and declined most steeply in the superior visual field. Further analyses showed our results to be scale-invariant and that this property could not be predicted from cone densities. We used the results from the cardinal meridians to radially interpolate an attenuation surface with the shape of a witch's hat that provided good predictions for the results from the oblique meridians. The witch's hat provides a convenient starting point from which to build models of contrast sensitivity, including those designed to investigate signal summation and neuronal convergence of the image contrast signal. Finally, we provide Matlab code for constructing the witch's hat.


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We summarize the various strands of research on peripheral vision and relate them to theories of form perception. After a historical overview, we describe quantifications of the cortical magnification hypothesis, including an extension of Schwartz's cortical mapping function. The merits of this concept are considered across a wide range of psychophysical tasks, followed by a discussion of its limitations and the need for non-spatial scaling. We also review the eccentricity dependence of other low-level functions including reaction time, temporal resolution, and spatial summation, as well as perimetric methods. A central topic is then the recognition of characters in peripheral vision, both at low and high levels of contrast, and the impact of surrounding contours known as crowding. We demonstrate how Bouma's law, specifying the critical distance for the onset of crowding, can be stated in terms of the retinocortical mapping. The recognition of more complex stimuli, like textures, faces, and scenes, reveals a substantial impact of mid-level vision and cognitive factors. We further consider eccentricity-dependent limitations of learning, both at the level of perceptual learning and pattern category learning. Generic limitations of extrafoveal vision are observed for the latter in categorization tasks involving multiple stimulus classes. Finally, models of peripheral form vision are discussed. We report that peripheral vision is limited with regard to pattern categorization by a distinctly lower representational complexity and processing speed. Taken together, the limitations of cognitive processing in peripheral vision appear to be as significant as those imposed on low-level functions and by way of crowding.


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The classic hypothesis of Livingstone and Hubel (1984, 1987) proposed two types of color pathways in primate visual cortex based on recordings from single cells: a segregated, modularpathway that signals color but provides little information about shape or form and a second pathway that signals color differences and so defines forms without the need to specify their colors. A major problem has been to reconcile this neurophysiological hypothesis with the behavioral data. A wealth of psychophysical studies has demonstrated that color vision has orientation-tuned responses and little impairment on form related tasks, but these have not revealed any direct evidence for nonoriented mechanisms. Here we use a psychophysical method of subthreshold summation across orthogonal orientations for isoluminant red-green gratings in monocular and dichoptic viewing conditions to differentiate between nonoriented and orientation-tuned responses to color contrast. We reveal nonoriented color responses at low spatial frequencies (0.25-0.375 c/deg) under monocular conditions changing to orientation-tuned responses at higher spatial frequencies (1.5 c/deg) and under binocular conditions. We suggest that two distinct pathways coexist in color vision at the behavioral level, revealed at different spatial scales: one is isotropic, monocular, and best equipped for the representation of surface color, and the other is orientation-tuned, binocular, and selective for shape and form. This advances our understanding of the organization of the neural pathways involved in human color vision and provides a strong link between neurophysiological and behavioral data. © 2013 ARVO.


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Visual perception begins by dissecting the retinal image into millions of small patches for local analyses by local receptive fields. However, image structures extend well beyond these receptive fields and so further processes must be involved in sewing the image fragments back together to derive representations of higher order (more global) structures. To investigate the integration process, we also need to understand the opposite process of suppression. To investigate both processes together, we measured triplets of dipper functions for targets and pedestals involving interdigitated stimulus pairs (A, B). Previous work has shown that summation and suppression operate over the full contrast range for the domains of ocularity and space. Here, we extend that work to include orientation and time domains. Temporal stimuli were 15-Hz counter-phase sine-wave gratings, where A and B were the positive and negative phases of the oscillation, respectively. For orientation, we used orthogonally oriented contrast patches (A, B) whose sum was an isotropic difference of Gaussians. Results from all four domains could be understood within a common framework in which summation operates separately within the numerator and denominator of a contrast gain control equation. This simple arrangement of summation and counter-suppression achieves integration of various stimulus attributes without distorting the underlying contrast code.