66 resultados para single channel algorithm
To decouple interocular suppression and binocular summation we varied the relative phase of mask and target in a 2IFC contrast-masking paradigm. In Experiment I, dichoptic mask gratings had the same orientation and spatial frequency as the target. For in-phase masking, suppression was strong (a log-log slope of ∼1) and there was weak facilitation at low mask contrasts. Anti-phase masking was weaker (a log-log slope of ∼0.7) and there was no facilitation. A two-stage model of contrast gain control [Meese, T.S., Georgeson, M.A. and Baker, D.H. (2006). Binocular contrast vision at and above threshold. Journal of Vision, 6: 1224-1243] provided a good fit to the in-phase results and fixed its free parameters. It made successful predictions (with no free parameters) for the anti-phase results when (A) interocular suppression was phase-indifferent but (B) binocular summation was phase sensitive. Experiments II and III showed that interocular suppression comprised two components: (i) a tuned effect with an orientation bandwidth of ∼±33° and a spatial frequency bandwidth of >3 octaves, and (ii) an untuned effect that elevated threshold by a factor of between 2 and 4. Operationally, binocular summation was more tightly tuned, having an orientation bandwidth of ∼±8°, and a spatial frequency bandwidth of ∼0.5 octaves. Our results replicate the unusual shapes of the in-phase dichoptic tuning functions reported by Legge [Legge, G.E. (1979). Spatial frequency masking in human vision: Binocular interactions. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 69: 838-847]. These can now be seen as the envelope of the direct effects from interocular suppression and the indirect effect from binocular summation, which contaminates the signal channel with a mask that has been suppressed by the target. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A single electroabsorption modulator was used to demultiplex a 10 Gbit/s channel from a 40 Gbit/s OTDM data stream, whilst simultaneously recovering the 10 GHz electrical clock. This was achieved using a new bi-directional operation of the EA modulator, combined with a simple phase-locked loop feedback circuit. Excellent system performance was achieved, indicating that operation up to and beyond 100 Gbit/s is possible using current technology.
A consequence of a loss of coolant accident is the damage of adjacent insulation materials (IM). IM may then be transported to the containment sump strainers where water is drawn into the ECCS (emergency core cooling system). Blockage of the strainers by IM lead to an increased pressure drop acting on the operating ECCS pumps. IM can also penetrate the strainers, enter the reactor coolant system and then accumulate in the reactor pressure vessel. An experimental and theoretical study that concentrates on mineral wool fiber transport in the containment sump and the ECCS is being performed. The study entails fiber generation and the assessment of fiber transport in single and multi-effect experiments. The experiments include measurement of the terminal settling velocity, the strainer pressure drop, fiber sedimentation and resuspension in a channel flow and jet flow in a rectangular tank. An integrated test facility is also operated to assess the compounded effects. Each experimental facility is used to provide data for the validation of equivalent computational fluid dynamic models. The channel flow facility allows the determination of the steady state distribution of the fibers at different flow velocities. The fibers are modeled in the Eulerian-Eulerian reference frame as spherical wetted agglomerates. The fiber agglomerate size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber mixture and the turbulent dispersion of the fibers all affect the steady state accumulation of fibers at the channel base. In the current simulations, two fiber phases are separately considered. The particle size is kept constant while the density is modified, which affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction. The relative viscosity is only significant at higher concentrations. The numerical model finds that the fibers accumulate at the channel base even at high velocities; therefore, modifications to the drag and turbulent dispersion forces can be made to reduce fiber accumulation.
There are been a resurgence of interest in the neural networks field in recent years, provoked in part by the discovery of the properties of multi-layer networks. This interest has in turn raised questions about the possibility of making neural network behaviour more adaptive by automating some of the processes involved. Prior to these particular questions, the process of determining the parameters and network architecture required to solve a given problem had been a time consuming activity. A number of researchers have attempted to address these issues by automating these processes, concentrating in particular on the dynamic selection of an appropriate network architecture.The work presented here specifically explores the area of automatic architecture selection; it focuses upon the design and implementation of a dynamic algorithm based on the Back-Propagation learning algorithm. The algorithm constructs a single hidden layer as the learning process proceeds using individual pattern error as the basis of unit insertion. This algorithm is applied to several problems of differing type and complexity and is found to produce near minimal architectures that are shown to have a high level of generalisation ability.
This thesis first considers the calibration and signal processing requirements of a neuromagnetometer for the measurement of human visual function. Gradiometer calibration using straight wire grids is examined and optimal grid configurations determined, given realistic constructional tolerances. Simulations show that for gradiometer balance of 1:104 and wire spacing error of 0.25mm the achievable calibration accuracy of gain is 0.3%, of position is 0.3mm and of orientation is 0.6°. Practical results with a 19-channel 2nd-order gradiometer based system exceed this performance. The real-time application of adaptive reference noise cancellation filtering to running-average evoked response data is examined. In the steady state, the filter can be assumed to be driven by a non-stationary step input arising at epoch boundaries. Based on empirical measures of this driving step an optimal progression for the filter time constant is proposed which improves upon fixed time constant filter performance. The incorporation of the time-derivatives of the reference channels was found to improve the performance of the adaptive filtering algorithm by 15-20% for unaveraged data, falling to 5% with averaging. The thesis concludes with a neuromagnetic investigation of evoked cortical responses to chromatic and luminance grating stimuli. The global magnetic field power of evoked responses to the onset of sinusoidal gratings was shown to have distinct chromatic and luminance sensitive components. Analysis of the results, using a single equivalent current dipole model, shows that these components arise from activity within two distinct cortical locations. Co-registration of the resulting current source localisations with MRI shows a chromatically responsive area lying along the midline within the calcarine fissure, possibly extending onto the lingual and cuneal gyri. It is postulated that this area is the human homologue of the primate cortical area V4.
In this paper we investigate rate adaptation algorithm SampleRate, which spends a fixed time on bit-rates other than the currently measured best bit-rate. A simple but effective analytic model is proposed to study the steady-state behavior of the algorithm. Impacts of link condition, channel congestion and multi-rate retry on the algorithm performance are modeled. Simulations validate the model. It is also observed there is still a large performance gap between SampleRate and optimal scheme in case of high frame collision probability.
Link adaptation is a critical component of IEEE 802.11 systems, which adapts transmission rates to dynamic wireless channel conditions. In this paper we investigate a general cross-layer link adaptation algorithm which jointly considers the physical layer link quality and random channel access at the MAC layer. An analytic model is proposed for the link adaptation algorithm. The underlying wireless channel is modeled with a multiple state discrete time Markov chain. Compared with the pure link quality based link adaptation algorithm, the proposed cross-layer algorithm can achieve considerable performance gains of up to 20%.
Link adaptation (LA) plays an important role in adapting an IEEE 802.11 network to wireless link conditions and maximizing its capacity. However, there is a lack of theoretic analysis of IEEE 802.11 LA algorithms. In this article, we propose a Markov chain model for an 802.11 LA algorithm (ONOE algorithm), aiming to identify the problems and finding the space of improvement for LA algorithms. We systematically model the impacts of frame corruption and collision on IEEE 802.11 network performance. The proposed analytic model was verified by computer simulations. With the analytic model, it can be observed that ONOE algorithm performance is highly dependent on the initial bit rate and parameter configurations. The algorithm may perform badly even under light channel congestion, and thus, ONOE algorithm parameters should be configured carefully to ensure a satisfactory system performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA) models the collective behaviour of ants to find clusters in data and to assign objects to the most appropriate class. It is an ant colony optimisation approach that uses pheromones to mark paths linking objects that are similar and potentially members of the same cluster or class. Its novelty is in the way it uses separate pheromones for each descriptive attribute of the object rather than a single pheromone representing the whole object. Ants that encounter other ants frequently enough can combine the attribute values they are detecting, which enables the MPACA to learn influential variable interactions. This paper applies the model to real-world data from two domains. One is logistics, focusing on resource allocation rather than the more traditional vehicle-routing problem. The other is mental-health risk assessment. The task for the MPACA in each domain was to predict class membership where the classes for the logistics domain were the levels of demand on haulage company resources and the mental-health classes were levels of suicide risk. Results on these noisy real-world data were promising, demonstrating the ability of the MPACA to find patterns in the data with accuracy comparable to more traditional linear regression models. © 2013 Polish Information Processing Society.
A single electroabsorption modulator was used to demultiplex a 10 Gbit/s channel from a 40 Gbit/s OTDM data stream, whilst simultaneously recovering the 10 GHz electrical clock. This was achieved using a new bi-directional operation of the EA modulator, combined with a simple phase-locked loop feedback circuit. Excellent system performance was achieved, indicating that operation up to and beyond 100 Gbit/s is possible using current technology.
A key problem with IEEE 802.11 technology is adaptation of the transmission rates to the changing channel conditions, which is more challenging in vehicular networks. Although rate adaptation problem has been extensively studied for static residential and enterprise network scenarios, there is little work dedicated to the IEEE 802.11 rate adaptation in vehicular networks. Here, the authors are motivated to study the IEEE 802.11 rate adaptation problem in infrastructure-based vehicular networks. First of all, the performances of several existing rate adaptation algorithms under vehicle network scenarios, which have been widely used for static network scenarios, are evaluated. Then, a new rate adaptation algorithm is proposed to improve the network performance. In the new rate adaptation algorithm, the technique of sampling candidate transmission modes is used, and the effective throughput associated with a transmission mode is the metric used to choose among the possible transmission modes. The proposed algorithm is compared to several existing rate adaptation algorithms by simulations, which shows significant performance improvement under various system and channel configurations. An ideal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)-based rate adaptation algorithm in which accurate channel SNR is assumed to be always available is also implemented for benchmark performance comparison.
A synchronization scheme for a two-channel phase sensitive amplifier is implemented based on the injection-locking of single InP quantum-dash mode-locked laser. Error free performance with penalty <1 dB is demonstrated for both channels. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
We present a new class of multi-channel Fiber Bragg grating, which provides the characteristics of channelized dispersion but does so with only a single reflection band. Such gratings can provide pure phase control of optical pulses without introducing any deleterious insertion-loss-variation. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
Supply chain formation (SCF) is the process of determining the set of participants and exchange relationships within a network with the goal of setting up a supply chain that meets some predefined social objective. Many proposed solutions for the SCF problem rely on centralized computation, which presents a single point of failure and can also lead to problems with scalability. Decentralized techniques that aid supply chain emergence offer a more robust and scalable approach by allowing participants to deliberate between themselves about the structure of the optimal supply chain. Current decentralized supply chain emergence mechanisms are only able to deal with simplistic scenarios in which goods are produced and traded in single units only and without taking into account production capacities or input-output ratios other than 1:1. In this paper, we demonstrate the performance of a graphical inference technique, max-sum loopy belief propagation (LBP), in a complex multiunit unit supply chain emergence scenario which models additional constraints such as production capacities and input-to-output ratios. We also provide results demonstrating the performance of LBP in dynamic environments, where the properties and composition of participants are altered as the algorithm is running. Our results suggest that max-sum LBP produces consistently strong solutions on a variety of network structures in a multiunit problem scenario, and that performance tends not to be affected by on-the-fly changes to the properties or composition of participants.
To solve multi-objective problems, multiple reward signals are often scalarized into a single value and further processed using established single-objective problem solving techniques. While the field of multi-objective optimization has made many advances in applying scalarization techniques to obtain good solution trade-offs, the utility of applying these techniques in the multi-objective multi-agent learning domain has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Agents learn the value of their decisions by linearly scalarizing their reward signals at the local level, while acceptable system wide behaviour results. However, the non-linear relationship between weighting parameters of the scalarization function and the learned policy makes the discovery of system wide trade-offs time consuming. Our first contribution is a thorough analysis of well known scalarization schemes within the multi-objective multi-agent reinforcement learning setup. The analysed approaches intelligently explore the weight-space in order to find a wider range of system trade-offs. In our second contribution, we propose a novel adaptive weight algorithm which interacts with the underlying local multi-objective solvers and allows for a better coverage of the Pareto front. Our third contribution is the experimental validation of our approach by learning bi-objective policies in self-organising smart camera networks. We note that our algorithm (i) explores the objective space faster on many problem instances, (ii) obtained solutions that exhibit a larger hypervolume, while (iii) acquiring a greater spread in the objective space.