66 resultados para saturable absorber


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This thesis investigates the feasibility of soliton transmission at 1150nm over standard fibre. This is done using a dispersion compensating fibre module in each amplifier span to compensate for the high dispersion. The basic principles of soliton propagation in optical fibre are discussed within this thesis, followed by an introduction to advantages of dispersion management. In the experimental chapter single channel transmission results are presented in 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s. At 10Gbit/s the effects of dispersion management on the power dispersion relationship for solitons are investigated. The detrimental effects of soliton-soliton interactions, which are increased due to the greater overlap breathing solitons are discussed. A technique for reducing the soliton-soliton interactions through amplifier positioning is presented as a solution to this problem. The experiments demonstrate the feasibility of using standard fibre for transmission over trans-oceanic distances at 10Gbit/s. The 40Gbit/s experiment demonstrates transmission over sufficient distance for an terrestrial system. Also contained within this thesis are experimental results showing transmission of solitons over dispersion shifted fibre using a novel technique that makes use of the non-linear polarisation rotation of the soliton in the fibre. This is used to generate the effect of saturable absorption, allowing transmission distances of 200,000km to be achieved.


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The effects of antioxidants and stabilizers on the oxidative degradation of polyolefins (low density polyethylene [LDPE] and polypropylene [PPJ have been studied after subjecting to prior high temperature processing treatments. The changes in the both chemical and physical properties of unstabilized polymers occurring during processing were found to be strongly dependent on the amount of oxygen present in the mixer. Subsequent thermal and photo-oxidation showed very similar characteristics and the chromophore primarily responsible for:both thermo and photooxidative degradation of unstabilized polymers was found to be hydroperoxide formed during processing. Removal of hydroperoxide by heat treatment in an inert atmosphere although increasing ketonic carbonyl concentration, markedly decreased the rate of photo-oxidation, introducing an induction period similar to that of an unprocessed sample. It was concluded that hydroperoxides are the most important initiators in normally processed polymers during the early stages of photo-oxidation. Antioxidants such as metal dithiocarbamates which act by destroying peroxides into non-radica1 products were found to be efficient melt stabilizers for polyolefins and effective UV stabilizers during the initial photo-oxidation stage, whilst a phenolic antioxidant, n-octadecyl-3-(3',5'-di-terbutyl 4'hydroxypheny1) propionate (Irganox 1076) retarded photo-oxidation rate in the later stages. A typical 'UV absorber' 2-hydroxy-4-octyloxy-benzophenone (HOBP) has a minor thermal antioxidant action but retarded photo-oxidation at all stages. A substituated piperidine derivative, Bis [] sebacate (Tinuvin 770) behaved as an pro-oxidant during thermal oxidation of polyolefins but was an effective stabilizer against UV light. The UV absorber, HOBP synergised effectively with both peroxide decomposing antioxidants (metal dithiocarbamates) and a chain-breaking antioxidant (Irganox 1076) during photo-oxidation of the poymers studed whereas the combined effect was additive during thermal oxidation. By contrast, the peroxide decornposers and chain-breaking antioxidant (Irganox 1076) which were effective synergists during thermal oxidation of LDPE· were antagonistic during photo-oxidation. The mechanisms of these processes are discussed.


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The properties of Caco-2 monolayers were compared on aluminium oxide and nitrocellulose permeable-supports. On nitrocellulose, Caco-2 cells displayed a higher rate of taurocholic acid transport than those cultured on aluminium oxide inserts. In addition, Caco-2 cells grown on these two inserts were not comparable with respect to cell morphology, cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance. The low adsorption potential of the aluminium oxide inserts, particularly for high molecular weight or lipophilic ligands, offers a distinct advantage over nitrocellulose inserts for drug transport studies. The carrier-mediated uptake and transport of the imino acid (L-proline) and the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) have been studied. At pH7.4, L-proline uptake is mediated via an A-system carrier. Elevated uptake and transport under acidic conditions occurs by activation of a distinct carrier population. Acidic amino acid transport is mediated via a X-AG system. The flux of baclofen, CGP40116 andCGP40117 across Caco-2 monolayers was described by passive transport. The transport of three peptides, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, SQ29852 and cyclosporin were investigated. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone transport acrossCaco-2 monolayers was characterised by a minor saturable (carrier-mediated,approximately 25%) pathway, superimposed onto a major non-saturable (diffusional)pathway. SQ29852 uptake into Caco-2 monolayers is described by a major saturable mechanism (Km = 0.91 mM) superimposed onto a minor passive component.However, the initial-rate of SQ29852 transport is consistent with a passive transepithelial transport mechanism. These data highlight the possibility that itsbasolateral efflux is severely retarded such that the passive paracellular transportdictates the overall transepithelial transport characteristics. In addition, modelsuitable for investigating the transepithelial transport of cyclosporin A has been developed. A modification of the conventional Caco-2 model has been developed which has a calcium-free Ap donor-solution and a Bl receiver-solution containing the minimumcalcium concentration required to maintain monolayer integrity (100 μM). The influence of calcium and magnesium on the absorption of [14C]pamidronate was evaluated by comparing its transport across the conventional and minimum calciumCaco-2 models. Ap calcium and magnesium ions retard the Ap-to-Bl flux of pamidronate across Caco-2 monolayers. The effect of self-emulsifying oleic acid-Tween 80 formulations on Caco-2monolayer integrity has been investigated. Oleic acid-Tween 80 (1 0:1) formulations produced a dose-dependent disruption of Caco-2 monolayer integrity. This disruption was related to the oleic acid content of the formulation.


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The effect of processing on the antioxidant activity of sulphur-containing compounds, with particular reference to nickel dialkyldithiophosphates and their corresponding di sulphides, were studied in polyolefins under melt, thermal and photo-oxidative conditions. These compounds were evaluated both at low (normal) and high (concentrates) concentrations. In general, the dithiophosphates were found to be very efficient melt stabilisers at normal concentrtion levels, and compare quite favourably with the best commercially available systems. The nickel dithiophosphates were also found to be very efficient thermal stabilisers for polyolefins, but their activity is highly dependent on the alkyl substituent in the molecule. The corresponding disulphides on the other hand showed very little activity under thermal oxidative conditions, and this was attributed to their inefficiency in scavenging alkyl peroxyl radicals since both compounds possess similar peroxidolytic activity. Furthermore, the nickel dithiophosphates were found to be excellent photo stabilisers for mildly-processed polyolefins while the corresponding disulphides only offer slight protection to the polymer. Oxidative processing of the disulphide, however, results in a dramatic improvement in their photo antioxidant activity. Thionophospho-ric acid, a major oxidation product of dithiophosphates, was also shown to have photo antioxidant activity similar to that of the disulphides. A combination of a U.V. absorber with the nickel complex and/or the disulphide resulted in a synergistic stabiliser system which was further augmented by oxidative processing. Moreover, the dilute analogues of such multicomponent stabiliser concentrates also showed excellent melt, thermal and photo-stabilising activity. The mechanistic studies carried out on the nickel complex and the corresponding disulphide clearly identified the thionophosphoric acid a a major transformation product although various triesters were formed as reaction intermediates. The mechanisms of the antioxidant action of the dithiophosphates, which is believed to involve a cyclical process similar to that shown for simple alkyl sulphides and nitroxyls, are discussed.


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In this work we extend theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons to dissipative systems with the main focus on applications in mode-locked lasers. In general, pulses in mode-locked fibre lasers experience both nonlinear and dispersion management per cavity round trip. In stretched-pulse lasers, this concept was utilized to obtain high energy pulses. Here we model the pulse propagation in a mode-locked fibre laser with a distributed nonlinear and DM Ginzburg-Landau type equation. We extend existing results on DM solitons and investigate the impact on soliton properties of dissipative perturbations that occur due to the effects of gain amplification, saturable absorption, and loss. In conclusion, in contrast to standard DM solitons in Hamiltonian systems, dissipative DM solitons do exist at high map strengths, thus opening a way for the generation of stable, short pulses with high energy.


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Polymer composites are one of the most attractive near-term means to exploit the unique properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene. This is particularly true for composites aimed at electronics and photonics, where a number of promising applications have already been demonstrated. One such example is nanotube-based saturable absorbers. These can be used as all-optical switches, optical amplifier noise suppressors, or mode-lockers to generate ultrashort laser pulses. Here, we review various aspects of fabrication, characterization, device implementation and operation of nanotube-polymer composites to be used in photonic applications. We also summarize recent results on graphene-based saturable absorbers for ultrafast lasers.


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Pulse generation often requires a stabilized cavity and its corresponding mode structure for initial phase-locking. Contrastingly, modeless cavity-free random lasers provide new possibilities for high quantum efficiency lasing that could potentially be widely tunable spectrally and temporally. Pulse generation in random lasers, however, has remained elusive since the discovery of modeless gain lasing. Here we report coherent pulse generation with modeless random lasers based on the unique polarization selectivity and broadband saturable absorption of monolayer graphene. Simultaneous temporal compression of cavity-free pulses are observed with such a polarization modulation, along with a broadly-tunable pulsewidth across two orders of magnitude down to 900 ps, a broadly-tunable repetition rate across three orders of magnitude up to 3 MHz, and a singly-polarized pulse train at 41 dB extinction ratio, about an order of magnitude larger than conventional pulsed fiber lasers. Moreover, our graphene-based pulse formation also demonstrates robust pulse-to-pulse stability and widewavelength operation due to the cavity-less feature. Such a graphene-based architecture not only provides a tunable pulsed random laser for fiber-optic sensing, speckle-free imaging, and laser-material processing, but also a new way for the non-random CW fiber lasers to generate widely tunable and singly-polarized pulses.


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In this work we extend theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons to dissipative systems with the main focus on applications in mode-locked lasers. In general, pulses in mode-locked fibre lasers experience both nonlinear and dispersion management per cavity round trip. In stretched-pulse lasers, this concept was utilized to obtain high energy pulses. Here we model the pulse propagation in a mode-locked fibre laser with a distributed nonlinear and DM Ginzburg-Landau type equation. We extend existing results on DM solitons and investigate the impact on soliton properties of dissipative perturbations that occur due to the effects of gain amplification, saturable absorption, and loss. In conclusion, in contrast to standard DM solitons in Hamiltonian systems, dissipative DM solitons do exist at high map strengths, thus opening a way for the generation of stable, short pulses with high energy.


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The issues involved in employing nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs) as intensity filters in picosecond soliton transmission were examined in detail. It was shown that inserting NOLMs into a periodically amplified transmission line allowed picosecond solitons to be transmitted under conditions considered infeasible until now. The loop mirrors gave dual function, removing low-power background dispersive waves through saturable absorption and applying a negative feedback mechanism to control the amplitude of the solitons. The stochastic characteristics of the pulses that were due to amplifier spontaneous-emission noise were investigated, and a number of new properties were determined. In addition, the mutual interaction between pulses was also significantly different from that observed for longer-duration solitons. The impact of Raman scattering in the computations was included and it was shown that soliton self-frequency shifts may be eliminated by appropriate bandwidth restrictions.


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The authors study experimentally ~10 ps return-to-zero pulse propagation near the net dispersion zero of an optical fibre transmission line. Stable near-jitter-free propagation was observed over 70 Mm. Pulse stabilisation and ASE suppression were achieved through the saturable aborber mechanism of nonlinear polarisation rotation.


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We describe the technique allowing for generation of low-noise wider frequency combs and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. We compare experimentally noise stabilization techniques in semiconductor modelocked lasers. We discuss the benefits of electrical modulation of the laser absorber voltage (hybrid mode-locking), combination of hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding from the narrow linewidth continues wave master source and optical injection seeding of two coherent sidebands separated by the laser repetition rate. © 2014 SPIE.


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Hierarchical nanowires (HNWs) exhibit unique properties and have wide applications, while often suffering from imperfect structure. Herein, we report a facile strategy toward ultrathin CdS HNWs with monocrystal structure, where a continuous-wave (CW) Nd:YAG laser is employed to irradiate an oleic acid (OA) solution containing precursors and a light absorber. The high heating rate and large temperature gradient generated by the CW laser lead to the rapid formation of tiny zinc-blende CdS nanocrystals which then line up into nanowires with the help of OA molecules. Next, the nanowires experience a phase transformation from zinc-blende to wurtzite structure, and the transformation-induced stress creates terraces on their surface, which promotes the growth of side branches and eventually results in monocrystal HNWs with an ultrathin diameter of 24 nm. The one-step synthesis of HNWs is conducted in air and completes in just 40 s, thus being very simple and rapid. The prepared CdS HNWs display photocatalytic performance superior to their nanoparticle counterparts, thus showing promise for catalytic applications in the future.


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We report experimental study of vector solitons for the fundamental and harmonic mode-locked operation in erbiumdoper fiber lasers with carbon nanotubes based saturable absorbers and anomalous dispersion cavities. We measure evolution of the output pulses polarization and demonstrate vector solitons with various polarization attractors, including locked polarization, periodic polarization switching, and polarization precession.


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We study polarization dynamics of a harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes absorber. New types of vector solitons are shown for multi-pulse and harmonic mode-locked operation with locked, switching and precessing polarization states. © 2014 OSA.


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Solar energy is the most abundant, widely distributed and clean renewable energy resource. Since the insolation intensity is only in the range of 0.5 - 1.0 kW/m2, solar concentrators are required for attaining temperatures appropriate for medium and high temperature applications. The concentrated energy is transferred through an absorber to a thermal fluid such as air, water or other fluids for various uses. This paper describes design and development of a 'Linear Fresnel Mirror Solar Concentrator' (LFMSC) using long thin strips of mirrors to focus sunlight on to a fixed receiver located at a common focal line. Our LFMSC system comprises a reflector (concentrator), receiver (target) and an innovative solar tracking mechanism. Reflectors are mirror strips, mounted on tubes which are fixed to a base frame. The tubes can be rotated to align the strips to focus solar radiation on the receiver (target). The latter comprises a coated tube carrying water and covered by a glass plate. This is mounted at an elevation of few meters above the horizontal, parallel to the plane of the mirrors. The reflector is oriented along north-south axis. The most difficult task is tracking. This is achieved by single axis tracking using a four bar link mechanism. Thus tracking has been made simple and easy to operate. The LFMSC setup is used for generating steam for a variety of applications. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.