59 resultados para PHOSPHOLIPID-BILAYERS


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Membrane lipid composition is an important correlate of the rate of aging of animals. Dietary methionine restriction (MetR) increases lifespan in rodents. The underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated but could include changes in tissue lipidomes. In this work, we demonstrate that 80% MetR in mice induces marked changes in the brain, spinal cord, and liver lipidomes. Further, at least 50% of the lipids changed are common in the brain and spinal cord but not in the liver, suggesting a nervous system-specific lipidomic profile of MetR. The differentially expressed lipids includes (a) specific phospholipid species, which could reflect adaptive membrane responses, (b) sphingolipids, which could lead to changes in ceramide signaling pathways, and (c) the physiologically redox-relevant ubiquinone 9, indicating adaptations in phase II antioxidant response metabolism. In addition, specific oxidation products derived from cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine were significantly decreased in the brain, spinal cord, and liver from MetR mice. These results demonstrate the importance of adaptive responses of membrane lipids leading to increased stress resistance as a major mechanistic contributor to the lowered rate of aging in MetR mice. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Cholesterol is an abundant component of mammalian cell membranes and has been extensively studied as an artificial membrane stabilizer in a wide range of phospholipid liposome systems. In this study, the aim was to investigate the role of cholesterol in cationic liposomal adjuvant system based on dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) which has been shown as a strong adjuvant system for vaccines against a wide range of diseases. Packaging of cholesterol within DDA:TDB liposomes was investigated using differential scanning calorimetery and surface pressure-area isotherms of lipid monolayers; incorporation of cholesterol into liposomal membranes promoted the formation of a liquid-condensed monolayer and removed the main phase transition temperature of the system, resulting in an increased bilayer fluidity and reduced antigen retention in vitro. In vivo biodistribution studies found that this increase in membrane fluidity did not alter deposition of liposomes and antigen at the site of injection. In terms of immune responses, early (12 days after immunization) IgG responses were reduced by inclusion of cholesterol; thereafter there were no differences in antibody (IgG, IgG1, IgG2b) responses promoted by DDA:TDB liposomes with and without cholesterol. However, significantly higher levels of IFN-gamma were induced by DDA:TDB liposomes, and liposome uptake by macrophages in vitro was also shown to be higher for DDA:TDB liposomes compared to their cholesterol-containing counterparts, suggesting that small changes in bilayer mechanics can impact both cellular interactions and immune responses. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Electrophilic attack of hypochlorous acid on unsaturated bonds of fatty acyl chains is known to result mostly in chlorinated products that show cytotoxicity to some cell lines and were found in biological systems exposed to HOCl. This study aimed to investigate more deeply the products and the mechanism underlying cytotoxicity of phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products, synthesized by the reaction of HOCl with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonyl-phosphatidylcholine. Phospholipid chlorohydrins were found to be the most abundant among obtained products. HOCl-modified lipids were cytotoxic towards HUVEC-ST (endothelial cells), leading to a decrease of mitochondrial potential and an increase in the number of apoptotic cells. These effects were accompanied by an increase of the level of active caspase-3 and caspase-7, while the caspase-3/-7 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO dramatically decreased the number of apoptotic cells. Phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products were shown to affect cell proliferation by a concentration-dependent cell cycle arrest in the G/G phase and activating redox sensitive p38 kinase. The redox imbalance observed in HUVEC-ST cells exposed to modified phosphatidylcholines was accompanied by an increase in ROS level, and a decrease in glutathione content and antioxidant capacity of cell extracts. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although the existence of halogenated lipids in lower organisms has been known for many years, it is only since the 1990s that interest in their occurrence in mammalian systems has developed. Chlorinated (and other halogenated) lipids can arise from oxidation by hypohalous acids, such as HOCl, which are products of the phagocytic enzyme myeloperoxidase and are generated during inflammation. The major species of chlorinated lipids investigated to date are chlorinated sterols, fatty acid and phospholipid chlorohydrins, and a-chloro fatty aldehydes. While all of these chlorinated lipids have been shown to be produced in model systems from lipoproteins to cells subjected to oxidative stress, as yet only a-chloro fatty aldehydes, such as 2-chlorohexadecanal, have been detected in clinical samples or animal models of disease. a-Chloro fatty aldehydes and chlorohydrins have been found to have a number of potentially pro-inflammatory effects ranging from toxicity to inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis and upregulation of vascular adhesion molecules. Thus evidence is building for a role of chlorinated lipids in inflammatory disease, although much more research is required to establish the contributions of specific compounds in different disease pathologies. Preventing chlorinated lipid formation and indeed other HOCl-induced damage, via the inhibition of myeloperoxidase, is an area of growing interest and may lead in the future to antimyeloperoxidase-based antiinflammatory therapy. However, other chlorinated lipids, such as punaglandins, have beneficial effects that could offer novel therapies for cancer.


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Liposomes are well recognised for their ability to improve the delivery of a range of drugs. More commonly they are applied for the delivery of water-soluble drugs, but given their structural attributes, they can also be employed as solubilising agents for low solubility drugs as well as drug targeting agents. To further explore the potential of liposomes as solubilising agents, we have investigated the role of bilayer packaging in promoting drug solubilisation in liposome bilayers. The effect of alkyl chain length and symmetry was investigated to consider if using 'mis-matched' phospholipids could create 'voids' within the bilayers, and enhance bilayer loading capacity. Lipid packing was investigated using Langmuir studies, which demonstrated that increasing the alkyl chain length enhanced lipid packing, with condensed monolayers forming, whilst asymmetric lipids formed less condensed monolayers. However, this more open packing did not translate into improved drug loading, with the longer chain, condensed bilayers formed from long-chain, saturated lipids offering higher drug loading capacity. These studies demonstrate that liposomes formulated from longer chain, saturated lipids offer enhanced solubilisation capacity. However the molecular size, rather than lipophilicity, of the drug to be incorporated was also a key factor dominating bilayer incorporation efficiency. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phagocytic cells produce a variety of oxidants as part of the immune defence, which react readily both with proteins and lipids, and could contribute to the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis. We have investigated the oxidation of phospholipid vesicles by neutrophils and mononuclear cells, to provide a model of lipid oxidation in the absence of competing protein. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated neutrophils were incubated with phospholipid vesicles containing dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC) and stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine, before extraction of the lipids for analysis by HPLC coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry. The formation of monohydroperoxides (814 m/z) and bis-hydroperoxides (846 m/z) of PAPC was observed. However, the major oxidized product occurred at 828 m/z, and was identified as 1-palmitoyl-2-(5,6-epoxyisoprostane E-2)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. These products were also formed in incubations where the neutrophils were replaced by mononuclear cells, and the amounts produced per million cells were similar. These results show that following oxidative attack by phagocytes stimulated by PMA, intact phospholipid oxidation products can be detected. The identification of an epoxyisoprostane phospholipid as the major product of phagocyte-induced phospholipid oxidation is novel, and in view of its inflammatory properties has implications for phagocyte involvement in atherogenesis.


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Apoptotic-cell clearance is dependent on several macrophage surface molecules, including CD14. Phosphatidylserine (PS) becomes externalised during apoptosis and participates in the clearance process through its ability to bind to a novel receptor, PS-R. CD14 has the proven ability to bind phospholipids and may function as an alternative receptor for the externallsed PS of apoptotic cells. Here we demonstrate that CD14 does not function preferentially as a PS receptor in apoptotic-cell clearance. Compared with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, PS was the least active phospholipid binding to human monocyte-derived macrophages and showed no specificity for soluble or membrane-anchored CD14. Significantly, PS-containing liposomes a e to inhibit CD14-dependent uptake of apoptotic cells by macrophages. PS exposure was, however, found to be insufficient for either CD14-dependent or CD14-independent apoptotic-cell uptake by phagocytes. The additional features that enable apoptotic-cell clearance are derived from mechanisms that can be divorced temporally from those responsible for the morphological features of apoptosis.


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Phagocytic cells produce a variety of oxidants as part of the immune defence, which react readily both with proteins and lipids, and could contribute to the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis. We have investigated the oxidation of phospholipid vesicles by isolated human polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes, to provide a model of lipid oxidation in the absence of competing protein. PMA-stimulated cells were incubated with phospholipid vesicles contammg dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC), and stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SOPC), before extraction of the lipids for analysis by HPLC coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry. In this system, oxidized phosphatidylcholines elute earlier than the native lipids owing to their decreased hydrophobicity, and can be identified according to their molecular mass. The formation of monohydroperoxides of P APC was observed routinely, together with low levels of hydroxides, but no chlorohydrin derivatives of P APC or SOPC were detected. However, the major oxidized product occurred at 828 m/z, and was identified as I-palmitoyl-2-(5,6-epoxyisoprostane E2)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. These results show that phagocytes triggered by PMA cause oxidative damage to lipids predominantly by free radical mechanisms, and that electrophilic addition involving HOCl is not a major mechanism of attack. The contribution of myeloperoxidase and metal ions to the oxidation process is currently being investigated, and preliminary data suggest that myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants are responsible for the epoxyisoprostane phospholipid formation. The identification of an epoxyisoprostane phospholipid as the major product following phagocyte-induced phospholipid oxidation is novel and has implications for phagocyte involvement in atherogenesis.


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Abstract Various lubricating body fluids at tissue interfaces are composed mainly of combinations of phospholipids and amphipathic apoproteins. The challenge in producing synthetic replacements for them is not replacing the phospholipid, which is readily available in synthetic form, but replacing the apoprotein component, more specifically, its unique biophysical properties rather than its chemistry. The potential of amphiphilic reactive hypercoiling behaviour of poly(styrene-alt-maleic acid) (PSMA) was studied in combination with two diacylphosphatidylcholines (PC) of different chain lengths in aqueous solution. The surface properties of the mixtures were characterized by conventional Langmuir-Wilhelmy balance (surface pressure under compression) and the du Noüy tensiometer (surface tension of the non-compressed mixtures). Surface tension values and 31P NMR demonstrated that self-assembly of polymer-phospholipid mixtures were pH and concentration-dependent. Finally, the particle size and zeta potential measurements of this self-assembly showed that it can form negatively charged nanosized structures that might find use as drug or lipids release systems on interfaces such as the tear film or lung interfacial layers. The structural reorganization was sensitive to the alkyl chain length of the PC.


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Cholesterol is an abundant component of mammalian cell membranes and has been extensively studied as an artificial membrane stabilizer in a wide range of phospholipid liposome systems. In this study, the aim was to investigate the role of cholesterol in cationic liposomal adjuvant system based on dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) which has been shown as a strong adjuvant system for vaccines against a wide range of diseases. Packaging of cholesterol within DDA:TDB liposomes was investigated using differential scanning calorimetery and surface pressure-area isotherms of lipid monolayers; incorporation of cholesterol into liposomal membranes promoted the formation of a liquid-condensed monolayer and removed the main phase transition temperature of the system, resulting in an increased bilayer fluidity and reduced antigen retention in vitro. In vivo biodistribution studies found that this increase in membrane fluidity did not alter deposition of liposomes and antigen at the site of injection. In terms of immune responses, early (12 days after immunization) IgG responses were reduced by inclusion of cholesterol; thereafter there were no differences in antibody (IgG, IgG1, IgG2b) responses promoted by DDA:TDB liposomes with and without cholesterol. However, significantly higher levels of IFN-gamma were induced by DDA:TDB liposomes, and liposome uptake by macrophages in vitro was also shown to be higher for DDA:TDB liposomes compared to their cholesterol-containing counterparts, suggesting that small changes in bilayer mechanics can impact both cellular interactions and immune responses. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) based copolymers are known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. This smart behaviour makes it possible to mimic the behaviour of native apoproteins. The primary aim of this study was to develop a better understanding of the structure-property relationships of various PSMA-based copolymers sought. The work undertaken in this thesis has revealed that the responsive behaviour of PSMA-based copolymers can be tailored by varying the molecular weight, hydrophobic (styrene) and hydrophilic (maleic acid) balance, and more so in the presence of additional hydrophobic, mono-partial ester moieties. Novel hydrophilic and hydrophobic synthetic surfactant protein analogues have successfully been prepared. These novel lipid solubilising agents possess a broad range of HLB (hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) values that have been estimated. NMR spectroscopy was utilised to confirm the structures for PSMA-based copolymers sought and proved useful in furthering understanding of the structure-property relationships of PSMA-based copolymers. The association of PSMA with the polar phospholipid, 2-dilauryl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DLPC) produces polymer-lipid complexes analogous to lipoprotein assemblies present in the blood plasma. NMR analysis reveals that the PSMA-based copolymers are not perfectly alternating. Regio-irregular structures, atactic and random monomer sequence distribution have been identified for all materials studied. Novel lipid solubilising agents (polyanionic surfactants) have successfully been synthesised from a broad range of PSMA-based copolymers with desired estimated HLB values that interact with polar phospholipids (DLPC/DPPC) uniquely. Very low static and dynamic surface tensions have been observed via the du Noϋy ring method and Langmuir techniques and correlate well with the estimated HLB values. Synthetic protein-lipid analogues have been successfully synthesised, that mimic the unique surface properties of native biological lubricants without the use of solvents. The novel PSMA-DLPC complexes have successfully been combined with hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HA). Today, the employment of HA is economically feasible, because it is readily available from bacterial fermentation processes in a thermally stable form - HyaCare®. The work undertaken in this thesis highlights the usage of HA in biolubrication applications and how this can be optimised and thus justified by carefully selecting the biological source, concentration, molecular weight, purity and most importantly by combining it with compatible boundary lubricating agents (polar phospholipids). Experimental evidence supports the belief that the combined HA and PSMA-DLPC complexes provide a balance of rheological, biotribological and surface properties that are composition dependent, and show competitive advantage as novel synthetic biological lubricants (biosurfactants).


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Hypercoiling poly(styrene-ALT-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) is known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. This behavior allows it to associate with the phospholipid, 2-dilauryl-SN-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DLPC) to produce nanostructures analogous to lipoproteins. The complex represents a new bio-mimetic delivery vehicle with applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This study investigates, for the first time, the association behavior of PSMA and DLPC through the combination of different analytical techniques. The results indicate that the association is primarily driven by hydrophobic interactions and depends on various factors including the polymer/lipid ratio, the polymer molecular weight and the pH of the aqueous environment. The conformational transition of PSMA leads to the formation of discrete micellar complexes involving anisotropic-to-isotropic lipid phase transformation. As the number of hydrophobic moieties in the polymer is increased, the pH-dependent conformational transition of the polymer plays less important part in achieving this phase transition of the lipid. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.


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Oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) can alter the function of proteins, and are important in the redox regulation of cell behaviour. The most informative technique to detect and locate oxPTMs within proteins is mass spectrometry (MS). However, proteomic MS data are usually searched against theoretical databases using statistical search engines, and the occurrence of unspecified or multiple modifications, or other unexpected features, can lead to failure to detect the modifications and erroneous identifications of oxPTMs. We have developed a new approach for mining data from accurate mass instruments that allows multiple modifications to be examined. Accurate mass extracted ion chromatograms (XIC) for specific reporter ions from peptides containing oxPTMs were generated from standard LC-MSMS data acquired on a rapid-scanning high-resolution mass spectrometer (ABSciex 5600 Triple TOF). The method was tested using proteins from human plasma or isolated LDL. A variety of modifications including chlorotyrosine, nitrotyrosine, kynurenine, oxidation of lysine, and oxidized phospholipid adducts were detected. For example, the use of a reporter ion at 184.074 Da/e, corresponding to phosphocholine, was used to identify for the first time intact oxidized phosphatidylcholine adducts on LDL. In all cases the modifications were confirmed by manual sequencing. ApoB-100 containing oxidized lipid adducts was detected even in healthy human samples, as well as LDL from patients with chronic kidney disease. The accurate mass XIC method gave a lower false positive rate than normal database searching using statistical search engines, and identified more oxidatively modified peptides. A major advantage was that additional modifications could be searched after data collection, and multiple modifications on a single peptide identified. The oxPTMs present on albumin and ApoB-100 have potential as indicators of oxidative damage in ageing or inflammatory diseases.


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Phospholipid oxidation by adventitious damage generates a wide variety of products with potentially novel biological activities that can modulate inflammatory processes associated with various diseases. To understand the biological importance of oxidised phospholipids (OxPL) and their potential role as disease biomarkers requires precise information about the abundance of these compounds in cells and tissues. There are many chemiluminescence and spectrophotometric assays available for detecting oxidised phospholipids, but they all have some limitations. Mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography is a powerful and sensitive approach that can provide detailed information about the oxidative lipidome, but challenges still remain. The aim of this work is to develop improved methods for detection of OxPLs by optimisation of chromatographic separation through testing several reverse phase columns and solvent systems, and using targeted mass spectrometry approaches. Initial experiments were carried out using oxidation products generated in vitro to optimise the chromatography separation parameters and mass spectrometry parameters. We have evaluated the chromatographic separation of oxidised phosphatidylcholines (OxPCs) and oxidised phosphatidylethanolamines (OXPEs) using C8, C18 and C30 reverse phase, polystyrene – divinylbenzene based monolithic and mixed – mode hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) columns, interfaced with mass spectrometry. Our results suggest that the monolithic column was best able to separate short chain OxPCs and OxPEs from long chain oxidised and native PCs and PEs. However, variation in charge of polar head groups and extreme diversity of oxidised species make analysis of several classes of OxPLs within one analytical run impractical. We evaluated and optimised the chromatographic separation of OxPLs by serially coupling two columns: HILIC and monolith column that provided us the larger coverage of OxPL species in a single analytical run.