61 resultados para Outer-membrane Protein


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The binding of [3H]inositol hexakisphosphate ([3H] InsP6) to rat cerebellar membranes has been characterized with the objective of establishing the role, if any, of a membrane protein receptor. In the presence of EDTA, we have previously identified an InsP6-binding site with a capacity of approximately 20 pmol/mg protein (Hawkins, P. T., Reynolds, D. J. M., Poyner, D. R., and Hanley, M. R. (1990) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 167, 819-827). However, in the presence of 1 mM Mg2+, the capacity of [3H]InsP6 binding to membranes was increased approximately 9-fold. This enhancing effect of Mg2+ was reversed by addition of 10 microM of several cation chelators, suggesting that the increased binding required trace quantities of other metal cations. This is supported by experiments where it was possible to saturate binding by addition of excess membranes, despite not significantly depleting radioligand, pointing to removal of some other factor. Removal of endogenous cations from the binding assay by pretreatment with chelex resin also prevents the Mg(2+)-induced potentiation. Consideration of the specificity of the chelators able to abolish this potentiation suggested involvement of Fe3+ or Al3+. Both these ions (but not several others) were able to increase [3H]InsP6 binding to chelex-pretreated membranes at concentrations of 1 microM. It is possible to demonstrate synergy between Fe3+ and Mg2+ under these conditions. We propose that [3H]InsP6 may interact with membranes through non-protein recognition possibly via phospholipids, in a manner dependent upon trace metals. The implications of this for InsP6 biology are considered.


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The following investigation characterises the interaction between temperature and growth in psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi in order to gain further insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying fungal growth at extreme temperatures. In the first part of the investigation, the effect of environmental temperature on the growth of vegetative mycelium and sporangiospore production and germination was considered in order to determine the cardinal temperatures of these activities in different thermal groups. Subsequent investigations of plasma membrane permeability suggested that plasma membrane structure and function may be significant in establishing both the upper and lower growth temperature limits characteristic of psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles. Analysis of the plasma membrane fractions revealed significant differences in membrane phospholipid composition between these thermal groups and it is suggested that the differing cardinal growth temperatures characteristic of psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi reflect the temperature ranges over which these organisms exhibit levels of plasma membrane fluidity sufficient to maintain membrane-associated growth processes. In contrast, the membrane protein components appear uniform in both character and thermostability and are therefore unlikely to contribute to this phenomenon.


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Bacterial resistance to antibiotics and biocides is a prevalent problem, which may be exacerbated by the commonplace and often unnecessary inclusion of biocides into domestic products. Addition of antimicrobials, to domestic disinfectants has raised concern about promoting microbial resistance and potential cross-resistance to therapeutic antibiotics. This study investigated the potential for resistance in Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Virchow and Escherichia call 0157 to commonly used biocides, to identify mechanisms underlying resistance and whether these provided cross-resistance to antibiotics. Salmonella enterica and E. coli 0157 strains were serially exposed to sub-inhibitory. concentrations of erythromycin (ERY), benzalkonium chloride (BKC), chlorhexidine hydrochloride (CHX)and triclosan (TLN). Once resistance was achieved permeability changes in the outer membrane, including LPS, cell surface charge and hydrophobicityand the presence of,an active efflux were investigated as possible resistance candidates. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) and Gas chromatography (GC) were carried out to examine fatty acid and lipid changes in E. coli 0157 isolates with reduced susceptibility to TLN. Cross-resistance was studied by the Stoke's method and standard microdilution assays. Examination of the outer membrane proteins and LPS did not reveal any significant changes between parent and resistant strains. The hydrophobicity of the cells increased as the cells were passaged and became less. susceptible. An active efflux system was the most likely mechanism of resistance in all strains tested and a fab1 mutation was associated with E. coli 0157 resistant to TLN isolates. In all isolates investigated the resistance was stable for over 30 passages in biocide-free media. A high degree of cross-resistance was obtained in TLN-resjstant Escherichia coli 0157 strains, which repeatedly exerted decreased susceptibility to various antimicrobials, including chloramphenicol, erythromycin, imipenem, tetracycline and trimethoprirn:, as well as to various biocides. The results of this laboratory-based investigation suggest that it is possible for microorganisms to become resistant to biocides when repeatedly exposed to sublethal concentrations. This may be especially the case in the domestic environment where administration of biocides is poorly controlled. Eventually it could lead to the undesirable situation of resident strains becoming resistant to disinfection and cross resistant to other antimicrobials.


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The development of in vitro techniques to model the surface-associated mode of growth is a prerequisite to understanding more fully the physiological changes involved in such a growth strategy. Key factors believed to influence bacterial persistence in chronic infections are those of the biofilm mode of growth and slow growth rate. Methods for controlling Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm population growth rates were investigated in this project. This microorganism was incompatible with the in vitro 47mm diameter membrane filter-based biofilm technique developed for the study of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis by Gilbert et al (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1989, 55, 1308-1311). Two alternative methods were designed. The first comprised a 25mm diameter cellulose acetate membrane filter supported in an integral holder. This was found to be limited to the study of low microbial population densities with low flow rates. The second, based on a cylindrical cellulose fibre depth filter, permitted rapid flow rates to be studied and allowed growth rate control of biofilm and eluted cells. Model biofilms released cells to the perfusing medium as they grew and divided. The viability of released cells was reduced during, and shortly after, inclusion of ciprofloxacin in the perfusate. Outer membrane profiles of biofilm populations exhibited at least two bands not apparent in planktonic cells grown in batch and chemostat culture, and LPS profiles of biofilm populations showed variation with growth rate. Cell surface hydrophobicity of resuspended biofilm cells varied little with growth rate, whilst it decreased markedly for cells released from the biofilms as growth rate increased. Cells released from the biofilm were more hydrophilic than their sessile counterparts. Differing growth rates, LPS profiles and hydrophobicity are proposed to have a bearing on the release of cells from the adherent population.


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The chromosomal ß-lactamase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa SAlconst (a derepressed laboratory strain) was isolated and purified. Two peaks of activity were observed on gel permeation chromatography (one major peak mol. wt. 45 kD and one minor peak of 54 kD). Preparations from 12 clinical derepressed strains showed identical results. Chromosomal ß-lactamase production in both normal and derepressed P. aeruginosa strains was induced both by iron restricted growth conditions and by penicillin G. The majority of the enzyme (80-90%) was found in the periplasm and cytoplasm but a significant amount (2-20%) was associated with the outer membrane (OM). The growth conditions did not affect the distribution of the enzyme between subcellular fractions although higher activity was found in the cells grown under iron limitation and/ or in the presence of ß-lactams. The penicillanate sulphone inhibitor, tazobactam, displayed irreversible kinetics whilst cloxacillin, cefotaxime, ampicillin and penicillin G were all competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Similar results were obtained for the Enterobacter cloacae P99 [ß-lactamase, but tazobactam displayed a non-classical kinetic pattern for the Staphylococcus aureus PC1 ß-lactamase. The residues involved in ß-lactam hydrolysis by the P aeruginosa SAlconst enzyme were detennined by affinity labelling with tazobactam. A tryptic digestion fragment of the inhibited enzyme contained the amino acids D, T, S, E, P, G, A, C, V, M, I, Y, F, H, K, R. This suggests the involvement of the conserved SVSK, DAE and KTG motifs found in all penicillin sensitive proteins. A model of the 3-D structure of the active site of the P aeruginosa SAlconst chromosomal ß-!actamase was constructed from the published amino acid sequence of P aeruginosa chromosomal ß-lactamase and the a-carbon coordinates of the S. aureus PCI ß-lactamase by homology modelling and energy minimisation. The crystal structure of tazobactam was determined and energy minimised. Computer graphics docking identified Ser 72 as a possible residue involved in a secondary attack on the C5 position of tazobactam after initial ß-lactam hydrolysis by serine 70. The enhanced activity of tazobactam over sulbactam might be explained by the triazole substituent which might participate in favourable hydrogen bonding between N3 and active site residues.


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Atherosclerosis is the principal cause of death in the United States, Europe and much of Asia. During the last decade, inflammation has been suggested to play a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) released during inflammation additionally oxidize LDL, which is subsequently taken up in an unregulated way through scavenger receptors on macrophages to form foam cells, the hallmark of atherosclerotic lesions. Previous work has shown that the lipid ceramide, which is found in aggregated LDL and in atherosclerotic plaques, decreases intracellular peroxide most likely through reducing NADPH oxidase activity. Ceramide is an important component of membrane microdomains called lipid rafts which are important for membrane protein function. Endogenous ceramide enhances lipid raft f'ormation and alters theirs composition. NADPH oxidase membrane subunits cytochrome b558 (which includes gp91) strongly associates with lipid rafts Therefore present study investigated whether short chain ceramides reduce NADPH oxidase in U937 monocytes by disrurting the membrane component of NADPH oxidase. Results showed that C2 ceramide alters the distribution of raft marker, flottillin and the raft environment. NADPH oxidase membrane component gp9J phox and cytosolic component p47 phox were identified in rafts. C2 ceramide reduces both gp91 and p47 phox in rafts, which leads to the decrease of peroxide production by NADPH oxidase. Ceramide is also an important second messenger involved in many different signaling pathways associated with atherogenesis from the activation of sphingomyelinase (SMase). It has been reported that SMase enhances LDL receptor mediated LDL endocytosis. However, no study has been done to investigate the effect of ceramide on scavenger receptors such as CD36 and oxidized LDL (OxLDL) uptake. CD36 is the major recertor far OxLDL. Reduced CD36 expression results in less foam cell formation and less atherosclerotic lesion without disrupting the clearance of OxLDL from plasma. This thesis shows that ceramides significantly reduce CD36 surface expression on U937 monocytes, macrophages and human primary monocytes. This effect is seen using both synthetic short chain ceramide and SMase catalysed long chain ceramide treatment. To investigate whether the effect of ceramide on CD36 is functional, OxLOL uptake was measured in ceramide treated cells. Ceramide reduces the uptake of OxLOL by both U937 monocytes and PMA-differentiated macrophages. The mechanism of ceramide reduction of CD36 expression was studied by measuring the surface antigen using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, whole cellular CD36 expression and shedding of C036 by Western blotting of cell lysates and cell culture supernatants and mRNA level of CD36 using RT-PCR. Ceramide reduces shedding of CD36, activates mRNA expression of CD36 and induces intracellular CD36 accumulation probably through retaining the receptor inside cells. In summary, ceramides modulate several of the processes involved in LOL oxidation and uptake by CD36 receptors on monocytes/macrophages in a way which may protect against atherosclerosis.


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The 21-day experimental gingivitis model, an established noninvasive model of inflammation in response to increasing bacterial accumulation in humans, is designed to enable the study of both the induction and resolution of inflammation. Here, we have analyzed gingival crevicular fluid, an oral fluid comprising a serum transudate and tissue exudates, by LC-MS/MS using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and iTRAQ isobaric mass tags, to establish meta-proteomic profiles of inflammation-induced changes in proteins in healthy young volunteers. Across the course of experimentally induced gingivitis, we identified 16 bacterial and 186 human proteins. Although abundances of the bacterial proteins identified did not vary temporally, Fusobacterium outer membrane proteins were detected. Fusobacterium species have previously been associated with periodontal health or disease. The human proteins identified spanned a wide range of compartments (both extracellular and intracellular) and functions, including serum proteins, proteins displaying antibacterial properties, and proteins with functions associated with cellular transcription, DNA binding, the cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, and cilia. PolySNAP3 clustering software was used in a multilayered analytical approach. Clusters of proteins that associated with changes to the clinical parameters included neuronal and synapse associated proteins.


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Water passes through cell membranes relatively slowly by diffusion. In order to maintain water homeostasis, the rapid and specific regulation of cellular water flow is mediated by the aquaporin (AQP) family of membrane protein water channels. The wide range of tissues that are known to express AQPs is reflected by their involvement in many physiological processes and diseases; thirteen human AQPs have been identified to date and the majority are highly specific for water while others show selectivity for water, glycerol and other small solutes. Receptor mediated translocation, via hormone activation, is an established method of AQP regulation, especially for AQP2. There is now an emerging consensus that the rapid and reversible translocation of other AQPs from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane, triggered by a range of stimuli, confers altered membrane permeability thereby acting as a regulatory mechanism. This review examines the molecular components that may enable such AQP regulation; these include cytoskeletal proteins, kinases, calcium and retention or localization signals. Current knowledge on the dynamic regulation of sub-cellular AQP translocation in response to a specific trigger is explored in the context of the regulation of cellular water flow. © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an important model organism for the study of cell biology. The similarity between yeast and human genes and the conservation of fundamental pathways means it can be used to investigate characteristics of healthy and diseased cells throughout the lifespan. Yeast is an equally important biotechnological tool that has long been the organism of choice for the production of alcoholic beverages, bread and a large variety of industrial products. For example, yeast is used to manufacture biofuels, lubricants, detergents, industrial enzymes, food additives and pharmaceuticals such as anti-parasitics, anti-cancer compounds, hormones (including insulin), vaccines and nutraceuticals. Its function as a cell factory is possible because of the speed with which it can be grown to high cell yields, the knowledge that it is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and the ease with which metabolism and cellular pathways, such as translation can be manipulated. In this thesis, these two pathways are explored in the context of their biotechnological application to ageing research: (i) understanding translational processes during the high-yielding production of membrane protein drug targets and (ii) the manipulation of yeast metabolism to study the molecule, L-carnosine, which has been proposed to have anti-ageing properties. In the first of these themes, the yeast strains, spt3?, srb5?, gcn5? and yTHCBMS1, were examined since they have been previously demonstrated to dramatically increase the yields of a target membrane protein (the aquaporin, Fps1) compared to wild-type cells. The mechanisms underlying this discovery were therefore investigated. All high yielding strains were shown to have an altered translational state (mostly characterised by an initiation block) and constitutive phosphorylation of the translational initiation factor, eIF2a. The relevance of the initiation block was further supported by the finding that other strains, with known initiation blocks, are also high yielding for Fps1. A correlation in all strains between increased Fps1 yields and increased production of the transcriptional activator protein, Gcn4, suggested that yields are subject to translational control. Analysis of the 5´ untranslated region (UTR) of FPS1 revealed two upstream open reading frames (uORFs). Mutagenesis data suggest that high yielding strains may circumvent these control elements through either a leaky scanning or a re-initiation mechanism. In the second theme, the dipeptide L-carnosine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine) was investigated: it has previously been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells but delay senescence in cultured human fibroblasts and extend the lifespan of male fruit flies. To understand these apparently contradictory properties, the effects of L-carnosine on yeast were studied. S. cerevisiae can respire aerobically when grown on a non-fermentable carbon source as a substrate but has a respiro-fermentative metabolism when grown on a fermentable carbon source; these metabolisms mimic normal cell and cancerous cell metabolisms, respectively. When yeast were grown on fermentable carbon sources, in the presence of L-carnosine, a reduction in cell growth and viability was observed, which was not apparent for cells grown on a non-fermentable carbon source. The metabolism-dependent mechanism was confirmed in the respiratory yeast species Pichia pastoris. Further analysis of S. cerevisiae yeast strains with deletions in their nutrient-sensing pathway, which result in an increase in respiratory metabolism, confirmed the metabolism-dependent effects of L-carnosine.


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The increasing prevalence of breast cancer (BC) in different parts of the world, particularly in the UK, highlights the importance of research into the aetiology and pathology of the disease. BC is the most common malignancy affecting women worldwide. Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane protein channels that regulate cellular water flow. Recently, studies have demonstrated that expression of AQP3 is up-regulated in cancerous breast tissue. The present study examines the role of AQP3 in BC cell biology. Examination of clinical cases of BC showed higher AQP3 gene and protein expression in cancer tissues compared to healthy border tissues. In distinct clinicopathological groups however there were no differences observed with regards to AQP3 expression, suggesting that AQP3 expression may not be a predictor of lymph node infiltration or tumour grade. shRNA technology was used to knockdown gene expression of AQP3 in the invasive MDA-MB-231 BC cellular model. Cellular proliferation, migration, invasion, adhesion and response to the 5- fluorouracil (5-FU) based chemotherapy treatment were investigated in parental and knockdown cell line. AQP3 knockdown cells showed reduction in cellular proliferation, migration, invasion and increase in cell sensitivity to 5-FU compared with wild type (WT) or scrambled control (SC) cells. The effects of AQP3 knockdown on cellular glycolytic ability and ATP cellular content were quantified. Indirect glucose uptake was also measured by quantifying reconditioned media. AQP3 knockdown cells showed significantly lower levels of glucose uptake as compared to WT or SC. However there was no difference in the glycolytic ability and ATP content of the cells suggesting AQP3 has no role in cancer cell energetics. These data collectively suggest AQP3 expression is associated with the BC disease clinically and plays a role in multiple important aspects of BC pathophysiology, thus AQP3 represents a novel target for therapeutic intervention.


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ABC (ATP-binding-cassette) transporters carry out many vital functions and are involved in numerous diseases, but study of the structure and function of these proteins is often hampered by their large size and membrane location. Membrane protein purification usually utilizes detergents to solubilize the protein from the membrane, effectively removing it from its native lipid environment. Subsequently, lipids have to be added back and detergent removed to reconstitute the protein into a lipid bilayer. In the present study, we present the application of a new methodology for the extraction and purification of ABC transporters without the use of detergent, instead, using a copolymer, SMA (polystyrene-co-maleic acid). SMA inserts into a bilayer and assembles into discrete particles, essentially solubilizing the membrane into small discs of bilayer encircled by a polymer, termed SMALPs (SMA lipid particles). We show that this polymer can extract several eukaryotic ABC transporters, P-glycoprotein (ABCB1), MRP1 (multidrug-resistance protein 1; ABCC1), MRP4 (ABCC4), ABCG2 and CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ABCC7), from a range of different expression systems. The SMALP-encapsulated ABC transporters can be purified by affinity chromatography, and are able to bind ligands comparably with those in native membranes or detergent micelles. A greater degree of purity and enhanced stability is seen compared with detergent solubilization. The present study demonstrates that eukaryotic ABC transporters can be extracted and purified without ever being removed from their lipid bilayer environment, opening up awide range of possibilities for the future study of their structure and function. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2014 Biochemical Society.


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The aquaporins (AQP) family of integral membrane protein channels mediate cellular water and solute flow. Although qualitative and quantitative differences in channel permeability, selectivity, subcellular localization and trafficking responses have been observed for different members of the AQP family, the signature homotetrameric quaternary structure is conserved. Using a variety of biophysical techniques, we show that mutations to an intracellular loop (loop D) of human AQP4 reduce oligomerization. Non-tetrameric AQP4 mutants are unable to relocalize to the plasma membrane in response to changes in extracellular tonicity, despite equivalent constitutive surface expression levels and water permeability to wild-type AQP4. A network of AQP4 loop D hydrogen bonding interactions, identified using molecular dynamics simulations and based on a comparative mutagenic analysis of AQPs 1, 3 and 4, suggest that loop D interactions may provide a general structural framework for tetrameric assembly within the AQP family.


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Gram-positive bacteria possess a permeable cell wall that usually does not restrict the penetration of antimicrobials. However, resistance due to restricted penetration can occur, as illustrated by vancomycin-intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (VISA) which produce a markedly thickened cell wall. Alterations in these strains include increased amounts of nonamidated glutamine residues in the peptidoglycan and it is suggested that the resistance mechanism involves 'affinity trapping' of vancomycin in the thickened cell wall. VISA strains have reduced doubling times, lower sensitivity to lysostaphin and reduced autolytic activity, which may reflect changes in the D-alanyl ester content of the wall and membrane teichoic acids. Mycobacterial cell walls have a high lipid content, which is assumed to act as a major barrier to the penetration of antimicrobial agents. Relatively hydrophobic antibiotics such as rifampicin and fluoroquinolones may be able to cross the cell wall by diffusion through the hydrophobic bilayer composed of long chain length mycolic acids and glycolipids. Hydrophilic antibiotics and nutrients cannot diffuse across this layer and are thought to use porin channels which have been reported in many species of mycobacteria. The occurrence of porins in a lipid bilayer supports the view that the mycobacterial wall has an outer membrane analogous to that of gram-negative bacteria. However, mycobacterial porins are much less abundant than in the gram-negative outer membrane and allow only low rates of uptake for small hydrophilic nutrients and antibiotics.


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It is well-known that the rapid flow of water into and out of cells is controlled by membrane proteins called aquaporins (AQPs). However, the mechanisms that allow cells to quickly respond to a changing osmotic environment are less well established. Using GFP-AQP fusion proteins expressed in HEK293 cells, we demonstrate the reversible manipulation of cellular trafficking of AQP1. AQP1 trafficking was mediated by the tonicity of the cell environment in a specific PKC- and microtubule-dependent manner. This suggests that the increased level of water transport following osmotic change may be due a phosphorylation-dependent increase in the level of AQP1 trafficking resulting in membrane localization.