55 resultados para Conversion of Citral
The research presented in this thesis was developed as part of DIBANET, an EC funded project aiming to develop an energetically self-sustainable process for the production of diesel miscible biofuels (i.e. ethyl levulinate) via acid hydrolysis of selected biomass feedstocks. Three thermal conversion technologies, pyrolysis, gasification and combustion, were evaluated in the present work with the aim of recovering the energy stored in the acid hydrolysis solid residue (AHR). Mainly consisting of lignin and humins, the AHR can contain up to 80% of the energy in the original feedstock. Pyrolysis of AHR proved unsatisfactory, so attention focussed on gasification and combustion with the aim of producing heat and/or power to supply the energy demanded by the ethyl levulinate production process. A thermal processing rig consisting on a Laminar Entrained Flow Reactor (LEFR) equipped with solid and liquid collection and online gas analysis systems was designed and built to explore pyrolysis, gasification and air-blown combustion of AHR. Maximum liquid yield for pyrolysis of AHR was 30wt% with volatile conversion of 80%. Gas yield for AHR gasification was 78wt%, with 8wt% tar yields and conversion of volatiles close to 100%. 90wt% of the AHR was transformed into gas by combustion, with volatile conversions above 90%. 5volO2%-95vol%N2 gasification resulted in a nitrogen diluted, low heating value gas (2MJ/m3). Steam and oxygen-blown gasification of AHR were additionally investigated in a batch gasifier at KTH in Sweden. Steam promoted the formation of hydrogen (25vol%) and methane (14vol%) improving the gas heating value to 10MJ/m3, below the typical for steam gasification due to equipment limitations. Arrhenius kinetic parameters were calculated using data collected with the LEFR to provide reaction rate information for process design and optimisation. Activation energy (EA) and pre-exponential factor (ko in s-1) for pyrolysis (EA=80kJ/mol, lnko=14), gasification (EA=69kJ/mol, lnko=13) and combustion (EA=42kJ/mol, lnko=8) were calculated after linearly fitting the data using the random pore model. Kinetic parameters for pyrolysis and combustion were also determined by dynamic thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), including studies of the original biomass feedstocks for comparison. Results obtained by differential and integral isoconversional methods for activation energy determination were compared. Activation energy calculated by the Vyazovkin method was 103-204kJ/mol for pyrolysis of untreated feedstocks and 185-387kJ/mol for AHRs. Combustion activation energy was 138-163kJ/mol for biomass and 119-158 for AHRs. The non-linear least squares method was used to determine reaction model and pre-exponential factor. Pyrolysis and combustion of biomass were best modelled by a combination of third order reaction and 3 dimensional diffusion models, while AHR decomposed following the third order reaction for pyrolysis and the 3 dimensional diffusion for combustion.
An in situ XPS study of water, methanol and methyl acetate adsorption over as-synthesised and calcined MgO nanocatalysts is reported with a view to gaining insight into the surface adsorption of key components relevant to fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) production during the transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. High temperature calcined NanoMgO-700 adsorbed all three species more readily than the parent material due to the higher density of electron-rich (111) and (110) facets exposed over the larger crystallites. Water and methanol chemisorb over the NanoMgO-700 through the conversion of surface O2 − sites to OH− and coincident creation of Mg-OH or Mg-OCH3 moieties respectively. A model is proposed in which the dissociative chemisorption of methanol occurs preferentially over defect and edge sites of NanoMgO-700, with higher methanol coverages resulting in physisorption over weakly basic (100) facets. Methyl acetate undergoes more complex surface chemistry over NanoMgO-700, with C–H dissociation and ester cleavage forming surface hydroxyl and acetate species even at extremely low coverages, indicative of preferential adsorption at defects. Comparison of C 1s spectra with spent catalysts from tributyrin transesterification suggest that ester hydrolysis plays a key factor in the deactivation of MgO catalysts for biodiesel production.
The grafting and sulfation of zirconia conformal monolayers on SBA-15 to create mesoporous catalysts of tunable solid acid/base character is reported. Conformal zirconia and sulfated zirconia (SZ) materials exhibit both Brönsted and Lewis acidity, with the Brönsted/Lewis acid ratio increasing with film thickness and sulfate content. Grafted zirconia films also exhibit amphoteric character, whose Brönsted/Lewis acid site ratio increases with sulfate loading at the expense of base sites. Bilayer ZrO2/SBA-15 affords an ordered mesoporous material with a high acid site loading upon sulfation and excellent hydrothermal stability. Catalytic performance of SZ/SBA-15 was explored in the aqueous phase conversion of glucose to 5-HMF, delivering a 3-fold enhancement in 5-HMF productivity over nonporous SZ counterparts. The coexistence of accessible solid basic/Lewis acid and Brönsted acid sites in grafted SZ/SBA-15 promotes the respective isomerization of glucose to fructose and dehydration of reactively formed fructose to the desired 5-HMF platform chemical.
We propose a fibre-based approach for generation of optical frequency combs (OFCs) with the aim of calibration of astronomical spectrographs in the low and medium-resolution range. This approach includes two steps: in the first step, an appropriate state of optical pulses is generated and subsequently moulded in the second step delivering the desired OFC. More precisely, the first step is realised by injection of two continuous-wave (CW) lasers into a conventional single-mode fibre, whereas the second step generates a broad OFC by using the optical solitons generated in step one as initial condition. We investigate the conversion of a bichromatic input wave produced by two initial CW lasers into a train of optical solitons, which happens in the fibre used as step one. Especially, we are interested in the soliton content of the pulses created in this fibre. For that, we study different initial conditions (a single cosine-hump, an Akhmediev breather, and a deeply modulated bichromatic wave) by means of soliton radiation beat analysis and compare the results to draw conclusion about the soliton content of the state generated in the first step. In case of a deeply modulated bichromatic wave, we observed the formation of a collective soliton crystal for low input powers and the appearance of separated solitons for high input powers. An intermediate state showing the features of both, the soliton crystal and the separated solitons, turned out to be most suitable for the generation of OFC for the purpose of calibration of astronomical spectrographs.
Here we report on a potential catalytic process for efficient clean-up of plastic pollution in waters, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (CPGP). Detailed catalytic mechanisms of RuO2 during supercritical water gasification of common polyolefin plastics including low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PP), have been investigated in a batch reactor at 450 °C, 60 min. All four plastics gave very high carbon gasification efficiencies (CGE) and hydrogen gasification efficiencies (HGE). Methane was the highest gas component, with a yield of up to 37 mol kg−1LDPE using the 20 wt% RuO2 catalyst. Evaluation of the gas yields, CGE and HGE revealed that the conversion of PS involved thermal degradation, steam reforming and methanation; whereas hydrogenolysis was a possible additional mechanism during the conversion of aliphatic plastics. The process has the benefits of producing a clean-pressurized methane-rich fuel gas as well as cleaning up hydrocarbons-polluted waters.
This chapter provides a general overview of recent studies on catalytic conversion of fructose, glucose, and cellulose to platform chemicals over porous solid acid and base catalysts, including zeolites, ion-exchange resins, heteropoly acids, as well as structured carbon, silica, and metal oxide materials. Attention is focused on the dehydration of glucose and fructose to HMF, isomerization of glucose to fructose, hydrolysis of cellulose to sugar, and glycosidation of cellulose to alkyl glucosides. The correlation of porous structure, surface properties, and the strength or types of acid or base with the catalyst activity in these reactions is discussed in detail in this chapter.
Relevant carbon-based materials, home-made carbon-silica hybrids, commercial activated carbon, and nanostructured multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were tested in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene (EB). Special attention was given to the reaction conditions, using a relatively concentrated EB feed (10 vol.% EB), and limited excess of O2 (O 2:EB = 0.6) in order to work at full oxygen conversion and consequently avoid O2 in the downstream processing and recycle streams. The temperature was varied between 425 and 475 °C, that is about 150-200 °C lower than that of the commercial steam dehydrogenation process. The stability was evaluated from runs of 60 h time on stream. Under the applied reactions conditions, all the carbon-based materials are apparently stable in the first 15 h time on stream. The effect of the gasification/burning was significantly visible only after this period where most of them fully decomposes. The carbon of the hybrids decomposes completely rendering the silica matrix and the activated carbon bed is fully consumed. Nano structured MWCNT is the most stable; the structure resists the demanding reaction conditions showing an EB conversion of ∼30% (but deactivating) with a steady selectivity of ∼80%. The catalyst stability under the ODH reaction conditions is predicted from the combustion apparent activation energies. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Commercially available γ-Al2O3 was calcined at temperatures between 500 and 1200 °C and tested for its performance in the oxidative ethylbenzene dehydrogenation (ODH) over a wide range of industrially-relevant conditions. The original γ-Al2O 3, as well as η- and α-Al2O3, were tested. A calcination temperature around 1000/1050 °C turned out to be optimal for the ODH performance. Upon calcination the number of acid sites (from 637 to 436 μmol g-1) and surface area (from 272 to 119 m 2 g-1) decrease, whereas the acid site density increases (from 1.4 to 2.4 sites per nm2). Less coke, being the active catalyst, is formed during ODH on the Al-1000 sample compared to γ-Al 2O3 (30.8 wt% vs. 21.6 wt%), but the coke surface coverage increases. Compared with γ-Al2O3, the EB conversion increased from 36% to 42% and the ST selectivity increased from 83% to 87%. For an optimal ST selectivity the catalyst should contain enough coke to attain full conversion of the limiting reactant oxygen. The reactivity of the coke is changed due to the higher density and strength of the Lewis acid sites that are formed by the high temperature calcination. The Al-1000 sample and all other investigated catalysts lost ODH activity with time on stream. The loss of selectivity towards more COX formation is directly correlated with the amount of coke. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.
Abstract Structural ceramics were manufactured from industrial byproducts and lime by a compression moulding/vacuum dewatering technique. Treatment of these ceramics with supercritical carbon dioxide was found to both significantly increase their flexural strength and activate cementation in the industrial byproducts at least as efficiently as heat curing. Flexural strengths of up to 10 MPa were achieved. Strength improvements were associated with decreased porosity and conversion of calcium hydroxide to calcium carbonate. Life cycle assessment of proposed products made from such materials indicated that the total reduction in embodied carbon dioxide achieved, as a result of combining use of byproducts with recombination of carbon dioxide, was up to 70%. © 2010 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Bioenergy is now accepted as having the potential to provide the major part of the projected renewable energy provisions of the future as biofuels in the form of gas, liquid or solid fuels or electricity and heat. There are three main routes to providing these biofuels — thermal conversion, biological conversion and physical conversion — all of which employ a range of chemical reactor configurations and process designs. This paper focuses on fast pyrolysis from which the liquid, often referred to as bio-oil, can be used on-site or stored or transported to centralised and/or remote user facilities for utilisation for example as a fuel, or further processing to biofuels and/or chemicals. This offers the potential for system optimisation, much greater economies of scale and exploitation of the concepts of biorefineries. The technology of fast pyrolysis is described, particularly the reactors that have been developed to provide the necessary conditions to optimise performance. The primary liquid product is characterised, as well as the secondary products of electricity and/or heat, liquid fuels and a considerable number of chemicals. The main technical and non-technical barriers to the market deployment of the various technologies are identified and briefly discussed.