76 resultados para Birefringence photoinduced


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We propose a simple Er-doped fiber laser configuration for achieving stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature, in which a high birefringence fiber Bragg grating was used as the wavelength-selective component. Stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature with a wavelength spacing of 0.23nm and mutually orthogonal polarisation states was achieved by utilising the polarisation hole burning effect. An amplitude variation of less than 0.7dB over 80s period was obtained for both wavelengths.


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We present an experimental and numerical study of transversely loaded uniform fibre-Bragg gratings. A novel loading configuration is described, producing pressure-induced spectral holes in an initially strong uniform grating. The birefringence properties of these gratings are analysed. It is shown that the frequency splitting of the two spectral holes, corresponding to two orthogonal polarisation states, can be adjusted precisely using this loading configuration. We finally demonstrate a new and simple scheme to induce multiple spectral holes in the stop-band. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bragg gratings photo-inscribed in polymer optical fibers (POFs) are more sensitive to temperature and pressure than their silica counterparts, because of their larger thermo-optic coefficient and smaller Young's modulus. Polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) are most often photo-written in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) based materials using a continuous-wave 325 nm HeCd laser. In this work, we present the first study about birefringence effects in POFBGs manufactured in different types of fiber. To achieve this, highly reflective (> 90%) gratings were produced with the phase mask technique. Their spectral response was then monitored in transmission with polarized light. Polarization dependent loss (PDL) and differential group delay (DGD) were computed from the Jones matrix eigenanalysis using an optical vector analyzer. Maximum values exceeding several dB and a few picoseconds were obtained for the PDL and DGD, respectively. An inverse scattering technique applied to the experimental data provided an estimate of the photo-induced birefringence value arising from the side fabrication process. The response to lateral force was finally investigated for various incident directions using the PDL response of FBGs manufactured in step-index POFs. As the force induced birefringence adds to the photo-induced one, a force dependent evolution of the PDL maximum value was noticed, with a good temperature-insensitivity.


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We have theoretically and experimentally designed and demonstrated an all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF), which is formed by a polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber cavity structure utilizing two 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) inscribed by UV laser on the PM fiber. Such a filter could generate modulated transmission of linear polarization status. It has been revealed that the modulation depth of the transmission depends on the coupling angle between the 45°-TFGs and the PM fiber cavity. When the two 45°-TFGs in PM fiber are oriented at 45° to the principal axis of the PM fiber cavity, the maximum modulation depth is achievable. Due to the thermal effect on birefringence of the PM fiber, the AFPIF can be tuned over a broad wavelength range just by simple thermal tuning of the cavity. The experiment results show that the temperature tuning sensitivity is proportional to the length ratio of the PM fiber cavity under heating. For 18 and 40 cm long cavities with 6 cm part under heating, the thermal tuning sensitivities are 0.616 and 0.31 nm/° C, respectively, which are almost two orders of magnitude higher than normal fiber Bragg gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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Hybrid nanocomposites based on N-doped SrTiO3 nanoparticles wrapped in g-C3N4 nanosheets were successfully prepared by a facile and reproducible polymeric citrate and thermal exfoliation method. The results clearly indicated that the N-doped SrTiO3 nanoparticles are successfully wrapped in layers of the g-C3N4 nanosheets. The g-C3N4/N-doped SrTiO3 nanocomposites showed absorption edges at longer wavelengths compared with the pure g-C3N4 as well as N-doped SrTiO3. The hybrid nanocomposites exhibit an improved photocurrent response and photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. Interestingly, the hybrid nanocomposite possesses high photostability and reusability. Based on experimental results, the possible mechanism for prolonged lifetime of the photoinduced charge carrier was also discussed. The high performance of the g-C3N4/N-doped SrTiO3 photocatalysts is due to the synergic effect at the interface of g-C3N4 and N-doped SrTiO3 hetero/nanojunction including the high separation efficiency of the charge carrier, band energy matching and the suppressed recombination rate. Therefore, the hybrid photocatalyst could be of potential interest for water splitting and environmental remediation under natural sunlight.


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We report on a new vector model of an erbium-doped fibre laser mode locked with carbon nanotubes. This model goes beyond the limitations of the previously used models based on either coupled nonlinear Schrödinger or Ginzburg-Landau equations. Unlike the previous models, it accounts for the vector nature of the interaction between an optical field and an erbium-doped active medium, slow relaxation dynamics of erbium ions, linear birefringence in a fibre, linear and circular birefringence of a laser cavity caused by in-cavity polarization controller and light-induced anisotropy caused by elliptically polarized pump field. Interplay of aforementioned factors changes coherent coupling of two polarization modes at a long time scale and so results in a new family of vector solitons (VSs) with fast and slowly evolving states of polarization. The observed VSs can be of interest in secure communications, trapping and manipulation of atoms and nanoparticles, control of magnetization in data storage devices and many other areas.


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We report a distinctive polarisation mode coupling behaviour of tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) with tilted angle exceeding 45°. The ex-45° TFBGs exhibit pronounced polarisation mode splitting resulted from grating structure asymmetry induced birefringence. We have studied and analysed the property of ex-45° TFBGs under transverse load applied to their equivalent fast- and slow-axis. The results show that the coupling between the orthogonally polarised modes takes place only when the load is applied to its fast-axis, giving a prominent directional loading response. This transverse load related polarisation property may be exploitable for implementation of optical fibre vector sensors capable of measuring the magnitude and orientation of the applied transverse load.


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We experimentally demonstrated a highly sensitive twist sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° tilted fibre grating (TFG). The 81°-TFG has a set of dual-peaks that are due to the birefringence induced by its extremely tilted structure. When the 81°-TFG subjected to twist, the coupling to the two peaks would interchange from each other, providing a mechanism to measure and monitor the twist. We have investigated the performance of the sensor system by three interrogation methods (spectral, power-measurement and voltage-measurement). The experimental results clearly show that the 81°-TFG and the 45°-TFG could be combined forming a full fibre twist sensor system capable of not just measuring the magnitude but also recognising the direction of the applied twist.


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Long period gratings have been inscribed in standard single mode fibre using a fs laser system, a fusion arc and a UV laser and a comparative study carried out of their thermal behaviour. The fs laser induced gratings can survive temperatures in excess of 800°C, however the inscription process can induce considerable birefringence within the device. Annealing studies have been carried out showing that below 600°C, all three grating types show a blue shift in their room temperature resonance wavelengths following cyclic heating, while above 600°C, the UV and arc induced LPGs exhibit a red shift, with the fs LPG showing an even stronger blue shift. High temperature annealing is also shown to considerably reduce the birefringence induced by the fs inscription process.


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A bidirectional nonreciprocal wavelength-interleaving filter based on an optically coherent high birefringence fiber transversal filter structure is demonstrated. Stable, low loss, low dispersion, and high isolation operation is demonstrated with reconfigurable transfer characteristics for interleaved channel spacing of 0.8 nm.


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We overview our recent results on polarisation dynamics of vector solitons in erbium doped fibre laser mode locked with carbon nanotubes. Our experimental and theoretical study revealed new families of vector solitons for fundamental and bound-state soliton operations. The observed scenario of the evolution of the states of polarisation (SOPs) on the Poincare sphere includes fast polarisation switching between two and three SOPs along with slow SOP evolution on a double scroll chaotic attractor. The underlying physics presents an interplay between effects of birefringence of the laser cavity and light induced anisotropy caused by polarisation hole burning. © 2014 IEEE.


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Optical solitons are important in the modern photonics. Passively mode locked erbium doped fiber lasers provide a neat platform to study soliton dynamics. Soliton interaction dynamics is important for various applications and has quite different manifestations, including e.g. such as bound state solitons [1], soliton rains [2]. Soliton interactions have been observed with different mode locking approaches such as figure-of-eight [3] and nonlinear polarization rotation [4]. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have recently been widely applied as an efficient saturable absorber for passively mode locked fiber lasers. We have recently studied the polarization dynamics in a CNT mode locked vector soliton erbium doped fiber laser [5]. So far, the polarization dynamics of bound state solitons have yet to be investigated. In this report, we present a wide range of polarization dynamics of bound state solitons generated in a CNT mode locked erbium doped fiber laser. The fiber laser consists of ∼ 2 m highly doped erbium fiber (Liekki Er80-8/125) as the gain medium, an optical isolator to ensure unidirectional oscillation anda 980 nm laser diode is used to pump the gain through the 1550/980 nm wavelength division multiplexer. A fused 10:90 coupler is used to couple 10 % of the light out of the laser cavity and two in-line polarization controllers (NewPort) are used to control the birefringence of the cavity and polarization of the pump light respectively. The total cavity length is ∼ 7.8 m indicating a 25.7 MHz fundamental repetition rate. © 2013 IEEE.


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We report on a theoretical study of activated de-correlation of signal and pump states of polarization based on an advanced vector model of a fiber Raman amplifier accounting for random birefringence and periodic fiber spinning. © 2012 OSA.


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For a fibre Raman amplifier with randomly varying birefringence, we provide insight on the validity of previously explored multi-scale techniques leading to polarisation pulling of the signal state of polarisation to the pump state of polarisation. Unlike previous study, we demonstrate that in addition to polarisation pulling a new random birefringence-mediated phenomenon that goes beyond existing multi-scale techniques can boost resonance-like gain fluctuations similar to the Stochastic Anti-Resonance. For mode locked fibre lasers we report on fast and slow polarisation dynamics of fundamental, bound state, and multipulsing vector solitons along with stretched pulses. We demonstrate that tuning cavity anisotropy and birefringence along with parameters of an injected signal with randomly varying state of polarisation provides access to the variety of vector waveforms previously unexplored.


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Stochastic anti-resonance, that is resonant enhancement of randomness caused by polarization mode beatings, is analyzed both numerically and analytically on an example of fibre Raman amplifier with randomly varying birefringence. As a result of such anti-resonance, the polarization mode dispersion growth causes an escape of the signal state of polarization from a metastable state corresponding to the pulling of the signal to the pump state of polarization.This phenomenon reveals itself in abrupt growth of gain fluctuations as well as in dropping of Hurst parameter and Kramers length characterizing long memory in a system and noise induced escape from the polarization pulling state. The results based on analytical multiscale averaging technique agree perfectly with the numerical data obtained by direct numerical simulations of underlying stochastic differential equations. This challenging outcome would allow replacing the cumbersome numerical simulations for real-world extra-long high-speed communication systems.