75 resultados para Average heat transfer coefficient
The fluid–particle interaction and the impact of shrinkage on pyrolysis of biomass inside a 150 g/h fluidised bed reactor is modelled. Two 500 View the MathML sourcem in diameter biomass particles are injected into the fluidised bed with different shrinkage conditions. The two different conditions consist of (1) shrinkage equal to the volume left by the solid devolatilization, and (2) shrinkage parameters equal to approximately half of particle volume. The effect of shrinkage is analysed in terms of heat and momentum transfer as well as product yields, pyrolysis time and particle size considering spherical geometries. The Eulerian approach is used to model the bubbling behaviour of the sand, which is treated as a continuum. Heat transfer from the bubbling bed to the discrete biomass particle, as well as biomass reaction kinetics are modelled according to the literature. The particle motion inside the reactor is computed using drag laws, dependent on the local volume fraction of each phase. FLUENT 6.2 has been used as the modelling framework of the simulations with the whole pyrolysis model incorporated in the form of user defined function (UDF).
The paper presents a comparison between the different drag models for granular flows developed in the literature and the effect of each one of them on the fast pyrolysis of wood. The process takes place on an 100 g/h lab scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor located at Aston University. FLUENT 6.3 is used as the modeling framework of the fluidized bed hydrodynamics, while the fast pyrolysis of the discrete wood particles is incorporated as an external user defined function (UDF) hooked to FLUENT’s main code structure. Three different drag models for granular flows are compared, namely the Gidaspow, Syamlal O’Brien, and Wen-Yu, already incorporated in FLUENT’s main code, and their impact on particle trajectory, heat transfer, degradation rate, product yields, and char residence time is quantified. The Eulerian approach is used to model the bubbling behavior of the sand, which is treated as a continuum. Biomass reaction kinetics is modeled according to the literature using a two-stage, semiglobal model that takes into account secondary reactions.
The objective of this work was to design, construct, test and operate a novel circulating fluid bed fast pyrolysis reactor system for production of liquids from biomass. The novelty lies in incorporating an integral char combustor to provide autothermal operation. A reactor design methodology was devised which correlated input parameters to process variables, namely temperature, heat transfer and gas/vapour residence time, for both the char combustor and biomass pyrolyser. From this methodology a CFB reactor was designed with integral char combustion for 10 kg/h biomass throughput. A full-scale cold model of the CFB unit was constructed and tested to derive suitable hydrodynamic relationships and performance constraints. Early difficulties encountered with poor solids circulation and inefficient product recovery were overcome by a series of modifications. A total of 11 runs in a pyrolysis mode were carried out with a maximum total liquids yield of 61.50% wt on a maf biomass basis, obtained at 500°C and with 0.46 s gas/vapour residence time. This could be improved by improved vapour recovery by direct quenching up to an anticipated 75 % wt on a moisture-and-ash-free biomass basis. The reactor provides a very high specific throughput of 1.12 - 1.48 kg/hm2 and the lowest gas-to-feed ratio of 1.3 - 1.9 kg gas/kg feed compared to other fast pyrolysis processes based on pneumatic reactors and has a good scale-up potential. These features should provide significant capital cost reduction. Results to date suggest that the process is limited by the extent of char combustion. Future work will address resizing of the char combustor to increase overall system capacity, improvement in solid separation and substantially better liquid recovery. Extended testing will provide better evaluation of steady state operation and provide data for process simulation and reactor modeling.
The literature on heat and mass transfer mechanisms in the convective drying of thick beds of solids has been critically reviewed. Related mathematical models of heat transfer are also considered. Experimental and theoretical studies were made of the temperature distribution within beds, and of drying rates, with various materials undergoing convective drying. The experimental work covered thick beds of hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic materials (glass beads of different diameters, polystyrene pellets, activated alumina and wood powder) at air temperatures of 54°C to 84°C. Tests were carried out in a laboratory drying apparatus comprising a wind tunnel through which the air, of controlled temperature and humidity, was passed over a sample suspended from a balance. Thermocouples were inserted at different depths within the sample bed. The temperature distribution profiles for both hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic beds exhibited a clear difference between the temperatures at the surface and bottom during the constant rate period. An effective method was introduced for predicting the critical moisture content. During the falling rate the profiles showed the existence of a receding evaporation plane; this divided the system into a hotter dry zone in the upper section and a wet zone near the bottom. A graphical procedure was established to predict accurately the position of the receding evaporation front at any time. A new mathematical model, based on the receding evaporation front phenomenon, was proposed to predict temperature distributions throughout a bed during drying. Good agreement was obtained when the model was validated by comparing its predictions with experimental data. The model was also able to predict the duration of each drying stage. In experiments using sample trays of different diameters, the drying rate was found to increase with a decrease in the effective length of the bed surface. During the constant rate period with trays of a small effective length, i.e. less than 0.08 m, an 'inversion' in temperature distribution occurred in the bed; the bottom temperature increased and became greater than that of the surface. Experimental measurements were verified in several ways to ensure this phenomenon was real. Theoretical explanations are given for both the effective length and temperature inversion phenomena.
As a basis for the commercial separation of normal paraffins a detailed study has been made of factors affecting the adsorption of binary liquid mixtures of high molecular weight normal paraffins (C12, C16, and C20) from isooctane on type 5A molecular sieves. The literature relating to molecular sieve properties and applications, and to liquid-phase adsorption of high molecular weight normal paraffin compounds by zeolites, was reviewed. Equilibrium isotherms were determined experimentally for the normal paraffins under investigation at temperatures of 303oK, 323oK and 343oK and showed a non-linear, favourable- type of isotherm. A higher equilibrium amount was adsorbed with lower molecular weight normal paraffins. An increase in adsorption temperature resulted in a decrease in the adsorption value. Kinetics of adsorption were investigated for the three normal paraffins at different temperatures. The effective diffusivity and the rate of adsorption of each normal paraffin increased with an increase in temperature in the range 303 to 343oK. The value of activation energy was between 2 and 4 kcal/mole. The dynamic properties of the three systems were investigated over a range of operating conditions (i.e. temperature, flow rate, feed concentration, and molecular sieve size in the range 0.032 x 10-3 to 2 x 10-3m) with a packed column. The heights of adsorption zones calculated by two independent equations (one based on a constant width, constant velocity and adsorption zone and the second on a solute material balance within the adsorption zone) agreed within 3% which confirmed the validity of using the mass transfer zone concept to provide a simple design procedure for the systems under study. The dynamic capacity of type 5A sieves for n-eicosane was lower than for n-hexadecane and n-dodecane corresponding to a lower equilibrium loading capacity and lower overall mass transfer coefficient. The values of individual external, internal, theoretical and experimental overall mass transfer coefficient were determined. The internal resistance was in all cases rate-controlling. A mathematical model for the prediction of dynamic breakthrough curves was developed analytically and solved from the equilibrium isotherm and the mass transfer rate equation. The experimental breakthrough curves were tested against both the proposed model and a graphical method developed by Treybal. The model produced the best fit with mean relative percent deviations of 26, 22, and 13% for the n-dodecane, n-hexadecane, and n-eicosane systems respectively.
This dissertation covers four areas of particular interest for the successful application of radiant heating in industrial environments. In it the author tackles the problem of how to predict the thermal comfort produced both by single heaters and also systems of heaters; proposes a method for modelling the mechanisms by which heaters interact with the buildings in which they are installed, in the static and dynamic cases; explores techniques for measuring the radiation produced by heaters; and presents experiments concerned with finding the temperatures and power balances prevailing during normal operation. It is contended that, whilst the generally accepted guides for sizing and operating space heating plant were a good first approximation, there are intrinsic subtleties arising from the fact that the primary mode of heat transfer in this instance is radiative. These nuances are concerned with how best to maximise the heat transfer from the heat source to the heated object; the placement of heaters within a system; and an assessment of the various techniques and strategies involved in controlling a radiant heating system. The conclusions reached are that: if sized and controlled correctly radiant heating systems offer considerable operational advantages over other types of space heating systems in certain applications, in terms of both economy and controllability. The efficacy of radiant heating systems is affected primarily by the control strategy implemented; secondarily, by the structure of the building into which it is installed; and only marginally by all other factors.
The thesis describes experimental work on sieve trays in an air-water simulator, 2.44 m in diameter. The liquid flow pattern, for flowrates similar to those used in commercial scale distillation, was observed experimentally by water cooling experiments, in which the temperature of the water is measured at over 100 positions over the tray area. The water is cooled by the rising air which is forced through the tray. A heat and mass transfer analogy is drawn whereby the water temperature is mapped to liquid concentration in mass transfer, and the water temperature profiles reveal how liquid channelling may reduce the tray efficiency. The first experiment was to observe the flow of water only over an unperforated tray. With the exception of very low weir loads, the flow separated at the ends of the inlet downcomer. This caused liquid to flow straight across the tray between the downcomers and large circulating regions to be formed in the side regions of the tray. The effect of the air crossflow on the flow pattern was then observed on a sieve tray of 10% free area with 1 mm diameter holes (such as is used in cryogenic distillation). The flow patterns developed on the tray were similar to those produced with water only on the unperforated tray, but at low weir loads the air crossflow prevented separation of the water flow and the associated circulating regions. At higher weir loads, liquid channelling down the centre of the tray and circulation in the side regions occurred. The percentage of the tray occupied by circulating liquid depended upon the velocity of the liquid entering the tray, which was set by the weir load and size of the gap under the inlet downcomer. The water cooling experiments showed that the temperature of the water in a circulating region is much lower than in other parts of the tray, indicating that the driving force for heat transfer is reduced. In a column section where trays (and circulating areas) are mounted on top of each other, the circulating regions will cause air (or vapour) passing through them to have a reduced change in temperature or concentration leading a loss in tray efficiency.
Lead in petrol has been identified as a health hazard and attempts are being made to create a lead-free atmosphere. Through an intensive study a review is made of the various options available to the automobile and petroleum industry. The economic and atmospheric penalties coupled with automobile fuel consumption trends are calculated and presented in both graphical and tabulated form. Experimental measurements of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions are also presented for certain selected fuels. Reduction in CO and HC's with the employment of a three-way catalyst is also discussed. All tests were carried out on a Fiat 127A engine at wide open throttle and standard timing setting. A Froude dynamometer was used to vary engine speed. With the introduction of lead-free petrol, interest in combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engines has ben renewed. These deposits cause octane requirement increase or rise in engine knock and decreased volumetric efficiency. The detrimental effect of the deposits has been attributed to the physical volume of the deposit and to changes in heat transfer. This study attempts to assess why leaded deposits, though often greater in mass and volume, yield relatively lower ORI when compared to lead-free deposits under identical operating conditions. This has been carried out by identifying the differences in the physical nature of the deposit and then through measurement of the thermal conductivity and permeability of the deposits. The measured thermal conductivity results are later used in a mathematical model to determine heat transfer rates and temperature variation across the engine wall and deposit. For the model, the walls of the combustion cylinder and top are assumed to be free of engine deposit, the major deposit being on the piston head. Seven different heat transfer equations are formulated describing heat flow at each part of the four stroke cycle, and the variation of cylinder wall area exposed to gas mixture is accounted for. The heat transfer equations are solved using numerical methods and temperature variations across the wall identified. Though the calculations have been carried out for one particular moment in the cycle, similar calculations are possible for every degree of the crank angle, and thus further information regarding location of maximum temperatures at every degree of the crank angle may also be determined. In conclusion, thermal conductivity values of leaded and lead-free deposits have been found. The fundamental concepts of a mathematical model with great potential have been formulated and it is hoped that with future work it may be used in a simulation for different engine construction materials and motor fuels, leading to better design of future prototype engines.
The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.
Melamine orthophosphate has been shown to exhibit variations in its chemical constitution, and crystal shape and size, dependent upon the method of production. These crystal types have been incorporated with epoxy resin to produce intumescent coatings, which have been tested on a small scale fire testing device, designed and calibrated within this project. The factors influencing performance in three fire test regimes are the percentage loading of melamine phosphate, its chemical constitution, crystal size and shape, thermal degradation, and state of agglomeration . and dispersion in the coating, determined by the method of incorporation into the coating. When melamine phosphate is heat treated at 210ºC, a process designed to reduce its solubility, the performance of coatings produced with such material is profoundly affected, depending mainly on crystal size and shape alone. Consideration of heat transfer across the chars produced has allowed a quantitative evaluation of the thermal resistance of chars throughout a test. An optimum production route for melamine phosphate has been suggested, taking into account the requirements for weatherability of coatings as well as performance in a fire.
The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids and the drying of solution and slurry droplets, and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for individual droplets suspended in free-flight, were investigated using a specially-designed vertical wind tunnel, to simulate conditions in a spray drier. The technique represented a unique alternative method for investigating evaporation from unrestrained single droplets with variable residence times. The experiments covered droplets of pure liquid allowbreak (water, isopropanol) allowbreak and of significantly different solutions (sucrose, potassium sulphate) over a range of temperatures of 37oC to 97oC, initial concentrations of 5 to 40wt/wt% , and initial drop sizes of 2.8 to 4.6mm. Drop behaviour was recorded photographically and dried particles were examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Correlations were developed for mass transfer coefficients for pure water droplets in free-flight; (i) experiencing oscillations, rotation and deformation, Sh = -105 + 3.9 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. > 1380 (ii) when these movements had ceased or diminished, Sh = 2.0 + 0.71 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. < 1060. Data for isopropanol drops were correlated resonably well by these equations. The heat transfer data showed a similar transition range. The drying rate curves for drops of sucrose and potassium sulphate solution exhibited three distinct stages; an initial increase in the drying rate as drop temperature reduced to the wet-bulb temperature, a short constant-rate period and a falling-rate period characterised by formation of a crust which controlled the mass transfer rate. Due to drop perturbation the rates in the high Re number region were up to 5 times greater than predicted from theory for spherical droplets. In the case of sucrose solution a `skin' formed over the drop surface prior to crust formation. This provided an additional resistance to mass transfer and resulted in extended drying times and a smooth crust of low porosity. The relevance of the results to practical spray drying operations is discussed.
The literature relating to sieve plate liquid extraction columns and relevant hydrodynamic phenomena have been surveyed. Mass transfer characteristics during drop formation, rise and coalescence, and related models were also reviewed. Important design parameters i.e. flooding, dispersed phase hold-up, drop size distribution, mean drop size, coalescence/flocculation zone height beneath a plate and jetting phenomena were investigated under non-mass transfer and mass transfer conditions in a 0.45m diameter, 2.3m high sieve plate column. This column had provision for four different plate designs, and variable plate spacing and downcomer heights, and the system used was Clairsol `350' (dispersed) - acetone - deionised water (continuous) with either direction of mass transfer. Drop size distributions were best described by the functions proposed by Gal-or, and then Mugele-Evans. Using data from this study and the literature, correlations were developed for dispersed phase hold-up, mean drop size in the preferred jetting regime and in the non-jetting regime, and coalescence zone height. A method to calculate the theoretical overall mass transfer coefficient allowing for the range of drop sizes encountered in the column gave the best fit to experimental data. This applied the drop size distribution diagram to estimate the volume percentage of stagnant, circulating and oscillating drops in the drop population. The overall coefficient Kcal was then calculated as the fractional sum of the predicted individual single drop coefficients and their proportion in the drop population. In a comparison between the experimental and calculated overall mass transfer coefficients for cases in which all the drops were in the oscillating regime (i.e. 6.35mm hole size plate), and for transfer from the dispersed(d) to continuous(c) phase, the film coefficient kd predicted from the Rose-Kintner correlation together with kc from that of Garner-Tayeban gave the best representation. Droplets from the 3.175mm hole size plate, were of a size to be mainly circulating and oscillating; a combination of kd from the Kronig-Brink (circulating) and Rose-Kintner (oscillating) correlations with the respective kc gave the best agreement. The optimum operating conditions for the SPC were identified and a procedure proposed for design from basic single drop data.
The concept of shallow fluidized bed boilers is defined and a preliminary working design for a gas-fired package boiler has been produced. Those areas of the design requiring further study have been specified. Experimental investigations concerning these areas have been carried out. A two-dimensional, conducting paper analog has been developed for the specific purpose of evaluating sheet fins. The analog has been generalised and is presented as a simple means of simulating the general, two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. By recording the transient response of spherical, calorimetric probes when plunged into heated air-fluidized beds, heat transfer coefficients have been measured at bed temperatures up to 1 100°C. A correlation fitting all the data to within ±10% has been obtained. A model of heat transfer to surfaces immersed in high temperature beds has been proposed. The model solutions are, however, only in qualitative agreement with the experimental data. A simple experimental investigation has revealed that the effective, radial, thermal conductivities of shallow fluidized beds are an order of magnitude lower than the axial conductivities. These must, consequently, be taken into account when considering heat transfer to surfaces immersed within fluidized beds. Preliminary work on pre-mixed gas combustion and some further qualitative experiments have been used as the basis for discussing the feasibility of combusting heavy fuel oils within shallow beds. The use of binary beds, within which the fuel could be both gasified and subsequently burnt, is proposed. Finally, the consequences of the experimental studies on the initial design are considered, and suggestions for further work are made.
The stability of internally heated convective flows in a vertical channel under the influence of a pressure gradient and in the limit of small Prandtl number is examined numerically. In each of the cases studied the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability at the critical point identified by the corresponding linear analysis to two-dimensional states in a Hopf bifurcation. These marginal points determine the linear stability curve that identifies the minimum Grashof number (based on the strength of the homogeneous heat source), at which the two-dimensional periodic flow can bifurcate. The range of stability of the finite amplitude secondary flow is determined by its (linear) stability against three-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances. By first examining the behavior of the eigenvalues as functions of the Floquet parameters in the streamwise and spanwise directions we show that the secondary flow loses stability also in a Hopf bifurcation as the Grashof number increases, indicating that the tertiary flow is quasi-periodic. Secondly the Eckhaus marginal stability curve, that bounds the domain of stable transverse vortices towards smaller and larger wavenumbers, but does not cause a transition as the Grashof number increases, is also given for the cases studied in this work.
This investigation looks critically at conventional magnetic lenses in the light of present-day technology with the aim of advancing electron microscopy in its broadest sense. By optimising the cooling arrangements and heat transfer characteristics of lens windings it was possible to increase substantially the current density in the winding, and achieve a large reduction in the size of conventional magnetic electron lenses. Following investigations into the properties of solenoidal lenses, a new type of lens with only one pole-piece was developed. The focal properties of such lenses, which differ considerably from those.of conventional lenses, have been derived from a combination of mathematical models and experimentally measured axial flux density distributions. These properties can be profitably discussed with reference to "half-lenses". Miniature conventional twin pole-piece lenses and the proposed radial field single pole-piece lenses have been designed and constructed and both types of lenses have been evaluated by constructing miniature electron optical columns. A miniature experimental transmission electron microscope (TEM), a miniature scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a scanning transmission microscope (STEM) have been built. A single pole-piece miniature one million volt projector lens of only lOcm diameter and weighing 2.lkg was designed, built and tested at 1 million volts in a commercial electron microscope. iii. Preliminary experiments indicate that in single pole lenses it is possible to extract secondary electrons from the specimen in spite of the presence of the magnetic field of the probe-forming lens. This may well be relevant for the SEM in which it is desirable to examine a large specimen at a moderately good resolution.