50 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials
The Visually Evoked Subcortical Potential, a far-field signal, was originally defined to flash stimulation as a triphasic positive-negative-positive complex with mean latencies of P21 N26.2 P33.6 (Harding and Rubinstein 1980). Inconsistent with its subcortical source however, the signal was found to be tightly localised to the mastoid. This thesis re-examines the earlier protocols using flash stimulation and with auditory masking establishes by topographic studies that the VESP has a widespread scalp distribution, consistent with a far-field source of the signal, and is not a volume-conducted electroretinogram (ERG). Furthermore, mastoid localisation indicates auditory contamination from the click, on discharge of the photostimulator. The use of flash stimulation could not precisely identify the origin of the response. Possible sources of the VESP are the lateral geniculate body (LGB) and the superior colliculus. The LGB received 80% of the nerve fibres from the retina, and responds to high contrast achromatic stimulation in the form of drifting gratings of high spatial frequencies. At low spatial frequencies, it is more sensitive to colour. The superior colliculus is insensitive to colour and suppressed by contrast and responds to transitory rapid movements, and receives about 20% of the optic nerve fibres. A pattern VESP was obtained to black and white checks as a P23.5 N29.2 P34 complex in 93% of normal subjects at an optimal check size of 12'. It was also present as a P23.0 N28.29 P32.23 complex to red and green luminance balanced checks at 2o check size in 73% of subjects. These results were not volume-conducted pattern electroretinogram responses. These findings are consistent with the spatial frequency properties of the lateral geniculate body which is the considered source of the signal. With further work, the VESP may supplement electrodiagnosis of post-chiasmal lesions.
The topographical distribution of the early components of the flash visual evoked response (VER) were investigated using a twenty channel brain mapping system. Thirty subjects, ranging in age from 21 to 84 years, had flash VERs recorded using the standard 10-20 electrode system to a balanced non-cephalic reference. The subjects were divided into three age groups: a young group, a middle group and an older group. The P2 component (positive component around 100-120 msec) of the flash VER was recorded consistently over the occipital region throughout the age range, as was a frontal negative component (N120) of about the same latency. Only the young age group had this single negative component on the frontage channels, whilst the middle age group showed an additional negative component at around 75 msec (N75). Neither group had a recordable P1 component (positive component around 60-75 msec) over the occipital region. The older age group showed both P1 and P2 components over the occipital region with the distribution of the P1 component being more widespread anteriorly. The frontal channels showed both the negative N75 and the later N120 components. The frontal negative components were shown not to be related to the electroretinogram or the balanced non-cephalic reference, but were affected by the type of stimulation. Responses recorded to both pattern reversal and onset/offset stimulation did not show the frontal negative potentials seen with flash stimulation. It was shown that the P1 component is more readily recordable in the elderly and is preceded during middle age by the development of a frontal negative component at around the same latency. The changing morphology of the negative activity in the frontal region across the age range suggests that the use of an Fz reference would produce an artificial P1 component in the middle age group and an enhancement of this component in the elderly, as well as enhance the P2 component in all ages.
Thirteen experiments investigated the dynamics of stream segregation. Experiments 1-6b used a similar method, where a same-frequency induction sequence (usually 10 repetitions of an identical pure tone) promoted segregation in a subsequent, briefer test sequence (of alternating low- and high-frequency tones). Experiments 1-2 measured streaming using a direct report of perception and a temporal-discrimination task, respectively. Creating a single deviant by altering the final inducer (e.g. in level or replacement with silence) reduced segregation, often substantially. As the prior inducers remained unaltered, it is proposed that the single change actively reset build-up. The extent of resetting varied gradually with the size of a frequency change, once noticeable (experiments 3a-3b). By manipulating the serial position of a change, experiments 4a-4b demonstrated that resetting only occurred when the final inducer was replaced with silence, as build-up is very rapid during a same-frequency induction sequence. Therefore, the observed resetting cannot be explained by fewer inducers being presented. Experiment 5 showed that resetting caused by a single deviant did not increase when prior inducers were made unpredictable in frequency (four-semitone range). Experiments 6a-6b demonstrated that actual and perceived continuity have a similar effect on subsequent streaming judgements promoting either integration or segregation, depending on listening context. Experiment 7 found that same-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than an alternating-frequency inducer, and that a trend for deviant-tone resetting was only apparent for the same-frequency case. Using temporal-order judgments, experiments 8-9 demonstrated the stream segregation of pure-tone-like percepts, evoked by sudden changes in amplitude or interaural time difference for individual components of a complex tone, Active resetting was observed when a deviant was inserted into a sequence of these percepts (Experiment 10). Overall, these experiments offer new insight into the segregation-promotIng effect of induction sequences, and the factors which can reset this effect.
This study sought to explore whether the so-called 'paradoxical' task-related increases in the alpha bandwidth of the human electroencephalogram result from increases in evoked (phase locked), as opposed to induced (non-phase locked), activity. The electroencephalograms of 18 participants were recorded while they engaged in both auditory sensory-intake tasks (listening to randomly generated 'tunes') and internally directed attention tasks (imagining the same randomly generated tunes) matched for auditory input. Measures of evoked (phase locked) and induced (non-phase locked) activity were compared between tasks. Increases in induced alpha power were found during internal attention. No experimental effects were observed for evoked activity. These results are not entirely consistent with proposals that 'paradoxical' alpha indexes the evoked inhibition of task irrelevant processing.
Event-related potentials (ERP) have been proposed to improve the differential diagnosis of non-responsive patients. We investigated the potential of the P300 as a reliable marker of conscious processing in patients with locked-in syndrome (LIS). Eleven chronic LIS patients and 10 healthy subjects (HS) listened to a complex-tone auditory oddball paradigm, first in a passive condition (listen to the sounds) and then in an active condition (counting the deviant tones). Seven out of nine HS displayed a P300 waveform in the passive condition and all in the active condition. HS showed statistically significant changes in peak and area amplitude between conditions. Three out of seven LIS patients showed the P3 waveform in the passive condition and five of seven in the active condition. No changes in peak amplitude and only a significant difference at one electrode in area amplitude were observed in this group between conditions. We conclude that, in spite of keeping full consciousness and intact or nearly intact cortical functions, compared to HS, LIS patients present less reliable results when testing with ERP, specifically in the passive condition. We thus strongly recommend applying ERP paradigms in an active condition when evaluating consciousness in non-responsive patients.