44 resultados para weld toe notch
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be one of the top causes of mortality in the world. World Heart Organization (WHO) reported that in 2004, CVD contributed to almost 30% of death from estimated worldwide death figures of 58 million[1]. Heart failure treatment varies from lifestyle adjustment to heart transplantation; its aims are to reduce HF symptoms, prolong patient survival and minimize risk [2]. One alternative available in the market for HF treatment is Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). Chronic Intermittent Mechanical Support (CIMS) device is a novel (LVAD) heart failure treatment using counterpulsation similar to Intra Aortic Balloon Pumps (IABP). However, the implantation site of the CIMS balloon is in the ascending aorta just distal to aortic valve contrasted with IABP in the descending aorta. Counterpulsation coupled with implantation close to the aortic valve enables comparable flow augmentation with reduced balloon volume. Two prototypes of the CIMS balloon were constructed using rapid prototyping: the straight-body model is a cylindrical tube with a silicone membrane lining with zero expansive compliance. The compliant-body model had a bulging structure that allowed the membrane to expand under native systolic pressure increasing the device’s static compliance to 1.5 mL/mmHg. This study examined the effect of device compliance and vascular compliance on counterpulsating flow augmentation. Both prototypes were tested on a two-element Windkessel model human mock circulatory loop (MCL). The devices were placed just distal to aortic valve and left coronary artery. The MCL mimicked HF with cardiac output of 3 L/min, left ventricular pressure of 85/15 mmHg, aortic pressure of 70/50 mmHg and left coronary artery flow rate of 66 mL/min. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated to be 57 mmHg. Arterial compliance was set to be1.25 mL/mmHg and 2.5 mL/mmHg. Inflation of the balloon was triggered at the dicrotic notch while deflation was at minimum aortic pressure prior to systole. Important haemodynamics parameters such as left ventricular pressure (LVP), aortic pressure (AoP), cardiac output (CO), left coronary artery flowrate (QcorMean), and dP (Peak aortic diastolic augmentation pressure – AoPmax ) were simultaneously recorded for both non-assisted mode and assisted mode. ANOVA was used to analyse the effect of both factors (balloon and arterial compliance) to flow augmentation. The results showed that for cardiac output and left coronary artery flowrate, there were significant difference between balloon and arterial compliance at p < 0.001. Cardiac output recorded maximum output at 18% for compliant body and stiff arterial compliance. Left coronary artery flowrate also recorded around 20% increase due to compliant body and stiffer arterial compliance. Resistance to blood ejection recorded highest difference for combination of straight body and stiffer arterial compliance. From these results it is clear that both balloon and arterial compliance are statistically significant factors for flow augmentation on peripheral artery and reduction of resistance. Although the result for resistance reduction was different from flow augmentation, these results serves as an important aspect which will influence the future design of the CIMS balloon and its control strategy. References: 1. Mathers C, Boerma T, Fat DM. The Global Burden of disease:2004 update. Geneva: World Heatlh Organization; 2008. 2. Jessup M, Brozena S. Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2007-18.
The EU intends to increase the fraction of fuels from biogenic energy sources from 2% in 2005 to 8% in 2020. This means a minimum of 30 million TOE/a of fuels from biomass. This makes technical-scale generation of syngas from high-grade biomass, e.g. straw, hay, bark, or paper/cardboard waste, and the production of synthetic fuels by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis highly attractive. The BTL concept (Biomass to Liquids) of the Karlsruhe Research Center, labeled bioliq, focuses on this challenge by locally concentrating the biomass energy content by fast pyrolysis in a coke/oil slurry followed by slurry conversion to syngas in a central entrained flow gasifier at 1200C and pressures above 4MPa. FT synthesis generates intermediate products for synthetic fuels. To prevent the sensitive catalysts from being poisoned the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. Trace concentrations of H2S, COS, CS2, HCl, NH3, and HCN must be on the order of a few ppb. Moreover, maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved by cleaning the gas above the synthesis conditions. (T>350C, P>4MPa). The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning process is presented. Based on HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants, an overall concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for FT synthesis in only two combined stages. Results of filtration experiments on a pilot scale are presented. The influence of temperature on the separation and conversion, respectively, of particulates and gaseous contaminants is discussed on the basis of experimental results obtained on a laboratory and pilot scale. Extensive studies of this concept are performed in a scientific network comprising the Karlsruhe Research Center and five universities; funding is provided by the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers in Germany.
Pulsed Nd:YAG has been adopted successfully in welding process of thin (0.7 mm) Ti6Al4V. Laser welding of such thin sheet requires a small focal spot, good laser beam quality and fast travel speed, since too much heat generation can cause distortion for thin sheet weld. The microstructures of Ti6Al4V were complex and strongly affected the mechanical properties. These structures include: a´ martensite, metastable ß, Widmanstätten, bimodal, lamellar and equiaxed microstructure. Bimodal and Widmanstätten structures exhibit a good-balance between strength and ductility. The microstructure of pulsed Nd:YAG welded Ti6Al4V was primarily a´ martensite, which showed the lowest ductility but not significantly high strength. A heat treatment at 950 followed by furnace cooling can transform the microstructure in the weld from a´ martensite structure into Widmanstätten structure.
Saudi Arabian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will face fierce competition from new entrants to local markets as a result of their accession to the Word Trade Organisation (WTO), and electronic commerce (e-commerce) technologies can reinforce SME’s competitive edge. This study investigates the state of e-commerce adoption and analyses the factors that determine the extent to which SMEs in Saudi Arabia are inclined towards deploying e-commerce technologies. This could assist future firms in designing effective implementation projects. Seven SMEs’ e-commerce adoption levels are studied as a case. The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework was used as the major source of inspiration in our analysis of e-commerce adoption amongst Saudi SMEs. In addition to advancing research on e-commerce in Saudi Arabia, this chapter also highlights several directions for future inquiry and implications for managers and policymakers.
Pulsating; tension fatigue tests have been carried out on edge notched specimens of a mild steel. An electrical potential drop technique was used to determine the number of cycles taken to initiate cracks and the rate at which the cracks grew across the specimen. The results could be described by the range of stress intensity factor, which for crack initiation was modified to take account of the notch root radius. Analysis of elastic stress distributions at cracks and notches and models of plasticity at crack tips are used to discuss the results. Limited evidence in the literature indicates that the fracture mechanics approach may provide a general description of crack initiation and growth in notched specimens, and a simple graphical method of calculating fatigue lives is described. The results are used to illustrate the effects of specimen size and geometry on the fatigue life of notched specimens. The relevance of the work to the assessment of the significance of defects in welds is discussed.
Tensile, crack opening displacement (COD), blunt notch, and Charpy impact tests were used to investigate cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat-affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of three steels. The steels were chosen to provide different distributions and morphologies of MA (high-carbon martensite with some retained austenite) particles within the IC CG HAZ structure. Observation of minimum impact toughness values for the IC CG HAZ was found to be associated with a particular microstructure containing a near-connected grain boundary network of blocky MA particles, the MA particles being significantly harder than the internal grain microstructure. The initiation mechanism for this structure was determined to be from a combination of an overlap of residual transformational induced stress fields, due to the formation of the MA particles, between two closely spaced particles and stress concentration effects resulting from debonding of the particles. © 1994 The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, and ASM International.
In part 1 of this article, cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was determined to occur between two closely spaced blocky MA particles. Blunt notch, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and precracked Charpy testing were used in this investigation to determine the failure criteria required for cleavage initiation to occur by this mechanism in the IC CG HAZ. It was found that the attainment of a critical level of strain was required in addition to a critical level of stress. This does not occur in the case of high strain rate testing, for example, during precracked Charpy testing. A different cleavage initiation mechanism is then found to operate. The precise fracture criteria and microstructural requirements (described in part I of this article) result in competition between potential cleavage initiation mechanisms in the IC CG HAZ.
High strength low alloy steels have been shown to be adversely affected by the existence of regions of poor impact toughness within the heat affected zone (HAZ) produced during multipass welding. One of these regions is the intercritically reheated coarse grained HAZ or intercritical zone. Since this region is generally narrow and discontinuous, of the order of 0.5 mm in width, weld simulators are often employed to produce a larger volume of uniform microstructure suitable for toughness assessment. The steel usedfor this study was a commercial quenched and tempered steel of 450 MN m -2 yield strength. Specimen blanks were subjected to a simulated welding cycle to produce a coarse grained structure of upper bainite during the first thermal cycle, followed by a second thermal cycle where the peak temperature T p2 was controlled. Charpy tests carried out for T p2 values in the range 650-850°C showed low toughness for T p2 values between 760 and 790°C, in the intercritical regime. Microstructural investigation of the development of grain boundary martensite-retained austenite (MA) phase has been coupled with image analysis to measure the volume fraction of MAformed. Most of the MA constituent appears at the prior austenite grain boundaries during intercritical heating, resulting in a 'necklace' appearance. For values of T p2 greater than 790°C the necklace appearance is lost and the second phase areas are observed throughout the structure. Concurrent with this is the development of the fine grained, predominantly ferritic structure that is associated with the improvement in toughness. At this stage the microstructure is transforming from the intercritical regime structure to the supercritically reheated coarse grained HAZ structure. The toughness improvement occurs even though the MA phase is still present, suggesting that the embrittlement is associated with the presence of a connected grain boundary network of the MA phase. The nature of the second phase particles can be controlled by the cooling rate during the second cycle and variesfrom MA phase at high cooling rates to a pearlitic structure at low cooling rates. The lowest toughness of the intercritical zone is observed only when MA phase is present. The reason suggested for this is that only the MA particles debond readily, a number of debonded particles in close proximity providing sufficient stress concentration to initiate local cleavage. © 1993 The Institute of Materials.
The aging responses of 2124 Al-SiC p metal matrix composite (MMC) and unreinforced matrix alloy are studied and related to variations in tensile properties. The MMC is aged from Wo starting conditions: (i) stretched and naturally aged and (ii) re-solution treated. Accelerated aging occurs in both MMC conditions compared with unreinforced alloy. Tensile strengths and elastic moduli are improved in the MMC compared with the alloy, but ductility is reduced. Stretched MMC exhibits higher strength but lower ductility and modulus than re-solutioned MMC. The re-solutioned MMC fails by microvoid coalescence in low aging conditions, and by void nucleation and shear in high aging conditions. Failure of the stretched MMC initiates at the surface at specimen shoulders, illustrating the increased notch sensitivity of this condition, and propagates via a zigzag shear fracture mode. Zigzag facet size increases on gross aging. Particle fracture occurs during tensile failure, but also before testing as a result of the manufacturing process. © 1995 The Institute of Materials.
The mechanism of intragranular nucleation of austenite in a duplex stainless steel (Fe-23.1 Cr-6.1 Ni-3.1 Mo-O.165 N-0.017 C, wt.%) weld metal and heat-affected zone (HAZ) has been examined. In the weld metal the acicular austenite is found to nucleate intragranularly on inclusions and subsequent plates form sympathetically resulting in a fine interlocked microstructure. Austenite plates adopt the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship with the ferrite matrix and grow with diffusion-controlled mechanism as evident from partitioning of substitutional alloying elements. At least one set of fine intrinsic dislocations on the austenite/ferrite interphase interfaces is observed suggesting that the boundaries are semi-coherent. The high cooling rates involved in the HAZ result in a supersaturated ferrite matrix where precipitation of intragranular austenite occurs as a result of reheating associated with subsequent passes. Austenite particles in the HAZ nucleate preferentially away from gain boundary austenite allotriomorphs indicating that intragranular precipitation is favoured by the supersaturated matrix.
A study was made of notch effects on the cleavage fracture of polycrystalline zinc. It was seen that the nominal fracture stress of SENB specimens was independent of notch angle. The maximum tensile stress below the notch at fracture in SENB specimens was shown to be different from the tensile stress at fracture in tensile testpieces over a temperature range from −196 to −17°C. The notch root strain at fracture was found to be the same as the uniaxial tensile fracture strain over this temperature interval. These results were interpreted as showing the cleavage fracture of polycrystalline zinc to be shear-stress or initiation controlled, as predicted by Stroh's dislocation model of cleavage.
Endothelial tip cells guide angiogenic sprouts by exploring the local environment for guidance cues such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VegfA). Here we present Flt1 (Vegf receptor 1) loss- and gain-of-function data in zebrafish showing that Flt1 regulates tip cell formation and arterial branching morphogenesis. Zebrafish embryos expressed soluble Flt1 (sFlt1) and membrane-bound Flt1 (mFlt1). In Tg(flt1(BAC):yfp) × Tg(kdrl:ras-cherry)(s916) embryos, flt1:yfp was expressed in tip, stalk and base cells of segmental artery sprouts and overlapped with kdrl:cherry expression in these domains. flt1 morphants showed increased tip cell numbers, enhanced angiogenic behavior and hyperbranching of segmental artery sprouts. The additional arterial branches developed into functional vessels carrying blood flow. In support of a functional role for the extracellular VEGF-binding domain of Flt1, overexpression of sflt1 or mflt1 rescued aberrant branching in flt1 morphants, and overexpression of sflt1 or mflt1 in controls resulted in short arterial sprouts with reduced numbers of filopodia. flt1 morphants showed reduced expression of Notch receptors and of the Notch downstream target efnb2a, and ectopic expression of flt4 in arteries, consistent with loss of Notch signaling. Conditional overexpression of the notch1a intracellular cleaved domain in flt1 morphants restored segmental artery patterning. The developing nervous system of the trunk contributed to the distribution of Flt1, and the loss of flt1 affected neurons. Thus, Flt1 acts in a Notch-dependent manner as a negative regulator of tip cell differentiation and branching. Flt1 distribution may be fine-tuned, involving interactions with the developing nervous system.
Many studies have accounted for whole body vibration effects in the fields of exercise physiology, sport and rehabilitation medicine. Generally, surface EMG is utilized to assess muscular activity during the treatment; however, large motion artifacts appear superimposed to the raw signal, making sEMG recording not suitable before any artifact filtering. Sharp notch filters, centered at vibration frequency and at its superior harmonics, have been used in previous studies, to remove the artifacts. [6, 10] However, to get rid of those artifacts some true EMG signal is lost. The purpose of this study was to reproduce the effect of motor-unit synchronization on a simulated surface EMG during vibratory stimulation. In addition, authors mean to evaluate the EMG power percentage in those bands in which are also typically located motion artifact components. Model characteristics were defined to take into account two main aspect: the muscle MUs discharge behavior and the triggering effects that appear during local vibratory stimulation. [7] Inter-pulse-interval, was characterized by a polimodal distribution related to the MU discharge frequency (IPI 55-80ms, σ=12ms) and to the correlation with the vibration period within the range of ±2 ms due to vibration stimulus. [1, 7] The signals were simulated using different stimulation frequencies from 30 to 70 Hz. The percentage of the total simulated EMG power within narrow bands centered at the stimulation frequency and its superior harmonics (± 1 Hz) resulted on average about 8% (± 2.85) of the total EMG power. However, the artifact in those bands may contain more than 40% of the total power of the total signal. [6] Our preliminary results suggest that the analysis of the muscular activity of muscle based on raw sEMG recordings and RMS evaluation, if not processed during vibratory stimulation may lead to a serious overestimation of muscular response.
Concatenated single-mode-multimode-single-mode (SMS) structures are demonstrated as functional sensing platforms. The devices are fabricated by periodically inserting micrometric sections of multimode optical fiber (MMF) in a single-mode fiber (SMF). The periodic change of the core diameter produces a single strong resonant transmission notch, tunable in the wavelength range from 1200 to 1600 nm. It was found that the position of the notch changed with temperature and refractive index. The devices introduced here are highly compact (length less than 5 mm), simple to fabricate and robust; hence, they are adequate for diverse sensing applications. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.