76 resultados para spaceborne laser range finder
This paper describes physics of nonlinear ultra-short laser pulse propagation affected by plasma created by the pulse itself. Major applications are also discussed. Nonlinear propagation of the femtosecond laser pulses in gaseous and solid transparent dielectric media is a fundamental physical phenomenon in a wide range of important applications such as laser lidars, laser micro-machining (ablation) and microfabrication etc. These applications require very high intensity of the laser field, typically 1013–1015 TW/cm2. Such high intensity leads to significant ionisation and creation of electron-ion or electron-hole plasma. The presence of plasma results into significant multiphoton and plasma absorption and plasma defocusing. Consequently, the propagation effects appear extremely complex and result from competitive counteraction of the above listed effects and Kerr effect, diffraction and dispersion. The theoretical models used for consistent description of laser-plasma interaction during femtosecond laser pulse propagation are derived and discussed. It turns out that the strongly nonlinear effects such self-focusing followed by the pulse splitting are essential. These phenomena feature extremely complex dynamics of both the electromagnetic field and plasma density with different spatio-temporal structures evolving at the same time. Some numerical approaches capable to handle all these complications are also discussed. ©2006 American Institute of Physics
We have proposed and demonstrated a multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). The mechanism for stable room-temperature multiwavelength operation contributes to the ability of the intensity-dependent loss in NPR to effectively alleviate mode competition. In addition, through tuning the birefringence fiber filter, the lasing wavelength can be accurately tuned in the free spectrum range of the in-line periodic filter.
Direct measurements of the absorbed energy in femtosecond laser inscription in a range of materials is performed. Key absorption parameters are characterized by fitting numerical modelling to measurements.
Wavelength-locking of a multiwavelength stabilized slotted Fabry-Perot (SFP) laser to a single-mode laser source is experimentally demonstrated. The SFP resonates at channels spaced by similar to 8 nm between 1510 and 1565 nm over a wide range of temperatures and drive currents. Under low-power (<- 20 dBm) external optical injection, wavelength-locking with a sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR) > 25 dB is achieved. A locking width of > 25 GHz and SMSR > 30 dB can be achieved for each locked wavelength channel at injection power > - 16 dBm.
In this letter, we demonstrate a broadly tunable InGaAsInP strained multiquantum-well external cavity diode laser, which operates in the spectral range of 14941667 nm. A maximum continuous-wave output power in excess of 81 mW and sidemode suppression ratio higher than 50 dB were achieved in the central part of the tuning range. Different pump current and temperature regimes are investigated. © 2006 IEEE.
Record broadly tunable high-power external cavity InAs/GaAs quantum-dot diode laser is demonstrated. A maximum output power of 455mW and a side-mode suppression ratio >45dB in the central part of the tuning range are achieved. ©2010 IEEE.
Here we present a compact tunable all-room-temperature frequency-doubling scheme, using a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) waveguide and a QD-ECDL. A broad wavelength tunability of the second harmonic generated light (SHG) in the spectral region between 567.7 and 629.1 nm was achieved, with maximum conversion efficiencies in range of 0.34%-7.9%. The maximum output power for the SHG light was 4.11 mW at 591.5 nm, achieved for 52 mW of launched pump power at 1183 nm, resulting in a conversion efficiency of 7.9%.
Compact CW lasers in the visible spectral region are of great importance for vast number of applications including biophotonics, photomedicine, spectroscopy and confocal microscopy. Currently, commercially available lasers of this spectral region are bulky, expensive and inconvenient in use. Also, there is a lack of diode lasers emitting in the visible spectral range, particularly in the yellow region, where a range of important fluorescent probes are optimally excited. An attractive way to realize a compact yellow laser source is second harmonic generation (SHG) in a periodically poled nonlinear crystal containing a waveguide which allows high-efficient frequency conversion even at moderate power level. In this respect, periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguided crystal is one of the best candidates for efficient SHG. In recent years, the progress made with the fabrication of good quality waveguides in PPLN crystals in combination with availability of low-cost, good quality semiconductor diode lasers, offering the coverage of a broad spectral range between 1 µm and 1.3 µm, allows compact CW laser sources in the visible spectral region to be realized.
A broadly tunable quantum-dot based ultra-short pulse master oscillator power amplifier with different diffraction grating orders as an external-cavity resonance feedback is studied. A broader tuning range, narrower optical spectra as well as higher peak power spectal density (maximun of 1.37 W/nm) from the second-order diffraction beam are achieved compared to those from the first-order diffraction beam in spite of slightly broader pulse duration from the secondorder diffraction. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
Wavelength bistability and tunability are demonstrated in a two-sectional quantum-dot mode-locked laser with a nonidentical capping layer structure. The continuous wave output power of 30 mW (25 mW) and mode-locked average power of 27 mW (20 mW) are achieved for 1245 nm (1295 nm) wavelengths, respectively, under the injection current of 300 mA. The largest switching range of more than 50 nm and wavelength tuning range with picosecond pulses and stable lasing wavelengths between 1245 and 1295 nm are demonstrated for gain current of 300 and 330 mA. © 1995-2012 IEEE.
Quasi-phase-matching is an important and widelyused technique in nonlinear optics enabling efficient frequency up-conversion. However, since its introduction almost half a century ago, this technique is well developed for near infrared (IR) but is intrinsically limited in spectral tunability in the visible range by the strict conditions set by the spatial modulation which compensates the momentum mismatch imposed by the dispersion. Here, we provide a fundamental generalization of quasi-phase-matching based on the utilization of a significant difference in the effective refractive indices of the high- and low-order modes in multimode waveguides. This concept enables to match the period of poling in a very broad wavelength range and opens up a new avenue for an order-ofmagnitude increase in wavelength range for frequency conversion from a single crystal. Using this approach, we demonstrate an all-room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) second harmonic generation (SHG) with over 60 nm tunability from green to red in a periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) waveguide pumped by a single broadly-tunable quantumdot laser diode. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd.
Room temperature, tunable, external-cavity short-wavelength InAs/AlSb quantum cascade laser (QCL) is reported. Wavelength tuning of 85 nm for the spectral range between 3190 nm and 3275 nm has been achieved by rotating the diffraction grating forming the external cavity. To suppress lasing inside the QCL cavity, its ridge was tilted by 7° at the external cavity end. The optimal tilting angle of the laser ridge was chosen by careful consideration of the return losses of the TM-polarized waveguide mode from the diffraction grating in a quasi-Littrow configuration and the Fabry-Pérot feedback from the tilted laser facet. No antireflection coating was used. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
We demonstrate a compact all-room-temperature picosecond laser source broadly tunable in the visible spectral region between 600 nm and 627 nm. The tunable radiation is obtained by frequency-doubling of a tunable quantum-dot external-cavity mode-locked laser in a periodically-poled KTP multimode waveguide. In this case, utilization of a significant difference in the effective refractive indices of the high- and low-order modes enables to match the period of poling in a very broad wavelength range. The maximum achieved second harmonic output peak power is 3.25 mW at 613 nm for 71.43 mW of launched pump peak power at 1226 nm, resulting in conversion efficiency of 4.55%. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.
Generation of stable dual and/or multiple longitudinal modes emitted from a single quantum dot (QD) laser diode (LD) over a broad wavelength range by using volume Bragg gratings (VBG's) in an external cavity setup is reported. The LD operates in both the ground and excited states and the gratings give a dual-mode separation around each emission peak of 5 nm, which is suitable as a continuous wave (CW) optical pump signal for a terahertz (THz) photomixer device. The setup also generates dual modes around both 1180m and 1260 nm simultaneously, giving four simultaneous narrow linewidth modes comprising two simultaneous difference frequency pump signals. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Surface roughness after excimer laser ablation using a PMMA model:profilometry and effects on vision
PURPOSE: To show that the limited quality of surfaces produced by one model of excimer laser systems can degrade visual performance with a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) model. METHODS: A range of lenses of different powers was ablated in PMMA sheets using five DOS-based Nidek EC-5000 laser systems (Nidek Technologies, Gamagori, Japan) from different clinics. Surface quality was objectively assessed using profilometry. Contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were measured through the lenses when their powers were neutralized with suitable spectacle trial lenses. RESULTS: Average surface roughness was found to increase with lens power, roughness values being higher for negative lenses than for positive lenses. Losses in visual contrast sensitivity and acuity measured in two subjects were found to follow a similar pattern. Findings are similar to those previously published with other excimer laser systems. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of surface roughness produced by some laser systems may be sufficient to degrade visual performance under some circumstances.