78 resultados para nonlinear mode


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By means of extensive numerical modelling we have demonstrated the possibility of nonlinear pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser using control of the intra-cavity propagation dynamics by adjustment of the normal net dispersion and integrated gain. Beside self-similar mode-locking, the existence of a novel type of pulse shaping regime that produces pulses with a triangular temporal intensity profile and a linear frequency chirp has been observed.


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A theoretical model allows for the characterization and optimization of the intra-cavity pulse evolutions in high-power fiber lasers. Multi-parameter analysis of laser performance can be made at a fraction of the computational cost.


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We have proposed and demonstrated a multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). The mechanism for stable room-temperature multiwavelength operation contributes to the ability of the intensity-dependent loss in NPR to effectively alleviate mode competition. In addition, through tuning the birefringence fiber filter, the lasing wavelength can be accurately tuned in the free spectrum range of the in-line periodic filter.


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In this paper, we propose a saturable absorber (SA) device consisting on an in-fiber micro-slot inscribed by femtosecond laser micro fabrication, filled by a dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). Due to the flexibility of the fabrication method, efficient and simple integration of the mode-locking device directly into the optical fiber is achieved. Furthermore, the fabrication process offers a high level of control over the dimensions and location of the micro-slots. We apply this fabrication flexibility to extend the interaction length between the CNT and the propagating optical field along the optical fiber, hence enhancing the nonlinearity of the device. Furthermore, the method allows the fabrication of devices that operate by either a direct field interaction (when the central peak of the propagating optical mode passes through the nonlinear media) or an evanescent field interaction (only a fraction of the optical mode interacts with the CNT). In this paper, several devices with different interaction lengths and interaction regimes are investigated. Self-starting passively modelocked laser operation with an enhanced nonlinear interaction is observed using CNT-based SAs in both interaction regimes. This method constitutes a simple and suitable approach to integrate the CNT into the optical system as well as enhancing the optical nonlinearity of CNT-based photonic devices.


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Fueled by their high third-order nonlinearity and nonlinear saturable absorption, carbon nanotubes (CNT) are expected to become an integral part of next-generation photonic devices such as all-optical switches and passive mode-locked lasers. However, in order to fulfill this expectation it is necessary to identify a suitable platform that allows the efficient use of the optical properties of CNT. In this paper, we propose and implement a novel device consisting of an optofluidic device filled with a dispersion of CNT. By fabricating a microchannel through the core of a conventional fiber and filling it with a homogeneous solution of CNTs on Dimethylformamide (DMF), a compact, all-fiber saturable absorber is realized. The fabrication of the micro-fluidic channel is a two-step process that involves femtosecond laser micro-fabrication and chemical etching of the laser-modified regions. All-fiber high-energy, passive mode-locked lasing is demonstrated with an output power of 13.5 dBm. The key characteristics of the device are compactness and robustness against optical, mechanical and thermal damage.


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In this presentation we will discuss the implications of the so called Nonlinear Shannon Limit. We will compare technologies including new fibres for long haul transmission and techniques to expand the capacity of existing standard single mode fibres.


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We propose to apply a large predispersion (having the same sign as the transmission fiber) to an optical signal before the uncompensated fiber transmission in coherent communication systems. This technique is aimed at simplifica- tion of the following digital signal processing of nonlinear impairments. We derive a model describing pulse propagation in the dispersion-dominated nonlinear fiber channel. In the limit of very strong initial predispersion, the nonlinear propagation equations for each Fourier mode become local and decoupled. This paves the way for new techniques to manage fiber nonlinearity.


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A nonlinear polarization rotation based all-fiber passively mode-locked Tm3+-doped fiber laser is demonstrated by using a 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) as an in-line polarizer. Stable soliton pulses centered at 1992.7 nm with 2.02 nm FWHM bandwidth were produced at a repetition rate of 1.902 MHz with pulse duration of 2.2 ps and pulse energy of 74.6 pJ. With the increased pump power, the laser also can operate at noise-like regime with 18.1 nm FWHM bandwidth and pulse energy of up to 250.1 nJ. Using the same 45° TFG, both stable soliton and noise-like mode-locking centered at ∼1970 nm and ∼2050 nm, were also achieved by shortening and extending the length of Tm3+-doped fiber, respectively, exhibiting advantages of broadband and low insertion loss at 2 μm band.


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Multiwavelength fiber laser is a perfect light source for future wavelength-division-multiplexing optical communication systems. A multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation with up to 18 wavelengths has been proposed and demonstrated. The intensity- and wavelength-dependent loss induced by nonlinear polarization rotation effect is used to alleviate the mode competition in the homogeneous broadening gain medium of erbium-doped fiber. Instead of traditional filters, a polarization-maintaining fiber is inserted into the laser cavity, with which the polarization-dependent isolator composes an equivalent Lyot birefringent fiber filter. The in-line birefringence fiber filter is used to simplify the laser configuration, which benefits systematic integration. The effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation is investigated. It is shown that the pump power contributes a lot to the evenness of the multiwavelength spectra due to the intensity dependence of nonlinear polarization rotation effect.


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The development of ultra-long (UL) cavity (hundreds of meters to several kilometres) mode-locked fibre lasers for the generation of high-energy light pulses with relatively low (sub-megahertz) repetition rates has emerged as a new rapidly advancing area of laser physics. The first demonstration of high pulse energy laser of this type was followed by a number of publications from many research groups on long-cavity Ytterbium and Erbium lasers featuring a variety of configurations with rather different mode-locked operations. The substantial interest to this new approach is stimulated both by non-trivial underlying physics and by the potential of high pulse energy laser sources with unique parameters for a range of applications in industry, bio-medicine, metrology and telecommunications. It is well known, that pulse generation regimes in mode-locked fibre lasers are determined by the intra-cavity balance between the effects of dispersion and non-linearity, and the processes of energy attenuation and amplification. The highest per-pulse energy has been achieved in normal-dispersion UL fibre lasers mode-locked through nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE) for self-modelocking operation. In such lasers are generated the so-called dissipative optical solitons. The uncompensated net normal dispersion in long-cavity resonatorsusually leads to very high chirp and, consequently, to a relatively long duration of generated pulses. This thesis presents the results of research Er-doped ultra-long (more than 1 km cavity length) fibre lasers mode-locked based on NPE. The self-mode-locked erbium-based 3.5-km-long all-fiber laser with the 1.7 µJ pulse energy at a wavelength of 1.55 µm was developed as a part of this research. It has resulted in direct generation of short laser pulses with an ultralow repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. The laser cavity has net normal-dispersion and has been fabricated from commercially-available telecom fibers and optical-fiber elements. Its unconventional linear-ring design with compensation for polarization instability ensures high reliability of the self-mode-locking operation, despite the use of a non polarization-maintaining fibers. The single pulse generation regime in all-fibre erbium mode-locking laser based on NPE with a record cavity length of 25 km was demonstrated. Modelocked lasers with such a long cavity have never been studied before. Our result shows a feasibility of stable mode-locked operation even for an ultra-long cavity length. A new design of fibre laser cavity – “y-configuration”, that offers a range of new functionalities for optimization and stabilization of mode-locked lasing regimes was proposed. This novel cavity configuration has been successfully implemented into a long-cavity normal-dispersion self-mode-locked Er-fibre laser. In particular, it features compensation for polarization instability, suppression of ASE, reduction of pulse duration, prevention of in-cavity wave breaking, and stabilization of the lasing wavelength. This laser along with a specially designed double-pass EDFA have allowed us to demonstrate anenvironmentally stable all-fibre laser system able to deliver sub-nanosecond high-energy pulses with low level of ASE noise.


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In this work we extend theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons to dissipative systems with the main focus on applications in mode-locked lasers. In general, pulses in mode-locked fibre lasers experience both nonlinear and dispersion management per cavity round trip. In stretched-pulse lasers, this concept was utilized to obtain high energy pulses. Here we model the pulse propagation in a mode-locked fibre laser with a distributed nonlinear and DM Ginzburg-Landau type equation. We extend existing results on DM solitons and investigate the impact on soliton properties of dissipative perturbations that occur due to the effects of gain amplification, saturable absorption, and loss. In conclusion, in contrast to standard DM solitons in Hamiltonian systems, dissipative DM solitons do exist at high map strengths, thus opening a way for the generation of stable, short pulses with high energy.


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By means of extensive numerical modelling we have demonstrated the possibility of nonlinear pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser using control of the intra-cavity propagation dynamics by adjustment of the normal net dispersion and integrated gain. Beside self-similar mode-locking, the existence of a novel type of pulse shaping regime that produces pulses with a triangular temporal intensity profile and a linear frequency chirp has been observed.


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Multiwavelength fiber laser is a perfect light source for future wavelength-division-multiplexing optical communication systems. A multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation with up to 18 wavelengths has been proposed and demonstrated. The intensity- and wavelength-dependent loss induced by nonlinear polarization rotation effect is used to alleviate the mode competition in the homogeneous broadening gain medium of erbium-doped fiber. Instead of traditional filters, a polarization-maintaining fiber is inserted into the laser cavity, with which the polarization-dependent isolator composes an equivalent Lyot birefringent fiber filter. The in-line birefringence fiber filter is used to simplify the laser configuration, which benefits systematic integration. The effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation is investigated. It is shown that the pump power contributes a lot to the evenness of the multiwavelength spectra due to the intensity dependence of nonlinear polarization rotation effect.


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We have proposed and demonstrated a multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). The mechanism for stable room-temperature multiwavelength operation contributes to the ability of the intensity-dependent loss in NPR to effectively alleviate mode competition. In addition, through tuning the birefringence fiber filter, the lasing wavelength can be accurately tuned in the free spectrum range of the in-line periodic filter.


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Using a fiber laser system as a specific illustrative example, we introduce the concept of intermediate asymptotic states in finite nonlinear optical systems. We show that intermediate asymptotics of nonlinear equations (e.g., coherent structures with a finite lifetime or distance) can be used in applications similar to those of truly stable asymptotic solutions, such as, e.g., solitons and dissipative nonlinear waves. Applying this general idea to a particular, albeit practically important, physical system, we demonstrate a novel type of nonlinear pulse-shaping regime in a mode-locked fiber laser leading to the generation of linearly chirped pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity.