48 resultados para high-index


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A novel and simple optical chemsensor concept based on cladding etched Bragg gratings UV-inscribed in D-fibre is reported. The sensitisation process of the Bragg structure to the refractive index of surrounding-medium under HF-etching has been investigated. Two etched devices were used to measure the concentrations of sugar solution, giving sensitivity as high as 0.02 nm/%.


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The fabrication and characterization of long-period gratings (LPGs) in fiber tapers is presented alongside supporting theory. The devices possess a high sensitivity to the index of aqueous solutions due to an observed spectral bifurcation effect, yielding a limiting index resolution of ±8.5 × 10-5 for solutions with an index in the range 1.330-1.335. © 2006 IEEE.


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We have experimentally investigated the mode dispersion property and refractive index sensitivity of dual-peak long-period fiber gratings (LPGs) that were sensitized by hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching. The nature of the coupled cladding modes close to the dispersion turning point makes the dual-peak LPGs ultrasensitive to cladding property, permitting a fine tailoring of the mode dispersion and index sensitivity by the light cladding etching method using HF acid of only 1% concentration. As an implementation of an optical biosensor, the etched device was used to detect the concentration of hemoglobin protein in a sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20 nm/1%. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Long-period fibre gratings (LPGs) have previously been used to detect quantities such as temperature, strain and refractive index (RI). The responsivity to surrounding refractive index means that, potentially, LPGs could be realised as optical biosensors for applications in biochemical and biomedical application areas. We report here to our best knowledge the first investigation on refractive index sensing properties of LPGs with sol-gel derived titanium and silicon oxide coatings. It is revealed that the RI sensitivity of an LPG is affected by both the thickness and the index value of the coating; the coating with higher index and thickness will enhance the LPG RI sensitivity significantly. The surrounding refractive index induced LPG resonance shift has been evaluated over the LPGs’ most sensitive RI region from 1.42 to 1.44. We have identified that, in this region, the uncoated LPG has an RI sensitivity of (-673.0±0.4)nm/uri (unit of refractive index) while the LPG coated with titanium oxide exhibits a sensitivity as high as (-1067.15±0.04)nm/uri.


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We propose the design of a novel ?-shaped fiber laser resonator and apply it to build a long-cavity normaldispersion mode-locked Er-fiber laser which features enhanced functionalities for management and optimization of pulsed lasing regimes. We report the generation of sub-nanosecond pulses with the energy of ~0.5 µJ at a kilohertz-scale repetition rate in an all-fiber system based on the new laser design. A combination of special design solutions in the laser, such as polarization instability compensation in the ultra-long arm of the resonator, intra-cavity spectral selection of radiation with a broadband fiber Bragg grating, and polarization selection by means of a tilted refractive index grating, ensures low amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and high stability of the laser system output parameters.


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We study waveguide fabrication in lithium-niobo-phosphate glass, aiming at a practical method of single-stage fabrication of nonlinear integrated-optics devices. We observed chemical transformations or material redistribution during the course of high repetition rate femtosecond laser inscription. We believe that the laser-induced ultrafast heating and cooling followed by elements diffusion on a microscopic scale opens the way toward the engineering non-equilibrium sates of matter and thus can further enhance Refractive Index (RI) contrasts by virtue of changing glass composition in and around the fs tracks. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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We report on the operational parameters that are required to fabricate buried, microstructured waveguides in a z-cut lithium niobate crystal by the method of direct femtosecond laser inscription using a highrepetition-rate, chirped-pulse oscillator system. Refractive index contrasts as high as −0.0127 have been achieved for individual modification tracks. The results pave the way for developing microstructured WGs with low-loss operation across a wide spectral range, extending into the mid-infrared region up to the end of the transparency range of the host material.


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The turning point of the refractive index (RI) sensitivity based on the multimode microfiber (MMMF) in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is observed. By tracking the resonant wavelength shift of the MZI generated between the HE11 and HE12 modes in the MMMF, the surrounding RI (SRI) could be detected. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the RI sensitivity will reach ±∞ on either side of the turning point due to the group effective RI difference (퐺) approaching zero. Significantly, the positive sensitivity exists in a very wide fiber diameter range, while the negative sensitivity can be achieved in a narrow diameter range of only 0.3 μm. Meanwhile, the experimental sensitivities and variation trend at different diameters exhibit high consistency with the theoretical results. High RI sensitivity of 10777.8 nm/RIU (RI unit) at the fiber diameter of 4.6 μm and the RI around 1.3334 is realized. The discovery of the sensitivity turning points has great significance on trace detection due to the possibility of ultrahigh RI sensitivity.


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The fabrication and characterisation of Long Period Gratings in fibre tapers is presented alongside supporting theory. The devices possess a high sensitivity to the index of aqueous solutions due to an observed spectral bifurcation effect.


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A refractive index sensing system has been demonstrated, which is based upon an in-line fibre long period grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a heterodyne interrogation technique. This sensing system has comparable accuracy to laboratory-based techniques used in industry such as high performance liquid chromatography and UV spectroscopy. The advantage of this system is that measurements can be made in-situ for applications in continuous process control. Compared to other refractive index sensing schemes using LPGs, this approach has two main advantages. Firstly, the system relies on a simple optical interrogation system and therefore has the real potential for being low cost, and secondly, so far as we are aware it provides the highest refractive index resolution reported for any fibre LPG device.


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As shown recently, a long telecommunication fibre may be treated as a natural one-dimensional random system, where lasing is possible due to a combination of random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering by natural refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. Here we present a new type of a random fibre laser with a narrow (∼1 nm) spectrum tunable over a broad wavelength range (1535-1570 nm) with a uniquely flat (∼0.1 dB) and high (>2 W) output power and prominent (>40 %) differential efficiency, which outperforms traditional fibre lasers of the same category, e.g. a conventional Raman laser with a linear cavity formed in the same fibre by adding point reflectors. Analytical model is proposed that explains quantitatively the higher efficiency and the flatter tuning curve of the random fiber laser compared to conventional one. The other important features of the random fibre laser like "modeless" spectrum of specific shape and corresponding intensity fluctuations as well as the techniques of controlling its output characteristics are discussed. Outstanding characteristics defined by new underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme implemented in standard telecom fibre make the demonstrated tunable random fibre laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications such as optical communication, sensing and secure transmission. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) interferometer that exhibits record fringe contrast (~40 dB) is demonstrated along with its sensing applications. The device operates in reflection mode and consists of a centimeter-long segment of properly selected PCF fusion spliced to single mode optical fibers. Two identical collapsed zones in the PCF combined with its modal properties allow high-visibility interference patterns. The interferometer is suitable for refractometric and liquid level sensing. The measuring refractive index range goes from 1.33 to 1.43 and the maximum resolution is ~1.6 × 10-5. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Recently introduced surface nanoscale axial photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high-Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate superaccurate fabrication of high-Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using CO laser and UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2Å in variation of the effective fiber radius. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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A multimode microfiber (MMMF)-based dual Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature. By inserting a section of MMMFsupporting a few modes in the sensing arm of the MZI setup, an inline interference between the fundamental mode and the high-order mode of MMMF, as well as the interference between the high-order mode of MMMF and the reference arm, i.e., the dual MZI, is realized. Due to different interference mechanisms, the former interferometer achieves RI sensitivity of 2576.584 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 0.193 nm/°C, while the latter one achieves RI sensitivity of 1001.864 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 0.239 nm/°C, demonstrating the ability to attain highly accurate multiparameter measurements. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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A simple fiber sensor capable of simultaneous measurement of liquid level and refractive index (RI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensing head is an all-fiber modal interferometer manufactured by splicing an uncoated single-mode fiber with two short sections of multimode fiber. The interference pattern experiences blue shift along with an increase of axial strain and surrounding RI. Owing to the participation of multiple cladding modes with different sensitivities, the height and RI of the liquid could be simultaneously measured by monitoring two dips of the transmission spectrum. Experimental results show that the liquid level and RI sensitivities of the two dips are 245.7 pm/mm, -38 nm/RI unit (RIU), and 223.7 pm/mm, -62 nm/RIU, respectively. The approach has distinctive advantages of easy fabrication, low cost, and high sensitivity for liquid level detection with the capability of distinguishing the RI variation simultaneously. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.