63 resultados para high power laser


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In this work, we report high growth rate of nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films on silicon wafers of 2 inches in diameter using a new growth regime, which employs high power and CH4/H2/N2/O2 plasma using a 5 kW MPCVD system. This is distinct from the commonly used hydrogen-poor Ar/CH4 chemistries for NCD growth. Upon rising microwave power from 2000 W to 3200 W, the growth rate of the NCD films increases from 0.3 to 3.4 μm/h, namely one order of magnitude enhancement on the growth rate was achieved at high microwave power. The morphology, grain size, microstructure, orientation or texture, and crystalline quality of the NCD samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The combined effect of nitrogen addition, microwave power, and temperature on NCD growth is discussed from the point view of gas phase chemistry and surface reactions. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we investigate the influence of some growth parameters such as high microwave power ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 kW and N2 additive on the incorporation of bonded hydrogen defects in nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films grown through a small amount of pure N2 addition into conventional 4% CH4/H2 plasma using a 5 kW microwave plasma CVD system. Incorporation form and content of hydrogen point defects in the NCD films produced with pure N2 addition was analyzed by employing Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the first time. A large amount of hydrogen related defects was detected in all the produced NCD films with N2 additive ranging from 29 to 87 µm thick with grain size from 47 nm to 31 nm. Furthermore, a specific new H related sharp absorption peak appears in all the NCD films grown with pure N2/CH4/H2 plasma at high powers and becomes stronger at powers higher than 3.0 kW and is even stronger than the 2920 cm−1 peak, which is commonly found in CVD diamond films. Based on these experimental findings, the role of high power and pure nitrogen addition on the growth of NCD films including hydrogen defect formation is analyzed and discussed.


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In the third and final talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we discuss mathematical techniques that can be used to characterize modern laser systems that consist of several discrete elements. In particular, we use a nonlinear mapping technique to evaluate high power laser systems where significant changes in the pulse evolution per cavity round trip is observed. We demonstrate that dissipative soliton solutions might be effectively described using this Poincaré mapping approach.


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In the third and final talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we discuss mathematical techniques that can be used to characterize modern laser systems that consist of several discrete elements. In particular, we use a nonlinear mapping technique to evaluate high power laser systems where significant changes in the pulse evolution per cavity round trip is observed. We demonstrate that dissipative soliton solutions might be effectively described using this Poincaré mapping approach.


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The multicore fiber (MCF) is a physical system of high practical importance. In addition to standard exploitation, MCFs may support discrete vortices that carry orbital angular momentum suitable for spatial-division multiplexing in high-capacity fiber-optic communication systems. These discrete vortices may also be attractive for high-power laser applications. We present the conditions of existence, stability, and coherent propagation of such optical vortices for two practical MCF designs. Through optimization, we found stable discrete vortices that were capable of transferring high coherent power through the MCF.


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The focusing of multimode laser diode beams is probably the most significant problem that hinders the expansion of the high-power semiconductor lasers in many spatially-demanding applications. Generally, the 'quality' of laser beams is characterized by so-called 'beam propagation parameter' M2, which is defined as the ratio of the divergence of the laser beam to that of a diffraction-limited counterpart. Therefore, M2 determines the ratio of the beam focal-spot size to that of the 'ideal' Gaussian beam focused by the same optical system. Typically, M2 takes the value of 20-50 for high-power broad-stripe laser diodes thus making the focal-spot 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than the diffraction limit. The idea of 'superfocusing' for high-M2 beams relies on a technique developed for the generation of Bessel beams from laser diodes using a cone-shaped lens (axicon). With traditional focusing of multimode radiation, different curvatures of the wavefronts of the various constituent modes lead to a shift of their focal points along the optical axis that in turn implies larger focal-spot sizes with correspondingly increased values of M2. In contrast, the generation of a Bessel-type beam with an axicon relies on 'self-interference' of each mode thus eliminating the underlying reason for an increase in the focal-spot size. For an experimental demonstration of the proposed technique, we used a fiber-coupled laser diode with M2 below 20 and an emission wavelength in ~1μm range. Utilization of the axicons with apex angle of 140deg, made by direct laser writing on a fiber tip, enabled the demonstration of an order of magnitude decrease of the focal-spot size compared to that achievable using an 'ideal' lens of unity numerical aperture. © 2014 SPIE.


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We report a two-stage diode-pumped Er-doped fiber amplifier operating at the wavelength of 1550 nm at the repetition rate of 10-100 kHz with an average output power of up to 10 W. The first stage comprising Er-doped fiber was core-pumped at the wavelength of 1480 nm, whereas the second stage comprising double-clad Er/Yb-doped fiber was clad-pumped at the wavelength of 975 nm. The estimated peak power for the 0.4-nm full-width at half-maximum laser emission at the wavelength of 1550 nm exceeded 4-kW level. The initial 100-ns seed diode laser pulse was compressed to 3.5 ns as a result of the 34-dB total amplification. The observed 30-fold efficient pulse compression reveals a promising new nonlinear optical technique for the generation of high power short pulses for applications in eye-safe ranging and micromachining.


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This thesis presents a detailed, experiment-based study of generation of ultrashort optical pulses from diode lasers. Simple and cost-effective techniques were used to generate high power, high quality optical short pulses at various wavelength windows. The major achievements presented in the thesis is summarised as follows. High power pulses generation is one of the major topics discussed in the thesis. Although gain switching is the simplest way for ultrashort pulse generation, it proves to be quite effective to deliver high energy pulses on condition that the pumping pulses with extremely fast rising time and high enough amplitude are applied on specially designed pulse generators. In the experiment on a grating-coupled surface emitting laser (GCSEL), peak power as high as 1W was achieved even when its spectral bandwidth was controlled within 0.2nm. Another experiment shows violet picosecond pulses with peak power as high as 7W was achieved when the intensive electrical pulses were applied on optimised DC bias to pump on InGaN violet diode laser. The physical mechanism of this phenomenon, as we considered, may attributed to the self-organised quantum dots structure in the laser. Control of pulse quality, including spectral quality and temporal profile, is an important issue for high power pulse generation. The ways to control pulse quality described in the thesis are also based on simple and effective techniques. For instance, GCSEL used in our experiment has a specially designed air-grating structure for out-coupling of optical signals; hence, a tiny flat aluminium mirror was placed closed to the grating section and resulted in a wavelength tuning range over 100nm and the best side band suppression ratio of 40dB. Self-seeding, as an effective technique for spectral control of pulsed lasers, was demonstrated for the first time in a violet diode laser. In addition, control of temporal profile of the pulse is demonstrated in an overdriven DFB laser. Wavelength tuneable fibre Bragg gratings were used to tailor the huge energy tail of the high power pulse. The whole system was compact and robust. The ultimate purpose of our study is to design a new family of compact ultrafast diode lasers. Some practical ideas of laser design based on gain-switched and Q-switched devices are also provided in the end.


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Purpose - We performed a study of laser panretinal photocoagulation in 20 patients with proliferative retinopathy. We compared short exposure, high-energy laser settings with conventional settings, using a 532?nm, frequency doubled, Neodymium–Yag laser and assessed the patients in terms of pain experienced and effectiveness of treatment. Methods - Twenty patients having panretinal photocoagulation for the first time underwent random allocation to treatment of the superior and inferior hemi-retina. Treatment A used ‘conventional’ parameters: exposure time 0.1?s, power sufficient to produce a visible grey-white burns, spot size 300?µm. The other hemi- retina was treated with treatment B using exposure 0.02?s, 300?µm and sufficient power to have similar endpoint. All patients were asked to evaluate severity of pain on a visual analogue scale. (0=no pain, 10=most severe pain). All patients were masked as to the type of treatment and the order of carrying out the treatment on each patient was randomised. Patients underwent fundus photography and were followed up for 6–45 months. Results - Seventeen patients had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, two had ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion and one had ocular ischaemic syndrome. The mean response to treatment A was 5.11, compared to 1.40 treatment B, on the visual analogue scale, which was statistically significant (P=0.001). All patients preferred treatment B. Further treatments, if required, were performed with treatment B parameters and long-term follow-up has shown no evidence of undertreatment. Conclusions - Shortening exposure time of retinal laser is significantly less painful but equally effective as conventional parameters.


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We measured the optical linewidths of a passively mode-locked quantum dot laser and show that, in agreement with theoretical predictions, the modal linewidth exhibits a parabolic dependence with the mode optical frequency. The minimum linewidth follows a Schawlow-Townes behavior with a rebroadening at high power. In addition, the slope of the parabola is proportional to the RF linewidth of the laser and can therefore provide a direct measurement of the timing jitter. Such a measurement could be easily applied to mode-locked semiconductor lasers with a fast repetition rate where the RF linewidth cannot be directly measured.


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Widely tunable gain switching of a grating-coupled surface-emitting laser (GCSEL) has been demonstrated in a simple external cavity configuration for the first time. Pulse duration in range of 40-100ps and wavelength tuning over 100nm have been achieved. High power, tail-free optical pulses have been observed at 980nm.


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In this work, we investigate the impact of minute amounts of pure nitrogen addition into conventional methane/hydrogen mixtures on the growth characteristics of nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (MPCVD), under high power conditions. The NCD films were produced from a gas mixture of 4% CH4/H2 with two different concentrations of N2 additive and microwave power ranging from 3.0 kW to 4.0 kW, while keeping all the other operating parameters constant. The morphology, grain size, microstructure and texture of the resulting NCD films were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. N2 addition was found to be the main parameter responsible for the formation and for the key change in the growth characteristics of NCD films under the employed conditions. Growth rates ranging from 5.4 μm/h up to 9.6 μm/h were achieved for the NCD films, much higher than those usually reported in the literature. The enhancing factor of nitrogen addition on NCD growth rate was obtained by comparing with the growth rate of large-grained microcrystalline diamond films grown without nitrogen and discussed by comparing with that of single crystal diamond through theoretical work in the literature. This achievement on NCD growth rate makes the technology interesting for industrial applications where fast coating of large substrates is highly desirable.


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We report the results of an experimental study aimed at improving the performance of actively Q-switched fiber lasers. Unlike generic design schemes employing photonic crystal fibers, largemodal diameter fibers or double-clad fibers, we demonstrate a high-power, actively Q-switched laser based on standard com- munication erbium doped fibers with peak irradiance beyond the state-of-the-art at 3.1 GW/cm2 . The laser had 2.2 kW peak power, 15.5 ns pulse duration and 36.8 µJ pulse energy. We have also investigated the dynamics of pulse generation and have success- fully suppressed pulse instabilities caused by backscattered laser emission reaching the pump laser diodes.


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A compact high-power yellow-green continuous wave (CW) laser source based on second-harmonic generation (SHG) in a 5% MgO doped periodically poled congruent lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide crystal pumped by a quantum-dot fiber Bragg grating (QD-FBG) laser diode is demonstrated. A frequency-doubled power of 90.11 mW at the wavelength of 560.68 nm with a conversion efficiency of 52.4% is reported. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest output power and conversion efficiency achieved to date in this spectral region from a diode-pumped PPLN waveguide crystal, which could prove extremely valuable for the deployment of such a source in a wide range of biomedical applications.