52 resultados para THAI
Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) is an attractive transmission technique to virtually eliminate intersymbol interference caused by chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode dispersion. Design, development, and operation of CO-OFDM systems require simple, efficient, and reliable methods of their performance evaluation. In this paper, we demonstrate an accurate bit error rate estimation method for QPSK CO-OFDM transmission based on the probability density function of the received QPSK symbols. By comparing with other known approaches, including data-aided and nondata-aided error vector magnitude, we show that the proposed method offers the most accurate estimate of the system performance for both single channel and wavelength division multiplexing QPSK CO-OFDM transmission systems. © 2014 IEEE.
Unrepeatered 115.6 Gbit/s per channel WDM DP-QPSK transmission with novel URFL based amplification is demonstrated. Transmission of 1.4 Tb/s was possible in 350 km link and 2.2 Tb/s was achieved in 325 km without employing ROPA or speciality fibres.
We present a method to measure in real-time the instantaneous generation spectrum of fiber lasers over consecutive cavity round-trips. © 2015 OSA.
In this paper, we demonstrate through computer simulation and experiment a novel subcarrier coding scheme combined with pre-electrical dispersion compensation (pre-EDC) for fiber nonlinearity mitigation in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems. As the frequency spacing in CO-OFDM systems is usually small (tens of MHz), neighbouring subcarriers tend to experience correlated nonlinear distortions after propagation over a fiber link. As a consequence, nonlinearity mitigation can be achieved by encoding and processing neighbouring OFDM subcarriers simultaneously. Herein, we propose to adopt the concept of dual phase conjugated twin wave for CO-OFDM transmission. Simulation and experimental results show that this simple technique combined with 50% pre-EDC can effectively offer up to 1.5 and 0.8 dB performance gains in CO-OFDM systems with BPSK and QPSK modulation formats, respectively.
In this paper, we demonstrate a novel fiber nonlinearity compensation technique for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems based on the transmission of phase-conjugated pilots (PCPs). In this scheme, a portion of OFDM subcarriers (up to 50%) is transmitted with its phase conjugates, which is used at the receiver to estimate the nonlinear distortions in the respective subcarriers and other subcarriers, which are not accompanied by PCPs. Simulation and experimental results show that by varying the PCP overhead, a performance improvement up to 4 dB can be achieved. In addition, the proposed technique can be effectively applied in both single polarization and polarization-division multiplexed systems, in both single channel and wavelength-division multiplexing systems, thus, offering highest flexibility in implementations.
Unrepeatered 100 Gbit/s per channel wave-divisionmultiplexed dual-polarization-QPSK transmission with random distributed feedback fiber laser-based Raman amplification using fiber Bragg grating is demonstrated. Transmission of 1.4 Tb/s (14 × 100 Gbit/s) was possible in 352.8 km link and 2.2 Tb/s (22 × 100 Gbit/s) was achieved in 327.6 km without employing remote optically pumped amplifier or speciality fibers.
Visible light communications is a technology with enormous potential for a wide range of applications within next generation transmission and broadcasting technologies. VLC offers simultaneous illumination and data communications by intensity modulating the optical power emitted by LEDs operating in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum (~370-780 nm). The major challenge in VLC systems to date has been in improving transmission speeds, considering the low bandwidths available with commercial LED devices. Thus, to improve the spectral usage, the research community has increasingly turned to advanced modulation formats such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. In this article we introduce a new modulation scheme into the VLC domain; multiband carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation (m-CAP) and describe in detail its performance within the context of bandlimited systems.
We present, for the first time, a detailed investigation of the impact of second order co-propagating Raman pumping on long-haul 100G WDM DP-QPSK coherent transmission of up to 7082 km using Raman fibre laser based configurations. Signal power and noise distributions along the fibre for each pumping scheme were characterised both numerically and experimentally. Based on these pumping schemes, the Q factor penalties versus co-pump power ratios were experimentally measured and quantified. A significant Q factor penalty of up to 4.15 dB was observed after 1666 km using symmetric bidirectional pumping, compared with counter-pumping only. Our results show that whilst using co-pumping minimises the intra-cavity signal power variation and amplification noise, the Q factor penalty with co-pumping was too great for any advantage to be seen. The relative intensity noise (RIN) characteristics of the induced fibre laser and the output signal, and the intra-cavity RF spectra of the fibre laser are also presented. We attribute the Q factor degradation to RIN induced penalty due to RIN being transferred from the first order fibre laser and second order co-pump to the signal. More importantly, there were two different fibre lasing regimes contributing to the amplification. It was random distributed feedback lasing when using counter-pumping only and conventional Fabry-Perot cavity lasing when using all bidirectional pumping schemes. This also results in significantly different performances due to different laser cavity lengths for these two classes of laser.
In this paper, we discuss recent advances in digital signal processing techniques for compensation of the laser phase noise and fiber nonlinearity impairments in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) transmission. For laser phase noise compensation, we focus on quasi-pilot-aided (QPA) and decision-directed-free blind (DDF-blind) phase noise compensation techniques. For fiber nonlinearity compensation, we discuss in details the principle and performance of the phase-conjugated pilots (PCP) scheme.
The focus of this study is on the governance decisions in a concurrent channels context, in the case of uncertainty. The study examines how a firm chooses to deploy its sales force in times of uncertainty, and the subsequent performance outcome of those deployment choices. The theoretical framework is based on multiple theories of governance, including transaction cost analysis (TCA), agency theory, and institutional economics. Three uncertainty variables are investigated in this study. The first two are demand and competitive uncertainty which are considered to be industry-level market uncertainty forms. The third uncertainty, political uncertainty, is chosen as it is an important dimension of institutional environments, capturing non-economic circumstances such as regulations and political systemic issues. The study employs longitudinal secondary data from a Thai hotel chain, comprising monthly observations from January 2007 – December 2012. This hotel chain has its operations in 4 countries, Thailand, the Philippines, United Arab Emirates – Dubai, and Egypt, all of which experienced substantial demand, competitive, and political uncertainty during the study period. This makes them ideal contexts for this study. Two econometric models, both deploying Newey-West estimations, are employed to test 13 hypotheses. The first model considers the relationship between uncertainty and governance. The second model is a version of Newey-West, using an Instrumental Variables (IV) estimator and a Two-Stage Least Squares model (2SLS), to test the direct effect of uncertainty on performance and the moderating effect of governance on the relationship between uncertainty and performance. The observed relationship between uncertainty and governance observed follows a core prediction of TCA; that vertical integration is the preferred choice of governance when uncertainty rises. As for the subsequent performance outcomes, the results corroborate that uncertainty has a negative effect on performance. Importantly, the findings show that becoming more vertically integrated cannot help moderate the effect of demand and competitive uncertainty, but can significantly moderate the effect of political uncertainty. These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications, and extend our knowledge of the impact on uncertainty significantly, as well as bringing an institutional perspective to TCA. Further, they offer managers novel insight into the nature of different types of uncertainty, their impact on performance, and how channel decisions can mitigate these impacts.
Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals, like electroencephalographic (EEG) measures, are the direct extracranial manifestations of neuronal activation. The two techniques can detect time-varying changes in electromagnetic activity with a sub-millisecond time resolution. Extra-cranial electromagnetic measures are the cornerstone of the non-invasive diagnostic armamentarium in patients with epilepsy. Their extremely high temporal resolution – comparable to intracranial recordings – is the basis for a precise definition of onset and propagation of ictal and interictal abnormalities. Given the cost of the infrastructure and equipment, MEG has yet to develop into a routinely applicable diagnostic tool in clinical settings. However, in recent years, an increasing number of patients with epilepsy have been investigated – usually in the context of presurgical evaluation of refractory epilepsies – and initial encouraging results have been reported. We will briefly review the principles and the technology behind MEG and its contribution in the diagnostic work-up of patients with epilepsy.
Purpose: To investigate if magnetoencephalography (MEG) can identify implantation sites for intracranial recordings (IR). Method: Two groups of 12 patients assessed for surgery with IR with and without MEG were compared (MEG and control groups). In the control group, non-invasive presurgical assessment without MEG suggested clear hypotheses for implantation. In the MEG group, non-invasive assessment was inconclusive, and MEG was used to identify implantation sites. Both groups were matched for implantation type. The success of implantation was defined by findings in IR: a) Focal seizure onset; b)Unilateral focal abnormal responses to single pulse electrical stimulation(SPES); and c) Concordance between a) and b). Results: In all MEG patients, at least one virtual MEG electrode generated suitable hypotheses for the location of implantations. The proportion of patients showing focal seizure onset restricted to one hemisphere was similar in control and MEG groups (6/12 vs. 11/12, Fisher’s exact test,p = 0.0686). The proportion of patients showing unilateral responses to SPES was lower in the control than in the MEG group (7/12 vs. 12/12,p = 0.0373). Conclusion: The MEG group showed similar or higher incidence of successful implantations than controls.
Nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) and eigenvalue communication with the use of nonlinear signal spectrum (both discrete and continuous), have been recently discussed as promising transmission methods to combat fiber nonlinearity impairments. In this paper, for the first time, we demonstrate the generation, detection and transmission performance over transoceanic distances of 10 Gbaud and nonlinear inverse synthesis (NIS) based signal (4 Gb/s line rate), in which the transmitted information is encoded directly onto the continuous part of the signal nonlinear spectrum. By applying effective digital signal processing techniques, a reach of 7344 km was achieved with a bit-error-rate (BER) (2.1×10-2) below the 20% FEC threshold. This represents an improvement by a factor of ~12 in data capacity x distance product compared with other previously demonstrated NFT-based systems, showing a significant advance in the active research area of NFT-based communication systems.
Conventional tools for measurement of laser spectra (e.g. optical spectrum analysers) capture data averaged over a considerable time period. However, the generation spectrum of many laser types may involve spectral dynamics whose relatively fast time scale is determined by their cavity round trip period, calling for instrumentation featuring both high temporal and spectral resolution. Such real-time spectral characterisation becomes particularly challenging if the laser pulses are long, or they have continuous or quasi-continuous wave radiation components. Here we combine optical heterodyning with a technique of spatiooral intensity measurements that allows the characterisation of such complex sources. Fast, round-trip-resolved spectral dynamics of cavity-based systems in real-time are obtained, with temporal resolution of one cavity round trip and frequency resolution defined by its inverse (85 ns and 24 MHz respectively are demonstrated). We also show how under certain conditions for quasi-continuous wave sources, the spectral resolution could be further increased by a factor of 100 by direct extraction of phase information from the heterodyned dynamics or by using double time scales within the spectrogram approach.
In this work we introduce the periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) and propose a proof-of-concept communication system based on it by using a simple waveform with known nonlinear spectrum (NS). We study the performance (addressing the bit-error-rate (BER), as a function of the propagation distance) of the transmission system based on the use of the PNFT processing method and show the benefits of the latter approach. By analysing our simulation results for the system with lumped amplification, we demonstrate the decent potential of the new processing method.