50 resultados para Second Order Damped Response System


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The kinematic mapping of a rigid open-link manipulator is a homomorphism between Lie groups. The homomorphisrn has solution groups that act on an inverse kinematic solution element. A canonical representation of solution group operators that act on a solution element of three and seven degree-of-freedom (do!) dextrous manipulators is determined by geometric analysis. Seven canonical solution groups are determined for the seven do! Robotics Research K-1207 and Hollerbach arms. The solution element of a dextrous manipulator is a collection of trivial fibre bundles with solution fibres homotopic to the Torus. If fibre solutions are parameterised by a scalar, a direct inverse funct.ion that maps the scalar and Cartesian base space coordinates to solution element fibre coordinates may be defined. A direct inverse pararneterisation of a solution element may be approximated by a local linear map generated by an inverse augmented Jacobian correction of a linear interpolation. The action of canonical solution group operators on a local linear approximation of the solution element of inverse kinematics of dextrous manipulators generates cyclical solutions. The solution representation is proposed as a model of inverse kinematic transformations in primate nervous systems. Simultaneous calibration of a composition of stereo-camera and manipulator kinematic models is under-determined by equi-output parameter groups in the composition of stereo-camera and Denavit Hartenberg (DH) rnodels. An error measure for simultaneous calibration of a composition of models is derived and parameter subsets with no equi-output groups are determined by numerical experiments to simultaneously calibrate the composition of homogeneous or pan-tilt stereo-camera with DH models. For acceleration of exact Newton second-order re-calibration of DH parameters after a sequential calibration of stereo-camera and DH parameters, an optimal numerical evaluation of DH matrix first order and second order error derivatives with respect to a re-calibration error function is derived, implemented and tested. A distributed object environment for point and click image-based tele-command of manipulators and stereo-cameras is specified and implemented that supports rapid prototyping of numerical experiments in distributed system control. The environment is validated by a hierarchical k-fold cross validated calibration to Cartesian space of a radial basis function regression correction of an affine stereo model. Basic design and performance requirements are defined for scalable virtual micro-kernels that broker inter-Java-virtual-machine remote method invocations between components of secure manageable fault-tolerant open distributed agile Total Quality Managed ISO 9000+ conformant Just in Time manufacturing systems.


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This thesis investigates the physical behaviour of solitons in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems with dispersion management in a wide range of dispersion regimes. Background material is presented to show how solitons propagate in optical fibres, and key problems associated with real systems are outlined. Problems due to collision induced frequency shifts are calculated using numerical simulation, and these results compared with analytical techniques where possible. Different two-step dispersion regimes, as well as the special cases of uniform and exponentially profiled systems, are identified and investigated. In shallow profile, the constituent second-order dispersions in the system are always close to the average soliton value. It is shown that collision-induced frequency shifts in WDM soliton transmission systems are reduced with increasing dispersion management. New resonances in the collision dynamics are illustrated, due to the relative motion induced by the dispersion map. Consideration of third-order dispersion is shown to modify the effects of collision-induced timing jitter and third-order compensation investigated. In all cases pseudo-phase-matched four-wave mixing was found to be insignificant compared to collision induced frequency shift in causing deterioration of data. It is also demonstrated that all these effects are additive with that of Gordon-Haus jitter.


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This thesis presents several advanced optical techniques that are crucial for improving high capacity transmission systems. The basic theory of optical fibre communications are introduced before optical solitons and their usage in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The design, operation, limitations and importance of the recirculating loop are illustrated. The crucial role of dispersion management in the transmission systems is then considered. Two of the most popular dispersion compensation methods - dispersion compensating fibres and fibre Bragg gratings - are emphasised. A tunable dispersion compensator is fabricated using the linear chirped fibre Bragg gratings and a bending rig. Results show that it is capable of compensating not only the second order dispersion, but also higher order dispersion. Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) are studied and discussed. Different dispersion maps are performed for all Raman amplified standard fibre link to obtain maximum transmission distances. Raman amplification is used in most of our loop experiments since it improves the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and significantly reduces the nonlinear intrachannel effects of the transmission systems. The main body of the experimental work is concerned with nonlinear optical switching using the nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). A number of different types of optical loop mirrors are built, tested and implemented in the transmission systems for noise suppression and 2R regeneration. Their results show that for 2R regeneration, NOLM does improve system performance, while NILM degrades system performance due to its sensitivity to the input pulse width, and the NALM built is unstable and therefore affects system performance.


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This thesis is concerned with the measurement of the characteristics of nonlinear systems by crosscorrelation, using pseudorandom input signals based on m sequences. The systems are characterised by Volterra series, and analytical expressions relating the rth order Volterra kernel to r-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are derived. It is shown that the two-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are related to the corresponding second order kernel values by a set of equations which may be structured into a number of independent subsets. The m sequence properties determine how the maximum order of the subsets for off-diagonal values is related to the upper bound of the arguments for nonzero kernel values. The upper bound of the arguments is used as a performance index, and the performance of antisymmetric pseudorandom binary, ternary and quinary signals is investigated. The performance indices obtained above are small in relation to the periods of the corresponding signals. To achieve higher performance with ternary signals, a method is proposed for combining the estimates of the second order kernel values so that the effects of some of the undesirable nonzero values in the fourth order autocorrelation function of the input signal are removed. The identification of the dynamics of two-input, single-output systems with multiplicative nonlinearity is investigated. It is shown that the characteristics of such a system may be determined by crosscorrelation experiments using phase-shifted versions of a common signal as inputs. The effects of nonlinearities on the estimates of system weighting functions obtained by crosscorrelation are also investigated. Results obtained by correlation testing of an industrial process are presented, and the differences between theoretical and experimental results discussed for this case;


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The practicality of recording visual evoked magnetic fields in 100 subjects 15-87 yr of age using a single channel d.c. SQUID second order gradiometer in an unshielded environment was investigated. The pattern reversal response showed a major positive component between 90 and 120 msec (P100M) while the response to flash produced a major positive component between 90 and 140 msec (P2M). Latency norms of the P100M were more variable than the corresponding P100 and P2 visual evoked potentials. The latency of the P100M may show a steep increase with age in most subjects after about 55 yr whereas only a small trend of latency with age was detected for the flash P2M.


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We have attempted to establish normative values of components of the magnetic evoked field to flash and pattern reversal stimuli prior to clinical use of the MEG. Full visual field, binocular evoked magnetic fields were recorded from 100 subjects 16 to 86 years of age with a single channel dc Squid (BTI) second-order gradiometer at a point 5-6cm above the inion. The majority of subjects showed a large positive component (out going magnetic field) of mean latency 115 ms (SD range 2.5 -11.8 in different decades of life) to the pattern reversal stimulus. In many subjects, this P100M was preceeded and succeeded by negative deflections (in going field). About 6% of subjects showed an inverted response i.e. a PNP wave. Waveforms to flash were more variable in shape with several positive components; the most consistent having a mean latency of 110ms (SD range 6.4-23.2). Responses to both stimuli were consistent when measured on the same subject on six different occasions (SD range 4.8 to 7.3). The data suggest that norms can be established for evoked magnetic field components, in particular for the pattern reversal P100M, which could be used in the diagnosis of neuro-opthalmological disease.


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Different visual stimuli may activate separate channels in the visual system and produce magnetic responses from the human bran which originate from distinct regions of the visual cortex. To test this hypothesis, we have investigated the distribution of visual evoked magnetic responses to three distinct visual stimuli over the occipital region of the scalp with a DC-SQUID second-order gradiometer in an ubshielded environment. Patterned stimuli were presented full field and to the right half field, while a flash stimulus was presented full field only, in five normal subjects. Magnetic responses were recorded from 20 to 42 positions over the occipital scalp. Topographic maps were prepared of the major positive component within the first 150ms to the three stimuli, i.e., the P100m (pattern shift), C11m (pattern onset) and P2m (flash). For the pattern shift stimulus the data suggested the source of the P100m was close to the midline with the current directed towards the medial surface. The data for the pattern onset C11m suggested a source at a similar depth but with the current directed away from the midline towards the lateral surface. The flash P2m appeared to originate closer to the surface of the occipital pole than both the patterned stimuli. Hence the pattern shift (which may represent movement), and the pattern onset C11m (representing contrast and contour) appear to originate in similar areas of brain but to represent different asepcts of cortical processing. By contrast, the flash P2m (representing luminance change) appears to originate in a distinct area of visual cortex closer to the occipital pole.


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The practicality or recording normative data for two components of the visually evoked magnetic response (VEMR) (P100M and P2M) using a single channel dc-SQUID second order gradiometer in an unshielded environment was investigated. Latency norms of the P100M and P2M were more variable than the corresponding electrical P100 and P2 visual evoked potentials. Methods of improving the normative data for clinical use were discussed.


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The polymerization of isobutene initiated by 1-chloro-1-phenylethane has been investigated, and molecular weight studies conducted using size exclusion chromatography. Polymerizations carried out in a 40/60 (v/v) mixture of dichloromethaneIcyclohexane, using titanium (IV) chloride as a catalyst in the presence of pyridine at -30 °C were found to be controlled and living. The number average molecular weights of the polymers increased linearly with monomer conversion, and the molecular weight distributions were between 1.15 and 1.20. Efficiencies of initiation were between 80 and 100%, and evidence was found to suggest that backbiting to the initiator had occurred, resulting in the formation of cyclic oligomers during the early stages of polymerization. The kinetics of polymerization can be explained in terms of active species in. equilibrium with dormant species. The effects of temperature. and dielectric constant on this equilibrium were studied and a model based upon the Fuoss equation was developed. Pyridine was found to behave as proton trap in the system, and when it was used in excess the rate of polymerization was retarded. By assuming that the catalyst and pyridine formed a one to one complex, it was possible to show that the reaction was second order with respect to the catalyst. The synthesis of low molecular weight polyisobutenes was studied. When the concentration of initiator was increased relative to that of the isobutene, such that the theoretical degree of polymerization was 20 or less, the rate of initiation was slow compared to propagation. The efficiency of initiation in these polymerizations was typically between 30 and 40 %. Optimal conditions of temperature. and.catalyst concentration were established, leading to a 60 % efficiency of initiation. A one-pot synthesis of phenol end-capped polyisobutene was attempted by adding phenol at the end of a living polymerization. Evidence to substantiate the existence of capped polymer chains in the resultant product was inconclusive. Block copolymerizations of oxetane and isobutene were conducted using 1-chloro-1phenylethane/TiCl4, but no copolymer or oxetane homopolymer could be isolated.


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The kinetics and mechanisms of the ring-opening polymerization of oxetane were studied using cationic and coordinated anionic catalysts. The cationic initiators used were BF30Et2!/ethanol, BF30Et2!/ethanediol and BF30Et2/propantriol. Kinetic determinations with the BF30Et2/diol system indicated that a 1: 1 BF3:0H ratio gave the maximum rate of polymerization and this ratio was employed to detenmne the overall rates of polymerization. An overall second-order dependence was obtained when the system involved ethanediol or propantriol as co-catalyst and a 3/2-order dependence with ethanol, in each case the monomer gave a first-order relationship. This suggested that two mechanisms accounted for the cationic polymerization. These mechanisms were investigated and further evidence for these was obtained from the study of the complex formation of BF30Et2 and the co-catalysts by 1H NMR. Molecular weight studies (using size-exclusion chromatography) indicated that the hydroxyl ion acted as a chain transfer reagent when the [OH] > [BF3]. A linear relationship was observed when the number average molecular weight was plotted against [oxetane] at constant [BF3:0H], and similarly a linear dependency was observed on the BF3:0H 1:1 adduct at constant oxetane concentration. Copolymerization of oxetane and THF was carried out using BF30Et2/ethanol system. The reactivity ratios were calculated as rOXT = 1.2 ± 0.30 and rTHF = 0.14 ± 0.03. These copolymers were random copolymers with no evidence of oligomer formation. The coordinated anionic catalyst, porphinato-aluminium chloride [(TPP)AICl], was used to produce a living polymerization of oxetane. An overall third-order kinetics was obtained, with a second-order with respect to the [(TPP)AICl] and a first-order with respect to the [oxetane] and a mechanism was postulated using these results. The stereochemistry of [(TPP)AlCl] catalyst was investigated using cyclohexene and cyclopentene oxide monomers, using extensive 1H NMR, 2-D COSY and decoupling NMR techniques it was concluded that [(TPP)AlCl] gave rise to stereoregular polymers.


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The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the application of methods of differential geometry to the constraint analysis of relativistic high spin field theories. As a starting point the coordinate dependent descriptions of the Lagrangian and Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithms are reviewed for general second order systems. These two algorithms are then respectively employed to analyse the constraint structure of the massive spin-1 Proca field from the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian viewpoints. As an example of a coupled field theoretic system the constraint analysis of the massive Rarita-Schwinger spin-3/2 field coupled to an external electromagnetic field is then reviewed in terms of the coordinate dependent Dirac-Bergmann algorithm for first order systems. The standard Velo-Zwanziger and Johnson-Sudarshan inconsistencies that this coupled system seemingly suffers from are then discussed in light of this full constraint analysis and it is found that both these pathologies degenerate to a field-induced loss of degrees of freedom. A description of the geometrical version of the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm developed by Gotay, Nester and Hinds begins the geometrical examination of high spin field theories. This geometric constraint algorithm is then applied to the free Proca field and to two Proca field couplings; the first of which is the minimal coupling to an external electromagnetic field whilst the second is the coupling to an external symmetric tensor field. The onset of acausality in this latter coupled case is then considered in relation to the geometric constraint algorithm.


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Computer integrated manufacture has brought about great advances in manufacturing technology and its recognition is world wide. Cold roll forming of thin-walled sections, and in particular the design and manufacture of form-rolls, the special tooling used in the cold roll forming process, is but one such area where computer integrated manufacture can make a positive contribution. The work reported in this thesis, concerned with the development of an integrated manufacturing system for assisting the design and manufacture of form-rolls, was undertaken in collaboration with a leading manufacturer of thin-walled sections. A suit of computer programs, written in FORTRAN 77, have been developed to provide computer aids for every aspect of work in form-roll design and manufacture including cost estimation and stock control aids. The first phase of the development programme dealt with the establishment of CAD facilities for form-roll design, comprising the design of the finished section, the flower pattern, the roll design and the interactive roll editor program. Concerning the CAM facilities, dealt with in the second phase, an expert system roll machining processor and a general post-processor have been developed for considering the roll geometry and automatically generating NC tape programs for any required CNC lathe system. These programs have been successfully implemented, as an integrated manufacturing software system, on the VAX 11/750 super-minicomputer with graphics facilities for displaying drawings interactively on the terminal screen. The development of the integrated system has been found beneficial in all aspects of form-roll design and manufacture. Design and manufacturing lead times have been reduced by several weeks, quality has improved considerably and productivity has increased. The work has also demonstrated the promising nature of the expert systems approach to computer integrated manufacture.


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It is well established that hydrodynamic journal bearings are responsible for self-excited vibrations and have the effect of lowering the critical speeds of rotor systems. The forces within the oil film wedge, generated by the vibrating journal, may be represented by displacement and velocity coefficient~ thus allowing the dynamical behaviour of the rotor to be analysed both for stability purposes and for anticipating the response to unbalance. However, information describing these coefficients is sparse, misleading, and very often not applicable to industrial type bearings. Results of a combined analytical and experimental investigation into the hydrodynamic oil film coefficients operating in the laminar region are therefore presented, the analysis being applied to a 120 degree partial journal bearing having a 5.0 in diameter journal and a LID ratio of 1.0. The theoretical analysis shows that for this type of popular bearing, the eight linearized coefficients do not accurately describe the behaviour of the vibrating journal based on the theory of small perturbations, due to them being masked by the presence of nonlinearity. A method is developed using the second order terms of Taylor expansion whereby design charts are provided which predict the twentyeight force coefficients for both aligned, and for varying amounts of journal misalignment. The resulting non-linear equations of motion are solved using a modified Newton-Raphson method whereby the whirl trajectories are obtained, thus providing a physical appreciation of the bearing characteristics under dynamically loaded conditions.


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This thesis offers a methodology to study and design effective communication mechanisms in human activities. The methodology is focused in the management of complexity. It is argued that complexity is not something objective that can be worked out analytically, but something subjective that depends on the viewpoint. Also it is argued that while certain social contexts may inhibit, others may enhance the viewpoint's capabilities to deal with complexity. Certain organisation structures are more likely than others to allow individuals to release their potentials. Thus, the relevance of studying and designing effective organisations. The first part of the thesis offers a `cybernetic methodology' for problem solving in human activities, the second offers a `method' to study and design organisations. The cybernetics methodology discussed in this work is rooted in second order cybernetics, or the cybernetics of the observing systems (Von Foester 1979, Maturana and Varela 1980). Its main tenet is that the known properties of the real world reside in the individual and not in the world itself. This view, which puts emphasis in a, by nature, one sided and unilateral appreciation of reality, triggers the need for dialogue and conversations to construct it. The `method' to study and design organisations, it based on Beer's Viable System Model (Beer 1979, 1981, 1985). This model permits us to assess how successful is an organisation in coping with its environmental complexity, and, moreover, permits us to establish how to make more effective the responses to this complexity. These features of the model are of great significance in a world where complexity is perceived to be growing at an unthinkable pace. But, `seeing' these features of the model assumes an effective appreciation of organisational complexity; hence the need for the methodological discussions offered by the first part of the thesis.


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Interferometric sensors using optical fibers as a transduction medium have been shown to be sensitive to a variety of physical measurands. A result of this is that the resolution of a system designed to sense strain, for example, may be compromised by fluctuations in the temperature of the environment. The possibility of simultaneously determining the strain and temperature applied to the same piece of highly birefringent fiber is discussed. Second-order effects are shown to be important for long sensing lengths or in the presence of high strains or temperature changes. The results of experiments carried out to verify the theoretical predictions are also described.