35 resultados para Scenario Programming, Markup Language, End User Programming


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A graphical process control language has been developed as a means of defining process control software. The user configures a block diagram describing the required control system, from a menu of functional blocks, using a graphics software system with graphics terminal. Additions may be made to the menu of functional blocks, to extend the system capability, and a group of blocks may be defined as a composite block. This latter feature provides for segmentation of the overall system diagram and the repeated use of the same group of blocks within the system. The completed diagram is analyzed by a graphics compiler which generates the programs and data structure to realise the run-time software. The run-time software has been designed as a data-driven system which allows for modifications at the run-time level in both parameters and system configuration. Data structures have been specified to ensure efficient execution and minimal storage requirements in the final control software. Machine independence has been accomodated as far as possible using CORAL 66 as the high level language throughout the entire system; the final run-time code being generated by a CORAL 66 compiler appropriate to the target processor.


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This thesis explores translating well-written sequential programs in a subset of the Eiffel programming language - without syntactic or semantic extensions - into parallelised programs for execution on a distributed architecture. The main focus is on constructing two object-oriented models: a theoretical self-contained model of concurrency which enables a simplified second model for implementing the compiling process. There is a further presentation of principles that, if followed, maximise the potential levels of parallelism. Model of Concurrency. The concurrency model is designed to be a straightforward target for mapping sequential programs onto, thus making them parallel. It aids the compilation process by providing a high level of abstraction, including a useful model of parallel behaviour which enables easy incorporation of message interchange, locking, and synchronization of objects. Further, the model is sufficient such that a compiler can and has been practically built. Model of Compilation. The compilation-model's structure is based upon an object-oriented view of grammar descriptions and capitalises on both a recursive-descent style of processing and abstract syntax trees to perform the parsing. A composite-object view with an attribute grammar style of processing is used to extract sufficient semantic information for the parallelisation (i.e. code-generation) phase. Programming Principles. The set of principles presented are based upon information hiding, sharing and containment of objects and the dividing up of methods on the basis of a command/query division. When followed, the level of potential parallelism within the presented concurrency model is maximised. Further, these principles naturally arise from good programming practice. Summary. In summary this thesis shows that it is possible to compile well-written programs, written in a subset of Eiffel, into parallel programs without any syntactic additions or semantic alterations to Eiffel: i.e. no parallel primitives are added, and the parallel program is modelled to execute with equivalent semantics to the sequential version. If the programming principles are followed, a parallelised program achieves the maximum level of potential parallelisation within the concurrency model.


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The increasing cost of developing complex software systems has created a need for tools which aid software construction. One area in which significant progress has been made is with the so-called Compiler Writing Tools (CWTs); these aim at automated generation of various components of a compiler and hence at expediting the construction of complete programming language translators. A number of CWTs are already in quite general use, but investigation reveals significant drawbacks with current CWTs, such as lex and yacc. The effective use of a CWT typically requires a detailed technical understanding of its operation and involves tedious and error-prone input preparation. Moreover, CWTs such as lex and yacc address only a limited aspect of the compilation process; for example, actions necessary to perform lexical symbol valuation and abstract syntax tree construction must be explicitly coded by the user. This thesis presents a new CWT called CORGI (COmpiler-compiler from Reference Grammar Input) which deals with the entire `front-end' component of a compiler; this includes the provision of necessary data structures and routines to manipulate them, both generated from a single input specification. Compared with earlier CWTs, CORGI has a higher-level and hence more convenient user interface, operating on a specification derived directly from a `reference manual' grammar for the source language. Rather than developing a compiler-compiler from first principles, CORGI has been implemented by building a further shell around two existing compiler construction tools, namely lex and yacc. CORGI has been demonstrated to perform efficiently in realistic tests, both in terms of speed and the effectiveness of its user interface and error-recovery mechanisms.


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Database systems have a user interface one of the components of which will normally be a query language which is based on a particular data model. Typically data models provide primitives to define, manipulate and query databases. Often these primitives are designed to form self-contained query languages. This thesis describes a prototype implementation of a system which allows users to specify queries against the database in a query language whose primitives are not those provided by the actual model on which the database system is based, but those provided by a different data model. The implementation chosen is the Functional Query Language Front End (FQLFE). This uses the Daplex functional data model and query language. Using FQLFE, users can specify the underlying database (based on the relational model) in terms of Daplex. Queries against this specified view can then be made in Daplex. FQLFE transforms these queries into the query language (Quel) of the underlying target database system (Ingres). The automation of part of the Daplex function definition phase is also described and its implementation discussed.


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In this paper we study the generation of lace knitting stitch patterns by using genetic programming. We devise a genetic representation of knitting charts that accurately reflects their usage for hand knitting the pattern. We apply a basic evolutionary algorithm for generating the patterns, where the key of success is evaluation. We propose automatic evaluation of the patterns, without interaction with the user. We present some patterns generated by the method and then discuss further possibilities for bringing automatic evaluation closer to human evaluation. Copyright 2007 ACM.