52 resultados para Pulse width modulated voltage source inverters


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High-volume capacitance is required to buffer the power difference between the input and output ports in single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic inverters, which become an obstacle to high system efficiency and long device lifetime. Furthermore, total harmonic distortion becomes serious when the system runs into low power level. In this study, a comprehensive analysis is introduced for two-stage topology with the consideration of active power, DC-link (DCL) voltage, ripple and capacitance. This study proposed a comprehensive DCL voltage control strategy to minimise the DCL capacitance while maintaining a normal system operation. Furthermore, the proposed control strategy is flexible to be integrated with the pulse-skipping control that significantly improves the power quality at light power conditions. Since the proposed control strategy needs to vary DCL voltage, an active protection scheme is also introduced to prevent any voltage violation across the DCL. The proposed control strategy is evaluated by both simulation and experiments, whose results confirm the system effectiveness.


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As a source or sink of reactive power, compensators can be made from a voltage sourced inverter circuit with the a.c. terminals of the inverter connected to the system through an inductive link and with a capacitor connected across the d.c. terminals. Theoretical calculations on linearised models of the compensators have shown that the parameters characterising the performance are the reduced firing angle and the resonance ratio. The resonance ratio is the ratio of the natural frequency of oscillation of the energy storage components in the circuit to the system frequency. The reduced firing angle of the inverter divided by the damping coefficient, β, where β is half the R to X ratio of the link between the inverter and the system. The theoretical results have been verified by computer simulation and experiment. There is a narrow range of values for the resonance ratio below which there is no appreciable improvement in performance, despite an increase in the cost of the energy storage components, and above which the performance of the equipment is poor with the current being dominated by harmonics. The harmonic performance of the equipment is improved by using multiple inverters and phase shifting transformers to increase the pulse number. The optimum value of the resonance ratio increases pulse number, indicating a reduction in the energy storage components needed at high pulse numbers. The reactive power output from the compensator varies linearly with the reduced firing angle while the losses vary as the square of it.


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A simple and cost-effective technique for generating a flat, square-shaped multi-wavelength optical comb with 42.6 GHz line spacing and over 0.5 THz of total bandwidth is presented. A detailed theoretical analysis is presented, showing that using two concatenated modulators driven with voltages of 3.5 Vp are necessary to generate 11 comb lines with a flatness below 2dB. This performance is experimentally demonstrated using two cascaded Versawave 40 Gbit/s low drive voltage electro-optic polarisation modulators, where an 11 channel optical comb with a flatness of 1.9 dB and a side-mode-suppression ratio (SMSR) of 12.6 dB was obtained.


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We propose a novel approach to pulse shaping using a phase-modulated fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in transmission. This enables the simplification of the device fabrication while retaining the substantial advantages of FBGs in transmission. © 2013 OSA.


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A simple and cost-effective technique for generating a flat, square-shaped multi-wavelength optical comb with 42.6 GHz line spacing and over 0.5 THz of total bandwidth is presented. A detailed theoretical analysis is presented, showing that using two concatenated modulators driven with voltages of 3.5 Vp are necessary to generate 11 comb lines with a flatness below 2dB. This performance is experimentally demonstrated using two cascaded Versawave 40 Gbit/s low drive voltage electro-optic polarisation modulators, where an 11 channel optical comb with a flatness of 1.9 dB and a side-mode-suppression ratio (SMSR) of 12.6 dB was obtained.


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A novel approach to pulse shaping using a phase-modulated fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in transmission is proposed and designed. We show that phase-modulated FBGs can provide transmission responses suitable for pulse shaping applications, offering important technological feasibility benefits, since the coupling strength remains basically uniform in the grating. Moreover, this approach retains the substantial advantages of FBGs in transmission, such as optimum energy efficiency, no requirement for an optical circulator, and robustness against fabrication errors.


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A method of pulse duration and spectral width control in all-fiber Ytterbium modelocked laser with SWCNT is presented. It is shown that PM-fiber can also serve as a spectrally selective filter. © 2012 OSA.


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There is an increase in the use of multi-pulse, rectifier-fed motor-drive equipment on board more-electric aircraft. Motor drives with feedback control appear as constant power loads to the rectifiers, which can cause instability of the DC filter capacitor voltage at the output of the rectifier. This problem can be exacerbated by interactions between rectifiers that share a common source impedance. In order that such a system can be analysed, there is a need for average, dynamic models of systems of rectifiers. In this study, an efficient, compact method for deriving the approximate, linear, large-signal, average models of two heterogeneous systems of rectifiers, which are fed from a common source impedance, is presented. The models give insight into significant interaction effects that occur between the converters, and that arise through the shared source impedance. First, a 6-pulse and doubly wound, transformer-fed, 12-pulse rectifier system is considered, followed by a 6-pulse and autotransformer-fed, 12-pulse rectifier system. The system models are validated against detailed simulations and laboratory prototypes, and key characteristics of the two system types are compared.


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We consider return-to-zero (RZ) pulses with random phase modulation propagating in a nonlinear channel (modelled by the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation, NLSE). We suggest two different models for the phase fluctuations of the optical field: (i) Gaussian short-correlated fluctuations and (ii) generalized telegraph process. Using the rectangular-shaped pulse form we demonstrate that the presence of phase fluctuations of both types strongly influences the number of solitons generated in the channel. It is also shown that increasing the correlation time for the random phase fluctuations affects the coherent content of a pulse in a non-trivial way. The result obtained has potential consequences for all-optical processing and design of optical decision elements.


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The development of sensing devices is one of the instrumentation fields that has grown rapidly in the last decade. Corresponding to the swift advance in the development of microelectronic sensors, optical fibre sensors are widely investigated because of their advantageous properties over the electronics sensors such as their wavelength multiplexing capability and high sensitivity to temperature, pressure, strain, vibration and acoustic emission. Moreover, optical fibre sensors are more attractive than the electronics sensors as they can perform distributed sensing, in terms of covering a reasonably large area using a single piece of fibre. Apart from being a responsive element in the sensing field, optical fibre possesses good assets in generating, distributing, processing and transmitting signals in the future broadband information network. These assets include wide bandwidth, high capacity and low loss that grant mobility and flexibility for wireless access systems. Among these core technologies, the fibre optic signal processing and transmission of optical and radio frequency signals have been the subjects of study in this thesis. Based on the intrinsic properties of single-mode optical fibre, this thesis aims to exploit the fibre characteristics such as thermal sensitivity, birefringence, dispersion and nonlinearity, in the applications of temperature sensing and radio-over-fibre systems. By exploiting the fibre thermal sensitivity, a fully distributed temperature sensing system consisting of an apodised chirped fibre Bragg grating has been implemented. The proposed system has proven to be efficient in characterising grating and providing the information of temperature variation, location and width of the heat source applied in the area under test.To exploit the fibre birefringence, a fibre delay line filter using a single high-birefringence optical fibre structure has been presented. The proposed filter can be reconfigured and programmed by adjusting the input azimuth of launched light, as well as the strength and direction of the applied coupling, to meet the requirements of signal processing for different purposes in microwave photonic and optical filtering applications. To exploit the fibre dispersion and nonlinearity, experimental investigations have been carried out to study their joint effect in high power double-sideband and single-sideband modulated links with the presence of fibre loss. The experimental results have been theoretically verified based on the in-house implementation of the split-step Fourier method applied to the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Further simulation study on the inter-modulation distortion in two-tone signal transmission has also been presented so as to show the effect of nonlinearity of one channel on the other. In addition to the experimental work, numerical simulations have also been carried out in all the proposed systems, to ensure that all the aspects concerned are comprehensively investigated.


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The electrical and optical characteristics of a cylindrical alumina insulator (94% Al203) have been measured under ultra-high vacuum (P < 10-8 mBar) conditions. A high-resolution CCD camera was used to make real-time optical recordings of DC prebreakdown luminescence from the ceramic, under conditions where DC current magnitudes were limited to less than 50μA. Two concentric metallized rings formed a pair of co-axial electrodes, on the end-face of the alumina tube; a third 'transparent' electrode was employed to study the effect of an orthogonal electric field upon the radial conduction processes within the metallized alumina specimen. The wavelength-spectra of the emitted light was quantified using a high-speed scanning monochromator and photo-multiplier tube detector. Concurrent electrical measurements were made alongside the recording of optical-emission images. An observed time-dependence of the photon-emission is correlated with a time-variation observed in the DC current-voltage characteristics of the alumina. Optical images were also recorded of pulsed-field surface-flashover events on the alumina ceramic. An intensified high-speed video technique provided 1ms frames of surface-flashover events, whilst 100ns frames were achieved using an ultra high-speed fast-framing camera. By coupling this fast-frame camera to a digital storage oscilloscope, it was possible to establish a temporal correlation between the application of a voltage-pulse to the ceramic and the evolution of photonic emissions from the subsequent surface-flashover event. The electro-optical DC prebreakdown characteristics of the alumina are discussed in terms of solid-state photon-emission processes, that are believed to arise from radiative electron-recombination at vacancy-defects and substitutional impurity centres within the surface-layers of the ceramic. The physical nature of vacancy-defects within an alumina dielectric is extensively explored, with a particular focus placed upon the trapped electron energy-levels that may be present at these defect centres. Finally, consideration is given to the practical application of alumina in the trigger-ceramic of a sealed triggered vacuum gap (TVG) switch. For this purpose, a physical model describing the initiation of electrical breakdown within the TVG regime is proposed, and is based upon the explosive destabilisation of trapped charge within the alumina ceramic, triggering the onset of surface-flashover along the insulator. In the main-gap prebreakdown phase, it is suggested that the electrical-breakdown of the TVG is initiated by the low-field 'stripping' of prebreakdown electrons from vacancy-defects in the ceramic under the influence of an orthogonal main-gap electric field.


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In this paper, we propose a simplified approach to optical signal predistortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through asymmetrical control of a Mach-Zehnder modulator above its switching voltage. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimizing the received pulse. We demonstrate enhancement of the power tolerance in nonrepeated systems and improved OSNR/BER performance and dispersion tolerance in ultra-long-haul fiber systems operating at 10 Gb/s and 20 Gb/s channel rates. The improved performance is demonstrated through simulations and experiment.


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In Parkinson's disease, subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons burst fire with increased periodicity and synchrony. This may entail abnormal release of glutamate, the major source of which in STN is cortical afferents. Indeed, the cortico-subthalamic pathway is implicated in the emergence of excessive oscillations, which are reduced, as are symptoms, by dopamine-replacement therapy or deep brain stimulation (DBS) targeted to STN. Here we hypothesize that glutamatergic synapses in the STN may be differentially modulated by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) and high-frequency stimulation (HFS), the latter mimicking deep brain stimulation. Recordings of evoked and spontaneous excitatory post synaptic currents (EPSCs) were made from STN neurons in brain slices obtained from dopamine-intact and chronically dopamine-depleted adult rats. HFS had no significant effect on evoked (e) EPSC amplitude in dopamine-intact slices (104.4±8.0%) but depressed eEPSCs in dopamine-depleted slices (67.8±6.2%). Conversely, LFS potentiated eEPSCs in dopamine-intact slices (126.4±8.1%) but not in dopamine-depleted slices (106.7±10.0%). Analyses of paired-pulse ratio, coefficient of variation, and spontaneous EPSCs suggest that the depression and potentiation have a presynaptic locus of expression. These results indicate that the synaptic efficacy in dopamine-intact tissue is enhanced by LFS. Furthermore, the synaptic efficacy in dopamine-depleted tissue is depressed by HFS. Therefore the therapeutic effects of DBS in Parkinson's disease appear mediated, in part, by glutamatergic cortico-subthalamic synaptic depression and implicate dopamine-dependent increases in the weight of glutamate synapses, which would facilitate the transfer of pathological oscillations from the cortex.


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Wavelength-locking of a multiwavelength stabilized slotted Fabry-Perot (SFP) laser to a single-mode laser source is experimentally demonstrated. The SFP resonates at channels spaced by similar to 8 nm between 1510 and 1565 nm over a wide range of temperatures and drive currents. Under low-power (<- 20 dBm) external optical injection, wavelength-locking with a sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR) > 25 dB is achieved. A locking width of > 25 GHz and SMSR > 30 dB can be achieved for each locked wavelength channel at injection power > - 16 dBm.