76 resultados para Photonic bandgap


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In this paper, we report on the strain and pressure testing of highly flexible skins embedded with Bragg grating sensors recorded in either silica or polymer optical fibre. The photonic skins, with a size of 10cm x 10cm and thickness of 1mm, were fabricated by embedding the polymer fibre or silica fibre containing Bragg gratings in Sylgard 184 from Dow Corning. Pressure sensing was studied using a cylindrical metal post placed on an array of points across the skin. The polymer fibre grating exhibits approximately 10 times the pressure sensitivity of the silica fibre and responds to the post even when it is placed a few centimetres away from the sensing fibre. Although the intrinsic strain sensitivities of gratings in the two fibre types are very similar, when embedded in the skin the polymer grating displayed a strain sensitivity approximately 45 times greater than the silica device, which also suffered from considerable hysteresis. The polymer grating displayed a near linear response over wavelength shifts of 9nm for 1% strain. The difference in behaviour we attribute to the much greater Young's modulus of the silica fibre (70 GPa) compared to the polymer fibre (3 GPa).


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A highly flexible sensing skin with embedded polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings is characterised The response to pressure and strain compare favourably to a similar skin instrumented with silica fibre Bragg grating sensors.


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We report the existence of a kind of squeezing in photonic crystal fibers which is conceptually intermediate between four-wave-mixing-induced squeezing in which all the participant waves are monochromatic waves, and self-phase-modulation-induced squeezing for a single pulse in a coherent state. This hybrid squeezing occurs when an arbitrary short soliton emits quasimonochromatic resonant radiation near a zero-group-velocity-dispersion point of the fiber. Photons around the resonant frequency become strongly correlated due to the presence of the classical soliton, and a reduction of the quantum noise below the shot-noise level is predicted. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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In this paper a microwave photonic filter using superstructured fiber Bragg grating and dispersive fiber is investigated. A theoretical model to describe the transfer function of the filter taking into consideration the spectral width of light source is established. Experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical analysis. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that due to chromatic dispersion the source spectral width introduces an additional power penalty to the microwave photonic response of the filter.


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We present recent results on experimental micro-fabrication and numerical modeling of advanced photonic devices by means of direct writing by femtosecond laser. Transverse inscription geometry was routinely used to inscribe and modify photonic devices based on waveguiding structures. Typically, standard commercially available fibers were used as a template with a pre-fabricated waveguide. Using a direct, point-by-point inscription by infrared femtosecond laser, a range of fiber-based photonic devices was fabricated including Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). Waveguides with a core of a couple of microns, periodic structures, and couplers have been also fabricated in planar geometry using the same method.


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A high frequency sensing interrogation system by using fiber Bragg grating based microwave photonic filtering is proposed, in which the wavelength measurement sensitivity is proportional to the RF modulation frequency applied to the optical signal.


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In order to characterise long period gratings fabricated in endlessly single mode photonic crystal fibres with bulk cladding we perform eigenanalysis of guided modes supported by these fibres. Resonant coupling occurs only when the beating length equals the multiple grating periods. Experimentally obtained grating spectra and sensitivity are fully explained using modified phase matching condition. © Springer 2006.


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Reported are experimental results from investigations of the sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) recorded in two different geometries of photonic crystal fibre (PCF): a large-mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. The LPGs have been characterised for their sensitivity to temperature, bending, surrounding index and strain. The LPGs in both fibres have been found to have negligible temperature sensitivity whilst exhibiting useful strain sensitivities. Strong directional bend sensitivity is shown by one PCF whilst the other shows good non-directional bend sensitivity. The fibres exhibit differing sensitivities to surrounding refractive index. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A numerical model of a long period grating in photonic crystal fibre fabricated by an electric arc is proposed that allows for the spectral characterisation of the grating. In the combination with the suggested model of the photonic crystal and the experimentally recorded grating growth it is used to find the index change induced by the electric arc. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007.


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Photonic signal processing is used to implement common mode signal cancellation across a very wide bandwidth utilising phase modulation of radio frequency (RF) signals onto a narrow linewidth laser carrier. RF spectra were observed using narrow-band, tunable optical filtering using a scanning Fabry Perot etalon. Thus functions conventionally performed using digital signal processing techniques in the electronic domain have been replaced by analog techniques in the photonic domain. This technique was able to observe simultaneous cancellation of signals across a bandwidth of 1400 MHz, limited only by the free spectral range of the etalon. © 2013 David M. Benton.


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This review offers new perspectives on the subject and highlights an area in need of further research. It includes an analysis of current scientific literature mainly covering the last decade and examines the trends in the development of electronic, acoustic and optical-fiber humidity sensors over this period. The major findings indicate that a new generation of sensor technology based on optical fibers is emerging. The current trends suggest that electronic humidity sensors could soon be replaced by sensors that are based on photonic structures. Recent scientific advances are expected to allow dedicated systems to avoid the relatively high price of interrogation modules that is currently a major disadvantage of fiber-based sensors.


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The use of near infrared, high intensity femtosecond laser pulses for the inscription of long period fiber gratings in photonic crystal fiber is reported. The formation of grating structures in photonic crystal fiber is complicated by the fiber structure that allows wave-guidance but that impairs and scatters the femtosecond inscription beam. The effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscriptions are compared and the polarization characteristics of long period gratings and their responses to external perturbations are reported.


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Long period gratings in two types of photonic crystal fibre have been studied. The gratings display negligible temperature sensitivity but useful sensitivity to other measurands. Theoretical modelling suggests that unusual phase matching conditions apply.