105 resultados para Pharmaceutical formulations
The first clinically proven nicotine replacement product to obtain regulatory approval was Nicorette® gum. It provides a convenient way of delivering nicotine directly to the buccal cavity, thus, circumventing 'first-pass' elimination following gastrointestinal absorption. Since launch, Nicorette® gum has been investigated in numerous studies (clinical) which are often difficult to compare due to large variations in study design and degree of sophistication. In order to standardise testing, in 2000 the European Pharmacopoeia introduced an apparatus to investigate the in vitro release of drug substances from medical chewing gum. With use of the chewing machine, the main aims of this project were to determine factors that could affect release from Nicorette® gum, to develop an in vitro in vivo correlation and to investigate formulation variables on release of nicotine from gums. A standard in vitro test method was developed. The gum was placed in the chewing chamber with 40 mL of artificial saliva at 37'C and chewed at 60 chews per minute. The chew rate, the type of dissolution medium used, pH, volume, temperature and the ionic strength of the dissolution medium were altered to investigate the effects on release in vitro. It was found that increasing the temperature of the dissolution media and the rate at which the gums were chewed resulted in a greater release of nicotine, whilst increasing the ionic strength of the dissolution medium to 80 mM resulted in a lower release. The addition of 0.1 % sodium Jauryl sulphate to the artificial saliva was found to double the release of nicotine compared to the use of artificial saliva and water alone. Although altering the dissolution volume and the starting pH did not affect the release. The increase in pH may be insufficient to provide optimal conditions for nicotine absorption (since the rate at which nicotine is transported through the buccal membrane was found to be higher at pH values greater than 8.6 where nicotine is predominately unionised). Using a time mapping function, it was also possible to establish a level A in vitro in vivo correlation. 4 mg Nicorette® gum was chewed at various chew rates in vitro and correlated to an in vivo chew-out study. All chew rates used in vitro could be successfully used for IVIVC purposes, however statistically, chew rates of 10 and 20 chews per minute performed better than all other chew rates. Finally a series of nicotine gums was made to investigate the effect of formulation variables on release of nicotine from the gum. Using a directly compressible gum base, in comparison to Nicorette® the gums crumbled when chewed in vitro, resulting in a faster release of nicotine. To investigate the effect of altering the gum base, the concentration of sodium salts, sugar syrup, the form of the active drug, the addition sequence and the incorporation of surfactant into the gum, the traditional manufacturing method was used to make a series of gum formulations. Results showed that the time of addition of the active drug, the incorporation of surfactants and using different gum base all increased the release of nicotine from the gum. In contrast, reducing the concentration of sodium carbonate resulted in a lower release. Using a stronger nicotine ion-exchange resin delayed the release of nicotine from the gum, whilst altering the concentration of sugar syrup had little effect on the release but altered the texture of the gum.
The study of surfactant monolayers is certainly not a new technique, but the application of monolayer studies to elucidate controlling factors in liposome design remains an underutilised resource. Using a Langmuir-Blodgett trough, pure and mixed lipid monolayers can be investigated, both for their interactions within the monolayer, and for interfacial interactions with drugs in the aqueous sub-phase. Despite these monolayers effectively being only half a bilayer, with a flat rather than curved structure, information from these studies can be effectively translated into liposomal systems. Here we outline the background, general protocols and application of Langmuir studies with a focus on their application in liposomal systems. A range of case studies are discussed which show how the system can be used to support its application in the development of liposome drug delivery. Examples include investigations into the effect of cholesterol within the liposome bilayer, understanding effective lipid packaging within the bilayer to promote water soluble and poorly soluble drug retention, the effect of alkyl chain length on lipid packaging, and drug-monolayer electrostatic interactions that promote bilayer repackaging.
This thesis attempts a psychological investigation of hemispheric functioning in developmental dyslexia. Previous work using neuropsychological methods with developmental dyslexics is reviewed ,and original work is presented both of a conventional psychometric nature and also utilising a new means of intervention. At the inception of inquiry into dyslexia, comparisons were drawn between developmental dyslexia and acquired alexia, promoting a model of brain damage as the common cause. Subsequent investigators found developmental dyslexics to be neurologically intact, and so an alternative hypothesis was offered, namely that language is abnormally localized (not in the left hemisphere). Research in the last decade, using the advanced techniques of modern neuropsychology, has indicated that developmental dyslexics are probably left hemisphere dominant for language. The development of a new type of pharmaceutical prep~ration (that appears to have a left hemisphere effect) offers an oppertunity to test the experimental hypothesis. This hypothesis propounds that most dyslexics are left hemisphere language dominant, but some of these language related operations are dysfunctioning. The methods utilised are those of psychological assessment of cognitive function, both in a traditional psychometric situation, and with a new form of intervention (Piracetam). The information resulting from intervention will be judged on its therapeutic validity and contribution to the understanding of hemispheric functioning in dyslexics. The experimental studies using conventional psychometric evaluation revealed a dyslexic profile of poor sequencing and name coding ability, with adequate spatial and verbal reasoning skills. Neuropsychological information would tend to suggest that this profile was indicative of adequate right hemsiphere abilities and deficits in some left hemsiphere abilities. When an intervention agent (Piracetam) was used with young adult dyslexics there were improvements in both the rate of acquisition and conservation of verbal learning. An experimental study with dyslexic children revealed that Piracetam appeared to improve reading, writing and sequencing, but did not influence spatial abilities. This would seem to concord with other recent findings, that deve~mental dyslexics may have left hemisphere language localisation, although some of these language related abilities are dysfunctioning.
In this work we have established the efficient mucosal delivery of vaccines using absorption enhancers and chitosan. In addition, the use of chitosan was shown to enhance the action of other known adjuvants, such as CTB or Quil-A. Collectively, the results presented herein indicate that chitosan has excellent potential as a mucosal adjuvant. We have evaluated a number of absorption enhancers for their adjuvant activity in vivo. Polyornithine was shown to engender high scrum immune reasons to nasally delivered antigens, with higher molecular weight polyornithine facilitating the best results. We have demonstrated for the first time that vitamin E TPGS can act as mucosal adjuvant. Deoxycholic acid, cyclodextrins and acylcarnitines were also identified as effective mucosal adjuvants and showed enhanced immune responses to nasally delivered TT, DT and Yersinia pestis V and F1 antigens. Previously, none of these agents, common in their action as absorption enhancing agents, have been shown to have immunopotentiating activity for mucosal immunisation. We have successfully developed novel surface modified microspheres using chitosan as an emulsion stabiliser during the preparation of PLA microspheres. It was found that immune responses could be substantially increased, effectively exploiting the immunopenetrating characteristics of both chitosan and PLA microspheres in the same delivery vehicle. In the same study, comparison of intranasal and intramuscular routes of administration showed that with these formulations, the nasal route could be as effective as intramuscular delivery, highlighting the potential of mucosal administration for these particulate delivery systems. Chitosan was co-administered with polymer microspheres. It was demonstrated that this strategy facilitates markedly enhanced immune responses in both magnitude and duration following intramuscular administration. We conclude that this combination shows potential for single dose administration of vaccines. In another study, we have shown that the addition of chitosan to alum adsorbed TT was able to enhance immune responses. PLA micro/nanospheres were prepared and characterised with discreet particle size ranges. A smaller particle size was shown to facilitate higher scrum IgG responses following nasal administration. A lower antigen loading was additionally identified as being preferential for the induction of immune responses in combination with the smaller particle size. This may be due to the fact that the number of particles will be increased when antigen loading is low, which may in turn facilitate a more widespread uptake of particles. PLA lamellar particles were prepared and characterised. Adsorbed TT was evaluated for the potential to engender immune responses in vivo. These formulations were shown to generate effective immune responses following intramuscular administration. Positively charged polyethylcyanoacrylate and PLA nanoparticies were designed and characterised and their potential as delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines was investigated. Successful preparation of particles with narrow size distribution and positive surface charge (imparted by the inclusion of chitosan) was achieved. In the evaluation of antibody responses to DNA encoded antigen in the presence of alum administered intranasally, discrimination between the groups was only seen following intramuscular boosting with the corresponding protein. Our study showed that DNA vaccines in the presence of either alum or Quil-A may advantageously influence priming of the immune system by a mucosal route. The potential for the combination of adjuvants, Quil-A and chitosan, to enhance antibody responses to plasmid encoded antigen co-administered with the corresponding protein antigen was shown and this is worthy of further investigation. The findings here have identified novel adjuvants and approaches to vaccine delivery. In particular, chitosan or vitamin E TPGS are shown here to have considerable promise as non-toxic, safe mucosal adjuvants. In addition, biodegradable mucoadhesive delivery systems, surface modified with chitosan in a single step process, may have application for other uses such as drug and gene delivery.
The adsorption of two qroups of nonionic surface active agents and a series of hiqh molecular weiqht hydrophilic polymer fractions onto a polystyrene latex and a drug substance diloxanide furoate B.P. has been investigated. The presence of pores within the drug surface has been demonstrated and this is shown to increase the adsorption of low molecular weight polymer species. Differences in the maximum amount of polymer adsorbed at both solid-solution interfaces have been ascribed to the different hydrophobicities of the surface as determined by contact angle measurements. Adsorbed layer thicknesses of polymer on polystyrene latex have been determined by three techniques: microelectrophoresis, intensity fluctuation spectroscopy and by viscometric means. These results, in combination with adsorption data, were used to interpret the configuration of the adsorbed polymer molecules at the interface. The type of druq suspension produced on adsorbing the different polymers in the absence of electrostatic stabilization was correlated with theoretical prediuctions of suspension characteristics deduced from potential energy diagrams, The agreement was good for the adsorption of short chain length surfactants, but for the polyvinylalcohols, discrepancies were found between experiment and theory. This was attributed to the inappropriate use of a mean segment density approximation within the adsorbed layer to calculate attractive potentials between particles. A maximum in the redispersibility values for suspensions coated with adsorbed nonylphenylethoxylates was attributed to "partial static stabilization" of the particles in conjunction with the attractive forces operating in the sediment between bare surface patches on neighbouring particles. No significant change in the dissolution of the drug was observed when nonylphenylethoxylates were adsorbed due to desorption upon contact with the dissolution medium. Pluronic F68 and all the polyvinylalcohol fractions caused a reduction in the dissolution rate which is explained by the decreased diffusion of drug' through the adsorbed polymer layer.
The decomposition of drugs in the solid state has been studied using aspirin and salsalate as models. The feasibility of using suspension systems for predicting the stability of these drugs in the solid state has been investigated.. It has been found that such systems are inappropriate in defining the effect of excipients on 'the decomposition of the active drug due to chqnges in the degradation pathway. Using a high performance liquid chromatographic method, magnesium stearate was shown to induce the formation of potentlally immunogenic products in aspirin powders. These products which included salicylsalicylic acid .and acetylsalicyclsalicylic acid were not detected in aspirin suspensions which had undergone the same extent of decomposition. By studying the effect of pH and of added excipients on the rate of decomposition of aspirin in suspension systems, it has been shown that excipients such as magnesium stearate containing magnesium oxide, most probably enhance the decomposition of both aspirin and salsalate by alkalinising the aqueous phase. In the solid state, pH effects produced by excipients appear to be relatively unimportant. Evidence is presented to suggest that the critical parameter is a depression in melting point induced by: the added excipient. Microscopical examination in fact showed the formation of clear liquid layers in aspirin samples containing added magnesium stearate but not in control samples. Kinetic equations which take into account both the diffusive barrier presented by the liquid films and the. geometry of the aspirin crystals were developed. Fitting of the .experimental data to these equations showed good agreement. with the postulated theory. Monitorjng of weight issues during the decomposition of aspirin revealed that in the solid systems studied where the bulk of the decomposition product sublimes, it is possible to estimate the extent of degradation from the residual weight, provided the initial weight is known. The corollary is that in such open systems, monitoring of decomposition products is inadequate for assessing the extent of decomposition. In addition to the magnesium stearate-aspirin system, mapyramine maleate-aspirin mixtures were used to model interactive systems. Work carried out in an attempt to stabilise such systems included microencapsulation and film coating. The protection obtained was dependent on the interactive species used. Gelatin for example appeared to stabilise aspirin against the adverse effects of magnesium stearate but increased its decomposition in the presence of mapyramine maleate.
A history of government drug regulation and the relationship between the pharmaceutical companies in the U.K. and the licensing authority is outlined. Phases of regulatory stringency are identified with the formation of the Committees on Safety of Drugs and Medicines viewed as watersheds. A study of the impact of government regulation on industrial R&D activities focuses on the effects on the rate and direction of new product innovation. A literature review examines the decline in new chemical entity innovation. Regulations are cited as a major but not singular cause of the decline. Previous research attempting to determine the causes of such a decline on an empirical basis is given and the methodological problems associated with such research are identified. The U.K. owned sector of the British pharmaceutical industry is selected for a study employing a bottom-up approach allowing disaggregation of data. A historical background to the industry is provided, with each company analysed or a case study basis. Variations between companies regarding the policies adopted for R&D are emphasised. The process of drug innovation is described in order to determine possible indicators of the rate and direction of inventive and innovative activity. All possible indicators are considered and their suitability assessed. R&D expenditure data for the period 1960-1983 is subsequently presented as an input indicator. Intermediate output indicators are treated in a similar way and patent data are identified as a readily-available and useful source. The advantages and disadvantages of using such data are considered. Using interview material, patenting policies for most of the U.K. companies are described providing a background for a patent-based study. Sources of patent data are examined with an emphasis on computerised systems. A number of searches using a variety of sources are presented. Patent family size is examined as a possible indicator of an invention's relative importance. The patenting activity of the companies over the period 1960-1983 is given and the variation between companies is noted. The relationship between patent data and other indicators used is analysed using statistical methods resulting in an apparent lack of correlation. An alternative approach taking into account variations in company policy and phases in research activity indicates a stronger relationship between patenting activity, R&D Expenditure and NCE output over the period. The relationship is not apparent at an aggregated company level. Some evidence is presented for a relationship between phases of regulatory stringency, inventive and innovative activity but the importance of other factors is emphasised.