41 resultados para NIOBIUM ALLOYS
The precipitation reactions occurring in a series of copper-based alloys selected from the system copper-chromium-zirconium have been studied by resistometric and metallographic techniques. A survey of the factors influencing the development of copper-based alloys for high strength, high conductivity applications is followed by a more general review of contemporary materials, and illustrates that the most promising alloys are those containing chromium and zirconium. The few systematic attempts to study alloys from this system have been collated, discussed, and used as a basis for the selection of four alloy compositions viz:- Cu - 0.4% Cr Cu - 0.24. Zr Cu - 0. 3% Cr - 0.1% Zr Cu - 0.2% Cr - 0.2% Zr A description of the experimental techniques used to study the precipitation behaviour of these materials is preceeded by a discussion of the currently accepted theories relating to precipitate nucleation and growth. The experimental results are presented and discussed for each of the alloys independently, and are then treated jointly to obtain an overall assessment of the way in which the precipitation kinetics, metallography and mechanical properties vary with alloy composition and heat treatment. The metastable solid solution of copper-chromium is found to decompose by the rejection of chromium particles which maintain a coherent interface and a Kurdjumov-Sachs type crystallographic orientation relationship with the copper matrix. The addition of 0.1% zirconium to the alloy retards the rate of transformation by a factor of ten and modifies the dispersion characteristics of the precipitate without markedly altering the morphology. Further additions of zirconium lead to the growth of stacking faults during ageing, which provide favourable nucleation sites for the chromium precipitate. The partial dislocations bounding such stacking faults are also found to provide mobile heterogeneous nucleation sources for the precipitation reactions occurring in copper-zirconium.
We have used a high-energy ball mill to prepare single-phased nanocrystalline Fe, Fe90Ni10, Fe85Al4Si11, Ni99Fe1 and Ni90Fe10 powders. We then increased their grain sizes by annealing. We found that a low-temperature anneal (T < 0.4 Tm) softens the elemental nanocrystalline Fe but hardens both the body-centered cubic iron- and face-centered cubic nickel-based solid solutions, leading in these alloys to an inverse Hall–Petch relationship. We explain this abnormal Hall–Petch effect in terms of solute segregation to the grain boundaries of the nanocrystalline alloys. Our analysis can also explain the inverse Hall–Petch relationship found in previous studies during the thermal anneal of ball-milled nanocrystalline Fe (containing ∼1.5 at.% impurities) and electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni (containing ∼1.0 at.% impurities).
The selective oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde over ultrathin Au overlayers on Pd(1 1 1) and Au/Pd(1 1 1) surface alloys has been investigated by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mass spectrometry. Pure gold is catalytically inert towards crotyl alcohol which undergoes reversible adsorption. In contrast, thermal processing of a 3.9 monolayer (ML) gold overlayer allows access to a range of AuPd surface alloy compositions, which are extremely selective towards crotonaldehyde production, and greatly reduce the extent of hydrocarbon decomposition and eventual carbon laydown compared with base Pd(1 1 1). XPS and CO titrations suggest that palladium-rich surface alloys offer the optimal balance between alcohol oxidative dehydrogenation activity while minimising competitive decomposition pathways, and that Pd monomers are not the active surface ensemble for such selox chemistry over AuPd alloys. Crown Copyright © 2008.
Fatigue crack growth in high strength aluminium alloy 7150 commercial plate material has been studied in both laboratory air and acidified aqueous salt solution. The aggressive aqueous environment enhanced fatigue crack growth rates by up to an order in magnitude compared to laboratory air. The enhancement in fatigue crack growth rate was accompanied by evidence of embrittlement in the crack path, involving both brittle intergranular and transgranular failure modes. Both the enhancement of fatigue crack growth rates and the extent of intergranular growth modes are dependent on cyclic frequency which, along with the absence of a similar frequency effect in a spray-formed version of the material with a significantly different grain structure, supports a mechanism of grain boundary hydrogen diffusion for intergranular corrosion fatigue crack growth. The convergence of corrosion fatigue crack growth rates at high ΔK in both spray-formed and conventional plate materials coincides with the operation of identical transgranular corrosion fatigue modes dependent on strain-controlled hydrogen diffusion ahead of the crack tip. © 1997 Acta Metallurgica Inc.
Fatigue crack initiation and subsequent short crack growth behaviour of 2014-5wt%SiC aluminium alloy composites has been examined in 4-point bend loading using smooth bar specimens. The growth rates of long fatigue cracks have also been measured at different stress ratios using pre-cracked specimens. The distributions of SiC particles and of coarse constituent particles in the matrix (which arise as a result of the molten-metal processing and relatively slow cooling rate) have been investigated. Preferential crack initiation sites were found to be SiC-matrix interfaces, SiC particles associated with constituent particles and the coarse constituent particles themselves. For microstructurally short cracks the dispersed SiC particles also act as temporary crack arresters. In the long crack growth tests, higher fatigue crack growth rates were obtained than for monolithic alloys. This effect is attributed to the contribution of void formation, due to the decohesion of SiC particles, to the fatigue crack growth process in the composite. Above crack depths of about 200 μm 'short' crack growth rates were in good agreement with the long crack data, showing a Pris exponent, m = 4 in both cases. For the long crack and short crack growth tests little effect of specimen orientation and grain size was observed on fatigue crack growth rates, but, specimen orientation affected the toughness. No effect of stress ratio in the range R = 0.2-0.5 was seen for long crack data in the Paris region.
This paper examines the effects of non-metallic particles on fatigue performance and, in particular, their influence on fatigue crack propagation at high ΔK (Kmax) levels. The nature and properties of a number of common non-metallic particles found in Fe- and Al- based alloys are described, and consideration is given to the consequences of mismatch of physical and chemical properties between particle and matrix. Effects of particles on fatigue in conventional alloys are illustrated and compared with the behaviour of Al/SiCp MMC. The problems associated with developing particulate reinforced MMC with adequate fatigue crack growth resistance and toughness for structural applications are discussed. © 1991.
A study has been made of serrated yielding in two commercial Al-Zn-Mg alloys in the as-quenched condition. The different serration types produced in the two alloys and the shear failure mechanism observed in both notched-bend and tensile testing are related to the mechanisms of dynamic strain ageing occurring during the test. An estimate of 19.7 kJ/mole for the activation energy for exchange of a solute atom and a vacancy in Al-6.2 wt% Zn, 2.5 wt% Mg has been made. © 1981.
The initiation and early propagation of short fatigue cracks has been studied in detail in two alpha / beta titanium alloys as a function of microstructure. Detailed metallography is presented relating short crack growth rates to the microstructural features present. The work shows the significant differences in short crack propagation rates which can be achieved by microstructural changes within a single alloy.
Fatigue crack propagation and threshold data for two Ni-base alloys, Astroloy and Nimonic 901, are reported. At room temperature the effect which altering the load ratio (R-ratio) has on fatigue behaviour is strongly dependent on grain size. In the coarse grained microstructures crack growth rates increase and threshold values decrease markedly as R rises from 0. 1 to 0. 8, whereas only small changes in behaviour occur in fine grained material. In Astroloy, when strength level and gamma grain size are kept constant, there is very little effect of processing route and gamma prime distribution on room temperature threshold and crack propagation results. The dominant microstructural effect on this type of fatigue behaviour is the matrix ( gamma ) grain size itself.