66 resultados para Mesoporous Sapos


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Cassava rhizome was catalytically pyrolysed at 500 °C using analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in order to investigate the effect of catalysts on bio-oil properties. The catalysts studied were zeolite ZSM-5, two aluminosilicate mesoporous materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-MSU-F, and a proprietary commercial catalyst alumina-stabilised ceria MI-575. The influence of catalysts on pyrolysis products was observed through the yields of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, lignin-derived compounds, carbonyls, methanol and acetic acid. Results showed that all the catalysts produced aromatic hydrocarbons and reduced oxygenated lignin derivatives, thus indicating an improvement of bio-oil heating value and viscosity. Among the catalysts, ZSM-5 was the most active to all the changes in pyrolysis products. In addition, all the catalysts with the exception of MI-575 enhanced the formation of acetic acid. This is clearly a disadvantage with respect to the level of pH in the liquid bio-fuel.


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An alkali- and nitrate-free hydrotalcite coating has been grafted onto the surface of a hierarchically ordered macroporous-mesoporous SBA-15 template via stepwise growth of conformal alumina adlayers and their subsequent reaction with magnesium methoxide. The resulting low dimensional hydrotalcite crystallites exhibit excellent per site activity for the base catalysed transesterification of glyceryl triolein with methanol for FAME production.


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The adsorption and diffusion of mixed hydrocarbon components in silicalite have been studied using molecular dynamic simulation methods. We have investigated the effect of molecular loadings and temperature on the diffusional behavior of both pure and mixed alkane components. For binary mixtures with components of similar sizes, molecular diffusional behavior in the channels was noticed to be reversed as loading is increased. This behavior was noticeably absent for components of different sizes in the mixture. Methane molecules in the methane/propane mixture have the highest diffusion coefficients across the entire loading range. Binary mixtures containing ethane molecules prove more difficult to separate compared to other binary components. In the ternary mixture, however, ethane molecules diffuse much faster at 400 K in the channel with a tendency to separate out quickly from other components. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ultrathin alumina monolayers grafted onto an ordered mesoporous SBA-15 silica framework afford a composite catalyst support with unique structural properties and surface chemistry. Palladium nanoparticles deposited onto Al-SBA-15 via wet impregnation exhibit the high dispersion and surface oxidation characteristic of pure aluminas, in conjunction with the high active site densities characteristic of thermally stable, high-area mesoporous silicas. This combination confers significant rate enhancements in the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of cinnamyl alcohol over Pd/Al-SBA-15 compared to mesoporous alumina or silica supports. Operando, liquid-phase XAS highlights the interplay between dissolved oxygen and the oxidation state of palladium nanoparticles dispersed over Al-SBA-15 towards on-stream reduction: ambient pressures of flowing oxygen are sufficient to hinder palladium oxide reduction to metal, enabling a high selox activity to be maintained, whereas rapid PdO reduction and concomitant catalyst deactivation occurs under static oxygen. Selectivity to the desired cinnamaldehyde product mirrors these trends in activity, with flowing oxygen minimising CO cleavage of the cinnamyl alcohol reactant to trans-β-methylstyrene, and of cinnamaldehyde decarbonylation to styrene. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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A low energy route for the removal of Pluronic P123 surfactant template during the synthesis of SBA-15 mesoporous silicas is explored. The conventional reflux of the hybrid inorganic-organic intermediate formed during co-condensation routes to Pr-SOH-SBA-15 is slow, utilises large solvent volumes, and requires 24 h to remove ∼90% of the organic template. In contrast, room temperature ultrasonication in a small methanol volume achieves the same degree of template extraction in only 5 min, with a 99.9% energy saving and 90% solvent reduction, without compromising the textural, acidic or catalytic properties of the resultant Pr-SOH-SBA-15. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Highly ordered mesoporous alumina was prepared via evaporation induced self assembly and was impregnated to afford a family of Pd/meso-Al2O3 catalysts for the aerobic selective oxidation (selox) of allylic alcohols under mild reaction conditions. CO chemisorption and XPS identify the presence of highly dispersed (0.9–2 nm) nanoparticles comprising heavily oxidised PdO surfaces, evidencing a strong palladium-alumina interaction. Surface PdO is confirmed as the catalytically active phase responsible for allylic alcohol selox, with initial rates for Pd/meso-Al2O3 far exceeding those achievable for palladium over either amorphous alumina or mesoporous silica supports. Pd/meso-Al2O3 is exceptionally active for the atom efficient selox of diverse allylic alcohols, with activity inversely proportional to alcohol mass.


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The selective conversion of alcohols to their carbonyl derivatives is a critical step towards a sustainable chemical industry. Heterogeneous Pd catalysts represent some of the most active systems known, even so further studies into the active species and role of support are required. Through controlling support mesostructure, using non-interconnected SBA-15 and interlinked SBA-16 and KIT-6, we have evaluated the role of pore architecture on supported Pd nanoparticles and their subsequent activity for liquid phase aerobic allylic alcohol selective oxidation.[1,2] These synthesised silica supports exhibit high surface areas (>800 m2g-1), and similar mesopore diameters (3.5 to 5 nm), but differ in their pore connectivity and arrangement; p6mm (SBA-15), I3mm (SBA-16) and I3ad (KIT-6). When evaluated alongside commercial non-mesoporous silica (200 m2 g-1) they promote enhanced Pd dispersion with interpenetrating assemblies providing further elevation. Macropore introduction into SBA-15, producing a hierarchical macro-mesoporous silica (MM-SBA-15), allows control over mesopore length and accessibility which escalates Pd distribution to levels akin to KIT-6 and SBA-16. Controlling dispersion, and likewise nanoparticle size, is thus facilitated through the choice of support and additionally Pd loading, with cluster sizes spanning 3.2 to 0.8 nm. X-ray spectroscopies indicate nanoparticles are PdO terminated with the oxide content a function of dispersion. Kinetic studies allude to surface PdO being the active site responsible, with a constant TOF observed, independent of loading and support. This confirms activity is governed by PdO density, whilst also overruling internal mass diffusion constraints. MM-SBA-15 facilitates superior activity and TOFs for long chain acyclic terpene alcohols due to reduced internal mass transport constraints.


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The utility of a hierarchically ordered nanoporous SBA-15 architecture, comprising 270 nm macropores and 5 nm mesopores (MM-SBA-15), for the catalytic aerobic selective oxidation of sterically challenging allylic alcohols is shown. Detailed bulk and surface characterization reveals that incorporation of complementary macropores into mesoporous SBA-15 enhances the dispersion of sub 2 nm Pd nanoparticles and thus their degree of surface oxidation. Kinetic profiling reveals a relationship between nanoparticle dispersion and oxidation rate, identifying surface PdO as the catalytically active phase. Hierarchical nanoporous Pd/MM-SBA-15 outperforms mesoporous analogues in allylic alcohol selective oxidation by (i) stabilizing PdO nanoparticles and (ii) dramatically improving in-pore diffusion and access to active sites by sesquiterpenoid substrates such as farnesol and phytol. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Mesoporous silica SBA-15 was synthesised by the true liquid crystal templating method, yielding a material with reduced microporosity compared with that produced by the more conventional liquid crystal templating route. Further advancements allow the generation of metal nanoparticle-doped SBA-15 materials with well-defined metal particle sizes, which posses potential as catalytic systems. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this review, we discuss the phenomenon of complementary macropore incorporation into mesoporous and/or microporous solids in order to enhance their catalytic performance in fuels and chemicals synthesis. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


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The selective aerobic oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol over Pt nanoparticles has been tuned via the use of mesoporous silica supports to control their dispersion and oxidation state. High area two-dimensional SBA-15, and three-dimensional, interconnected KIT-6 silica significantly enhance Pt dispersion, and thus surface PtO2 concentration, over that achievable via commercial low surface area silica. Selective oxidation activity scales with Pt dispersion in the order KIT-6 ≥ SBA-15 > SiO2, evidencing surface PtO2 as the active site for cinnamyl alcohol selox to cinnamaldehyde. Kinetic mapping has quantified key reaction pathways, and the importance of high O2 partial pressures for cinnamaldehyde production. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Concerns over dwindling oil reserves, carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel sources and associated climate change is driving the urgent need for clean, renewable energy supplies. The conversion of triglycerides to biodiesel via catalytic transesterification remains an energetically efficient and attractive means to generate transportation fuel1. However, current biodiesel manufacturing routes employing soluble alkali based catalysts are very energy inefficient producing copious amounts of contaminated water waste during fuel purification. Technical advances in catalyst and reactor design and introduction of non-food based feedstocks are thus required to ensure that biodiesel remains a key player in the renewable energy sector for the 21st century. This presentation will give an overview of some recent developments in the design of solid acid and base catalysts for biodiesel synthesis. A particular focus will be on the benefits of designing materials with interconnected hierarchical macro-mesoporous networks to enhance mass-transport of viscous plant oils during reaction.


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There is a pressing need for sustainable transportation fuels to combat both climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. Biodiesel, synthesised from non-food plant (e.g., Jatropha curcas) or algal crops is one possible solution, but its energy efficient production requires design of new solid catalysts optimized for the bulky triglyceride and fatty acid feedstocks. Here we report on the synthesis of hierarchical macroporous-mesoporous silica and alumina architectures, and their subsequent functionalization by propylsulfonic acid groups or alkaline earth oxides to generate novel solid acid and base catalysts. These materials possess high surface areas and well-defined, interconnected macro-mesopore networks with respective narrow pore size distributions tuneable around 300 nm and 5 nm. Their high conductivity and improved mass transport characteristics enhance activity towards transesterification of bulky tricaprylin and palmitic acid esterification, over mesoporous analogues. This opens the way to the wider application of hierarchical catalysts in biofuel synthesis and biomass conversion.


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High surface area hydroxyapatites have been explored as biocompatible supports for antibacterial applications. Porosimetry, XRD, XPS and XAS reveal that Ag-doped mesoporous hydroxyapatite promotes the genesis of potent Ag3PO4 nanoparticles, effective against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.