59 resultados para Mach-Zehnder interferometers


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We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on asymmetrical filtering at the destructive port of the Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 to 4.7dB in calculated "Q".


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A novel transmitter for 100 Gbit-Ethernet applications is proposed, based on the serial cascade of two 50 Gbit/s inverse-return-to-zero (also known as dark soliton) transmitters based on Mach-Zehnder modulators. The proposed transmitter and demultiplexer system uses commercially available components optimised for 40 Gbit/s applications. A 2.9 dB penalty at 100 Gbit/s is obtained using a single-stage OTDM demultiplexer and a preamplified receiver.


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A 42.6 Gbit/s all-optical non-retum-to-zero (NRZ) to return-to-zero (RZ) format converter using a single SOA followed by an asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer is presented. The format converter generates a correctly-coded RZ signal with a controllable duty-cycle. It has the advantages of flexible input N RZ wavelength, preserved input polarity, negative bit error rate power penalty and low switching pulse energy (15fJ).


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A novel approach based on transmissive phase-modulated fiber Bragg grating (FBG) to implement a virtual delay line interferometer (DLI) is proposed, designed, numerically simulated and fabricated. The resulting devices provide the functionality of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), or equivalently a Michelson-Morley interferometer (MMI).


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We describe the use of high birefringence fibre forming a differential path interferometer for heterodyne fibre optic sensing applications. We firstly recover a low frequency strain amplitude of 1µe at 1Hz applied to a fibre Bragg grating sensor demonstrating a noise limited resolution of around 100ne/vHz. Secondly we interrogate a Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensor using the dual wavelength technique to detect a change in the Mach-Zehnder OPD of 200µm.


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We numerically investigate the combination of full-field detection and feed-forward equalizer (FFE) for adaptive chromatic dispersion compensation up to 2160 km in a 10 Gbit/s on-off keyed optical transmission system. The technique, with respect to earlier reports, incorporates several important implementation modules, including the algorithm for adaptive equalization of the gain imbalance between the two receiver chains, compensation of phase misalignment of the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and simplified implementation of field calculation. We also show that in addition to enabling fast adaptation and simplification of field calculation, full-field FFE exhibits enhanced tolerance to the sampling phase misalignment and reduced sampling rate when compared to the full-field implementation using a dispersive transmission line.


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We show an improved DPSK receiver design which can increase useful dispersion tolerance by up to a factor of two. The increased dispersion tolerance is achieved through optimization of the optical filter at the receiver and the delay of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In this paper we fully explain the concept, quantify the gain and provide an explanation for the operation of the receiver. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Progress on advanced active and passive photonic components that are required for high-speed optical communications over hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber at wavelengths around 2 μm is described in this paper. Single-frequency lasers capable of operating at 10 Gb/s and covering a wide spectral range are realized. A comparison is made between waveguide and surface normal photodiodes with the latter showing good sensitivity up to 15 Gb/s. Passive waveguides, 90° optical hybrids, and arrayed waveguide grating with 100-GHz channel spacing are demonstrated on a large spot-size waveguide platform. Finally, a strong electro-optic effect using the quantum confined Stark effect in strain-balanced multiple quantum wells is demonstrated and used in a Mach-Zehnder modulator capable of operating at 10 Gb/s.


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A high sensitive glucose sensor using microfiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed. Microfiber is firstly immobilized with glucose oxidase (GOD) and then employed as sensing probe in MZI. By tracking the shift of the interference spectrum, a high sensitivity up to 2.46nm. (mg/ml)-1 is achieved at the glucose concentration range of 0-3mg/ml.


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Edges are key points of information in visual scenes. One important class of models supposes that edges correspond to the steepest parts of the luminance profile, implying that they can be found as peaks and troughs in the response of a gradient (1st derivative) filter, or as zero-crossings in the 2nd derivative (ZCs). We tested those ideas using a stimulus that has no local peaks of gradient and no ZCs, at any scale. The stimulus profile is analogous to the Mach ramp, but it is the luminance gradient (not the absolute luminance) that increases as a linear ramp between two plateaux; the luminance profile is a blurred triangle-wave. For all image-blurs tested, observers marked edges at or close to the corner points in the gradient profile, even though these were not gradient maxima. These Mach edges correspond to peaks and troughs in the 3rd derivative. Thus Mach edges are inconsistent with many standard edge-detection schemes, but are nicely predicted by a recent model that finds edge points with a 2-stage sequence of 1st then 2nd derivative operators, each followed by a half-wave rectifier.


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Feature detection is a crucial stage of visual processing. In previous feature-marking experiments we found that peaks in the 3rd derivative of the luminance profile can signify edges where there are no 1st derivative peaks nor 2nd derivative zero-crossings (Wallis and George 'Mach edges' (the edges of Mach bands) were nicely predicted by a new nonlinear model based on 3rd derivative filtering. As a critical test of the model, we now use a new class of stimuli, formed by adding a linear luminance ramp to the blurred triangle waves used previously. The ramp has no effect on the second or higher derivatives, but the nonlinear model predicts a shift from seeing two edges to seeing only one edge as the added ramp gradient increases. In experiment 1, subjects judged whether one or two edges were visible on each trial. In experiment 2, subjects used a cursor to mark perceived edges and bars. The position and polarity of the marked edges were close to model predictions. Both experiments produced the predicted shift from two to one Mach edge, but the shift was less complete than predicted. We conclude that the model is a useful predictor of edge perception, but needs some modification.


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Edges are key points of information in visual scenes. One important class of models supposes that edges correspond to the steepest parts of the luminance profile, implying that they can be found as peaks and troughs in the response of a gradient (first-derivative) filter, or as zero-crossings (ZCs) in the second-derivative. A variety of multi-scale models are based on this idea. We tested this approach by devising a stimulus that has no local peaks of gradient and no ZCs, at any scale. Our stimulus profile is analogous to the classic Mach-band stimulus, but it is the local luminance gradient (not the absolute luminance) that increases as a linear ramp between two plateaux. The luminance profile is a smoothed triangle wave and is obtained by integrating the gradient profile. Subjects used a cursor to mark the position and polarity of perceived edges. For all the ramp-widths tested, observers marked edges at or close to the corner points in the gradient profile, even though these were not gradient maxima. These new Mach edges correspond to peaks and troughs in the third-derivative. They are analogous to Mach bands - light and dark bars are seen where there are no luminance peaks but there are peaks in the second derivative. Here, peaks in the third derivative were seen as light-to-dark edges, troughs as dark-to-light edges. Thus Mach edges are inconsistent with many standard edge detectors, but are nicely predicted by a new model that uses a (nonlinear) third-derivative operator to find edge points.


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We present a new method for the interrogation of large arrays of Bragg grating sensors. Eight gratings operating between the wavelengths of 1533 and 1555 nm have been demultiplexed. An unbalanced Mach—Zehnder interferometer illuminated by a single low-coherence source provides a high-phase-resolution output for each sensor, the outputs of which are sequentially selected in wavelength by a tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer. The minimum detectable strain measured was 90 ne-vHz at 7 Hz for a wavelength of 1535 nm.


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Den überwiegenden Teil seines, nach eigener Meinung, »verpfuschten« Lebens verbrachte er in der Psychiatrie und in Pflegeheimen: Edmund Mach, geboren 1929 in Wien – schizophrener Anstaltspatient und außergewöhnlicher Dichter. Von Primar Leo Navratil unter seinen Gugginger Patienten entdeckt, lebte er viele Jahre im legendären »Haus der Künstler« auf dem Anstaltsgelände der Niederösterreichischen Landesnervenklinik neben mittlerweile weltbekannten Art-brut-Künstlern wie Johann Hauser oder August Walla. Und er stand zeitlebens im Schatten seines berühmten Autorenkollegen Ernst Herbeck. Nun ist Edmund Mach aber als Verfasser ungewöhnlicher Texte zu entdecken, die mehr sind als poetische Botschaften aus dem Reich des Wahnsinns: nämlich beachtenswerte, anrührende und überzeugende Literatur. In »Meine abenteuerlichen Schriften« hat der Herausgeber Uwe Schütte, ein Experte für psychopathologisches Schreiben, die besten Gedichte und Prosastücke Machs versammelt, darunter auch eine große Zahl von erstmals publizierten Texten aus dem Nachlass. Ein umfangreicher Bildteil und ein einfühlsames Nachwort runden den Band ab. »Ich lebe bis 2078«, hat Edmund Mach einmal fälschlich prophezeit. Er starb jedoch 1996 in einem New Yorker Hotelzimmer.


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Perception of Mach bands may be explained by spatial filtering ('lateral inhibition') that can be approximated by 2nd derivative computation, and several alternative models have been proposed. To distinguish between them, we used a novel set of ‘generalised Gaussian’ images, in which the sharp ramp-plateau junction of the Mach ramp was replaced by smoother transitions. The images ranged from a slightly blurred Mach ramp to a Gaussian edge and beyond, and also included a sine-wave edge. The probability of seeing Mach Bands increased with the (relative) sharpness of the junction, but was largely independent of absolute spatial scale. These data did not fit the predictions of MIRAGE, nor 2nd derivative computation at a single fine scale. In experiment 2, observers used a cursor to mark features on the same set of images. Data on perceived position of Mach bands did not support the local energy model. Perceived width of Mach bands was poorly explained by a single-scale edge detection model, despite its previous success with Mach edges (Wallis & Georgeson, 2009, Vision Research, 49, 1886-1893). A more successful model used separate (odd and even) scale-space filtering for edges and bars, local peak detection to find candidate features, and the MAX operator to compare odd- and even-filter response maps (Georgeson, VSS 2006, Journal of Vision 6(6), 191a). Mach bands are seen when there is a local peak in the even-filter (bar) response map, AND that peak value exceeds corresponding responses in the odd-filter (edge) maps.