53 resultados para Growing neural networks


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A novel biosensing system based on a micromachined rectangular silicon membrane is proposed and investigated in this paper. A distributive sensing scheme is designed to monitor the dynamics of the sensing structure. An artificial neural network is used to process the measured data and to identify cell presence and density. Without specifying any particular bio-application, the investigation is mainly concentrated on the performance testing of this kind of biosensor as a general biosensing platform. The biosensing experiments on the microfabricated membranes involve seeding different cell densities onto the sensing surface of membrane, and measuring the corresponding dynamics information of each tested silicon membrane in the form of a series of frequency response functions (FRFs). All of those experiments are carried out in cell culture medium to simulate a practical working environment. The EA.hy 926 endothelial cell lines are chosen in this paper for the bio-experiments. The EA.hy 926 endothelial cell lines represent a particular class of biological particles that have irregular shapes, non-uniform density and uncertain growth behaviour, which are difficult to monitor using the traditional biosensors. The final predicted results reveal that the methodology of a neural-network based algorithm to perform the feature identification of cells from distributive sensory measurement has great potential in biosensing applications.


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The assessment of the reliability of systems which learn from data is a key issue to investigate thoroughly before the actual application of information processing techniques to real-world problems. Over the recent years Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks have come to the fore and in this thesis their generalisation capabilities are analysed from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of Gaussian processes are investigated in order to estimate the amount of data required to guarantee a certain level of generalisation performance. In this thesis we analyse the effects on the bounds and the learning curve induced by the smoothness of stochastic processes described by four different covariance functions. We also explain the early, linearly-decreasing behaviour of the curves and we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the upper bounds. The effect of the noise and the characteristic lengthscale of the stochastic process on the tightness of the bounds are also discussed. The analysis is supported by several numerical simulations. The generalisation error of a Gaussian process is affected by the dimension of the input vector and may be decreased by input-variable reduction techniques. In conventional approaches to Gaussian process regression, the positive definite matrix estimating the distance between input points is often taken diagonal. In this thesis we show that a general distance matrix is able to estimate the effective dimensionality of the regression problem as well as to discover the linear transformation from the manifest variables to the hidden-feature space, with a significant reduction of the input dimension. Numerical simulations confirm the significant superiority of the general distance matrix with respect to the diagonal one.In the thesis we also present an empirical investigation of the generalisation errors of neural networks trained by two Bayesian algorithms, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method and the evidence framework; the neural networks have been trained on the task of labelling segmented outdoor images.


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A number of researchers have investigated the impact of network architecture on the performance of artificial neural networks. Particular attention has been paid to the impact on the performance of the multi-layer perceptron of architectural issues, and the use of various strategies to attain an optimal network structure. However, there are still perceived limitations with the multi-layer perceptron and networks that employ a different architecture to the multi-layer perceptron have gained in popularity in recent years, particularly, networks that implement a more localised solution, where the solution in one area of the problem space does not impact, or has a minimal impact, on other areas of the space. In this study, we discuss the major architectural issues affecting the performance of a multi-layer perceptron, before moving on to examine in detail the performance of a new localised network, namely the bumptree. The work presented here examines the impact on the performance of artificial neural networks of employing alternative networks to the long established multi-layer perceptron. In particular, networks that impose a solution where the impact of each parameter in the final network architecture has a localised impact on the problem space being modelled are examined. The alternatives examined are the radial basis function and bumptree neural networks, and the impact of architectural issues on the performance of these networks is examined. Particular attention is paid to the bumptree, with new techniques for both developing the bumptree structure and employing this structure to classify patterns being examined.


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The scaling problems which afflict attempts to optimise neural networks (NNs) with genetic algorithms (GAs) are disclosed. A novel GA-NN hybrid is introduced, based on the bumptree, a little-used connectionist model. As well as being computationally efficient, the bumptree is shown to be more amenable to genetic coding lthan other NN models. A hierarchical genetic coding scheme is developed for the bumptree and shown to have low redundancy, as well as being complete and closed with respect to the search space. When applied to optimising bumptree architectures for classification problems the GA discovers bumptrees which significantly out-perform those constructed using a standard algorithm. The fields of artificial life, control and robotics are identified as likely application areas for the evolutionary optimisation of NNs. An artificial life case-study is presented and discussed. Experiments are reported which show that the GA-bumptree is able to learn simulated pole balancing and car parking tasks using only limited environmental feedback. A simple modification of the fitness function allows the GA-bumptree to learn mappings which are multi-modal, such as robot arm inverse kinematics. The dynamics of the 'geographic speciation' selection model used by the GA-bumptree are investigated empirically and the convergence profile is introduced as an analytical tool. The relationships between the rate of genetic convergence and the phenomena of speciation, genetic drift and punctuated equilibrium arc discussed. The importance of genetic linkage to GA design is discussed and two new recombination operators arc introduced. The first, linkage mapped crossover (LMX) is shown to be a generalisation of existing crossover operators. LMX provides a new framework for incorporating prior knowledge into GAs.Its adaptive form, ALMX, is shown to be able to infer linkage relationships automatically during genetic search.


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A number of researchers have investigated the application of neural networks to visual recognition, with much of the emphasis placed on exploiting the network's ability to generalise. However, despite the benefits of such an approach it is not at all obvious how networks can be developed which are capable of recognising objects subject to changes in rotation, translation and viewpoint. In this study, we suggest that a possible solution to this problem can be found by studying aspects of visual psychology and in particular, perceptual organisation. For example, it appears that grouping together lines based upon perceptually significant features can facilitate viewpoint independent recognition. The work presented here identifies simple grouping measures based on parallelism and connectivity and shows how it is possible to train multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to detect and determine the perceptual significance of any group presented. In this way, it is shown how MLPs which are trained via backpropagation to perform individual grouping tasks, can be brought together into a novel, large scale network capable of determining the perceptual significance of the whole input pattern. Finally the applicability of such significance values for recognition is investigated and results indicate that both the NILP and the Kohonen Feature Map can be trained to recognise simple shapes described in terms of perceptual significances. This study has also provided an opportunity to investigate aspects of the backpropagation algorithm, particularly the ability to generalise. In this study we report the results of various generalisation tests. In applying the backpropagation algorithm to certain problems, we found that there was a deficiency in performance with the standard learning algorithm. An improvement in performance could however, be obtained when suitable modifications were made to the algorithm. The modifications and consequent results are reported here.


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This thesis considers two basic aspects of impact damage in composite materials, namely damage severity discrimination and impact damage location by using Acoustic Emissions (AE) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The experimental work embodies a study of such factors as the application of AE as Non-destructive Damage Testing (NDT), and the evaluation of ANNs modelling. ANNs, however, played an important role in modelling implementation. In the first aspect of the study, different impact energies were used to produce different level of damage in two composite materials (T300/914 and T800/5245). The impacts were detected by their acoustic emissions (AE). The AE waveform signals were analysed and modelled using a Back Propagation (BP) neural network model. The Mean Square Error (MSE) from the output was then used as a damage indicator in the damage severity discrimination study. To evaluate the ANN model, a comparison was made of the correlation coefficients of different parameters, such as MSE, AE energy, AE counts, etc. MSE produced an outstanding result based on the best performance of correlation. In the second aspect, a new artificial neural network model was developed to provide impact damage location on a quasi-isotropic composite panel. It was successfully trained to locate impact sites by correlating the relationship between arriving time differences of AE signals at transducers located on the panel and the impact site coordinates. The performance of the ANN model, which was evaluated by calculating the distance deviation between model output and real location coordinates, supports the application of ANN as an impact damage location identifier. In the study, the accuracy of location prediction decreased when approaching the central area of the panel. Further investigation indicated that this is due to the small arrival time differences, which defect the performance of ANN prediction. This research suggested increasing the number of processing neurons in the ANNs as a practical solution.


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This thesis presents a thorough and principled investigation into the application of artificial neural networks to the biological monitoring of freshwater. It contains original ideas on the classification and interpretation of benthic macroinvertebrates, and aims to demonstrate their superiority over the biotic systems currently used in the UK to report river water quality. The conceptual basis of a new biological classification system is described, and a full review and analysis of a number of river data sets is presented. The biological classification is compared to the common biotic systems using data from the Upper Trent catchment. This data contained 292 expertly classified invertebrate samples identified to mixed taxonomic levels. The neural network experimental work concentrates on the classification of the invertebrate samples into biological class, where only a subset of the sample is used to form the classification. Other experimentation is conducted into the identification of novel input samples, the classification of samples from different biotopes and the use of prior information in the neural network models. The biological classification is shown to provide an intuitive interpretation of a graphical representation, generated without reference to the class labels, of the Upper Trent data. The selection of key indicator taxa is considered using three different approaches; one novel, one from information theory and one from classical statistical methods. Good indicators of quality class based on these analyses are found to be in good agreement with those chosen by a domain expert. The change in information associated with different levels of identification and enumeration of taxa is quantified. The feasibility of using neural network classifiers and predictors to develop numeric criteria for the biological assessment of sediment contamination in the Great Lakes is also investigated.


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Fibre Bragg grating sensors are usually expensive to interrogate, and part of this thesis describes a low cost interrogation system for a group of such devices which can be indefinitely scaled up for larger numbers of sensors without requiring an increasingly broadband light source. It incorporates inherent temperature correction and also uses fewer photodiodes than the number or sensors it interrogates, using neural networks to interpret the photodiode data. A novel sensing arrangement using an FBG grating encapsulated in a silicone polymer is presented. This sensor is capable of distinguishing between different surface profiles with ridges 0.5 to 1mm deep and 2mm pitch and either triangular, semicircular or square in profile. Early experiments using neural networks to distinguish between these profiles are also presented. The potential applications for tactile sensing systems incorporating fibre Bragg gratings and neural networks are explored.


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Drying is an important unit operation in process industry. Results have suggested that the energy used for drying has increased from 12% in 1978 to 18% of the total energy used in 1990. A literature survey of previous studies regarding overall drying energy consumption has demonstrated that there is little continuity of methods and energy trends could not be established. In the ceramics, timber and paper industrial sectors specific energy consumption and energy trends have been investigated by auditing drying equipment. Ceramic products examined have included tableware, tiles, sanitaryware, electrical ceramics, plasterboard, refractories, bricks and abrasives. Data from industry has shown that drying energy has not varied significantly in the ceramics sector over the last decade, representing about 31% of the total energy consumed. Information from the timber industry has established that radical changes have occurred over the last 20 years, both in terms of equipment and energy utilisation. The energy efficiency of hardwood drying has improved by 15% since the 1970s, although no significant savings have been realised for softwood. A survey estimating the energy efficiency and operating characteristics of 192 paper dryer sections has been conducted. Drying energy was found to increase to nearly 60% of the total energy used in the early 1980s, but has fallen over the last decade, representing 23% of the total in 1993. These results have demonstrated that effective energy saving measures, such as improved pressing and heat recovery, have been successfully implemented since the 1970s. Artificial neural networks have successfully been applied to model process characteristics of microwave and convective drying of paper coated gypsum cove. Parameters modelled have included product moisture loss, core gypsum temperature and quality factors relating to paper burning and bubbling defects. Evaluation of thermal and dielectric properties have highlighted gypsum's heat sensitive characteristics in convective and electromagnetic regimes. Modelling experimental data has shown that the networks were capable of simulating drying process characteristics to a high degree of accuracy. Product weight and temperature were predicted to within 0.5% and 5C of the target data respectively. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the underlying properties of the data could be predicted through a high level of input noise.


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Optical data communication systems are prone to a variety of processes that modify the transmitted signal, and contribute errors in the determination of 1s from 0s. This is a difficult, and commercially important, problem to solve. Errors must be detected and corrected at high speed, and the classifier must be very accurate; ideally it should also be tunable to the characteristics of individual communication links. We show that simple single layer neural networks may be used to address these problems, and examine how different input representations affect the accuracy of bit error correction. Our results lead us to conclude that a system based on these principles can perform at least as well as an existing non-trainable error correction system, whilst being tunable to suit the individual characteristics of different communication links.


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This paper compares the UK/US exchange rate forecasting performance of linear and nonlinear models based on monetary fundamentals, to a random walk (RW) model. Structural breaks are identified and taken into account. The exchange rate forecasting framework is also used for assessing the relative merits of the official Simple Sum and the weighted Divisia measures of money. Overall, there are four main findings. First, the majority of the models with fundamentals are able to beat the RW model in forecasting the UK/US exchange rate. Second, the most accurate forecasts of the UK/US exchange rate are obtained with a nonlinear model. Third, taking into account structural breaks reveals that the Divisia aggregate performs better than its Simple Sum counterpart. Finally, Divisia-based models provide more accurate forecasts than Simple Sum-based models provided they are constructed within a nonlinear framework.


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