128 resultados para Bürste, Scherung, Polymer


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A review of ultrafiltration (UF) theory and equipment has been made. Dextran is fractionated industrially by ethanol precipitation, which is a high energy intensive process. The aims of this work were to investigate the fractionation of dextran using UF and to compare the efficiency and costs of UF fractionation with ethanol fractionation. This work is the continuation of research conducted at Aston, which was concerned with the fractionation of dextran using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and hollow fibre UF membranes supplied by Amicon Ltd. Initial laboratory work centred on determining the most efficient make and configuration of membrane. UF membranes of the Millipore cassette configuration, and the DDS flat-sheet configuration, were examined for the fracationation of low molecular weight (MW) dextran. When compared to Amicon membranes, these membranes were found to be inferior. DDS membranes of 25 000 and 50 000 MW cut-offs were shown to be capable of fractionating high MW dextran with the same efficiency as GPC. The Amicon membranes had an efficiency comparable to that of ethanol fractionation. To increase this efficiency a theoretical UF membrane cascade was adopted to utilize favourable characteristics encountered in batch mode membrane experiments. The four stage cascade used recycled permeates in a counter- current direction to retentate flow, and was operated 24 hours per day controlled by a computer. Using 5 000 MW cut-off membranes the cascade improved the batch efficiency by at least 10% for a fractionation at 6 000 MW. Economic comparisons of ethanol fractionation, combined GPC and UF fractionation, and UF fractionation of dextran were undertaken. On an economic basis GPC was the best method for high MW dextran fractionation. When compared with a plant producing 100 tonnes pa of clinical dextran, by ethanol fractionation, a combined GPC and UF cascade fractionation could produce savings on operating costs and an increased dextran yield of 5%.


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Antisense technology is a novel drug discovery method, which provides an essential tool for directly using gene sequence information to rationally design specific inhibitions of mRNA, to treat a wide range of diseases. The efficacy of naked oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) is relatively short lived due to rapid degradation in vivo. The entrapment of ODNs within biodegradable sustained-release delivery systems may improve ODN stability and reduce dose required for efficacy. Biodegradable polymer microspheres were evaluated as delivery devices for ODNs and ribozymes. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) polymers were used due to their biocompatibility and non toxic degradation products. Microspheres were prepared using a double emulsion-deposition method and the formulations characterised. In vitro release profiles were characterised by an initial burst effect during the first 48 hours of release followed by a more sustained release. The release profiles were influenced by microsphere size, copolymer molecular weight, copolymer ratio, ODN loading, ODN length, and ODN chemistry. The serum stability of ODNs was significantly improved when entrapped within polymer microspheres. The cellular association of ODNs entrapped within small spheres (1-2μm) was improved by approximately 20-fold in A431 carcinoma cells compared with free ODNs. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a more diffuse subcellular distribution when delivered as a microsphere formulation compared with free ODNs, which exhibited the characteristic punctate periplasmic distribution. For in vivo evaluation, polymer microspheres containing fluorescently-labelled ODNs were stereo-taxically administered to the neostriatum of the rat brain. Free ODN resulted in a punctate cellular distribution after 24 hours. In comparison ODN delivered using polymer microspheres were intensely visible in cells 48 hours post administration, and fluorescence appeared to be diffuse covering both cytosolic and nuclear regions. Whole-body autoradiography was also used to evaluate the biodistribution of free tritium labelled ODN and ODN entrapped microspheres, following subcutaneous administration to Balb-C mice. Polymer entrapped ODN gave a similar biodistribution to free ODN. Free ODN was distributed within 24 hours, whereas polymer released ODN was observed still presented in organs and at the site of administration seven days post administration.


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The initial objective of this work was to evaluate and introduce fabrication techniques based on W/0/W double emulsion and 0/W single emulsion systems with solvent evaporation for the incorporation of a surrogate macromolecule (BSA) into microspheres and microcapsules fabricated using P(HB-HV}, PEA and their blends. Biodegradation, expressed as changes in the gross and ultrastructural morphology of BSA loaded microparticulates with time was monitored using SEM concomitant with BSA release. Spherical microparticulates were successfully fabricated using both the W/0/W and 0/W emulsion systems. Both microspheres and microcapsules released BSA over a period of 24 to 26 days. BSA release from P(HB-HV)20% PCL 11 microcapsules increased steadily with time, while BSA release from all other microparticulates was characterised by an initial lag phase followed by exponential release lasting 6-11 days. Microcapsules were found to biodegrade more rapidly than microspheres fabricated from the same polymer. The incubation of microparticulates in newborn calf serum; synthetic gastric juice and pancreatin solution showed that microspheres and microcapsules were susceptible to enzymatic biodegradation. The in vitro incubation of microparticulates in Hank's buffer demonstrated limited biodegradation of microspheres and microcapsules by simple chemical hydrolysis. BSA release was thought to ocurr as a result of the macromolecule diffusing through either inherent micropores or via pores and channels generated in situ by previously dissolved BSA. However, in all cases, irrespective of percentage loading or fabrication polymer, low encapsulation efficiencies were obtained with W/0/W and 0/W techniques (4.2±0.9%- 15.5±0.5%,n=3), thus restricting the use of these techniques for the generation of microparticulate sustained drug delivery devices. In order to overcome this low encapsulation efficiency, a W/0 single emulsion technique was developed and evaluated in an attempt to minimise the loss of the macromolecule into the continuous aqueous phase and increase encapsulation efficiency. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) [PLCG] 75:25 and 50:50, PEA alone and PEA blended with PLCG 50:50 to accelerate biodegradation, were used to microencapsulate the water soluble antibiotic vancomycin, a putative replacement for gentamicin in the control of bacterial infection in orthopaedic surgery especially during total hip replacement. Spherical microspheres (17.39±6.89~m,n=74-56.5±13.8~m,n=70) were successfully fabricated with vancomycin loadings of 10, 25 and 50%, regardless of the polymer blend used. All microspheres remained structurally intact over the period of vancomycin release and exhibited high percentage yields( 40. 75±2 .86%- 97.16±4.3%,n=3)and encapsulation efficiencies (47.75±9.0%- 96.74±13.2%,n=12). PLCG 75:25 microspheres with a vancomycin loading of 50% were judged to be the most useful since they had an encapsulation efficiency of 96.74+13.2%, n=12 and sustained therapeutically significant vancomycin release (15-25μg/ml) for up to 26 days. This work has provided the means for the fabrication of a spectrum of prototype biodegradable microparticulates, whose biodegradation has been characterised in physiological media and which have the potential for the sustained delivery of therapeutically useful macromolecules including water soluble antibiotics for orthopaedic applications.


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The primary objective of this research has been to investigate the interfacial phenomenon of protein adsorption in relation to the bulk and surface structure-property effect s of hydrogel polymers. In order to achieve this it was first necessary to characterise the bulk and surface properties of the hydrogels, with regard to the structural chemistry of their component monomers. The bulk properties of the hydrogels were established using equilibrium water content measurements, together with water-binding studies by differential scanning calorimetry (D.S.C.). Hamilton and captive air bubble-contact angle techniques were employed to characterise the hydrogel-water interface and from which by a mathematical derivation, the interfacial free energy (ðsw) and the surface free energy components (ð psv, ðdsv, ðsv) were obtained. From the adsorption studies using the radio labelled iodinated (125I) proteins of human serum albumin (H.S.A.) and human fibrinogen (H.Fb.), it was Found that multi-layered adsorption was occurring and that the rate and type of this adsorption was dependent on the physico-chemical behaviour of the adsorbing protein (and its bulk concentration in solution), together with the surface energetics of the adsorbent polymer. A potential method for the invitro evaluation of a material's 'biocompatibility' was also investigated, based on an empirically observed relationship between the adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen and the 'biocompatibility' of polymeric materials. Furthermore, some consideration was also given to the biocompatibility problem of proteinaceous deposit formation on hydrophilic soft' contact lenses and in addition a number of potential continual wear contact lens formulations now undergoing clinical trials,were characterised by the above techniques.


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The internationally accepted Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre Engineering Group test was used to evaluate the cooling characteristics of the most popular commercial polymer quenchants: polyalkylene glycols, polyvinylpyrrolidones and polyacrylates. Prototype solutions containing poly(ethyloxazoline) were also examined. Each class of polymer was capable of providing a wide range of cooling rates depending on the product formulation, concentration, temperature, agitation, ageing and contamination. Cooling rates for synthetic quenchants were generally intermediate between those of water and oil. Control techniques, drag-out losses and response to quenching in terms of hardness and residual stress for a plain carbon steel, were also considered. A laboratory scale method for providing a controllable level of forced convection was developed. Test reproducibility was improved by positioning the preheated Wolfson probe 25mm above the geometric centre of a 25mm diameter orifice through which the quenchant was pumped at a velocity of 0.5m/s. On examination, all polymer quenchants were found to operate by the same fundamental mechanism associated with their viscosity and ability to form an insulating polymer-rich-film. The nature of this film, which formed at the vapour/liquid interface during boiling, was dependent on the polymer's solubility characteristics. High molecular weight polymers and high concentration solutions produced thicker, more stable insulating films. Agitation produced thinner more uniform films. Higher molecular weight polymers were more susceptible to degradation, and increased cooling rates, with usage. Polyvinylpyrrolidones can be cross-linked resulting in erratic performance, whilst the anionic character of polyacrylates can lead to control problems. Volatile contaminants tend to decrease the rate of cooling and salts to increase it. Drag-out increases upon raising the molecular weight of the polymer and its solution viscosity. Kinematic viscosity measurements are more effective than refractometer readings for concentration control, although a quench test is the most satisfactory process control method.


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Objectives. Standard pharmaceutical capsules are designed to dissolve in the acidic environment of the stomach releasing the encapsulated contents for absorption. When release is required further along the gastrointestinal tract capsules can be coated with acid insoluble polymers to enable passage through the stomach and dissolution in the intestine. This paper describes formulations that have the potential to be used to produce two-piece hard capsules for post-gastric delivery without the requirement of an exterior coat. Methods. The formulation uses three polysaccharides: sodium alginate, hypromellose and gellan gum to provide acid insolubility and the ability to form capsules using standard industrial equipment. Key findings. The rheological profile, on cooling, of the base material, water content and thickness of the films were shown to be comparable with those of commercial capsules. The capsules remained intact for 2 h in 100 mm HCl at pH 1.2, and within 5 min of being removed from the acid and submerged in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 6.8 were ruptured. Conclusions. Selected formulations from this study have potential for use as delayed release capsules.


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This work has used novel polymer design and fabrication technology to generate bead form polymer based systems, with variable, yet controlled release properties, specifically for the delivery of macromolecules, essentially peptides of therapeutic interest. The work involved investigation of the potential interaction between matrix ultrastructural morphology, in vitro release kinetics, bioactivity and immunoreactivity of selected macromolecules with limited hydrolytic stability, delivered from controlled release vehicles. The underlying principle involved photo-polymerisation of the monomer, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, around frozen ice crystals, leading to the production of a macroporous hydrophilic matrix. Bead form matrices were fabricated in controllable size ranges in the region of 100µm - 3mm in diameter. The initial stages of the project involved the study of how variables, delivery speed of the monomer and stirring speed of the non solvent, affectedthe formation of macroporous bead form matrices. From this an optimal bench system for bead production was developed. Careful selection of monomer, solvents, crosslinking agent and polymerisation conditions led to a variable but controllable distribution of pore sizes (0.5 - 4µm). Release of surrogate macromolecules, bovine serum albumin and FITC-linked dextrans, enabled factors relating to the size and solubility of the macromolecule on the rate of release to be studied. Incorporation of bioactive macromolecules allowed retained bioactivity to be determined (glucose oxidase and interleukin-2), whilst the release of insulin enabled determination of both bioactivity (using rat epididymal fat pad) and immunoreactivity (RIA). The work carried out has led to the generation of macroporous bead form matrices, fabricated from a tissue biocompatible hydrogel, capable of the sustained, controlled release of biologically active peptides, with potential use in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.


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Antisense oligonucleotides (AODNs) can selectively inhibit individual gene expression by binding specifically to rnRNA. The over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been observed in human breast and glioblastoma tumours and therefore AODNs designed to target the EGFR would be a logical approach to treat such tumours. However, poor pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic and cellular uptake properties of AODNs have limited their potential to become successful therapeutic agents. Biodegradable polymeric poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (P(LA-GA)) and dendrimer delivery systems may allow us to overcome these problems. The use of combination therapy of AODNs and cytotoxic agents such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in biodegradable polymeric formulations may further improve therapeutic efficacy. AODN and 5-FU were either co-entrapped in a single microsphere formulation or individually entrapped in two separate microsphere formulations (double emulsion method) and release profiles determined in vitro. The release rates (biphasic) of the two agents were significantly slower when co-entrapped as a single microsphere formulation compared to those obtained with the separate formulations. Sustained release over 35 days was observed in both types of formulation. Naked and microsphere-loaded AODN and 5-FU (in separate formulations) were tested on an A431 vulval carcinoma cell line. Combining naked or encapsulated drugs produced a greater reduction in viable cell number as compared with either agent alone. However, controls and Western blotting indicated that non-sequence specific cytotoxic effects were responsible for the differences in viable cell number. The uptake properties of an anionic dendrimer based on a pentaerythritol structure covalently linked to AODNs (targeting the EGFR) have been characterised. The cellular uptake of AODN linked to the dendrimer was up to 3.5-fold higher in A431 cells as compared to naked AODN. Mechanistic studies suggested that receptor-mediated and adsorptive (binding protein-mediated) endocytosis were the predominant uptake mechanisms for the dendrimer-AODN. RNase H cleavage assay suggested that the dendrimer-AODN was able to bind and cleave the target site. A reduction of 20%, 28% and 45% in EGFR expression was observed with 0.05μM, 0.1μM and 0.5μM dendrimer-AODN treatments respectively with a reduction in viable cell number. These results indicated that the dendrimer delivery system may reduce viable cell number by an antisense specific mechanism.