55 resultados para Antioxidants


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The problem of interference of antioxidants, such as hindered phenols, with peroxide-initiated crosslinking of polyethylene was addressed through the use of functional (reactive) graftable antioxidants (g-AO). Reactive derivatives of hindered phenol and hindered amine antioxidants were synthesised, characterised and used to investigate their grafting reactions in high density polyethylene; both non-crosslinked (PE) and highly peroxide-crosslinked (PEXa). Assessment of the extent of in-situ grafting of the antioxidants, their retention after exhaustive solvent extraction in PE and PEXa, and the stabilising performance of the grafted antioxidants (g-AO) in the polymer were examined and benchmarked against conventionally stabilised crosslinked & non-crosslinked polyethylene. It was shown that the functional antioxidants graft to a high extent in PEXa, and that the level of interference of the g-AOs with the polymer crosslinking process was minimal compared to that of conventional antioxidants which bear the same antioxidant function. The much higher level of retention of the g-AOs in PEXa after exhaustive solvent extraction, compared to that of the corresponding conventional antioxidants, accounts for their superior long-term thermal stabilising performance under severe extractive conditions.


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Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which has been characterised with genetic (apolipoproteins), protein (ß-amyloid and tau) and lipid oxidation/metabolism alterations in its pathogenesis. In conjunction with the Dementia Research Group, Bristol University, investigation into genetic, protein and lipid oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease was conducted. A large sample cohort using the double-blind criteria, along with various clinical and chemical data sets were used to improve the statistical analysis and therefore the strength of this particular study. Bristol University completed genetic and protein analysis with lipid oxidation assays performed at Aston University. Lipid oxidation is a complex process that creates various biomarkers, from transient intermediates, to short carbon chain products and cyclic ring structures. Quantification of these products was performed on lipid extracts of donated clinical diseased and non-diseased frontal and temporal brain regions, from the Brain Bank within Frenchay Hospital. The initial unoxidised fatty acids, first transient oxidation intermediates the conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, the endpoint aldehyde biomarkers and finally the cyclic isoprostanes and neuroprostanes were determined to investigate lipid oxidation in Alzheimer’s. Antioxidant levels were also investigated to observe the effect of oxidation on the defence pathways. Assays utilised in this analysis included; fatty acid composition by GC-FID, conjugated diene levels by HPLC-UV and UV-spec, lipid hydroperoxide levels by FOX, aldehyde content by TBARs, antioxidant status by TEAC and finally isoprostane and neuroprostane quantification using a newly developed EI-MS method. This method involved the SIM of specific ions from F-ring isoprostane and neuroprostane fragmentation, which enabled EI-MS to be used for their quantification. Analyses demonstrated that there was no significant difference between control and Alzheimer samples across all the oxidation biomarkers for both brain regions. Antioxidants were the only marker that showed a clear variance; with Alzheimer samples having higher levels than the age matched controls. This unique finding is supported with the observed lower levels of lipid oxidation biomarkers in Alzheimer brain region samples. The increased antioxidant levels indicate protection against oxidation which may be a host response to counteract the oxidative pathways, but this requires further investigation. In terms of lipid oxidation, no definitive markers or target site for therapeutic intervention have been revealed. This study concludes that dietary supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids or antioxidants would most likely be ineffective against Alzheimer disease, although it may support improvement in other areas of general health.


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Cellular thiols are critical moieties in signal transduction, regulation of gene expression, and ultimately are determinants of specific protein activity. Whilst protein bound thiols are the critical effector molecules, low molecular weight thiols, such as glutathione, play a central role in cytoprotection through (1) direct consumption of oxidants, (2) regeneration of protein thiols and (3) export of glutathione containing mixed disulphides. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, as it consumes 20% of oxygen load, contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and iron in certain regions, and expresses low concentrations of enzymic antioxidants. There is substantial evidence for a role for oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disease, where excitotoxic, redox cycling and mitochondrial dysfunction have been postulated to contribute to the enhanced oxidative load. Others have suggested that loss of important trophic factors may underlie neurodegeneration. However, the two are not mutually exclusive; using cell based model systems, low molecular weight antioxidants have been shown to play an important neuroprotective role in vitro, where neurotrophic factors have been suggested to modulate glutathione levels. Glutathione levels are regulated by substrate availability, synthetic enzyme and metabolic enzyme activity, and by the presence of other antioxidants, which according to the redox potential, consume or regenerate GSH from its oxidised partner. Therefore we have investigated the hypothesis that amyloid beta neurotoxicity is mediated by reactive oxygen species, where trophic factor cytoprotection against oxidative stress is achieved through regulation of glutathione levels. Using PC12 cells as a model system, amyloid beta 25-35 caused a shift in DCF fluorescence after four hours in culture. This fluorescence shift was attenuated by both desferioxamine and NGF. After four hours, cellular glutathione levels were depleted by as much as 75%, however, 24 hours following oxidant exposure, glutathione concentration was restored to twice the concentration seen in controls. NGF prevented both the loss of viability seen after 24 hours amyloid beta treatment and also protected glutathione levels. NGF decreased the total cellular glutathione concentration but did not affect expression of GCS. In conclusion, loss of glutathione precedes cell death in PC12 cells. However, at sublethal doses the surviving fraction respond to oxidative stress by increasing glutathione levels, where this is achieved, at least in part, at the gene level through upregulation of GCS. Whilst NGF does protect against oxidative toxicity, this is not achieved through upregulation of GCS or glutathione.


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Introduction – Why do we need ‘biomarkers? Biomarkers of protein oxidation Introduction Major issues/questions Protein carbonyl biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations in use Protein thiol biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Aliphatic amino acid biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Oxidised Tryptophan Biomarkers Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Oxidised tyrosine biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Formation of neoepitopes on oxidised proteins Validation of assays for protein oxidation biomarkers Relationship of protein oxidation to disease Modulation of protein oxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Future perspectives Introduction to lipid peroxidation biomarkers Introduction: biochemistry of lipid peroxidation Malondialdehyde Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Conjugated dienes Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of use LDL lag phase Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of use Hydrocarbon gases Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Lipofuscin Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitation on use Lipid peroxides Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Isoprostanes Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Possible new biomarkers of lipid oxidation Relationship of lipid peroxidation to disease Modulation of lipid peroxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Functional consequences of lipid peroxidation Contribution of dietary intake to lipid peroxidation products Biomarkers of DNA oxidation Introduction Confounding factors Units and terminology Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage Lymphocytes as surrogate tissues Measurement of DNA damage with the comet assay Practical details Storage, stability, and limitations of the assay Measurement of DNA base oxidation by HPLC Practical details Storage, stability and limitations of the method Measurement of DNA base oxidation by GC–MS Biochemistry of 8-oxoguanine, adenine and fapy derivatives Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of the method Analysis of guanine oxidation products in urine Method of measurement Limitations and criticisms Immunochemical methods Methods of measurement Storage, stability, and limitations of the assay 32P post-labelling Method of measurement Limitations and criticisms Validation of assays for DNA oxidation Oxo-dGuo in lymphocyte DNA Urinary measurements DNA–aldehyde adducts Biochemistry Method of measurement Products of reactive nitrogen species Endpoints arising from oxidative DNA damage Mutations Chromosome aberrations Micronuclei Site-specific DNA damage Relationship of DNA oxidation to disease Modulation of DNA oxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Direct and indirect effects of oxidative stress: measures of total oxidant/antioxidant levels Visualisation of cellular oxidants Biochemistry: histochemical detection of ROS Method of measurement Limitations, storage and stability Measurement of hydrogen peroxide Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Measurement of the ratio of antioxidant/oxidised antioxidant Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Total antioxidant capacity Biochemistry Terminology Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Validation of assays for direct oxidant and antioxidant biomarkers Relationship of oxidant/antioxidant measurement to disease Modulation of oxidant/antioxidant biomarkers by dietary antioxidants Induction of genes in response to oxidative stress Background Measurement of antioxidant responsive genes and proteins Effects of antioxidant intake on the activity of antioxidant enzymes


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Structure–activity relationships are indispensable to identify the most optimal antioxidants. The advantages of in vitro over in vivo experiments for obtaining these relationships are, that the structure is better defined in vitro, since less metabolism takes place. It is also the case that the concentration, a parameter that is directly linked to activity, is more accurately controlled. Moreover, the reactions that occur in vivo, including feed-back mechanisms, are often too multi-faceted and diverse to be compensated for during the assessment of a single structure–activity relationship. Pitfalls of in vitro antioxidant research include: (i) by definition, antioxidants are not stable and substantial amounts of oxidation products are formed and (ii) during the scavenging of reactive species, reaction products of the antioxidants accumulate. Another problem is that the maintenance of a defined concentration of antioxidants is subject to processes such as oxidation and the formation of reaction products during the actual antioxidant reaction, as well as the compartmentalization of the antioxidant and the reactive species in the in vitro test system. So determinations of in vitro structure-activity relationships are subject to many competing variables and they should always be evaluated critically. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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There appears to be a paucity of data examining the effect of dietary antioxidants on levels of oxidative DNA damage in vivo, limiting evidence-based assessment of antioxidant efficacy, mechanisms and recommendation for optimal intake. We have examined levels of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in mononuclear cell DNA, serum and urine from subjects undergoing supplementation with 500 mg/day vitamin C. Significant decreases in DNA levels of 8-oxodG were seen, correlating strongly with increases in plasma vitamin C concentration. Furthermore we established a timecourse for sequential, significant increases in serum and urinary 8-oxodG levels. These results illustrate, for the first time in humans, the kinetics of 8-oxodG removal and processing in vivo, suggesting a role for vitamin C in the regulation of DNA repair enzymes and thereby demonstrating a non-scavenging antioxidant effect.


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We have studied the hypothesis that 6,7-dihydroxy-1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (salsolinol) is neurotoxic. Salsolinol induced a significant time and dose related inhibition of 3[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; thiazoyl blue (MTT) reduction, and increased lactate dehydrogenase release (LDH) release from human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, at concentrations within the range of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) cytotoxicity, in vitro. Cytotoxicity was not inhibited by the addition of antioxidants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or imipramine. In confluent monolayers, salsolinol stimulated catecholamine uptake with EC50 values of 17 muM and 11 muM, for noradrenaline and dopamine, respectively. Conversely, at concentrations above 100 muM, salsolinol inhibited the uptake of noradrenaline and dopamine, with IC50 values of 411 muM and 379 muM, respectively. The inhibition of catecholamine uptake corresponded to the increase displacement of [3H]nisoxetine from the uptake 1 site by salsolinol, as the Ki (353 muM) for displacement was similar to the IC50 (411 and 379 muM) for uptake. Salsolinol stimulated catecholamine uptake does not involve the uptake recognition site, or elevation of cAMP, cGMP, or inhibition of protein kinase C. Salsolinol also inhibited both carbachol (1 mM) and K+ (100 mM, Na+ adjusted) evoked released of noradrenaline from SH-SY5Y cells, with IC50 values of 500 muM and 120 muM, respectively. In conclusion, salsolinol appears to be cytotoxic to SH-SY5Y cells, via a mechanism that does not require uptake 1, bioactivation by monoamine oxidase, or membrane based free radical damage. The effects of salsolinol on catecholamine uptake, and the mechanism of toxicity require further investigation.


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Objective: C-Reactive protein (CRP) can modulate integrin surface expression on monocytes following Fcγ receptor engagement. We have investigated the signal transduction events causing this phenotypic alteration. Methods: CRP-induced signalling events were examined in THP-1 and primary monocytes, measuring Syk phosphorylation by Western blotting, intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) by Indo-1 fluorescence and surface expression of CD11b by flow cytometry. Cytosolic peroxides were determined by DCF fluorescence. Results: CRP induced phosphorylation of Syk and an increase in [Ca2+]i both of which were inhibitable by the Syk specific antagonist, piceatannol. Piceatannol also inhibited the CRP-induced increase in surface CD11b. In addition, pre-treatment of primary monoytes with the Ca2+ mobiliser, thapsigargin, increased CD11b expression; this effect was accentuated in the presence of CRP but was abolished in the presence of the [Ca2+]i chelator, BAPTA. CRP also increased cytosolic peroxide levels; this effect was attenuated by antioxidants (ascorbate, α-tocopherol), expression of surface CD11b not being inhibited by antioxidants alone. Conclusion: CRP induces CD11b expression in monocytes through a peroxide independent pathway involving both Syk phosphorylation and [Ca2+]i release. © Birkhäuser Verlag, 2005.


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Previous studies indicate that regular consumption of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk for age-related diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the often-reported age-related decrease of plasma antioxidants in man depends on differences in dietary intake or on other age- and gender-related factors. In this observational case-control study, thirty-nine community-dwelling healthy subjects aged 65 years and older consuming high intakes of fruits and vegetables daily (HI) and forty-eight healthy subjects aged 65 and older consuming low intakes of fruit and vegetables daily (LI) were enrolled. Plasma levels of retinol, tocopherols, carotenoids and malondialdehyde (MDA) as well as content of protein carbonyls in Ig G were measured. Plasma levels of retinol, tocopherols and carotenoids were significantly higher in group HI than in group LI subjects independent of age and gender. MDA levels were inversely correlated with vitamin A and α-carotene. Protein carbonyls were inversely correlated with γ-tocopherol. In the elderly, a higher daily intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with an improved antioxidant status in comparison to subjects consuming diets poor in fruits and vegetables. Modification of nutritional habits among other lifestyle changes should be encouraged to lower prevalence of disease risk factors in later life. © The Authors 2005.


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A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD, but there is a substantial lack of data regarding the simultaneous behavior of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. With the exception of β-carotene, all antioxidants were lower in demented patients as compared to controls. Furthermore, AD patients showed a significantly higher IgG dityrosine content as compared to controls. AD and VaD patients showed similar plasma levels of plasma antioxidants and MDA as well as a similar IgG content of protein carbonyls and dityrosine. We conclude that, independent of its nature - vascular or degenerative - dementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development. Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Background: A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD. Objective(s): To evaluate the simultaneous behavior of a broad spectrum of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Methods: Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, [3-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, c~- and [3-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobniin G (Ig G) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. Results: AD and VaD patients showed significantly decreased plasma levels of the water-soluble vitamin C and uric acid, of the lipophilic vitamin Eand vitamin A, and of the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, 13-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and (x-carotene as compared to controls; among biomarkers of oxidative stress, only the content of dityrosine in Ig G was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.01) in AD patients as compared to controls; although a trend towards higher levels of dityrosine was also observed in VaD subjects compared to controls (6.3 4- 1.7 ~M in VaD patients vs. 5.1 4- 1.6 IxM in controls; p = 0.06), it did not reach statistical significance. In a cumulative analysis of all patient samples, a significant inverse association was found between plasma lycopene and MDA levels (r = -0.53, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Independent of its nature-vascular or degenerativedementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development.


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Regulation of monocyte adhesion molecule gene expression is via redox sensitive transcription factors. We have investigated whether dietary antioxidant supplementation with vitamin C (250mg/day) can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 expression in healthy male subjects with low plasma vitamin C at baseline. In a randomised, double-blind, crossover study, monocyte ICAM-1 mRNA was analysed using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Protein was determined by flow cytometry (monocytes) and ELISA (plasma). Monocyte numbers were unaltered by supplementation. Subjects with low plasma vitamin C (<50μM) prior to supplementation expressed higher levels of monocyte ICAM-1mRNA, and showed a significant (50%) reduction in ICAM-1mRNA expression after 6 weeks of 250mg/day vitamin C supplementation (p<0.05). This was paralleled by a reduction in sICAM-1 (p<0.05). For the first time, these results show that dietary vitamin C can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 gene expression in vivo, where regulation of gene expression represents a novel mechanism for benefit from dietary antioxidants. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ceramide (a sphingolipid) and reactive oxygen species are each partly responsible for intracellular signal transduction in response to a variety of agents. It has been reported that ceramide and reactive oxygen species are intimately linked and show reciprocal regulation [Liu, Andreieu-Abadie, Levade, Zhang, Obeid and Hannun (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 11313-11320]. Utilizing synthetic, short-chain ceramide to mimic the cellular responses to fluctuations in natural endogenous ceramide formation or using stimulation of CD95 to induce ceramide formation, we found that the principal redox-altering property of ceramide is to lower the [peroxide]cyt (cytosolic peroxide concentration). Apoptosis of Jurkat T-cells, primary resting and phytohaemagglutinin-activated human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes was preceded by a loss in [peroxide]cyt, as measured by the peroxide-sensitive probe 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (also reflected in a lower rate of superoxide dismutase-inhibitable cytochrome c reduction), and this was not associated with a loss of membrane integrity. Where growth arrest of U937 monocytes was observed without a loss of membrane integrity, the decrease in [peroxide]cyt was of a lower magnitude when compared with that preceding the onset of apoptosis in T-cells. Furthermore, decreasing the cytosolic peroxide level in U937 monocytes before the application of synthetic ceramide by pretreatment with either of the antioxidants N-acetyl cysteine or glutathione conferred apoptosis. However, N-acetyl cysteine or glutathione did not affect the kinetics or magnitude of ceramide-induced apoptosis of Jurkat T-cells. Therefore the primary redox effect of cellular ceramide accumulation is to lower the [peroxide]cyt of both primary and immortalized cells, the magnitude of which dictates the cellular response.


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Monocytes play a central role in inflammatory responses through systemic antigen presentation and cytokine secretion. Regulation of monocyte adhesion molecule and inflammatory gene expression is via redox sensitive transcription factors. Therefore we have investigated the hypothesis that dietary antioxidant supplementation with vitamins C (250mg/d) or E (400iU/d) for six weeks can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 expression in healthy male subjects with low plasma vitamin C at baseline. In a randomised, double-blind, crossover study, ICAM-1 mRNA and protein was analysed using quantitative RTPCR with ELISA measurement of PCR products and by flow cytometry and ELISA respectively. Monocyte numbers were unaltered by supplementation. Subjects with low plasma vitamin C (<50uM) prior to supplementation expressed higher levels of monocyte ICAM-1 mRNA, and showed a significant (50%) reduction in ICAM-1 mRNA expression after 6 weeks of 250mg/d vitamin C supplementation compared to subjects with normal plasma vitamin C. This was paralleled by a reduction in plasma sICAM-1. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect on ICAM-1 expression. For the first time, these results show that dietary vitamin C can modulate monocyte ICAM-1 gene expression in vivo, where regulation of gene expression represents a novel mechanism for benefit from dietary antioxidants.


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Oxidative DNA damage is postulated to be involved in carcinogenesis, and as a consequence, dietary antioxidants have received much interest. A recent report indicates that vitamin C facilitates the decomposition of hydroperoxides in vitro, generating reactive aldehydes. We present evidence for the in vivo generation of glyoxal, an established product of lipid peroxidation, glucose/ascorbate autoxidation, or free radical attack of deoxyribose, following supplementation of volunteers with 400 mg/d vitamin C. Utilizing a monoclonal antibody to a deoxycytidine-glyoxal adduct (gdC), we measured DNA lesion levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Supplementation resulted in significant (p = .001) increases in gdC levels at weeks 11, 16, and 21, with corresponding increases in plasma malondialdehyde levels and, coupled with previous findings, is strongly suggestive of a pro-oxidative effect. However, continued supplementation revealed a highly significant (p = .0001) reduction in gdC levels. Simultaneous analysis of cyclobutane thymine dimers revealed no increase upon supplementation but, as with gdC, levels decreased. Although no single mechanism is identified, our data demonstrate a pro-oxidant event in the generation of reactive aldehydes following vitamin C supplementation in vivo. These results are also consistent with our hypothesis for a role of vitamin C in an adaptive/repair response and indicate that nucleotide excision repair specifically may be affected. © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc.