121 resultados para Allsop, Jake
We present a novel device for the characterisation of static magnetic fields through monitoring wavelength shifts of femtosecond inscribed fibre Bragg grating and micromachined slot, coated with Terfenol-D. The device was sensitive to static magnetic fields and can be used as a vectoral sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of ± 0.3mT in transmission and ± 0.7mT in reflection. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBGs and micromachine the slot in a single stage prior to coating the device significantly simplifies the fabrication.
The use of near infrared, high intensity femtosecond laser pulses for the inscription of long period fiber gratings in photonic crystal fiber is reported. The formation of grating structures in photonic crystal fiber is complicated by the fiber structure that allows wave-guidance but that impairs and scatters the femtosecond inscription beam. The effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscriptions are compared and the polarization characteristics of long period gratings and their responses to external perturbations are reported.
A series of waveguides was inscribed in a borosilicate glass (BK7) by an 11 MHz repetition rate femtosecond laser operating with pulse energies from 16 to 30 nJ and focused at various depths within the bulk material. The index modification was measured using a quantitative phase microscopy technique that revealed central index changes ranging from 5×10-3 to 10-2, leading to waveguides that exhibited propagation losses of 0.2 dB/cm at a wavelength of 633 nm and 0.6 dB/cm at a wavelength of 1550 nm with efficient mode matching, less than 0.2 dB, to standard optical fibers. Analysis of the experimental data shows that, for a given inscription energy, the index modification has a strong dependence on inscription scanning velocity. At higher energies, the index modification increases with increasing inscription scanning velocity with other fabrication parameters constant.
The use of high intensity femtosecond laser sources for inscribing fibre gratings has attained significant interest. The principal advantage of high-energy pulses is their ability for grating inscription in any material type without preprocessing or special core doping - the inscription process is controlled multi-photon absorption, void generation and subsequent local refractive index changes. The formation of grating structures in photonics crystal fibre has proven difficult, as the presence of holes within the fibre that allow wave-guidance impair and scatter the femtosecond inscription beam. Here we report on the consistent manufacture of long period gratings in endlessly single mode microstructure fibre and on their characterisation to external perturbations. Long period gratings are currently the subject of considerable research interest due to their potential applications as filters and as sensing devices, responsive to strain, temperature, bending and refractive index. Compared to the more mature fibre Bragg grating sensors, LPGs have more complex spectra, usually with broader spectral features. On the other hand they are intrinsically sensitive to bending and refractive index. Perhaps more importantly, the fibre design and choice of grating period can have a considerable influence over the sensitivity to the various parameters, for example allowing the creation of a bend sensor with minimal temperature cross-sensitivity. This control is not possible with FBG sensors. Here we compare the effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscription.
A series of LPGs with the same period was inscribed by femtosecond laser into photonic crystal fibre with various powers. All suffered post-fabrication spectral evolution at low temperatures, apparently related to inscription power.
The use of high intensity femtosecond laser sources for inscribing fibre gratings has attained significant interest. The principal advantage of high-energy pulses is their ability for grating inscription in any material type without preprocessing or special core doping. In the field of fibre optical sensing LPGs written in photonic crystal fibre have a distinct advantage of low temperature sensitivity over gratings written in conventional fibre and thus minimal temperature cross-sensitivity. Previous studies have indicated that LPGs written by a point-by-point inscription scheme using a low repetition femtosecond laser exhibit post-fabrication evolution leading to temporal instabilities at room temperatures with respect to spectral location, strength and birefringence of the attenuation bands. These spectral instabilities of LPGs are studied in photonic crystal fibres (endlessly single mode microstructure fibre) to moderately high temperatures 100°C to 200°C and their performance compared to fusion-arc fabricated LPG. Initial results suggest that the fusion-arc fabricated LPG demonstrate less spectral instability for a given constant and moderate temperature, and are similar to the results obtained when inscribed in a standard single mode fibre.
In this paper we have done back to back comparison of quantitive phase and refractive index from a microscopic image of waveguide previously obtained by Allsop et al. Paper also shows microscopic image of the first 3 waveguides from the sample. Tomlins et al. have demonstrated use of femtosecond fabricated artefacts as OCT calibration samples. Here we present the use of femtosecond waveguides, inscribed with optimized parameters, to test and calibrate the sensitivity of the OCT systems.
We present recent results on femtosecond microfabrication of key components for integrated optics such as highly curved low-loss waveguides in glasses, depressed cladding waveguides in crystals. Details of microfabrication and characterisation are discussed.
A series of LPGs was inscribed in photonic crystal fibre by a low repetition femtosecond laser system. When subjected to bending they were found to be spectrally sensitive to bend orientation and displayed a strong polarisation dependence.
A real-time three-dimensional (3D) object sensing and reconstruction scheme is presented that can be applied on any arbitrary corporeal shape. Operation is demonstrated on several calibrated objects. The system uses curvature sensors based upon in-line fiber Bragg gratings encapsulated in a low-temperature curing synthetic silicone. New methods to quantitatively evaluate the performance of a 3D object-sensing scheme are developed and appraised. It is shown that the sensing scheme yields a volumetric error of 1% to 9%, depending on the object.
We present experimental results on the performance of a series of coated, D-shaped optical fiber sensors that display high spectral sensitivities to external refractive index. Sensitivity to the chosen index regime and coupling of the fiber core mode to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is enhanced by using specific materials as part of a multi-layered coating. We present strong evidence that this effect is enhanced by post ultraviolet radiation of the lamellar coating that results in the formation of a nano-scale surface relief corrugation structure, which generates an index perturbation within the fiber core that in turn enhances the coupling. We have found reasonable agreement when we modeling the fiber device. It was found that the SPR devices operate in air with high coupling efficiency in excess of 40 dB with spectral sensitivities that outperform a typical long period grating, with one device yielding a wavelength spectral sensitivity of 12000 nm/RIU in the important aqueous index regime. The devices generate SPRs over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 mu m) by alternating the polarization state of the illuminating light.
An array of in-line curvature sensors on a garment is used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. The results are used to obtain volumetric changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The array of 40 in-line fiber Bragg gratings is used to produce 20 curvature sensors at different locations, each sensor consisting of two fiber Bragg gratings. The 20 curvature sensors and adjoining fiber are encapsulated into a low-temperature-cured synthetic silicone. The sensors are wavelength interrogated by a commercially available system from Moog Insensys, and the wavelength changes are calibrated to recover curvature. A three-dimensional algorithm is used to generate shape changes during respiration that allow the measurement of absolute volume changes at various sections of the torso. It is shown that the sensing scheme yields a volumetric error of 6%. Comparing the volume data obtained from the spirometer with the volume estimated with the synchronous data from the shape-sensing array yielded a correlation value 0.86 with a Pearson's correlation coefficient p <0.01.
A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre and post-fabrication UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask, producing a surface relief grating structure. These devices showed high spectral sensitivity in the aqueous index regime ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices were then coated with human thrombin binding aptamer. Several concentrations of thrombin in buffer solution were made, ranging from 1nM to 1µM. All the concentrations were detectable by the devices demonstrating that sub-nM concentrations may be monitored.
Long period gratings written into a standard optical fibre were modified by a femtosecond laser, which produced an asymmetric change to the cladding's refractive index resulting in a directional bend sensor.
A set of long period grating devices have been fabricated in photosensitive single mode fibre coated with a series of copper rings (period of 380μm, 50% duty cycle and length of 4cm). The long period gratings were inscribed with a uniform UV-laser exposure across the entire length of the copper ring patterned coating. The devices ranged in copper thickness from 0.5μm to 1.5μm. In addition, a control long period grating was fabricated in the same type of fibre with the same period for comparison. The refractive index and temperature spectral sensitivity of these devices were investigated and it was found that the index and temperature sensitivity is a function of the thickness of the copper rings, as supported by theoretical modelling. Furthermore, the index sensitivity of these devices in the 1.333 index region is greater than the control long period grating. The patterned 0.5μm coated long period grating gave a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -74 nm leading to a resolution of 1.4×10-3 compared to the control which had a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -32 nm with a resolution of 3.2×10-3 in the index region of 1.320 to 1.380 (aqueous solution regime). This demonstrates a two fold increase in the sensitivity. This novel fibre long period grating device shows potential for increasing the resolution of measurements of the index of aqueous solutions.