43 resultados para Adaptive control charts


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IEEE 802.15.4 networks (also known as ZigBee networks) has the features of low data rate and low power consumption. In this paper we propose an adaptive data transmission scheme which is based on CSMA/CA access control scheme, for applications which may have heavy traffic loads such as smart grids. In the proposed scheme, the personal area network (PAN) coordinator will adaptively broadcast a frame length threshold, which is used by the sensors to make decision whether a data frame should be transmitted directly to the target destinations, or follow a short data request frame. If the data frame is long and prone to collision, use of a short data request frame can efficiently reduce the costs of the potential collision on the energy and bandwidth. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme with largely improve bandwidth and power efficiency. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Limited energy is a big challenge for large scale wireless sensor networks (WSN). Previous research works show that modulation scaling is an efficient technique to reduce energy consumption. However, the impacts of using modulation scaling on packet delivery latency and loss are not considered, which may have adverse effects on the application qualities. In this paper, we study this problem and propose control schemes to minimize energy consumption while ensuring application qualities. We first analyze the relationships of modulation scaling and energy consumption, end-to-end delivery latency and packet loss ratio. With the analytical model, we develop a centralized control scheme to adaptively adjust the modulation levels, in order to minimize energy consumption and ensure the application qualities. To improve the scalability of the centralized control scheme, we also propose a distributed control scheme. In this scheme, the sink will send the differences between the required and measured application qualities to the sensors. The sensors will update their modulation levels with the local information and feedback from the sink. Experimental results show the effectiveness of energy saving and QoS guarantee of the control schemes. The control schemes can adapt efficiently to the time-varying requirements on application qualities. Copyright © 2005 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.


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This paper is concerned with synchronization of complex stochastic dynamical networks in the presence of noise and functional uncertainty. A probabilistic control method for adaptive synchronization is presented. All required probabilistic models of the network are assumed to be unknown therefore estimated to be dependent on the connectivity strength, the state and control values. Robustness of the probabilistic controller is proved via the Liapunov method. Furthermore, based on the residual error of the network states we introduce the definition of stochastic pinning controllability. A coupled map lattice with spatiotemporal chaos is taken as an example to illustrate all theoretical developments. The theoretical derivation is complemented by its validation on two representative examples.


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Robust controllers for nonlinear stochastic systems with functional uncertainties can be consistently designed using probabilistic control methods. In this paper a generalised probabilistic controller design for the minimisation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the actual joint probability density function (pdf) of the closed loop control system, and an ideal joint pdf is presented emphasising how the uncertainty can be systematically incorporated in the absence of reliable systems models. To achieve this objective all probabilistic models of the system are estimated from process data using mixture density networks (MDNs) where all the parameters of the estimated pdfs are taken to be state and control input dependent. Based on this dependency of the density parameters on the input values, explicit formulations to the construction of optimal generalised probabilistic controllers are obtained through the techniques of dynamic programming and adaptive critic methods. Using the proposed generalised probabilistic controller, the conditional joint pdfs can be made to follow the ideal ones. A simulation example is used to demonstrate the implementation of the algorithm and encouraging results are obtained.


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A real-time adaptive resource allocation algorithm considering the end user's Quality of Experience (QoE) in the context of video streaming service is presented in this work. An objective no-reference quality metric, namely Pause Intensity (PI), is used to control the priority of resource allocation to users during the scheduling process. An online adjustment has been introduced to adaptively set the scheduler's parameter and maintain a desired trade-off between fairness and efficiency. The correlation between the data rates (i.e. video code rates) demanded by users and the data rates allocated by the scheduler is taken into account as well. The final allocated rates are determined based on the channel status, the distribution of PI values among users, and the scheduling policy adopted. Furthermore, since the user's capability varies as the environment conditions change, the rate adaptation mechanism for video streaming is considered and its interaction with the scheduling process under the same PI metric is studied. The feasibility of implementing this algorithm is examined and the result is compared with the most commonly existing scheduling methods.


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We explored the role of modularity as a means to improve evolvability in populations of adaptive agents. We performed two sets of artificial life experiments. In the first, the adaptive agents were neural networks controlling the behavior of simulated garbage collecting robots, where modularity referred to the networks architectural organization and evolvability to the capacity of the population to adapt to environmental changes measured by the agents performance. In the second, the agents were programs that control the changes in network's synaptic weights (learning algorithms), the modules were emerged clusters of symbols with a well defined function and evolvability was measured through the level of symbol diversity across programs. We found that the presence of modularity (either imposed by construction or as an emergent property in a favorable environment) is strongly correlated to the presence of very fit agents adapting effectively to environmental changes. In the case of learning algorithms we also observed that character diversity and modularity are also strongly correlated quantities. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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IEEE 802.15.4 networks has the features of low data rate and low power consumption. It is a strong candidate technique for wireless sensor networks and can find many applications to smart grid. However, due to the low network and energy capacities it is critical to maximize the bandwidth and energy efficiencies of 802.15.4 networks. In this paper we propose an adaptive data transmission scheme with CSMA/CA access control, for applications which may have heavy traffic loads such as smart grids. The adaptive access control is simple to implement. Its compatibility with legacy 802.15.4 devices can be maintained. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme with largely improved bandwidth and power efficiency. © 2013 International Information Institute.


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This paper considers the global synchronisation of a stochastic version of coupled map lattices networks through an innovative stochastic adaptive linear quadratic pinning control methodology. In a stochastic network, each state receives only noisy measurement of its neighbours' states. For such networks we derive a generalised Riccati solution that quantifies and incorporates uncertainty of the forward dynamics and inverse controller in the derivation of the stochastic optimal control law. The generalised Riccati solution is derived using the Lyapunov approach. A probabilistic approximation type algorithm is employed to estimate the conditional distributions of the state and inverse controller from historical data and quantifying model uncertainties. The theoretical derivation is complemented by its validation on a set of representative examples.


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One of the major drawbacks for mobile nodes in wireless networks is power management. Our goal is to evaluate the performance power control scheme to be used to reduce network congestion, improve quality of service and collision avoidance in vehicular network and road safety application. Some of the importance of power control (PC) are improving spatial reuse, and increasing network capacity in mobile wireless communications. In this simulation we have evaluated the performance of existing rate algorithms compared with context Aware Rate selection algorithm (ACARS) and also seen the performance of ACARS and how it can be applied to road safety, improve network control and power management. Result shows that ACARS is able to minimize the total transmit power in the presence of propagation processes and mobility of vehicles, by adapting to the fast varying channels conditions with the Path loss exponent values that was used for that environment which is shown in the network simulation parameter. Our results have shown that ACARS is a very robust algorithm which performs very well with the effect of propagation processes that is prone to every transmitted signal in mobile networks. © 2013 IEEE.


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Volunteered Service Composition (VSC) refers to the process of composing volunteered services and resources. These services are typically published to a pool of voluntary resources. Selection and composition decisions tend to encounter numerous uncertainties: service consumers and applications have little control of these services and tend to be uncertain about their level of support for the desired functionalities and non-functionalities. In this paper, we contribute to a self-awareness framework that implements two levels of awareness, Stimulus-awareness and Time-awareness. The former responds to basic changes in the environment while the latter takes into consideration the historical performance of the services. We have used volunteer service computing as an example to demonstrate the benefits that self-awareness can introduce to self-adaptation. We have compared the Stimulus-and Time-awareness approaches with a recent Ranking approach from the literature. The results show that the Time-awareness level has the advantage of satisfying higher number of requests with lower time cost.


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This paper will look at the benefits and limitations of content distribution using Forward Error Correction (FEC) in conjunction with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). FEC can be used to reduce the number of retransmissions which would usually result from a lost packet. The requirement for TCP to deal with any losses is then greatly reduced. There are however side-effects to using FEC as a countermeasure to packet loss: an additional requirement for bandwidth. When applications such as real-time video conferencing are needed, delay must be kept to a minimum, and retransmissions are certainly not desirable. A balance, therefore, between additional bandwidth and delay due to retransmissions must be struck. Our results show that the throughput of data can be significantly improved when packet loss occurs using a combination of FEC and TCP, compared to relying solely on TCP for retransmissions. Furthermore, a case study applies the result to demonstrate the achievable improvements in the quality of streaming video perceived by end users.


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Erasure control coding has been exploited in communication networks with an aim to improve the end-to-end performance of data delivery across the network. To address the concerns over the strengths and constraints of erasure coding schemes in this application, we examine the performance limits of two erasure control coding strategies, forward erasure recovery and adaptive erasure recovery. Our investigation shows that the throughput of a network using an (n, k) forward erasure control code is capped by r =k/n when the packet loss rate p ≤ (te/n) and by k(l-p)/(n-te) when p > (t e/n), where te is the erasure control capability of the code. It also shows that the lower bound of the residual loss rate of such a network is (np-te)/(n-te) for (te/n) < p ≤ 1. Especially, if the code used is maximum distance separable, the Shannon capacity of the erasure channel, i.e. 1-p, can be achieved and the residual loss rate is lower bounded by (p+r-1)/r, for (1-r) < p ≤ 1. To address the requirements in real-time applications, we also investigate the service completion time of different schemes. It is revealed that the latency of the forward erasure recovery scheme is fractionally higher than that of the scheme without erasure control coding or retransmission mechanisms (using UDP), but much lower than that of the adaptive erasure scheme when the packet loss rate is high. Results on comparisons between the two erasure control schemes exhibit their advantages as well as disadvantages in the role of delivering end-to-end services. To show the impact of the bounds derived on the end-to-end performance of a TCP/IP network, a case study is provided to demonstrate how erasure control coding could be used to maximize the performance of practical systems. © 2010 IEEE.


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We quantify the error statistics and patterning effects in a 5x 40 Gbit/s WDM RZ-DBPSK SMF/DCF fibre link using hybrid Raman/EDFA amplification. We propose an adaptive constrained coding for the suppression of errors due to patterning effects. It is established, that this coding technique can greatly reduce the bit error rate (BER) value even for large BER (BER > 101). The proposed approach can be used in the combination with the forward error correction schemes (FEC) to correct the errors even when real channel BER is outside the FEC workspace.