558 resultados para Optical fiber sensing


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We propose and demonstrate a microfiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) fabricated by taper-drawing microfiber at the center of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The MFPI employing the two separated sections of FBG as reflectors and a length of microfiber as its cavity is derived. Theoretic study shows that the reflection spectrum of such MFPI is consisted of two parts-interference fringes induced by multi-beam interference and reflection spectrum envelope induced by FBGs. Temperature affects both interference fringes and reflection wavelength of FBGs while ambient refractive index (RI) only influences the interference fringes, i.e., MFPI has different response to temperature and RI. Therefore, MFPI for simultaneous sensing of RI and temperature is experimentally demonstrated by tracking a reflection peak of interference fringes and the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs, which are respectively assisted by frequency domain processing and Gaussian fitting of the optical spectrum. Consequently, wavelength measurement resolution of 0.5 pm is realized. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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A highly sensitive liquid-level sensor based on dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated. The laser is formed by exploiting two parallel arranged phase-shift fiber Bragg gratings (ps-FBGs), acting as ultra-narrow bandwidth filters, into a doublering resonators. By beating the dual-wavelength lasing output, a stable microwave signal with frequency stability better than 5 MHz is obtained. The generated beat frequency varies with the change of dual-wavelength spacing. Based on this characteristic, with one ps-FBG serving as the sensing element and the other one acting as the reference element, a highly sensitive liquid level sensor is realized by monitoring the beat frequency shift of the laser. The sensor head is directly bonded to a float which can transfer buoyancy into axial strain on the fiber without introducing other elastic elements. The experimental results show that an ultra-high liquidlevel sensitivity of 2.12 × 107 MHz/m within the measurement range of 1.5 mm is achieved. The sensor presents multiple merits including ultra-high sensitivity, thermal insensitive, good reliability and stability. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We have experimentally demonstrated an active loading sensor system based on a fiber ring laser with singlepolarization output using an intra-cavity 45°-tilted fiber grating. When the laser cavity fiber is subjected to loading, the laser output is encoded with the loading information that can be measured and monitored by a standard power meter. The achieved loading sensitivity is 0.033/kg • m-1 and 0.042/kg • m-1 for two different interaction lengths. The experimental results clearly show that such a single-polarization fiber laser may be commercially developed into a low-cost, high-sensitivity loading sensor system.


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We report an optical spectrum analyzer utilizing direct side-tapping by a 45° tilted fiber grating. The angular dispersion is analyzed and 45° is found to give highest dispersion. High resolution up to 0.13nm was obtained. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We propose and numerically demonstrate a novel simple method to produce optical Nyquist pulses based on pulse shaping in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the nonlinear in-cavity dynamics of the laser and offers the possibility to generate high-quality sinc-shaped pulses with widely tunable bandwidth directly from the laser oscillator. We also show that the use of a filter with a corrective convex profile relaxes the need for large nonlinear phase accumulation in the cavity by offsetting the concavity of the nonlinearly broadened pulse spectrum.


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Successful commercialization of a technology such as Fiber Bragg Gratings requires the ability to manufacture devices repeatably, quickly and at low cost. Although the first report of photorefractive gratings was in 1978 it was not until 1993, when phase mask fabrication was demonstrated, that this became feasible. More recently, draw tower fabrication on a production level and grating writing through the polymer jacket have been realized; both important developments since they preserve the intrinsic strength of the fiber. Potentially the most significant recent development has been femtosecond laser inscription of gratings. Although not yet a commercial technology, it provides the means of writing multiple gratings in the optical core providing directional sensing capability in a single fiber. Femtosecond processing can also be used to machine the fiber to produce micronscale slots and holes enhancing the interaction between the light in the core and the surrounding medium. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermal annealing can be used to induce a permanent negative Bragg wavelength shift for polymer fibre grating sensors and it was originally used for multiplexing purposes. Recently, researchers showed that annealing can also provide additional benefits, such as strain and humidity sensitivity enhancement and augmented temperature operational range. The annealing process can change both the optical and mechanical properties of the fibre. In this paper, the annealing effects on the stress and force sensitivities of PMMA fibre Bragg grating sensors are investigated. The incentive for that investigation was an unexpected behaviour observed in an array of sensors which were used for liquid level monitoring. One sensor exhibited much lower pressure sensitivity and that was the only one that was not annealed. To further investigate the phenomenon, additional sensors were photo-inscribed and characterised with regard their stress and force sensitivities. Then, the fibres were annealed by placing them in hot water, controlling with that way the humidity factor. After annealing, stress and force sensitivities were measured again. The results show that the annealing can improve the stress and force sensitivity of the devices. This can provide better performing sensors for use in stress, force and pressure sensing applications.


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We explored the potential of a carbon nanotube (CNT) coating working in conjunction with a recently developed localized surface plasmon (LSP) device (based upon a nanostructured thin film consisting of of nano-wires of platinum) with ultra-high sensitivity to changes in the surrounding index. The uncoated LSP sensor’s transmission resonances exhibited a refractive index sensitivity of Δλ/Δn ~ -6200nm/RIU and ΔΙ/Δn ~5900dB/RIU, which is the highest reported spectral sensitivity of a fiber optic sensor to bulk index changes within the gas regime. The complete device provides the first demonstration of the chemically specific gas sensing capabilities of CNTs utilizing their optical characteristics. This is proven by investigating the spectral response of the sensor before and after the adhesion of CNTs to alkane gases along with carbon dioxide. The device shows a distinctive spectral response in the presence of gaseous CO2 over and above what is expected from general changes in the bulk refractive index. This fiber device yielded a limit of detection of 150ppm for CO2 at a pressure of one atmosphere. Additionally the adhered CNTs actually reduce sensitivity of the device to changes in bulk refractive index of the surrounding medium. The polarization properties of the LSP sensor resonances are also investigated and it is shown that there is a reduction in the overall azimuthal polarization after the CNTs are applied. These optical devices offer a way of exploiting optically the chemical selectivity of carbon nanotubes, thus providing the potential for real-world applications in gas sensing in many inflammable and explosive environments. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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The first demonstration of a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG) embedded in a 3-D printed structure is reported. Its cyclic strain performance and temperature characteristics are examined and discussed. The sensing patch has a repeatable strain sensitivity of 0.38 pm/μepsilon. Its temperature behaviour is unstable, with temperature sensitivity values varying between 30-40 pm/°C.


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An Erbium-doped fibre ring laser hybrid mode-locked with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and nonlinear polarisation evolution (NPE) without an optical isolator has been investigated for various cavity conditions. Precise control of the state of polarisation (SOP) in the cavity ensures different losses for counter-propagating optical fields. As the result, the laser operates in quasi-unidirectional regime in both clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW) directions with the emission strengths difference of the directions of 22 dB. Furthermore, by adjusting the net birefringence in the cavity, the laser can operate in a bidirectional generation. In this case, a laser pumped with 75 mW power at 980 nm generates almost identical 790 and 570 fs soliton pulses with an average power of 1.17 and 1.11 mW. The operation stability and pulse quality of the soliton pulses in both unidirectional regimes are highly competitive with those generated in conventional ring fibre lasers with isolator in the cavity. Demonstrated bidirectional laser operation can find vital applications in gyroscopes or precision rotation sensing technologies.


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A fiber mode-lock laser allows generation of the optical rogue wave (ORW) at different time scales. The criteria for distinguishing between them is a comparison of the event lifetime with the main characteristic time of the system. The characteristic time can be estimated from the decay of an autocorrelation function (AF). Thus, in comparison with AF characteristic time, fast optical rogue wave (FORW) events have duration less than the AF decay time and it appeared due to pulse-pulse interaction and nonlinear pulses dynamics. While slow optical rogue wave (SORW) have a duration much more longer than the decay time of the AF which it papered due to hopping between different attractors. Switching between regimes can be managed by change the artificial birefringence that induced in a laser cavity. For understanding the role playing by the periodical amplification and the resonator, we have performed an unidirectional fiber laser experiments without a saturable absorber. This laser experiment allowed to generate of most of the RW patterns which were either observed experimentally or predicted theoretically. In this way, we have observed the generation of an FORW along with SORW under similar conditions. Most of the patterns were found to be mutually exclusive which means that only one RW mechanism was realized in each regime of generation.


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We experimentally characterized a birefringent microstructured polymer fiber of specific construction, which allows for single mode propagation in two cores separated by a pair of large holes. The fiber exhibits high birefringence in each of the cores as well as relatively weak coupling between the cores. Spectral dependence of the group and the phase modal birefringence was measured using an interferometric method. We have also measured the sensing characteristics of the fiber such as the polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure and temperature. © 2010 SPIE.


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We have investigated the mode-lock operation from a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) gain chip in the ring fibre configuration. At lower pump currents, the laser generates dark soliton pulses both at the fundamental repetition rate of 39 MHz and supports up to the 6th harmonic order corresponding to 234-MHz repetition rate with an output power of ∼2.1 mW. At higher pump currents, the laser can be switched between the bright, dark and concurrent bright and dark soliton generation regimes.


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We report the high-energy flat-top supercontinuum covering the mid-infrared wavelength range of 1.9-2.5 μm as well as electronically tunable femtosecond pulses between 1.98-2.22 μm directly from the thulium-doped fiber laser amplifier. Comparison of experimental results with numerical simulations confirms that both sources employ the same nonlinear optical mechanism - Raman soliton frequency shift occurring inside the Tm-fiber amplifier. To illustrate that, we investigate two versions of the compact diode-pumped SESAM mode-locked femtosecond thulium-doped all-silica-fiber-based laser system providing either broadband supercontinuum or tunable Raman soliton output, depending on the parameters of the system. The first system operates in the Raman soliton regime providing femtosecond pulses tunable between 1.98-2.22 μm. Wide and continuous spectral tunability over 240 nm was realized by changing only the amplifier pump diode current. The second system generates high-energy supercontinuum with the superior spectral flatness of better than 1 dB covering the wavelength range of 1.9-2.5 μm, with the total output energy as high as 0.284 μJ, the average power of 2.1 W at 7.5 MHz repetition rate. We simulate the amplifier operation in the Raman soliton self-frequency shift regime and discuss the role of induced Raman scattering in supercontinuum formation inside the fiber amplifier. We compare this system with a more traditional 1.85-2.53 μm supercontinuum source in the external highly-nonlinear commercial chalcogenide fiber using the Raman soliton MOPA as an excitation source. The reported systems1 can be readily applied to a number of industrial applications in the mid-IR, including sensing, stand-off detection, medical surgery and fine material processing.


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A novel interrogation technique for fully distributed linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCFBG) strain sensors with simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution based on optical time-stretch frequency-domain reflectometry (OTS-FDR) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. LCFBGs is a promising candidate for fully distributed sensors thanks to its longer grating length and broader reflection bandwidth compared to normal uniform FBGs. In the proposed system, two identical LCFBGs are employed in a Michelson interferometer setup with one grating serving as the reference grating whereas the other serving as the sensing element. Broadband spectral interferogram is formed and the strain information is encoded into the wavelength-dependent free spectral range (FSR). Ultrafast interrogation is achieved based on dispersion-induced time stretch such that the target spectral interferogram is mapped to a temporal interference waveform that can be captured in real-Time using a single-pixel photodector. The distributed strain along the sensing grating can be reconstructed from the instantaneous RF frequency of the captured waveform. High-spatial resolution is also obtained due to high-speed data acquisition. In a proof-of-concept experiment, ultrafast real-Time interrogation of fully-distributed grating sensors with various strain distributions is experimentally demonstrated. An ultrarapid measurement speed of 50 MHz with a high spatial resolution of 31.5 μm over a gauge length of 25 mm and a strain resolution of 9.1 μϵ have been achieved.