377 resultados para Fiber nonlinear optics


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In this paper we consider the possibility of using intermediate solutions, in which ideal apodisation profile for a dispersion-free, sharp-reflection profile fibre Bragg grating approximated in different degrees. The ideal apodisation profile for a flat dispersion, 50 GHz bandwidth grating was obtained using the layer-peeling algorithm. To verify the modelled results a version of the 5-section grating has been manufactured with excellent agreement between the model and the experimental results. The performance penalty due to multiple reflections from the FBGs in different situations was studied. The results showed that in the approximated gratings some post-compensation must be included to account for the local deviations from zero dispersion. © 2003 IEEE.


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A bidirectional nonreciprocal wavelength-interleaving filter based on an optically coherent high birefringence fiber transversal filter structure is demonstrated. Stable, low loss operation is achieved with reconfigurable transfer characteristics for interleaved channel spacing of 0.8 nm with >30 dB isolation and ultra-low chromatic dispersion.


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A simple technique based on superimposed cavities structure for direct real-time assessment of a DFB fiber laser mode condition during operation is demonstrated and used to provide a cavity mode conditioning feedback mechanism to optimize output performance. Significant improvements to the output performance and robustness are achieved over the entire pump power range without ambient isolation.


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The properties of fiber Bragg gratings in hydrogenated fibers under conditions of ultraviolet overexposure were investigated. Abnormal spectral evolution of the regenerated grating following erasure of the initial type I grating was observed in the hydrogenated fibers. The regenerated grating also exhibited less temperature sensitivity and an 18 nm shift in the Bragg wavelength.


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We propose a simple Er-doped fiber laser configuration for achieving stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature, in which a high birefringence fiber Bragg grating was used as the wavelength-selective component. Stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature with a wavelength spacing of 0.23 nm and mutually orthogonal polarization stages was achieved by utilizing the polarization hole-burning effect. An amplitude variation of less than 0.7 dB over an 80 s period was obtained for both wavelengths.


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We experimentally and theoretically describe formation of random fiber laser's optical spectrum. We propose a new concept of active cycled wave kinetics from which we derive first ever nonlinear kinetic theory describing laser spectrum. © OSA 2015.


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A novel dual complementary output optical fiber transversal filter is realized for DWDM applications. Stable, simultaneous complementary filter responses with flattened passbands and large sidelobe suppressions are achieved with a single-line cascaded Hi-Bi fiber structure.


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Differential group delay measurement of narrowband fiber devices using a fiber polarization scrambler with a modulation phase shift technique is demonstrated. Accurate measurement is realized with high wavelength and delay resolution and immunity to environmental perturbation.


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We present a technique for suppressing cladding-mode coupling loss in fiber Bragg grating fabrication. Suppression of cladding-modes down to 0.2 dB in a Bragg grating of 18dB reflectivity has been achieved in hydrogen-loaded standard single-mode fiber.


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We develop a theory of an optimal distribution of the gain of in-line amplifiers in dispersion-managed transmission systems. As an example of the application of the general method we propose a design of the line with periodically imbalanced in-line amplification.


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A long-period grating (LPG) sensor is used to detect small variations in the concentration of an organic aromatic compound (xylene) in a paraffin (heptane) solution. A new design procedure is adopted and demonstrated to maximize the sensitivity of LPG (wavelength shift for a change in the surrounding refractive index, (dλ/dn3)) for a given application. The detection method adopted is comparable to the standard technique used in industry (high performance liquid chromatograph and UV spectroscopy) which has a relative accuracy between ∼±0.5% and 5%. The minimum detectable change in volumetric concentration is 0.04% in a binary fluid with the detection system presented. This change of concentration relates to a change in refractive index of Δn ∼ 6 × 10-5. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We report an investigation of thermal properties of long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) of various periods fabricated in the conventional B-Ge codoped fiber. It has been found that the temperature sensitivity of the LPFGs produced in the B-Ge fiber can be significantly enhanced as compared with the standard telecom fiber. A total of 27.5-nm spectral shift was achieved from only 10 °C change in temperature for an LPFG with 240-μm period, demonstrating a first ever reported high sensitivity of 2.75 nm/°C. Such an LPFG may lead to high-efficiency and low-cost thermal/electrical tunable loss filters or sensors with extremely high-temperature resolution. The nonlinear thermal response of the supersensitive LPG was also reported and first explained.


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We numerically show the possibility of pulse shaping in a mode-locked fiber laser by inclusion of an amplitude-phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. Various advanced temporal waveforms are generated, including parabolic, flat-top and triangular pulses. © 2014 OSA.