349 resultados para Nonlinear optical characterization


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We present results on characterization of lasers with ultra-long cavity lengths up to 84km, the longest cavity ever reported. We have analyzed the mode structure, shape and width of the generated spectra, intensity fluctuations depending on length and intra-cavity power. The RF spectra exhibit an ultra-dense cavity mode structure (mode spacing is 1.2kHz for 84km), in which the width of the mode beating is proportional to the intra-cavity power while the optical spectra broaden with power according to the square-root law acquiring a specific shape with exponential wings. A model based on wave turbulence formalism has been developed to describe the observed effects.


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We report that, contrary to common perception, intra-channel nonlinearity compensation offers significant improvements of up to 4dB, in nonlinear tolerance (Q-factor), in a flexible traffic scenario, and further improvements with increasing local link dispersion, for an optical transport network employing flexible 28Gbaud PM-mQAM transponders.


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Nonlinear pulse propagation in a few mode fiber is experimentally investigated, by measuring temporal and phase responses of the output pulses by use of a frequency discriminator technique, showing that self-phase modulation, dispersion and linear mode-coupling are the dominant effects.


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We investigate the Kerr nonlinearity in a core-shell microspherical resonator fabricated from a silicon fiber. By exploiting the ultrafast wavelength shifting, sub-picosecond modulation is demonstrated. © OSA 2015.


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Spectrum narrowing of CW light was observed experimentally in optical transmission fibers with normal dispersion. The effect's theoretical interpretation as an effective self-pumping parametric amplification of the spectrum's central part is confirmed by numerical modeling. OCIS codes: (060.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers; (190.4410) Nonlinear optics, parametric processes; (190.4380); Nonlinear optics, four-wave mixing. © OSA 2015.


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One of the extraordinary aspects of nonlinear wave evolution which has been observed as the spontaneous occurrence of astonishing and statistically extraordinary amplitude wave is called rogue wave. We show that the eigenvalues of the associated equation of nonlinear Schrödinger equation are almost constant in the vicinity of rogue wave and we validate that optical rogue waves are formed by the collision between quasi-solitons in anomalous dispersion fiber exhibiting weak third order dispersion.


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The impact of third-order dispersion (TOD) on optical rogue wave phenomenon is investigated numerically. We validate the TOD coefficient by utilizing the eigenvalue of the associated equation of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). © 2014 OSA.


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Many of the current optical transmission techniques were developed for linear communication channels and are constrained by the fibre nonlinearity. This paper discusses the potential for radically different approaches to signal transmission and processing based on using inherently nonlinear techniques.


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We experimentally characterize the distributed Raman amplification induced amplitude and phase impairments and evaluate the performance dependence of unrepeated 28 Gbaud 16QAM coherent transmissions over standard single mode fiber.


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The innovation of optical frequency combs (OFCs) generated in passive mode-locked lasers has provided astronomy with unprecedented accuracy for wavelength calibration in high-resolution spectroscopy in research areas such as the discovery of exoplanets or the measurement of fundamental constants. The unique properties of OCFs, namely a highly dense spectrum of uniformly spaced emission lines of nearly equal intensity over the nominal wavelength range, is not only beneficial for high-resolution spectroscopy. Also in the low- to medium-resolution domain, the OFCs hold the promise to revolutionise the calibration techniques. Here, we present a novel method for generation of OFCs. As opposed to the mode-locked laser-based approach that can be complex, costly, and difficult to stabilise, we propose an all optical fibre-based system that is simple, compact, stable, and low-cost. Our system consists of three optical fibres where the first one is a conventional single-mode fibre, the second one is an erbium-doped fibre and the third one is a highly nonlinear low-dispersion fibre. The system is pumped by two equally intense continuous-wave (CW) lasers. To be able to control the quality and the bandwidth of the OFCs, it is crucial to understand how optical solitons arise out of the initial modulated CW field in the first fibre. Here, we numerically investigate the pulse evolution in the first fibre using the technique of the solitons radiation beat analysis. Having applied this technique, we realised that formation of higherorder solitons is supported in the low-energy region, whereas, in the high-energy region, Kuznetsov-Ma solitons appear.


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An important group of nonlinear processes in optical fibre involve the mixing of four waves due to the intensity dependence of the refractive index. It is customary to distinguish between nonlinear effects that require external/pumping waves (cross-phase modulation and parametric processes such as four-wave mixing) and those arising from self-action of the propagating optical field (self-phase modulation and modulation instability). Here, we present a new nonlinear self-action effect—self-parametric amplification—which manifests itself as optical spectrum narrowing in normal dispersion fibre, leading to very stable propagation with a distinctive spectral distribution. The narrowing results from inverse four-wave mixing, resembling an effective parametric amplification of the central part of the spectrum by energy transfer from the spectral tails. Self-parametric amplification and the observed stable nonlinear spectral propagation with a random temporal waveform can find applications in optical communications and high-power fibre lasers with nonlinear intracavity dynamics.


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We examine the network benefits of various forms of nonlinearity compensation, showing that total network capacities that are more than double the capacity of a network with reaches determined by the Nonlinear-Shannon limit © 2015 OSA.


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We propose a high-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) based on an all-fiber supercontinuum source. The source simply consists of a laser with moderate power and a section of fiber which has a zero dispersion wavelength near the laser's central wavelength. Spectrum and time domain properties of the source are investigated, showing that the source has great capability in nonlinear optics, such as correlation OTDR. We analyze one of the key factors limiting the operational range of such an OTDR, i.e., sampling time. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate a correlation OTDR with 25km sensing range and 5.3cm spatial resolution, as a verification of theoretical analysis.


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We show experimentally and numerically new transient lasing regime between stable single-pulse generation and noise-like generation. We characterize qualitatively all three regimes of single pulse generation per round-trip of all-normal-dispersion fiber lasers mode-locked due to effect of nonlinear polarization evolution. We study spectral and temporal features of pulses produced in all three regimes as well as compressibility of such pulses. Simple criteria are proposed to identify lasing regime in experiment. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we discuss recent advances in digital signal processing techniques for compensation of the laser phase noise and fiber nonlinearity impairments in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) transmission. For laser phase noise compensation, we focus on quasi-pilot-aided (QPA) and decision-directed-free blind (DDF-blind) phase noise compensation techniques. For fiber nonlinearity compensation, we discuss in details the principle and performance of the phase-conjugated pilots (PCP) scheme.