77 resultados para timber glulam basalt fibre
The authors study experimentally ~10 ps return-to-zero pulse propagation near the net dispersion zero of an optical fibre transmission line. Stable near-jitter-free propagation was observed over 70 Mm. Pulse stabilisation and ASE suppression were achieved through the saturable aborber mechanism of nonlinear polarisation rotation.
A prototype fibre-optic system using interferometric wavelength-shift detection, capable of multiplexing up to 32 fibre-optic Bragg grating strain and temperature sensors with identical characteristics, has been demonstrated. This system is based on a spatially multiplexed scheme for use with fibre-based low-coherence interferometric sensors, reported previously. Four fibre-optic Bragg grating channels using the same fibre grating have been demonstrated for measuring quasi-static strain and temperature.
The authors have demonstrated an optical fibre grating based delay line which produces time delays in increments as small as 31 ps. The device could provide a true time delay component for a phased array antenna
The authors describe the operation of an actively modelocked Er fibre laser incorporating a chrped in fibre Bragg reflection grating as one end mirror to the cavity, acting as a lumped highly dispersive element. In one oreientation the grating shifted the cavity into normal dispersion regime and pulses of -25ps duration were produced. In the opposite oreintation, the cavity dispersion was anomalous and ~8ps pulses were produced with characterisitics typical of solitons propagating in a periodically perturbed system.
We report a distinctive polarization mode coupling behaviour of tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) with a tilted angle exceeding 45°. The ex-45° TFBGs exhibit pronounced polarization mode splitting resulted from the birefringence induced by the grating structure asymmetry. We have fabricated TFBGs with a tilted structure at 81° and studied their properties under transverse load applied to their equivalent fast and slow axes. The results show that the light coupling to the orthogonally polarized modes of the 81°-TFBGs changes only when the load is applied to their slow axis, giving a prominent directional loading response. For the view of real applications, we further investigated the possibility of interrogating such a TFBG-based load sensor using low-cost and compact-size single wavelength source and power detector. The experimental results clearly show that the 81°-TFBGs plus the proposed power-measurement interrogation scheme may be developed to an optical fibre vector sensor system capable of not just measuring the magnitude but also recognizing the direction of the applied transverse load. Using such an 81°-TFBG based load sensor, a load change as small as 1.6 × 10-2 g may be detected by employing a standard photodiode detector.
Smart structure sensors based on embedded fibre Bragg grating (FBG) arrays in aluminium alloy matrix by ultrasonic consolidation (UC) technique have been proposed and demonstrated successfully. The temperature, loading and bending responses of the embedded FBG arrays have been systematically characterized. The embedded FBGs exhibit an average temperature sensitivity of ~36 pm °C-1, which is three times higher than that of normal FBGs, a bending sensitivity of 0.73 nm/m-1 and a loading responsivity of ~0.1 nm kg-1 within the dynamic range from 0 kg to 3 kg. These initial experimental results clearly demonstrate that the UC produced metal matrix structures can be embedded with FBG sensor arrays to become smart structures with capabilities to monitor the structure operation and health conditions in applications.
A compact scheme for simultaneous temperature and surrounding refractive index (SRI) measurement using two long-period gratings (LPGs) of different periods inscribed side-by-side in a single piece of a double-cladding fibre is presented. One of the LPGs is sensitive to both SRI and temperature, whilst the second is sensitive to temperature only.
A fibre Bragg grating filter device, tunable over 45 nm, is reported. The device has a wavelength setting time below 1.5 ms and a maximum tuning speed of 21 nm/ns.
We experimentally investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate the FBG sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to the AWG containing integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the wavelength-dependent transmission profile of an AWG channel passband, giving a usable range of 500 µe and a dynamic strain resolution of 96 ne Hz-1/2 at 13 Hz. The second approach utilizes wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in several neighbouring AWG channels an improved range of 1890 µe was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilizing a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection, providing an improved dynamic strain resolution of 17 ne Hz-1/2 at 30 Hz.
The curvature- or bend-sensing response of long-period gratings (LPGs) UV inscribed in D-shaped fiber has been investigated experimentally. Strong fiber-orientation dependence of the spectral response when such LPGs are subjected to bending at different directions has been observed and is shown to form the basis for a new class of single-device sensor with vector-sensing capability. Potential applications utilizing the linear response and unique bend-orientation characteristics of the devices are discussed.
Reported are experimental results from investigations of the sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) recorded in two different geometries of photonic crystal fibre (PCF): a large-mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. The LPGs have been characterised for their sensitivity to temperature, bending, surrounding index and strain. The LPGs in both fibres have been found to have negligible temperature sensitivity whilst exhibiting useful strain sensitivities. Strong directional bend sensitivity is shown by one PCF whilst the other shows good non-directional bend sensitivity. The fibres exhibit differing sensitivities to surrounding refractive index.
Error free propagation of a single polarisation optical time division multiplexed 40 Gbit/s dispersion managed pulsed data stream over dispersion (non-shifted) fibre. This distance is twice the previous record at this data rate.
A long period grating has been fabricated in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre using a spatially-periodic electric arc discharge. The sensing characteristics of the grating have been studied and it was found to possess an insensitivity to temperature, a bend sensitivity of 3.7 nm · m and a strain sensitivity of -2.0 pm/µe.
The authors demonstrate that in-fibre Bragg gratings may be successfully used to measure megahertz acoustic fields if the grating length is sufficiently short and the optical fibre is appropriately desensitised. A noise-limited pressure resolution of 4.5 × 10 –3 atm vHz was found. The capability to simultaneously act as a temperature sensor is also demonstrated.