21 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion
The effect of organically modified clay on the morphology, rheology and mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) blends (HDPE/PA6 = 75/25 parts) is studied. Virgin and filled blends were prepared by melt compounding the constituents using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of the organoclay on the morphology of the hybrid was deeply investigated by means of wide-angle X-ray diffractometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopies and quantitative extraction experiments. It has been found that the organoclay exclusively places inside the more hydrophilic polyamide phase during the melt compounding. The extrusion process promotes the formation of highly elongated and separated organoclay-rich PA6 domains. Despite its low volume fraction, the filled minor phase eventually merges once the extruded pellets are melted again, giving rise to a co-continuous microstructure. Remarkably, such a morphology persists for long time in the melt state. A possible compatibilizing action related to the organoclay has been investigated by comparing the morphology of the hybrid blend with that of a blend compatibilized using an ethylene–acrylic acid (EAA) copolymer as a compatibilizer precursor. The former remains phase separated, indicating that the filler does not promote the enhancement of the interfacial adhesion. The macroscopic properties of the hybrid blend were interpreted in the light of its morphology. The melt state dynamics of the materials were probed by means of linear viscoelastic measurements. Many peculiar rheological features of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites based on single polymer matrix were detected for the hybrid blend. The results have been interpreted proposing the existence of two distinct populations of dynamical species: HDPE not interacting with the filler, and a slower species, constituted by the organoclay-rich polyamide phase, which slackened dynamics stabilize the morphology in the melt state. In the solid state, both the reinforcement effect of the filler and the co-continuous microstructure promote the enhancement of the tensile modulus. Our results demonstrate that adding nanoparticles to polymer blends allows tailoring the final properties of the hybrid, potentially leading to high-performance materials which combine the advantages of polymer blends and the merits of polymer nanocomposites.
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate Pluronic F127-modified liposome-containing cyclodextrin (CD) inclusion complex (FLIC) for improving the solubility, cellular uptake and intestinal penetration of tacrolimus (FK 506) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Methods Molecular modelling was performed to screen the optimal CD for the solubilization of FK 506. FLIC was prepared by thin-lipid film hydration with the inclusion complex solutions followed by membrane extrusion. Dilution tests were conducted in simulated gastric fluids and phosphate-buffered solution of sodium taurocholate to investigate the solubility improvement of FK506. The cellular uptake of nanocarriers was studied in Caco-2 cells, and intestinal mucous membrane penetration in the GI tract was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Key findings The results showed that β-CD had the strongest binding energy with the guest molecule among the CDs. The prepared FLIC has an average diameter of 180.8 ± 8.1 nm with a spherical shape. The solubility and cellular uptake of FK 506 was greatly improved by the incorporation of CD complexes in the Pluronic F127-modified liposomes. Intestinal mucous membrane penetration was also significantly improved by the preparation of FLIC. Conclusion With improved drug solubility and intestinal mucous membrane penetration, FLIC shows a promising oral delivery system for FK 506. © 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
This paper compares the crack growth resistance of an experimental spray-formed extrusion with that of a commercial aluminium alloy, the two alloys having similar compositions but markedly different grain structures. Tensile and fracture behaviour is similar in both materials and is influenced by inclusion content. The two materials differ in their crack growth resistance, which is shown to be dependent upon grain size and shape. Environmentally-induced crack growth is favoured by aligned grain boundaries and small grain size.
Melt processing is a critical step in the manufacture of polymer articles and is even more critical when dealing with inhomogeneous polymer-clay nanocomposites systems. The chemical composition, and in particular the clay type and its organic modification, also plays a major contribution in determining the final properties and in particular the thermal and long-term oxidative stability of the resulting polymer nanocomposites. Proper selection and tuning of the process variable should, in principle, lead to improved characteristics of the fabricated product. With multiphase systems containing inorganic nanoclays, however, this is not straightforward and it is often the case that the process conditions are chosen initially to improve one or more desired properties at the expense of others. This study assesses the influence of organo-modified clays and the processing parameters (extrusion temperature and screw speed) on the rheological and morphological characteristics of polymer nanocomposites as well as on their melt and thermo-oxidative stability. Nanocomposites (PPNCs) based on PP, maleated PP and organically modified clays were prepared in different co-rotating twin-screw extruders ranging from laboratory scale to semi-industrial scale. Results show that the amount of surfactant present in similar organo-modified clays affects differently the thermo-oxidative stability of the extruded PPNCs and that changes in processing conditions affect the clay morphology too. By choosing an appropriate set of tuned process variables for the extrusion process it would be feasible to selectively fabricate polymer-clay nanocomposites, with the desired mechanical and thermo-oxidative characteristics. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current anti-angiogenic treatments involve the attenuation of signalling via the pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor/receptor (VEGF/VEGFR) axis. Stimulation of angiogenesis by VEGF requires the activation of the calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) signal transduction pathway which is inhibited by Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 4 (PMCA4), an endogenous calcium extrusion pump. However, PMCA4s role in calcineurin/NFAT-dependent angiogenesis is unknown. Using “gain of function” studies, we show here that adenoviral overexpression of PMCA4 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) inhibited NFAT activity, decreased the expression of NFAT-dependent pro-angiogenic proteins (regulator of calcineurin 1.4 (RCAN1.4) and cyclooxygenase-2) and diminished in vitro cell migration and tube formation in response to VEGF-stimulation. Furthermore, in vivo blood vessel formation was attenuated in a matrigel plug assay by ectopic expression of PMCA4. Conversely, “loss of function” experiments by si-RNA-mediated knockdown of PMCA4 in HUVEC or isolation of mouse lung endothelial cells from PMCA4−/− mice showed increased VEGF-induced NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 expression, in vitro endothelial cell migration, tube formation and in vivo blood vessel formation. Additionally, in an in vivo pathological angiogenesis model of limb ischemia, the reperfusion of the ischemic limb of PMCA4−/− mice was augmented compared to wild-type. Disruption of the interaction between endogenous PMCA4 and calcineurin by adenoviral overexpression of the region of PMCA4 that interacts with calcineurin (residues 428–651) increased NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 protein expression and in vitro tube formation. These results identify PMCA4 as an inhibitor of VEGF-induced angiogenesis, highlighting its potential as a new therapeutic target for anti-angiogenic treatments.
Two antioxidant modified layered double hydroxides (AO-LDHs) were successfully prepared by theintercalation of 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (IrganoxCOOH) and 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) in the layered structure of LDH. It was foundthat by anchoring the phenolic moieties to the LDH layers the antioxidant power is retained in the caseof Trolox, and even amplified in the case of IrganoxCOOH. A small amount of the two AO-LDHs wasincorporated into poly(lactic acid), PLA, by solution mixing and melt extrusion. The thermo-oxidativestability of the composites was compared with that of the neat PLA and PLA containing free AOs. SECanalysis indicates that, after a controlled period of ageing, both the AO-LDHs protect the PLA fromchain scission. The oxidation induction time (OIT, DSC) at 230 °C shows also the beneficial effects ofthe presence of the functional filler in the polymer matrix. Further, results from a preliminary migrationtest suggest that the AO species have a low tendency to migrate away from the AO-LDHs embedded inthe polymer matrix thus keeping the AO protected inside the nanofiller layers thereby remaining activefor a longer time.