27 resultados para temporal and spatial changes
Purpose. This study reports data from an 18-month longitudinal study of neophyte contact lens wearers and compares changes in ocular refraction and biometry induced by daily wear and continuous wear of two different silicone hydrogel (SiH) materials. Methods. Forty-five subjects were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to wear one of the two silicone hydrogel materials: Lotrafilcon A or Balafilcon A lenses on either a daily or continuous wear basis. Measurements of objective refraction, axial length, anterior chamber depth, corneal curvature, and the rate of peripheral corneal flattening were performed before and 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months after initial fitting. Results. Mean spherical equivalent refractive error increased in the myopic direction in all contact lens groups across time (p < 0.001). Axial length was the main biometric contributor to the development of myopia. After 18 months of lens wear, subjects in the Lotrafilcon A group showed the greater mean increase in myopia (i.e., -0.50 D). Conclusions. The results of this study show that increases in myopia, similar if not higher than those found to occur normally in young adult noncontact lens wearers, still occur with silicone hydrogel contact lens wear. The main biometric contributor to the progression of myopia was an increase in axial length. Differences between our results and those of previous studies with silicone hydrogel contact lenses could be attributed to the differing populations used in which both age and occupation may have played a role. Copyright © 2005 American Academy of Optometry.
Recently, temporal and statistical properties of quasi-CW fiber lasers have attracted a great attention. In particular, properties of Raman fiber laser (RFLs) have been studied both numerically and experimentally [1,2]. Experimental investigation is more challengeable, as the full generation optical bandwidth (typically hundreds of GHz for RFLs) is much bigger than real-time bandwidth of oscilloscopes (up to 60GHz for the newest models). So experimentally measured time dynamics is highly bandwidth averaged and do not provide precise information about overall statistical properties. To overpass this, one can use the spectral filtering technique to study temporal and statistical properties within optical bandwidth comparable with measurement bandwidth [3] or indirect measurements [4]. Ytterbium-doped fiber lasers (YDFL) are more suitable for experimental investigation, as their generation spectrum usually 10 times narrower. Moreover, recently ultra-narrow-band generation has been demonstrated in YDFL [5] which provides in principle possibility to measure time dynamics and statistics in real time using conventional oscilloscopes. © 2013 IEEE.
Ultra-long mode-locked lasers are known to be strongly influenced by nonlinear interactions in long cavities that results in noise-like stochastic pulses. Here, by using an advanced technique of real-time measurements of both temporal and spatial (over round-trips) intensity evolution, we reveal an existence of wide range of generation regimes. Different kinds of coherent structures including dark and grey solitons and rogue-like bright coherent structures are observed as well as interaction between them are revealed.
The combination of the third-order optical nonlinearity with chromatic dispersion in optical fibers offers an extremely rich variety of possibilities for tailoring the temporal and spectral content of a light signal, depending on the regime of dispersion that is used. Here, we review recent progress on the use of third-order nonlinear processes in optical fibers for pulse shaping in the temporal and spectral domains. Various examples of practical significance will be discussed, spanning fields from the generation of specialized temporal waveforms to the generation of ultrashort pulses, and to stable continuum generation.
Aim: Identify the incidence of vitreomacular traction (VMT) and frequency of reduced vision in the absence of other coexisting macular pathology using a pragmatic classification system for VMT in a population of patients referred to the hospital eye service. Methods: A detailed survey of consecutive optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans was done in a high-throughput ocular imaging service to ascertain cases of vitreomacular adhesion (VMA) and VMT using a departmental classification system. Analysis was done on the stages of traction, visual acuity, and association with other macular conditions. Results: In total, 4384 OCT scan episodes of 2223 patients were performed. Two hundred and fourteen eyes had VMA/VMT, with 112 eyes having coexisting macular pathology. Of 102 patients without coexisting pathology, 57 patients had VMT grade between 2 and 8, with a negative correlation between VMT grade and number of Snellen lines (r= -0.61717). There was a distinct cutoff in visual function when VMT grade was higher than 4 with the presence of cysts and sub retinal separation and breaks in the retinal layers. Conclusions: VMT is a common encounter often associated with other coexisting macular pathology. We estimated an incidence rate of 0.01% of VMT cases with reduced vision and without coexisting macular pathology that may potentially benefit from intervention. Grading of VMT to select eyes with cyst formation as well as hole formation may be useful for targeting patients who are at higher risk of visual loss from VMT.
We present a new method for the interrogation of large arrays of Bragg grating sensors. Eight gratings operating between the wavelengths of 1533 and 1555 nm have been demultiplexed. An unbalanced Mach—Zehnder interferometer illuminated by a single low-coherence source provides a high-phase-resolution output for each sensor, the outputs of which are sequentially selected in wavelength by a tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer. The minimum detectable strain measured was 90 ne-vHz at 7 Hz for a wavelength of 1535 nm.
Identification of humans via ECG is being increasingly studied because it can have several advantages over the traditional biometric identification techniques. However, difficulties arise because of the heartrate variability. In this study we analysed the influence of QT interval correction on the performance of an identification system based on temporal and amplitude features of ECG. In particular we tested MLP, Naive Bayes and 3-NN classifiers on the Fantasia database. Results indicate that QT correction can significantly improve the overall system performance. © 2013 IEEE.
We present experimental measurements of intensity spatiotemporal dynamics in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. Depending on the power, the laser operates in different spatio-temporal regimes varying from partial mode-locking near the generation threshold to almost stochastic radiation and a generation of short-lived pulses at high power. The transitions between the generation regimes are evident in intensity spatio-temporal dynamics. Two-dimensional auto-correlation functions provide an additional insight into temporal and spatial properties of the observed regimes.
Efficient numerical modelling of the power, spectral and statistical properties of partially coherent quasi-CW Raman fiber laser radiation is presented. XPM between pump wave and generated Stokes wave is not important in the generation spectrum broadening and XPM term can be omitted in propagation equation what sufficiently speeds-up simulations. The time dynamics of Raman fiber laser (RFL) is stochastic exhibiting events several times more intense that the mean value on the ps timescale. However, the RFL has different statistical properties on different time scales. The probability density function of spectral power density is exponential for the generation modes located either in the spectrum centre or spectral wings while the phases are distributed uniformly. The pump wave preserves the initial Gaussian statistics during propagation in the laser cavity. Intense pulses in the pump wave are evolved under the SPM influence and are not disturbed by the dispersion. Contrarily, in the generated wave the dispersion plays a significant role that results in stochastic behavior. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Temporal dynamics of Raman fibre lasers tend to have very complex nature, owing to great cavity lengths and high nonlinearity, being stochastic on short time scales and quasi-continuous on longer time scales. Generally fibre laser intensity dynamics is represented by one-dimensional time-series, which in case of quasi-continuous wave generation in Raman fibre lasers gives little insight into the processes underlying the operation of a laser. New methods of analysis and data representation could help to uncover the underlying physical processes, understand the dynamics or improve the performance of the system. Using intrinsic periodicity of laser radiation, one dimensional intensity time series of a Raman fibre laser was analysed over fast and slow variation time. This allowed to experimentally observe various spatio-temporal regimes of generation, such as laminar, turbulent, partial mode-lock, as well as transitions between them and identify the mechanisms responsible for the transitions. Great cavity length and high nonlinearity also make it difficult to achieve stable high repetition rate mode-locking in Raman fibre lasers. Using Faraday parametric instability in extremely simple linear cavity experimental configuration, a very high order harmonic mode-locking was achieved in ò.ò kmlong Raman fibre laser. The maximum achieved pulse repetition rate was 12 GHz, with 7.3 ps long Gaussian shaped pulses. There is a new type of random lasers – random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser, which temporal properties cannot be controlled by conventionalmode-locking or Q-switch techniques and mechanisms. By adjusting the pump configuration, a very stable pulsed operation of random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser was achieved. Pulse duration varied in the range from 50 to 200 μs depending on the pump power and the cavity length. Pulse repetition rate scaling on the parameters of the system was experimentally identified.